Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 244 Promotion of Ideas

"Human Rights Thoughts. www uploaded by friends ==" Wu Yong read it lightly.

"All citizens are equal, regardless of industry, agriculture, business, or Confucianism, all enjoy the same status, and all have the inalienable right to life, liberty, and dignity..."

"Civil Rights Ideas."

"The people, the people, power, and rights. The people have the right to elect officials, and the people have the right to recall officials. The people have the right to formulate laws, and the people have the right to make resolutions..."

After reading the previous few papers, Wu Yong couldn't help being stunned, feeling that this was a bit too "rebellious" and completely contrary to today's Confucian Neo-Confucianism.

Confucianism talks about "rituals", and the core of etiquette is hierarchy, the ruler has the rituals of the emperor, the ministers have the rituals of the ministers, and the people have the rituals of the people.Monarch, minister, and Confucianism are the three highest levels, down to farmers, then artisans, and then merchants.This so-called "human rights thought" and "civil rights thought" have completely broken the hierarchy. If this is pushed out, those Confucian scholars will definitely make a fuss.

When Wu Dong and Li Gang inspected the agricultural situation in various places before, they only talked about improving the status of farmers, but did not say that farmers and Confucians were put on the same status.So Li Gang didn't object at that time. Li Gang would probably faint when he saw the paper in front of him.

As for the election of officials, it has been implemented in Liangshan for a long time, but the people elect only some ordinary village chiefs and township chiefs. As for the higher officials, they are directly appointed by the Military Aircraft Department. What.Now that it is widely implemented, Li Gang may not agree.

"Great Governor, I'm afraid it's not right." Wu Yong said immediately.

"What's wrong?" Wu Dong said.

"I'm afraid that many people will not be able to accept this kind of thinking, and Goryeo may become flustered." Wu Yong said.

"No. As long as it's done well, it won't get flustered. Wu Yong, you won't object to my ideas?" Wu Dong said.

"The governor is joking, how can I oppose the governor? As long as it is what the governor wants to implement, I will fully support it." Wu Yong said hastily.

"That's good. Keep reading. The so-called human rights thought and civil rights thought are the most basic things, and there are many more behind, mainly to maintain our rule in Liangshan and for the sake of war." Wu Dong said.

Wu Yong nodded and hurriedly looked behind.

The second paper talks about the difference between a just regime and an evil regime.A just regime gives people a way to live and gives them dignity. In a just regime, the government serves the people, not oppresses them.The evil regime is just the opposite, the people have no dignity, the people serve the government, and the government can oppress the people at will.

On the back of this piece of paper, there are countless examples of the government's oppression of the people, from the real women to the Khitan people, to the Song Dynasty, and the original Koryo regime, etc., are all like this.

"Looking at the world, only Liangshan is a righteous regime. The current Song Dynasty and Khitan are all evil regimes. We should overthrow every evil regime and let the righteous regime rule the whole world." Wu Dong laughed.

"What the governor said is true." Wu Yong said hastily.

Wu Dong shook his head, he knew that no matter what he said, Wu Yong would never object.But that's fine, if it's someone else, they will definitely have a debate with Wu Dong first if they say this set of theories, and they won't say what Wu Dong said.As for Wu Yong, he will fully implement any order of Wu Dong.

"The following is the difference between a just war and an evil war, and it is also a set of ideas." Wu Dong said.

"The just war is to liberate the people of the world. The so-called liberation is to release the bondage, let the people obtain human rights, and let the people no longer be oppressed. The evil war is to satisfy the hereditary notice of some evil kings, for more A lot of oppressing the people of the world. Ever since we raised our troops in Liangshan, we have been fighting just wars." Wu Dong said.

"Yes, we are righteous! Those who oppose us are all evil." Wu Yong suddenly laughed.

"Don't laugh, we are indeed just. Also, in a just war, there is no national distinction. Every citizen of every nation should support a just war. You shouldn't just because you are under the management of an evil regime The common people support that evil regime because the monarch of that evil regime is their own race. Justice is the greatest, and in the face of justice, the nation will take a backseat." Wu Dong said.

"Governor, this is a good one. If this idea is carried forward, it can completely kill Goryeo Zionism. Although we are Han Chinese, we launched a just war in Goryeo. We drove the evil Goryeo King from his Throne. We liberated the people of Korea, so every Korean should support us, those Zionists are to restore the evil regime, they are the enemy of all Koreans." Wu Yongdao.

"That's right, that's the reason. You continue to look down." Wu Dong smiled.

Further down is the idea that all people are soldiers. In order to liberate the suffering people all over the world, we must continue to launch just wars.In order to maintain the just war, all the people must be soldiers, and only when the will is united, can all the evil regimes be wiped out.

"The army and the people are united as one, let's see who can fight against us in the world. Great governor, well said." Wu Yong said.

"The so-called all people are soldiers is actually an idea we have always promoted, but now it is combined with the idea of ​​just war, so it is more reasonable." Wu Dong said.

