Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 509 One Year Economy

Wu Dong, Hua Rong, Li Gang, Zhu Wu, Wu Yong, and Lin Chong are all in a palace in the center of the palace at the moment, and Gongsun Sheng, Shi Qian, Dai Zong and others are also here.

Everyone sat at a round table and reported on the situation of the year.

Li Gang was talking, and he only heard Li Gang say: "This year our various taxes have reached 2300 million taels of silver! In addition, we captured Shangjing and Zhongjing, and we got more than 5000 taels of silver from the Liao and Jin treasuries in Shangjing and Zhongjing. In addition, we also obtained more than 500 million taels of silver from several silver mines on Kyushu Island in Japan. All the silver added up to more than 800 million taels."

Wu Dong nodded and said, "How about the expenses this year?"

Li Gangdao: "We have spent a total of 4300 million taels of silver this year, of which military expenditures are about 2000 million taels of silver, including military pay, pensions, construction of military factories, production of sea ships, etc. The investment in Yanyun exceeds 1500 million taels, Yanyun has just returned, and now is the time to invest heavily. The rest is investment in the north, resettlement of disaster victims, etc. "

Wu Dong frowned, and said, "This year's expenses are really quite a lot!"

Li Gangdao: "There is nothing we can do about it. Last year, we fought for half a year, recovered so many territories, and brought in people. All of these cost money!"

Wu Dong said: "Except for the gains from the treasuries of Shangjing and Zhongjing Liaojin, our annual tax revenue is only more than 2000 million taels of silver, and more than half of it was spent on the war alone. Isn't this a good phenomenon?"

Li Gangdao: "Don't worry, the governor, I can double the tax revenue within five years! Or even more!"

"Oh?" A surprised expression appeared on Wu Dong's face.

Li Gang smiled and said: "Our current tax revenue mainly comes from Goryeo! Because Goryeo was the first to be occupied by us, and now only Goryeo has developed! But five years later, Yanyun will be able to develop! Yanyun's population and territory are far away. It is far more than Koryo, and it borders the Song Dynasty. The development potential here is far more than that of Koryo! Now Yanyun is still in the investment period, and Yanyun’s agricultural development is too slow. We need to invest a lot of gold and silver every year to build water conservancy facilities. Yanyun There are also a lot of tax-free projects in the business, and it will take a few years to wait until Pangmao develops before collecting taxes! This year, the tax here is less than one-tenth of that of Korea. Next year, I am confident that the tax here will reach one-fifth of that of Korea. One, after five years, the after-tax income here must surpass that of Korea!"

Wu Dong nodded and said, "It's the best!"

Governing the country is extremely difficult, not just winning a few battles!For a country, economic development is more important!When Wu Dong heard the string of numbers just now, Wu Dong was very worried, but now he suddenly relaxed.

In fact, in addition to Yanyun, there are large territories such as Shangjing, Zhongjing, Liaodong, etc., but relatively speaking, Yanyun is the focus of development now!In Shangjing, Zhongjing and other places, even if they can develop in the past few years, I am afraid that the population will increase and the agriculture will be stable. There will have to wait for Yanjing to develop in order to fully develop.

After reporting on this year's situation, Li Gang began to report on the economic development plan for next year!Regarding the agricultural investment, commercial investment, factory relocation, etc. in the Yanyun area next year, the investment in each project will be mentioned one by one.

In addition, Li Gang plans to connect Yanyun with Northwest and other places next year!Liu Yanqing and Zhe Keqiu in the northwest have quite a large territory and a large population. They can conduct business between Yanyun and the northwest, and establish a huge business network.

Later, Li Gang talked about the expansion of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. He planned to expand the number of civil servants in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and its subordinate agencies to 1.

For this, Wu Dong agreed, and now the Ministry of Economic Affairs needs more and more manpower!Wu Dong believes that sooner or later, the Ministry of Economic Affairs will become a super organization as large as the Ministry of Military Affairs!Even one day, the role of the Ministry of Economic Affairs will override the Ministry of Military Affairs.

After Li Gang's report, Gongsun Sheng reported on his situation.

"In the second half of the year and a few months, the number of immigrants we introduced exceeded 300 million! However, these immigrants can only be resettled in Zongzhou, Lizhou, Jinzhou and other places for the time being! Most cities in the north are empty cities and need to introduce people. Zongzhou and other places are located at the junction of Yanjing and Tokyo, and this is also a place that urgently needs construction. The population migration of Zhongjing, Shangjing and other places can only be arranged in the next year or two. In addition, the road from Yanjing to Shanhaiguan has been opened, and next year In the first half of the year, the road from Shanhaiguan to Zongzhou and Lizhou can be repaired, and by next autumn, our road will be able to lead to Liaoyang, Tokyo." Gongsun Sheng said.

Road construction in ancient times was also a big project, requiring a lot of manpower and material resources.Those workers need to transport the fine sand and gravels by trucks. They need to be continuously paved with layers of sand and gravels, and there must be someone on top to suppress them.The really good roads built in ancient times, although it is impossible to drive cars and tanks like modern times, there will never be mistakes in marching, transporting materials, etc., and there will be no muddy roads in heavy rain.

