Wu Dong was very happy when the Treaty of Incheon was signed, but there were still more things waiting for him to deal with.

On the first day of December, Incheon City held a grand sacrificial activity for the dead Liangshan soldiers.

All Liangshan personnel, those who are in Incheon, participated in this sacrificial activity.

The sky was gloomy, and it had been snowing since the morning. It was still sporadic at the beginning, and it turned into heavy snow at the end.

More than 2000 soldiers stood there quietly, motionless, with sadness in their eyes. All those who died this time were their comrades-in-arms, the comrades-in-arms who trained, laughed and fought with them.In addition to these more than 2000 soldiers, countless Han businessmen also participated in this sacrificial activity.

Standing on the high platform, Wu Dong looked at the Liangshan soldiers below and the Han merchants nearby, and said in a low voice, "In the Battle of Incheon, we sacrificed 147 soldiers in Liangshan. They are Zhang Lei, Liu Song, Cao Renyi..."

Wu Dong said the names of all 147 sacrificed soldiers, and then said: "Different from previous battles, they fought on the land of Koryo for the rise of the Han nationality and the rise of China. Therefore, every Han, Every Chinese can’t forget their achievements! I will build the Martyr’s Shrine in Incheon City, and all the Liangshan soldiers who died in the Koryo battle will have their names recorded in the Martyr’s Shrine, and their achievements will also be recorded there. Later people pay their respects!"

After Wu Dong finished speaking, the eyes of more than 2000 soldiers below showed gratitude.For these fighters, comrades in arms are their own brothers, and it is worthwhile for their brothers to receive such honor after death, and to be able to engrave their names in the Martyrs' Shrine for future generations to look up to.

In the history of China in the past, there has never been any dynasty that recorded the names of soldiers and built martyrs' shrines for soldiers.In the past, even temples were built for generals and senior officials.This is definitely the first time in history for Wu Dong. If it weren't for the strict discipline of the army, now these more than 2000 soldiers would kneel down and thank Wu Dong.

The businessmen around were also unbelievable. Some people thought it was right for Wu Dong to do this. Those soldiers who died for the Han nationality and China should be commemorated. Temple seems inappropriate.

No matter what the merchants think, Wu Dong said again: "Those comrades-in-arms and brothers took a step ahead of us. As living beings, we should work harder and be stronger, and continue to fight for the rise of the Han nationality and the rise of China." Work hard. For the rise of the Han nationality and the rise of China, every Liangshan person must be prepared to sacrifice. Including me, Wu Dong, if necessary, I can give up my life without hesitation!"

The soldiers below were even more excited. At this moment, they also had the same idea as Wu Dong. For the rise of the Han nationality and the rise of China, they could sacrifice at any time.

At this moment, even the businessmen around seemed to be infected, and there was a hint of excitement in the eyes of many businessmen.

Wu Dong looked into the distance, and after a long time, he said again: "The road ahead is very difficult. Our enemy is very powerful. The Liao people occupy the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun in our north. We have not regained it yet. In addition, according to my As you know, in the farther north, there are foreigners who are stronger and more ferocious than the Liao people. They will be our enemies from now on. However, I believe that as long as everyone in Liangshan has the belief of sacrifice, there will be no one over there. Difficulties and obstacles can really resist us! Because of our Liangshan people, the Han people will surely rise and defeat all other races! China will also become the number one country in the world!"

After Wu Dong finished his speech, everyone stepped forward to pay homage to the martyrs. The soldiers came forward one by one, laying wreaths, expressing their grief in front of the tomb of the martyrs. Of course, almost all the soldiers also expressed their condolences. The idea of ​​being willing to sacrifice for the rise of the Han nationality.


The construction of the Martyrs' Shrine began as early as the end of the Battle of Incheon, and it was not until the end of December that the Martyrs' Shrine was finally built.

This martyr's shrine gives people an unusually solemn feeling. It records the names of all the Liangshan soldiers who died, followed by an introduction to the Battle of Incheon and encourages more Han people to fight for the rise of the Han nationality.

Wu Dong and Wu Yong stood in front of the Martyr's Shrine, Wu Yong said: "The chief is really a good means. With this Martyr's Shrine, I'm afraid all the soldiers will fight desperately. Even if they die, they can get such glory, and that's worth it." .”

Wu Dong shook his head lightly, and said: "This is not a trick, it's just what I should do for those soldiers who died. I respect these soldiers who died."

Wu Dong said it very solemnly, Wu Yong immediately understood Wu Dong's intentions, and decided not to talk about these martyrs again in the future.

After coming out of Martyr's Shrine, Wu Dong and Wu Yong walked around Incheon City.Although it was severe winter, Incheon City was in full swing. Countless Han businessmen were constructing large-scale construction projects, some were building shops, and some were building mansions. Many people planned to live in Incheon City for a long time.

