Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 243 The Return of Wu Yong

Full Text No Ads Chapter 240 Chapter [-] Wu Yong Returns


"Tell them, don't worry, it's still the stage of war, and everything is for the sake of war," Wu Dong said after hearing Li Gang's words.

"But Koryo has stabilized now, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. I think military control should be ended, imperial examinations should be implemented, and the world should be governed by literati." Li Gang said.

"Let me think again." Wu Dong said.

In fact, the selection of officials using the examination system will definitely be implemented in the future.History has proved that this is an effective and fair system. Even in later generations, all countries use the examination system to select civil servants.

It's just that the content of the exam must not be Confucianism.Confucianism has too many limitations, emphasizing the rule of virtue over the rule of law, self-discipline over other disciplines, and politics over economics.Under the education of Confucianism, the only purpose of reading is to "be good at learning and become an official". Reading purely for the purpose of becoming an official does not benefit the overall development of society.

Confucianism can be used to educate the people, but it has too many flaws when used to govern the country.

From ancient times to the present, dynasties have been constantly changing in China, and Confucianism governing the country is also an important reason.

Especially after the Song Dynasty, the Confucian School of Neo-Confucianism was rampant all over the world, and it had huge disadvantages.The Chinese nation is becoming more and more cowardly and bloodless.Talented people were squeezed out, famous generals such as Yue Fei and Han Shizhong were kicked out one after another, and the more mediocre they were, the more they were able to get into high positions.The country began to sign various treaties with foreigners, exchanging money and land for peace.Before Song Dynasty, this had never happened.

It can be said that many changes in the Chinese nation began in the Song Dynasty.Because of the popularity of Neo Confucianism, people's thinking is becoming more and more rigid, more and more cowardly, and less and less dare to stand out.Even until Wudong crossed over, this country was like this, and it no longer had the bloody and aggressiveness of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

Therefore, if we want this country to undergo fundamental changes, and if we want this nation’s future to truly change, we must not continue to use Confucian Neo-Confucianism to govern the country. We must create a new set of governance ideas and concepts. Use this new thought and new concept to educate the people.As for the selection of officials in the future, it must also be based on this idea and concept.

If you are a pure Song person, it is impossible to create a set of ideas and concepts out of thin air. Everyone has the limitations of their own time, and it is difficult to truly surpass their own time.But Wu Dong is different. He came from later generations, and he has in his heart the advanced thoughts and concepts of countless later generations, so he can completely create a new ideological system.Over the years, he has actually been thinking about this aspect, and now he has a clue.

However, in this era, Confucianism has a huge influence. If you want to promote new ideas, there will be huge resistance, and you need to advance slowly and step by step.Full Text No Ads

For now, Li Gang, a member of the Military Aircraft Department who was born as a Confucian Jinshi, is the resistance.If Wu Dong wants to launch his own new ideas, Li Gang probably won't agree.

"Governor, the matter of the imperial examination should be decided early." Li Gang saw Wu Dong's silence, and said again.

"Okay, I will think about it carefully. By the way, there is an important matter for you to do now." Wu Dong said.

"I don't know what it is?" Li Gang asked curiously.

"I want you to go to Liaodong and be responsible for the civil affairs of Liaodong. We just laid down a city, got countless people, and got countless lands. Now these lands also need to be distributed to those people, so that those people can start farming to make a living. You need to do these things." Wu Dong said.

"So that's how it is. This is indeed a big event. Governor, I don't know when I will leave?" Li Gang said.

"Let's start tomorrow. It's the end of March, and we have to race against time to do this. In fact, Hua Rong has already started to do this again, but he still has to be in charge of the war in the entire theater, and he doesn't have more energy to manage civil affairs, so I That's why I sent you there." Wu Dong said.

"Yes, I understand." Li Gang nodded.

The two discussed the civil affairs in Liaodong carefully. The land in Liaodong is very fertile, even more fertile than the land in Goryeo.In later generations, where is the famous black land and North Dacang, but the population there is still a little small.Wu Dong has decided to send all the people who migrated from the south of the Yangtze River to Liaodong, and let these people go there to farm.Moreover, after these populations go to Liaodong, they can change the population ratio of various ethnic groups in Liaodong, which will also be of great benefit to the future rule of Liangshan.

After Li Gang heard Wu Dong's idea, he clapped his hands in praise and agreed very much.

"In fact, population is also a weapon. The population of our Great Song Dynasty far exceeds that of Khitan, Jurchen, Dangxiang, and those Bohai survivors. When we have more and more people here, sooner or later, this place will completely become Our country." Wu Dong laughed.

"What the governor said is that tomorrow I will go to Liaodong to do this." Li Gang said.

Wu Dong nodded, the sky was already extremely dark, and now it was approaching Zishi, Wu Dong personally sent Li Gang out, and then returned to the room.


He still did not fall asleep. In fact, he sent Li Gang to Liaodong. In addition to letting Li Gang handle Liaodong's civil affairs, another important reason was to transfer Li Gang to promote new ideas of governing the country.

