Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 147 Ascension to the Throne

Chapter 140 Seven Enthronement (Transfer Paper, Free)


"The Military Aircraft Department does not need to be changed. Even if I become the King of Liang, we still build our country with the military. The military is still the most important organization at present. The rest of the civil affairs are subordinate to the army, so the Military Aircraft Department is just right. Handling military affairs includes everything. The matter is the most important authority right now. e^Look, it is natural to reward all the ministers. Everyone has made a lot of contributions in this Koryo War, and they should be rewarded. As for the so-called amnesty, I It seems that there is no need for this." Wu Dong said.

It should be rewarded to the ministers.During the war, everyone risked their lives and won the entire Goryeo. This kind of credit must be rewarded, and the amount of rewards is calculated according to the number of military exploits.Amnesty to the world is a tradition in old China, and kings would do this when they ascended the throne.But Wu Dong felt that it was unnecessary. He not only wanted to build the country with the military, but also with the law, using the military law to command the world. He didn't think that if he changed his name, those who violated the military law should be pardoned.

"In addition to these, the specific affairs that the members of the Military Aircraft Department are responsible for should be gradually clarified. Also, the military establishment should also be slightly changed." Wu Dong said.

"This... I don't know what's changed?" Wu Yong asked hastily.

These two things are obviously very important, especially the first one, which is related to Wu Yong's personal future, so he is very concerned about it.The second matter is related to Liang Shan's future, but he doesn't care much about it anymore.

"For example, you, Wu Yong, will be mainly responsible for diplomacy and business affairs in the future, haha." Wu Dong laughed.

"Uh, don't you want me to be in charge of the Operations Department?" Wu Yong asked with some disappointment.

In Wu Yong's view, things like diplomacy and commerce are obviously not as important as the combat department of the legion. After all, Liangshan's military is the most important now.

"In the combat department, the matter is very important, and your ability is slightly insufficient. But don't worry, you are still my military adviser. Sometimes, your resourcefulness is still very useful." Wu Dong laughed.

For example, during the Koryo War, Wu Yong made a plan to encircle Kaijing, which was a brilliant move.Without Wu Yong's idea, there would not be so much benefit in taking down Kaijing directly.

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief." Wu Yong said happily, he thought it would be fine as long as he was still Wu Dong's cronies.

When New Year's Eve came, Wu Dong first entertained the officials well, and after the officials dispersed, he came to the imperial flower garden of the Goryeo Palace alone, where he practiced martial arts quietly.

The sky was gloomy, and he was enjoying himself, and his Tai Chi was becoming more and more proficient.Now he feels that Taijiquan complements the internal energy Baji Locking Meridian Kungfu he practiced, and when practicing Taijiquan, he also has the feeling that external energy promotes internal energy.Gradually, he felt that he and the world had reached a state of harmony, and the more he fought, the calmer he felt.

I don't know when, Li Shishi has come to Wu Dong's side. After seeing Wu Dong stop, Li Shishi said: "Husband, it's late at night, why are you here? It's very cold, let's go back and rest."

While talking, Li Shishi handed over a long robe, Wu Dong put on the long robe, and said with a smile, "I'm a little irritable, so I come here for a while."

Li Shishi said: "Why is my husband so upset? Tell Shishi."

Wu Dong nodded, and said: "One is that the Goryeo war is over. After I got Goryeo, I was a little ecstatic. As the saying goes, I live in peace and die in sorrow. I need to calm down and plan for the future. The second is that I will ascend the throne tomorrow. King Liang, I have something to think about."

Master Li nodded and said, "That's the reason."

Wu Dong gently embraced Li Shishi, walked forward, looked up at the sky, and said: "It looks like it will snow tomorrow."

Master Li said: "Yes."

Wu Dongdao: "Don't look at the fact that we have captured Goryeo now, but the situation we are facing is still not very good. There is a strong country in Liaodong, Nvzhen, and to the south is the 200-year-old Daliao. These are our enemies. Even the Song Dynasty They are all our enemies. If Song Dynasty knew that there was a Han Chinese who ruled the country in Koryo, he would definitely regard this Han Chinese as a traitor and an anti-party, and he would use all the power of the whole country to deal with him. Our motherland, don’t look at it from outsiders He is cowardly in front of his own people, but he is very domineering in front of his own people."

Li Shishi smiled and said: "Even if the Song Dynasty wants to deal with us, there is no way. Their navy is vulnerable, and they will never come to Korea."

Wu Dong nodded and said: "That's right, Da Song, this country has been poor and weak for a long time, and its combat power is too weak... already sick."

Speaking of this, Wu Dong suddenly remembered the word "sick man of East Asia". In the late Qing Dynasty, foreigners called the Chinese nationals who were sick and dying as sick men of East Asia.In the eyes of the Liao people and the Jin people, the current Great Song Dynasty may also be the "sick man of East Asia". He has strong national power, but his combat power is weak. This is even more so in front of us, so that the country was completely destroyed in the end, making it the first dynasty in Chinese history to completely bury its territory to foreigners.

The two left here while talking, and returned to the house, where Hu Sanniang was waiting for them.Tonight, Li Shishi and Hu Sanniang were very excited. They were preparing for Wu Dong's enthronement, but Wu Dong was much calmer. <When it was bright, countless soldiers from Liangshan had already stood outside Kaijing City. In front of the soldiers, there was a newly erected altar with a stone statue of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, placed on it.This stone statue was also temporarily made by craftsmen after the Kaijing was laid down. Although it only took a month, it was still exquisitely made.Originally, this stone statue was intended to be erected in Kaijing City as a symbol of the Han people's conquest of Kaijing, but now it is used for the enthronement of Wudong.