"How are the road workers treated? How are they feeling?" Wu Dong asked.

Those workers are all prisoners of war, some from the Liao army, and some from the newly attached army!Wu Dong hadn't inspected the road construction or met these prisoners in the past few months, so he was a little worried about the situation there.

"The treatment is good. You can rest for two days every month. In addition, we will give them two taels of silver every month for prisoners of war who have worked for more than one year! Also, among the prisoners of the Liao Army, because many of them performed well, we have They are allowed to go home! In a few years, if we want to carry out such a large project, I am afraid that we will need to recruit workers, and the salary will not be too bad, at least not worse than farming in the countryside!" Gongsun Sheng said.

"That's easy to say." Wu Dong laughed.

"How is the construction of the port going?" Wu Dong asked after laughing for a while.

"Tianjin Port has been basically completed, and now a small city has formed there, with a permanent population of more than 1 people, but they are all engaged in business! There is a lot of land there, and we are now encouraging farmers to go there! Governor General , This is the port construction plan for next year. We plan to build two new ports next year! One is in the peninsula area south of Liaoyang, and the other is in the northernmost part of Koryo near the sea. These two places have extremely important functions. Not only for civilian use, it can also play a major role in the military! With these two ports, it will not be a big problem to deter the entire North Sea and protect the entire north." Gongsun Sheng said.

"These two places... are very good!" Wu Dong just looked at the map and nodded.

The reason why he nodded so readily was mainly because he knew these two places!In later generations, these two places are also famous military ports!One is called "Dalian" and the other is called "Vladivostok", both of which are strategically important ports!Later generations of Dalian belonged to China, and Vladivostok originally belonged to the Chinese. The Chinese have set foot there since the Han Dynasty. Later, in the Liao, Jin, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, it was under the jurisdiction of China. Unfortunately, the Qing Empire declined later, and it was occupied by the Russians!Now, naturally no one will snatch it there.

"The governor, Lu Junyi, and Chai Jin want to buy our 'treasure ships' and set up two huge fleets. We have discussed with the military department that we can sell some small treasure ships to them. In addition, they want to buy artillery, It is said that it is to deal with pirates on the sea. We are still discussing this. I think some small artillery with limited range can be sold to them. But every artillery must be registered, and they must not be transferred to others , In addition, they are not allowed to use this artillery at will, and they have to report to the military department where each shell is used." Gongsun Sheng said.

"Yes." Wu Dong thought for a while, then looked at Hua Rong again, and seeing Hua Rong nodding, he agreed.

Then Zhu Wu reported the situation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The focus of diplomacy is still Song Dynasty.Many officials of the Song Dynasty in Hebei were bought by Zhu Wu and others, and it was these people who brought the people of Hebei.But in Shandong, Zhu Wu's progress was extremely slow.Zhang Shuye from Shandong is a generation of virtuous ministers. After he discovered the outflow of people, he paid great attention to it. He even wrote to the imperial court to ask the imperial court to issue an order to prohibit the outflow of people. However, the court did not pay much attention to it.In addition, now in Bianliang City, the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty are building a new imperial palace. In addition to the treacherous officials such as Cai Jing and Gao Qiu, there is also a Taoist class in the Song Dynasty. Luo Zhenren, Wang Laozhi, Lin Lingsu, Zhang Xu Bai and others hold great power.Especially Luo Zhenren, he is really capable. In just a few months, he actually became the "National Teacher" of Song Dynasty, and even started to fight with Cai Jing. Cai Jing had nothing to do with him.

In addition to these, the Imperial Army and the Western Army of the Song Dynasty also invested in the construction of the palace. The new palace needed countless supplies, and many officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army and the Western Army were sent to find those supplies.

"Hmph, let the emperors and ministers of Song Dynasty continue to build the palace. It's best that this palace will never be built." Wu Dong snorted coldly.

"Next year, our Liangshan will mainly develop, but in the process of development, we will clean up Xixia people! Xixia people, it's time for the city to punish them! And Dongying, after Xixia is wiped out, they will be next. ! Before attacking the Great Song Dynasty, we must make the north completely peaceful!" Hua Rong said.

Hua Rong felt a little helpless now. In fact, Liangshan's military strength is extremely strong now. This kind of military strength is enough to sweep all the surrounding countries!It’s just that if a country is eliminated, it will take time to digest the territory, people, etc. there, as well as the input of manpower and material resources!These all restrict the military department from going to war immediately.

The Mongols of later generations annexed the world extremely fast!But the Mongols mainly rely on "killing" to rule the world, and the slightest resistance will massacre the city!Wherever they went, the local population decreased greatly, and the population of the Great Song Dynasty decreased by 5000 million, which is evident!By doing this, the speed of annexing the world is naturally fast, and all those who dare to resist are killed, and the rest dare not resist them at all!Liangshan can't use such a method. After Liangshan annexes a place, it needs to completely digest those places and make those places truly a part of Liangshan. From people's hearts to economy to culture, they must be integrated into Liangshan. This speed is naturally far slower than Mongols are gone.

"This is the plan to destroy Xixia! We are still researching and improving." Hua Rong said.

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