Chapter 140 Eight Fighting Local Tyrants


Park Hwan, the leader of the Koryo Resistance Army, left Kaikyung on the same day and headed north.In the first game, he tried to cross the mountains in the north and enter the Kingdom of Jin, and then from the Kingdom of Jin to the Song Dynasty.

He brought several followers with him, all of whom were highly skilled in martial arts.Not a day later, I came to the mountains in the north, and there was snow everywhere, a vast expanse.The road was extremely difficult, but in order to restore the country, Pu Huan still gritted his teeth and entered the northern mountains.

Arriving in the northern mountains, Pu Huan and the others lost their way, wandered around for a long time before finding the way again, and then left here.

Ahead is the Yalu River. In winter, the water surface of the Yalu River has been frozen like a block of iron, but the river surface is extremely slippery. Everyone supports each other to move forward.

"Master Pu, we have already left Korea, so we are safe now. But the road is far away, why don't you stay by the Yalu River and find a village to live in, and I will go to Song Dynasty for you!" said an attendant.

They encountered many dangers in the mountains, including extremely ferocious wild wolves, and even left a wound on Park Huan's stomach, which has not healed yet.This is just leaving Korea, and if we go any further, we don't know how dangerous it will be.

"No, I have to go to Da Song in person and tell the emperor and ministers of Goryeo! Of course, the first step we are going to now is the Huining Mansion of the Da Jin Kingdom, where we will meet the Emperor Wanyan Aguda of the Da Jin Kingdom , ask him to send troops to wipe out the Song people in Liangshan." Pu Huan gritted his teeth.

Seeing that Pu Huan was so determined, the rest of the people stopped persuading them, and they started heading towards Huining Mansion in the north.

After ten days, they finally arrived at Huining Mansion.When they saw Huining Mansion, everyone was stunned.

"Is this the Huining Mansion? So barren? So desolate?" Pu Huan couldn't believe it.

It stands to reason that the Dajin Kingdom has already defeated the Liao Kingdom, and their military strength is unparalleled, so their capital should not be too bad.But the Huining Mansion in front of him looks like a huge cottage, not as good as the most common county in Korea!

"Master Park, did we go to the wrong place?" A follower asked in surprise.

"Probably not..." Park Huan was also somewhat skeptical.

There were not many pedestrians on the street, and there were no shops or anything like that. At this moment, a dozen or so female real people suddenly came towards this side.When seeing these real women, Park Huan was overjoyed, and hurriedly greeted them.

"All you ladies, we are Koreans, and we want to ask to see your emperor!" Park Huan said with a smile on his face.His lady was stumbling about the truth, but the real lady on the opposite side obviously understood.

"Ask to see our emperor? Koreans? Where's your guide?" a real woman said. txt**

"Lu Yin? We are from Korea, how can there be any way to guide us?" Pu Huan said hastily.

"If you don't have a guide, you're just a refugee. Come with us!" the real woman suddenly said coldly.

"Go? Where are you going?" Pu Huan asked hastily.

"Come with us, and you will know!" the real woman said.

It's so unclear, how could Park Huan go with them, when Park Huan and others turned around and were about to leave here, who would have thought that the real woman shouted, and all the real women rushed towards them, these women All the real people held machetes in their hands and surrounded them.

"Master Park, what should we do?" a follower asked.

"Go and take a look with them." Park Huan said after a moment of silence.

There were only a few of them, and they were exhausted along the way, and even starved for several days. If they really clashed with these real women and were killed by real women, it would be bad.He came to Huining Mansion to shoulder an important mission, so it's nothing to be wronged for a while.

"Okay, we'll go with you!" Park Huan said.

"Haha, let's go." Real Nv couldn't help laughing when she saw them surrender.

These dozen or so real women escorted Park Huan and others forward, and gradually came to a military camp.Seeing the barracks, Park Huan and the others were very surprised. Park Huan hurriedly asked, "Why did you bring us here?"

The leading Nv Zhenren laughed loudly and said: "You have no guides, you belong to the refugees, and all the refugees must join the army and fight for our Nv Zhenren!"

Park Huan was taken aback for a moment, then immediately realized what this place was, and immediately shouted: "We are not refugees, we ask to see your emperor, there is really something important, you can't send us here! No way!"

Park Huan was still yelling, those real women had already pushed them to the ground, at this time countless soldiers appeared in the barracks, and those soldiers all looked at the real woman in fear, and the real woman laughed and said: "These are you Companions, take care of them!"

As the real woman left, those soldiers laughed wildly and rushed towards Park Huan and the others, beating up Park Huan and the others.

In the middle of the night, Park Huan and the others came to a tent covered with bruises, and they rested here today.

"Master Park, what exactly is this place?" One person asked.

"This is the slave barracks!" Park Huan said bitterly.

"Ah!" The rest of the people exclaimed.

They are so close to the real woman, so they naturally know what the slave barracks are.

Nv Zhenren's army is divided into three parts, the first part is Nv Zhenren's cavalry, the number is very small, but they are extremely elite, and the second part is the servant army, also called the new attached army, which is formed by the Han and Khitan people who surrendered to Nv Zhenren Composition, the third part is the slave army.Everyone in the slave army is a slave, they are treated very badly, they don't have enough food and drink on weekdays, and they have to rush to the front when fighting, and they are used as human shields.Moreover, the guards of the slave army were extremely strict, and it was almost impossible to escape.