What he and Li Gang said before to improve the status of farmers and businessmen is just one of them, but this is just the beginning, and there are many drastic things to do in the future.These things will be generally supported by the lower classes, but Confucians like Li Gang may not agree, so he must be allowed to leave here to speak.

As for the war situation in the Northeast, it seems that it has temporarily stabilized.Huarong's use of troops is indeed no small matter. Now the First Army and the Second Army have formed a long defensive line in Liaodong. Wanyan Agu attacked several times, but he has been unable to break through that defensive line.Moreover, Huarong is currently digesting the large amount of resources obtained in this war. The land and population will be converted into productive forces. Huarong has been dispatched to the army. He has decided to form more cavalry with Han Shizhong, Liang Hongyu, and Luan Tingyu as the main ones, bringing the number of Liangshan cavalry to [-].

All of this takes time, and after all the resources are absorbed, it will be time for another decisive battle with Wanyan Aguda.

Wu Dong looked at the documents under the lamp, and felt that there were so many things to deal with.Just a few days ago, there was another riot at the Koryo Restoration Council. Although the impact was very small and it was quickly extinguished, it showed that the Koryo Restorationist ideology still had a bright future.For Koryo Zionism, we also need to find a way to completely contain it, so that they will no longer have viability among the people.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Gang headed for Liaodong, while Wu Dong headed for Incheon City with dozens of guards.

In Incheon Port, a large ship had just docked at the pier. Dozens of naval officers and soldiers got off the ship. Although one of these marines was wearing a navy uniform, he gave people the impression that it was neither fish nor fowl. clean.

"Incheon City, I'm finally back! That bird place on Kyushu Island is full of Japanese people, it really bores me." The man laughed when he came to the pier.

"Mr. Wu, our city of Incheon is still very prosperous. It is much better than Kyushu Island. Are you going to stay here for a few days, or go to Kaijing?" asked a naval officer next to him.

"Of course I'm going to Kaijing. I'm going to see the governor and report the situation in Dongying. How can I delay this?" The obscene middle-aged man in a navy uniform is Wu Yong. Wu Yong glared at the naval officer and said.

"Huh, over there?" The naval officer ignored Wu Yong, but suddenly looked into the distance and asked in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Wu Yong asked strangely.

"It seems to be the governor." The naval officer said.

"What?" Wu Yong was taken aback. He looked carefully, but no, it was Wu Dong!

Wu Dong was coming here with his guards, and Wu Yong also hurried towards Wu Dong after seeing Wu Dong.

"Governor, why are you here?" Wu Yongjing asked excitedly after giving a very non-standard military salute.

"You wrote a letter saying that you would come back. I guess it will be these few days, so I came to Incheon City to wait for you." Wu Dong said.

"Governor, really?" Wu Yong suddenly felt something.

"Of course it's true. You are one of my few friends. I should come to pick you up." Wu Dong laughed.

Speaking of which, Wu Yong has indeed been classified as a "friend" by him now.The heights are unbearably cold, since he became the governor of Liangshan, his friends have become less and less, and most people will only become his subordinates or enemies.As for friends, perhaps only those who came out of Liangshanbo were his friends.

"Governor, how dare I be your old man's friend?" Wu Yong smiled embarrassingly.

"Okay, there's no need to go to Incheon City, let's get on the boat now and take the boat to Kaijing." Wu Dong said.

At that moment, everyone boarded the boat and headed towards Kaijing City.

In the cabin, Wu Dong and Wu Yong were sitting opposite each other, they were enjoying hot tea, very comfortable.

"How is Dongying doing now?" Wu Dong asked.

"Very well, Kyushu Island has stabilized. Those Dongying people pay attention to patience. Until now, few openly rebelled. However, there are some assassins who wanted to assassinate me, and I was almost injured. Governor, I heard Said they sent people to assassinate you, is there such a thing?" Wu Yong said.

"That's right, but it's nothing serious. It's nothing more than a small assassination, but there's no way to do it again. I will get these things back with the Dongying people in the future." Wu Dong said.

"Governor, are you really here to pick me up?" Wu Yong asked suspiciously.He still finds it unbelievable now, in his heart, he is Wu Dong's loyal servant, and he never expected Wu Dong to really treat him as a friend.So now I can't help but want to ask.

"What's there to doubt? In fact, I've been waiting for you to come back, and I hope you can give me an idea." Wu Dong said.

"I don't know what it is?" Wu Yong asked.

"Very important thing! In today's Goryeo, the people's thinking is outdated, which seriously hinders the continued development of Goryeo. I want to completely change the people's thinking and carry out a large-scale movement. I need your assistance." Wu Dong said.

"Change people's thinking? How do you say that?" Wu Yong asked in surprise.

"Come and take a look, I wrote these during this time." Wu Dong said.

He handed a stack of papers to Wu Yong, who looked at it curiously.

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