Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 37 Treaty of Incheon

The Battle of Incheon ended with the victory of Liangshan and the complete defeat of Goryeo. Of the 3000 soldiers of Goryeo, more than 2000 were killed, more than 5000 fled, and more than [-] became prisoners of Liangshanbo.

Cui Mingshan, the general of Koryo, was captured, as was Cui Jinshi, Cui Mingshan's nephew.

This battle is known as the "Incheon Victory" in history, and it was the first battle commanded by Hua Rong, a famous general of Liangshanbo.Huarong's calmness and wit in this battle have become a model in military history, and it is a battle handed down from countless military school textbooks.

The general Cui Mingshan and his nephew Cui Jinshi of Koryo Kingdom were brought to Wu Dong at this moment. The two were very depressed, and they both lowered their heads and said nothing at the moment.

Wu Dong looked at the two with a smile, and said, "I heard that you are the supreme leader of the Goryeo army, the general Cui Mingshan, and the vanguard Cui Jinshi, but is that so?"

When Wu Dong asked a question, the two dared not answer, they could only answer yes.After Cui Mingshan finished answering, he asked, "I don't know who you are?"

Wu Dong said: "I am the leader of Liangshanbo, Qinghe Wudong."

Cui Mingshan and Cui Jinshi were taken aback because the people here were only ordinary leaders of Liangshanbo, who knew that they were the highest leaders of Liangshanbo.

Cui Mingshan said: "Did you command the army to defeat us this time?"

Wu Dong shook his head and said, "That's not true, it was my general Hua Rong who defeated you."

Cui Mingshan and Cui Jinshi were very curious and wanted to see what "Hua Rong" looked like, but unfortunately they are now prisoners and have no right to meet the people they want to meet.

After enduring it for a long time, Cui Mingshan said again: "What will you do with us?"

Wu Dong said: "It depends on your attitude?"

Cui Mingshan said, "What attitude?"

Wu Dong said: "I wonder if you can represent the Goryeo government? If it is possible, I will state my conditions now. If not, then I will invite other people to come."

Cui Mingshan said: "I am the General of Koryo... I have a noble status, so I can naturally represent the government of Koryo."

Wu Dong said: "That's good. Since this is the case, I will talk about our conditions in Liangshanbo."

Now Wu Dong said slowly, the first condition is to cede Incheon Port, which is now Yongyeon City.The second condition is to allow Han Chinese to trade in all cities in Goryeo.Now the Han people are only allowed to do business in Incheon Port, which cannot meet the needs of the Han people at all.Third, Liang Shanbo was allowed to garrison troops in Koryo, with a total of 3 troops.Fourth, all Han Chinese enjoy criminal immunity in Korea.Fifth, Wu Dong drew another place on the map, south of the Han River, not very far from Incheon Port, and Wu Dong let this place also be ceded to Liangshanbo.

In fact, this place became the famous "Seoul City" later. Its name comes from "the city beside the Han River".

Wudong plans to build a new type of "Seoul" here, which will serve as Liangshanbo's command center in Korea in the future.

When Cui Mingshan heard these five conditions, he was stunned at once. After a while, he shook his head hastily and said, "Impossible, we can't agree to these conditions! Others are easy to talk about, but Longyeon (Incheon) ) is our inherent territory, if it is ceded to you, I am afraid that we will not be able to explain it to the people.”

No matter for the government of any country, ceding land is a huge shame, and it is simply impossible for the people to accept it.If it does so, the government will also lose the support of the people.

Wu Dong sneered and said: "Can you beat our Liangshanbo now? Even if you don't agree to cede it to us, we can take it back by ourselves."

Cui Mingshan was taken aback, feeling extremely depressed.

Now Koryo has a total population of only 500 million, and the number of troops is about 10, but most of the troops are stationed on the northern border to guard against the Liao people.Although Goryeo had already surrendered to the Liao Kingdom, she did not dare to be negligent towards the Liao Kingdom, for fear that the Liao Dynasty would attack Goryeo.

Therefore, the number of troops that can be mobilized is only [-] to [-]. Now [-] soldiers are lost here, and if the rest come to attack, I am afraid they will also be lost.This time, Cui Mingshan can be regarded as seeing the strength of the Liangshanbo army, which is simply invincible, much stronger than the army of the Liao people in the north.

Wu Dong said: "Isn't that enough? You can't beat us, so what if you cede the city to us? Besides, this time, you Koreans bullied our Han businessmen first. The reason why we cede these two places is nothing more than In order for the Han businessmen to have a foothold, it is only for self-protection."

Unfortunately, no matter how good Wu Dong said, Cui Mingshan kept shaking his head and said, "This is impossible."

Wu Dong thought for a while and said, "Okay, we won't cede these two places either...we just want to lease these two places, what do you think?"

Cui Mingshan asked in surprise, "Lease?"

It was the first time he had heard of the "lease" of another country's territory, so he stayed there all of a sudden.

Wu Dong said with a smile: "Yes, lease. We lease these two places for 99 years each, and return them to Korea after 99 years. What do you think?"