The tens of thousands of Liangshan troops are in an extremely neat formation, and everyone has a look of excitement in their eyes.From today onwards, the founder of Liangshan, the governor who led Liangshan in the Southern and Northern Wars, will be enthroned as king.In Wu Dong's view, it was just a matter of changing the title, but in the eyes of soldiers, it had special significance.From now on, Liangshan can be regarded as the real founding of the country, and they have finally truly become soldiers of a country. From now on, the word "grass bandits" can no longer be attached to them.

Wu Dong naturally didn't know that the soldiers had such thoughts. If he knew that he had such thoughts, he would have become king long ago.

Light snow fluttered in the sky, and at the end the snow began to fall heavily, and the heads of the soldiers all turned white, but their formation was not in the slightest, and none of them made noise, they were all quietly waiting for Wu Dong 's arrival

Wu Dong came with Hua Rong, Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Li Gang and others. In addition, Koryo's monarchs Wang Yu, Jin Dongqing, and Li Haoran also came together. As the former leaders of Koryo, they will see the new generation of leaders with their own eyes. on stage.

"Wang Yu, what do you think of my army?" Wu Dong suddenly turned his head and said to Wang Yu.

"Very powerful! Far surpasses my Korean army!" Wang Yu hurriedly said.

"Oh? How did you find out?" Wu Dong laughed.

"The team is so neat and there is no noise, it far surpasses our Korean army." Wang Yu said.

"Even if you still have some knowledge, it's a pity that these are just appearances. My Liangshan army really surpasses your Goryeo army's spirit. Every one of our Liangshan army has a desperate heart, and everyone is willing to sacrifice for the rise of China. Such a Not to mention fighting Goryeo, it is not impossible for the army to wipe out the Liao people, Jin people, and Xixia people in the future! Wang Yu, do you think so?" Wu Dong said.

Matato lowered his head and said, the rest of Jin Dongqing, Li Haoran and others sighed in their hearts. It is indeed not a fluke that such an army defeated Goryeo. With such an army and such soldiers, the Han people seem to be rising again out of this world.From now on, it will no longer be the world of the Liao people, nor the world of the real women, but the world of the Han people.

"Governor, the time has come." Wu Yong said beside Wu Dong.

In fact, the enthronement etiquette of Liangshan this time is very simple. After all, the people in Liangshan are all from the bottom class, and they don't know much about etiquette. Huarong used to be just a Zhizhai, Wu Yong was just a teacher from the countryside, and Gongsun Sheng was a Taoist priest.As for Li Gang, he was born as a Jinshi, but he felt that etiquette was meaningless, simple and solemn would do, and the complicated etiquette of the imperial court was unnecessary.

Wu Dong nodded, and led the officials towards the altar.When they passed by the army, every soldier looked at him with fanatical eyes.When they came to the altar, Hua Rong, Wu Yong and others stopped, while Wu Dong boarded the altar alone.

He first offered sacrifices to the heavens, thanking the heavens for bringing him to this world so that he could change history and prevent the Chinese nation from becoming slaves of foreign races.Then it was officially announced that he was enthroned as the King of Liang. From then on, Liangshan was changed to "Daliang", the real founding of the country.

At the end, Wu Dong stood up, looked at the officials and the army below, and said loudly: "Everyone, today we occupy Korea, and in the future we will occupy Liaodong, Mobei, Central Plains, and Jiangnan. Would you like to follow me?" To complete this great cause together?"

"Yes!" There was a roar of mountains and tsunami from below, and a smile appeared on Wu Dong's face. He stepped down from the altar and began to pass by army by army, inspecting all the troops.

In the end, the Liangshan army launched a large-scale martial arts exercise outside the Kaijing city. The morale of the soldiers was extremely high and they fought hard outside the Kaijing city. Therefore, it was regarded as a New Year's event and a gift to the "King of Liang".

The Koreans who opened the capital today are rarely allowed to come out to watch the exercises of the Liangshan army.The faces of the Korean people are not very good, and many people realize that it is impossible to drive Liangshan away.

Among the people who watched, there were a few special Koreans, all of whom had hatred in their eyes.

"Master Pu, Liangshan's army is so powerful, it's impossible for our rebel army to drive them away." A Korean woman stood aside and said softly.

"The Liangshan army is here to frighten us Koreans, so that we Koreans will no longer dare to resist." Na Pu said humanely.

If there are Korean officials from Jeonju City here, they will definitely recognize that this so-called "Master Park" is the leader of the rebel army, Park Huan!

Pu Huan's eyes were full of worry, and he said, "I will leave Korea right now, and go outside for a while."

The people around were taken aback, and the woman said, "Master Pu, if you leave, what will our rebel army do?"

Pu Huan smiled wryly and said: "The rebel army is still disbanded! The people in Liangshan pretended to be our rebel army and did evil everywhere, which has already made the people hate our rebel army. Without the support of the people, it is impossible for our rebel army to persist. The original 10 people , now there are not even 1 people left, and after the spring, I am afraid that many people will leave."

The woman said: "But, Master Pu, where are you going after you leave Korea?"

Park Huan said: "I'm going to the Kingdom of Jin or the Kingdom of Song to look for an opportunity to restore the country! The Kingdom of Jin was originally our ally and should be able to help us. As for the Kingdom of Song, they absolutely don't want to see Song people around Goryeo founded the country, they should also help us. If Dajin and Dasong join forces, one will attack Liangshan from land, and the other will attack Liangshan from sea, it is not impossible to destroy them!"


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