"The idea of ​​a strong and powerful country... We want to build a powerful and powerful country that has never been seen in the past and present. It extends to the North Sea and the Arctic Ice Field in the north, to the South China Sea in the south, to the south of Qiongzhou, to the land of Baiyue, to the desert in the west, and to Dongying in the east. The name of the country is Zhonghua , Whether it is Han people, Goguryeo people, Silla people, Baekje people, Khitan people, Nvzhenren, Bohai people, they are all members of a strong and prosperous country, and they should work hard for a strong and prosperous country, and should be proud of being a strong and prosperous country. This It will be the most just, prosperous and powerful country in the world that has never existed in the past and present." Wu Yong read softly while watching.

There is a whole stack of papers, with dozens of sheets, all of which are related ideas.

It took a long time for Wu Yong to read all the content, and said: "Great Governor, the latter ones are fine, the previous 'thoughts' are probably hard for people to accept, especially those readers."

Wu Dongdao: "I didn't intend to let those readers accept it."

Wu Yong was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Then who should accept it?"

Wu Dongdao: "I want to let the impoverished youths among the Han people and Koreans, and the children of farmers, craftsmen, and merchants accept these ideas. I want to organize those people and learn these ideas."

Wu Yong said: "What's the use of those people? And why choose young people?"

Wu Dongdao: "Those people are the foundation of our Liangshan regime. As for the choice of young people, it is because young people are the most progressive. They all came from poor backgrounds, and they definitely agree with the human rights and civil rights ideas I promote. As for their elders , The thinking is rigid, and it is difficult to reform it. It is better to be young, they are full of blood, and I want to unite these young people to my side."

Wu Dong suddenly understood why the great leader of later generations wanted to organize the "H Guards" and why he wanted to mobilize the youth of the whole country.Because young people are aggressive and blindly obedient, if they are not of one mind with themselves, it is the biggest resistance, the biggest obstacle, but if they are stirred up and made to be of one mind with themselves, then it can turn into a torrent and blow everything away. Resistance and obstacles have been overthrown one after another, opening up a bright road for myself to realize my ultimate goal.

As long as these young people are mastered, any idea can be carried forward.By transforming these radical youths, and then transforming the whole society.As long as it is done well, sooner or later, the whole society will undergo great changes.

"It seems that I want to learn from that great leader and launch a top-down youth movement. Wu Yong, the first thing I ask you to do is to find someone to write articles to spread these ideas. Write it in vernacular that everyone can understand and understand." Wu Dong said.

"Don't worry, the governor, I will find someone to do this." Wu Yong said hastily.

What he is looking for is naturally some "scumbags" among readers. Some people will naturally do anything in order to get promoted and make a fortune, and they don't care whether these ideas run counter to Confucianism.

"This set of ideas is called Liangshan Thought! After the article is written, we will start mobilizing all the youths in Korea to promote this idea among the youth! We will launch a vigorous youth movement!" Wu Dong said.

"Okay!" Wu Yong nodded hastily.

"From now on, you will be solely responsible for this matter," Wu Dong said.

"Governor, don't I go to Kyushu Island?" Wu Yong asked in surprise.

"I don't need to go there for the time being. This matter is more important than the matter of Kyushu Island. Kyushu Island is just a place, and these ideas are related to the whole world." Wu Dong said.

I agreed with it.

"Don't be impatient. I will always pay attention to this matter. You can't make troubles. It will be bad if you have troubles. I'm afraid you can't do such a big thing by yourself. I will find someone to help you." Wu Dongdao.

"This..." Wu Yong was taken aback for a moment, he didn't want to share power.

Wu Dong no longer paid any attention to him, he was constantly thinking about these things.This matter still needs to be communicated with Huarong, and it must be supported by Huarong and the entire army.And this should be no problem, especially the idea that everyone is equal. In the old society, the status of soldiers was extremely poor, even worse than that of ordinary farmers. Now that they are given status, they can only get the support of soldiers.As for the idea of ​​building a strong and powerful country later, it will definitely arouse the strong sense of pride and mission of these soldiers, and these will definitely support the soldiers.

The speed of the boat was much faster than that of the carriage, and it had already arrived in Kaijing that night.

When Wu Dong returned to the Goryeo Palace, he first went to visit Hu Sanniang.

"Where's Bing'er?" Wu Dong asked.

Binger Hu Sanniang's daughter was born to him. He thought he was with Hu Sanniang, but he was not.

"I've already laid down and fast asleep, but it's a pity that the baby is n Sanniangdao.

"I only like my daughter, and it's best to be as beautiful as her mother in the future." Wu Dong laughed.

He went to the back to look at his daughter, and found that her daughter was sleeping soundly, so he stayed here for a while, and then went to see Li Shishi.

After warming up with his second daughter for a while, he came to the room again and continued to think about the implementation of Liangshan Thought.This matter is a big move, much bigger than the original move to promote the book of strengthening the army, the book of strengthening the country, and the book of strengthening the people.It's the same propaganda, but this time it's a radical change, and everything needs to be safe.

He wrote down all the things to do on paper, and before he knew it, it was late at night.

"Your Highness, it's late at night, and your empress wants you to fall asleep quickly." At this moment, an extremely gentle voice sounded.

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