Wu Yong followed Wu Dong and praised: "Chief, under your wise leadership, we defeated the Koreans. The Koreans had to cede Incheon City to us. Now we are sitting here. The merchants seem to have taken a reassurance, and dare to develop here vigorously."

Wu Dong smiled and said, "It's winter now, and many businessmen in the country don't know the news about Incheon yet, otherwise more people will come here, and it will feel prosperous here."

The weather at this time was much colder than later generations, and the sea had long been sealed off. News of Korea could not reach the country. It would have to wait until the spring of the next year, when the sea was unblocked, before the news could be sent back.

Because of this, Wu Dong originally planned to go to Bianliang City to find Li Shishi, but was also delayed.

The two walked for a while, and Wu Yong said again: "Boss, it is enough for us to have Incheon City, what do we need Seoul for? That place is desolate, and we need to build the city ourselves... If you really want to Some still need territory, we just need to fight, why bother looking for that place.”

Wu Dongdao: "Incheon City is just a port city. It is good for doing business. But if you really want to rule the whole of Korea, you need a place that extends in all directions. A place like Seoul is the best place. As for The construction of a new city can encourage more Han people to come to Koryo, promote the economic development here, and also bring more benefits to us in Liangshan. There are many benefits, and you will gradually understand."

Wu Yong seems to understand but does not understand. As a villain, he has a lot of tricks, but when it comes to real national affairs, he is much worse.

When walking halfway, there was a sound of beating and cursing suddenly coming from the front. I saw a few tall men bullying a thin boy. The thin boy was covered in blood, lying on the ground, screaming continuously. Several tall men beat the boy with long sticks.

"Who are you? Don't you know the laws of Incheon City? How dare you be so presumptuous?" Seeing Wu Dong frowning, Wu Yong immediately ran up and scolded these people.

Seeing that Wu Yong was dressed luxuriously, looked proud, and spoke Chinese, they hurriedly said, "Your official, you probably don't know that this is a servant from Korea, and you don't need to work." power, so we're going to beat him up."

Wu Yongdao: "If you beat someone, you can beat him, and you don't need to beat him to death?"

A big man laughed and said, "Look at what you've always said. He's just a Korean pariah. If you beat him to death, you'll be beaten to death. Now Incheon City belongs to us Han people. Who would dare to hold us accountable?"

Wu Yong was taken aback, turned to look at Wu Dong, found that Wu Dong was still frowning, and scolded again: "No matter what, it's always wrong to beat people to death. I took this person away, what's wrong with you?" If you are satisfied, you can go to Liangshan Chamber of Commerce to find me."

When the big man heard that Wu Yong belonged to the Liangshan Chamber of Commerce, he was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Don't dare, dare not, you old man is kind in heart, pity this Korean pariah, so I will spare his life today."

On the surface, Wu Dong and Wu Yong came out as two people, but there were many people secretly protecting them. At that moment, Wu Yong summoned a person to bring the Korean boy to the city lord's mansion, while Wu Dong and Wu Yong continued to walk forward.

Wu Dong said: "Is this kind of situation very common now? It's about the Han people bullying the Koreans."

Wu Yongdao: "It's very common. I've seen it several times these days. But it's nothing, we Han people are the masters of Incheon City now, so what if we bully the Koreans?"

Wu Dong frowned, and said, "Wu Yong, why do you have the same idea as those small people? You know, our Liangshan came here with the ultimate goal of obtaining the entire Goryeo. If you want to get Goryeo, you can't just conquer it by force. It must be recognized by the Korean people. If we want to get the sincere recognition of the Korean people, the first thing to do is to treat Han people and Korean people equally. We cannot bully them casually just because they are Korean people. If so If we do, we won't be able to stay in Korea for long."

In later generations, Japan once occupied Korea by force, but it was only occupied by force. The Koreans never stopped resisting the Japanese. Hundreds of thousands of Koreans even went to China to fight against the Japanese.In the later Korean War, most of North Korea's troops came from the former Chinese battlefield.Even after Japan withdrew from North Korea for decades, North Korea and South Korea still hate Japan in the slightest, and the voices of the two countries can often be heard vehemently condemning Japan.

Wu Dong doesn't want Liangshan to become like Japan in the future.

Of course, the current Goryeo is very different from the later North Korea. The later North Korea has been established for thousands of years and has formed a Korean nation. This nation has a high sense of identity with its own country, and it is absolutely impossible to accept foreign rule.

The current Goryeo, the founding of the country is less than 200 years ago. Before Goryeo, it was the period of Silla and the later Three Kingdoms, and earlier it was the period of Silla, Baekje, and Goguryeo.Now there is not even a unified Goryeo nation, no unified language, and many places are still in the form of primitive tribes.In some places, people often refer to themselves as Silla and Baekje people, and do not think they are Koreans.

Therefore, it is much easier for Goryeo to conquer than later generations, but even so, it needs to be treated with caution and strategy.

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