Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 508 Grassland Strategy

Hu Sanniang sat on the top, looking at the countless soldiers below, a real smile finally appeared on her face. www

These are all heroes of Liangshan, they are all warriors among warriors, the army within the army, the steel within the steel, it was these people who fought their way forward, and the death-death army won this victory!No matter how high her command ability is, without so many brave soldiers going forward bravely, it is impossible to win!

She has given credit to these people!She has conferred hundreds of third-level combat heroes and second-level combat heroes, but the first-level combat heroes and special-level combat heroes need the Central Military Department to approve the canonization.Especially the super battle hero, which is also an extremely rare honor in the Liangshan Army.Generally speaking, only those who have played an irreplaceable role in the war, led the whole army with one person's power, turned the tide of battle with one person's power, etc., can be named "super combat heroes".Once he becomes a super battle hero, he will have a very high status in Liangshan, and his entire family and all relatives will be rewarded and honored.

"Thank you General Yue and General Luan for coming to help!" Hu Sanniang toasted with many soldiers, she said to Yue Fei and Luan Tingyu.

"Don't dare, even without our help, the Death Army and the Fourth Army can sweep across the eastern grassland and win this war." Luan Tingyu hurriedly stood up and said.

Both Yue Fei and Luan Tingyu respect Hu Sanniang very much, one is that Hu Sanniang's identity is different, and another important reason is that Hu Sanniang uses soldiers like a god!

The two of them have read all the records of this war, and they are amazed and admired by Hu Sanniang's mercenary ability!It's amazing and unbelievable that a woman can use soldiers to such an extent!In the past, they would never believe that a woman is so powerful!Now in their view, there are few people in Liangshan who can compare to Hu Sanniang.

Yue Fei was originally a military god, but he is still young now!In history, he has commanded countless battles, and it took more than ten years before he used soldiers like a god and reached the point of proficiency!Right now, there is still some gap between him and Hu Sanniang.

"Today is New Year's Eve. I invite you all to come, on the one hand to celebrate the New Year, and on the other hand to discuss the future grassland strategy! The authorities are obsessed with bystanders, and you are all bystanders. I hope you can give me some ideas." Hu Sanniang said.

"Okay!" The two agreed in unison.

"In the coming year, there should be no more wars on the grasslands! The eastern grasslands have been conquered by us, there are no super tribes in the middle, and the Tatar and Kret tribes in the west, but I believe our battle is enough to deter them. Let them not dare to attack easily! This battle has won us at least one year of peace, and we will use this year to digest the entire eastern grassland." Hu Sanniang laughed.

"Commander Hu, how will the Death Army and the Fourth Army digest the eastern grassland?" Luan Tingyu said.

"We originally had a population of more than 50, but many people died in this war, but we gained at least 30 women and children from various places. Now our population is about 75! I plan to divide these many people into five There are three big tribes, each with a population of 15. There are men and women among these people. We use five big tribes to occupy the entire eastern grassland and gain a foothold here. What do you think?" Hu Sanniang said.

"The first tribe should be where the military city is now?" Luan Tingyu said.

"Yes." Hu Sanniang nodded.

"Commander Hu, I think you can build a few more military cities and promote agriculture on the grassland," Luan Tingyu said.

"This is very difficult! We are experimenting with agriculture here this year, and the harvest is extremely limited. It seems that the land here is not suitable for growing crops." Hu Sanniang shook her head.

"Commander Hu, at the beginning the Khitans were just like the Mongols, they were also grassland peoples, but now the Khitans have built countless cities on the grasslands, and they are also planting crops around the cities. If they can do it, we should be able to do it too. Yes." Luan Tingyu said.

"It took the Khitan people 200 years to turn the grassland into farmland! We don't have that much time," Hu Sanniang said.

Luan Tingyu was taken aback for a moment, he gave a wry smile and nodded, only then did he come to his senses.

Grass has been growing on the grassland since ancient times, and it will take a long time to become suitable for farmland cultivation.It took the Khitan people 200 years to turn the "Inner Mongolia" of later generations into a place full of cities and farmland, but after experiencing countless wars, "Inner Mongolia" became a grassland again.Now if you want to transform the Mongolian grasslands, you can't do it in a year or two.

"Commander Hu, I have an idea. In the next year, you should try your best to provoke wars and annex some small tribes in the central region! As long as you don't start large-scale wars! The reason why these barbarians on the Mongolian grasslands are so powerful is that That's because they often live in hardships and dangers, since you want to learn from the Mongols, you must be like them and not let the soldiers relax." Yue Fei said.


Hu Sanniang nodded. She decided that apart from the Juncheng tribe, the rest of the tribes would be located in the border area between the eastern grassland and the central grassland, so that the soldiers of the death squads could feel threatened frequently and even fight occasionally.

"Is civilization right or wrong? After being civilized, the country will become weaker? If it is barbaric, it will become stronger?" Hu Sanniang suddenly had such an idea in her heart.

Now the Daredevil Army and the Fourth Army are learning to live and fight like the people on the grassland, so that they can cultivate powerful fighters, but they seem to be farther and farther away from the civilization of the Central Plains!She was surprised in her heart, not knowing whether Civilization was right or wrong.The Song people are more civilized than the Khitan people, but the Song people are not the opponents of the Khitan people. The Khitan people were very powerful, but after the Khitan people were Sinicized, they were no match for the Jurchens.However, the barbaric Mongolian grasslands seem to contain stronger forces. Hu Sanniang believes that if the Mongols are not organized and armed, they may be even stronger than the Jurchens.

Sitting at the banquet, she fell into deep thought.

She has an extremely beautiful face, and the years of fighting have given her a heroic spirit that is rare for ordinary women. She is sitting there, but she doesn't know that countless soldiers below are secretly observing her with admiring eyes.

The question of civilization and barbarism made her a little confused. She felt that she should ask Wu Dong, and Wu Dong was able to explain to her many times.

At this moment, she missed Wu Dong and her relatives more and more. When she came back to her senses, she found that countless people were secretly looking at her, so she couldn't help but chuckled.

The banquet is still going on, and outside, the fighters are competing in wrestling and martial arts, and everyone is celebrating...


At this moment, in the distant palace of Yanjing City, the high-level officials of the Military Aircraft Department have also gathered, and they are conducting the last military aircraft meeting before the new year.

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