"Master Park, what should we do now?" a follower asked in fear.

"We need to find a chance to escape! In the Kingdom of Jin, it is impossible to see the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. After we escape, we will go to the Kingdom of Song." Pu Huan gritted his teeth.

Just when Park Huan and others were forced to join the slave army of the Kingdom of Jin, their homeland, Goryeo, was undergoing major changes.

The first is the reform of the household registration system. The Goryeo people are divided into Goguryeo people, Silla people, and Baekje people. The three ethnic groups are independent of each other. They are all advertised as "descendants of the Han people", but their blood has become thin.

But this is only the first step, and bigger changes are happening all over Koryo.

In a village near Pyongyang, there are more than 300 households, but most of these 300 households are tenant farmers, or poor and lower-middle peasants.Only one family is the landlord here, occupying 80% of the land in the village.These lands were accumulated by his ancestors from generation to generation, and now they have been handed down to Jin Pu.

Jin Pu is in his 40s this year, and he is having dinner with his wife in his house at the moment.With a melancholy look on his face, his wife couldn't help asking: "Husband, what happened?"

Jin Pudao: "It is said that those lowly peasants in the surrounding villages have begun to rebel. I am afraid that things will affect our village."

The two were talking, when suddenly there was loud knocking on the door outside, and how many people were knocking on the door violently, Jin Pu was taken aback, and said in panic, "Maybe those low farmers are here!"

The wife was also terrified, and said, "What should we do now?"

Jin Pu said: "Let's run away!"

It's a pity that at this time, there was only a loud "boom", and the door had been knocked away, and countless "poor and lower-middle peasants" rushed into the yard.There were still a few guard servants in the yard, but they were all knocked down to the ground.

Jin Pu and his wife were surrounded by these poor and lower-middle peasants before they could escape. Countless poor and lower-middle peasants looked at the two excitedly, and someone said: "Hurry up and invite the military master of Liangshan to come here!"

Two Liangshan soldiers came over from the crowd. Seeing these two Liangshan soldiers, the "poor and lower-middle peasants" showed a look of awe. Those two Liangshan soldiers came to Jin Pu and his wife, ruthlessly Kicked these two people to the ground, and said: "Tie them up!"

Immediately, countless poor and lower-middle peasants tied up the two, and the Liangshan soldier said: "Take them to the center of the village and criticize them!"

"Okay!" The surrounding poor and lower-middle peasants cheered. Under the leadership of Liangshan soldiers, these people took Jin Pu and his wife away from here.

There were a few "poor and lower-middle peasants" walking behind the crowd, and one person whispered: "Are you really going to overthrow the Jin Daguan? He has treated us well all these years, and he has received very little rent."

The person next to him snorted coldly: "No matter how little the renter collects, he is still a landlord and bully, and he must be defeated! From now on, the land here will belong to us, and it will no longer belong to his Jin Daguan!"

After saying this, the faces of the people around showed excited expressions.

The "poor and lower-middle peasants" brought Jin Pu and his wife to the center of the village, where a high platform had been set up.

The two were put on the high platform, and they were already tightly tied up, with white signs such as "landlord", "bully", "deserving death" and so on on their bodies, and on their heads were wearing Wearing a tall hat, it is full of insulting words.

The poor and lower-middle peasants below were illiterate, so Liangshan soldiers pointed to the words above and read them one by one. Every time they read a sentence, the poor and lower-middle peasants below cheered.

Then it was announced that the Jinpu couple's crimes were nothing more than occupying land, oppressing the people, and so on.After Liangshan soldiers announced, the people of Goryeo came to the stage to criticize them.

"I am a tenant farmer of their family, and I have to give them half of the harvest every year! The year before last, because the renter could not pay, he brought people to our house, kicked my wife to the ground, and threw away the ancestral porcelain in my family. They beat them all to pieces, and they whipped my child severely, and I still have whip marks on my body!"

"My family used to have a field, but it was taken over by his father, the old landlord, and passed on to him."

"Li Sangu from the back village, after Jinpu took a fancy to her, she brought her to his house that night, and hanged herself the next day!"


The poor and lower-middle peasants in the village stepped onto the high platform, and the more they talked, the more indignant they became.Some of these things are true. How can ordinary landlords not oppress tenants?But some of them were fabricated by Hu Luan, but at this time, no one appealed for them.

In the end, the villagers below became more and more indignant, they did not expect that Jinpu would do so many evil things!

"Take them to parade in the village!" Liangshan soldiers shouted loudly.

Immediately, poor and lower-middle peasants pressed the two of them and marched in the village. Wherever they passed, the villagers shouted and cursed.

The Liangshan soldiers walked in front and shouted loudly: "Down with the landlord and bully, and down with the landlord's wife!"

The poor and lower-middle peasants in the back shouted in unison: "Down with the landlord and bully, down with the landlord's wife!"

"Long live Liangshan! Long live Liangwang!"..."Long live Liangshan! Long live Liangwang!"

Such criticisms are going on everywhere in Koryo...

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