Cui Mingshan pondered for a long time. He felt that the so-called "concession" was just an excuse to occupy Goryeo's land, but this excuse could be used to persuade the people of Goryeo. He said immediately: "This can be considered...but I need to go back Report to the king of our country, and I will give you an answer when I come back.”

Wu Dong nodded and said: "Okay, I can promise you this. But you can only go back alone. If you don't come back after you go back, we will kill all the prisoners."

Cui Mingshan gritted his teeth, wanting to get angry, but thinking that this is Liang Shanbo's territory, he didn't dare to get angry, so he had to hold back.

Wu Dong waved his hand and asked people to take Cui Mingshan and Cui Jinshi away, and let Cui Mingshan go back to Koryo Kaijing.

After the two left, Wu Yong came in from the next hut and said, "Boss, our army is so powerful now, why bother negotiating with them? We can completely conquer the entire Koryo Kingdom!"

Wu Dong snorted coldly, and said, "What do you know? We only have 2000 soldiers, and even if we conquer the entire Goryeo Kingdom, we won't be able to occupy it. Besides, war requires logistics, and we don't have any logistics now. Also, if we continue If we attack, we must also consider the reaction of the Korean people, and it will be bad if we are caught in the ocean of the Korean people's war."

War is not only enough to take down the city, but also consider the reaction of the local people, consider the governance issues after the city is taken down, and so on.As for the "logistics" mentioned earlier, it is the most basic issue, as well as the adaptation of Liangshan soldiers to this place and so on.

So, the best way now is to negotiate.First establish a firm foothold in Incheon, and then slowly develop, slowly devouring the entire Koryo country.


It is now mid-October, and the weather in Koryo is extremely cold, and it has begun to snow.At the beginning of November, Goryeo sent a large-scale mission to Incheon Port, led by Goryeo Taishi Jin Dongqing.

Jin Dongqing has a refined appearance. He is about 50 years old and looks like a teacher.

At this moment, Jin Dongqing was also looking at Wu Dong. He saw that Wu Dong was eight feet tall and exuded a vigorous heroic spirit.

"Are the Han people going to rise again? This person is simply the image of a wise emperor in the history of the Han people! If this person takes over the world of the Han people, then my Koryo country will become a vassal state of the Han people again." Jin Dongqing secretly thought .

Wudong entertained Jin Dongqing in the best Han Chinese hotel in Incheon Port. Jin Dongqing first presented gifts from the King of Korea, including 100 high-quality Korean ginseng, 1000 Korean pearls from Shanghai, and 100 others. Stunning Korean beauty.

Then there was a long negotiation. Jin Dongqing brought more than a dozen literati, Wu Dong brought Huarong, Wu Yong, Ruan Xiaoqi, Cheng Guan, etc., and several battalion-level officers of the army to participate. negotiation.

Jin Dongqing promised to "lease" Incheon City, but the term is only 10 years, and the same is true for "Seoul", the lease term is 10 years.Han people can do business in Korea, but only 5 cities are open.In addition, Liangshanbo can garrison troops here, but the number of garrisons cannot exceed 2000.

At the beginning of the negotiation, Wu Dong discovered that Wu Yong turned out to be a master negotiator. This man's ability to mess around is too strong, and he often makes the Koreans helpless.In the end, Wu Dong simply appointed Wu Yong as the negotiating ambassador to take full responsibility for this matter, as long as he signed at the end.

On November 11, an agreement was finally reached.

First, lease Incheon and Seoul for 50 years.Second, Liangshanbo can garrison troops in Incheon and Seoul, but the total number of garrisons cannot exceed 5000.To three, open ten cities and allow Han merchants to trade freely in these ten cities.Fourth, the Han people have the right to criminal immunity, and if they commit a crime, they will be dealt with by Liang Shanbo.Fifth, Koryo compensated Liang Shanbo for 200 million guan military losses.

The fifth point was specifically proposed by Wu Yong. At the beginning, Wu Yong spoke all over the sky and proposed 1000 million guan. Later, after Jin Dongqing repeatedly refused, he changed it to 200 million guan.

This treaty is called the "Incheon Treaty" in history, and it is the first unequal treaty in the history of Liangshan. Of course, this inequality means that Liangshanbo has a huge advantage.

Wu Dong was naturally very satisfied with this agreement, and sent Jin Dongqing out very politely.

Holding the Incheon Treaty in hand, Jin Dongqing felt extremely painful in his heart.When he was near Kaijing, Jin Dongqing suddenly fell off his horse, and his attendants helped him up. He looked as if he was ten years old. He sighed and said, "After signing this treaty, I have become a member of Goryeo." The country's biggest sinner will be insulted by thousands of people in the future... But it is impossible not to sign this treaty. Liang Shanbo's army is so powerful that it can attack Kaijing at any time. When Kaijing is destroyed, the whole country will be in chaos. If the Liao people Calling in again, Goryeo will be completely finished... In order to protect the country, I have to do this!"

Jin Dongqing didn't know that he was only temporarily delaying the crisis of Koryo country. In the next few years, Koryo country would disappear completely and become a part of Liangshanbo.

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