Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 554 Splendid Cherry Blossoms

"Governor, this time I really discovered a talent! Take a look at this test paper!" Qin Hui said.

He handed a test paper to Wu Dong, and Wu Dong read it carefully.As soon as he got the test paper, he couldn't help but let out a round of applause.Let's not talk about how well the test paper is done, just the good handwriting is enough to make people admire.Liangshan has developed to the present, and there are already many literati and Confucian scholars among them, and good handwriting can be found everywhere. People like Li Gang and Qin Hui are among the best, but their handwriting is not as good as the one in front of them. words on the test paper.

"Good calligraphy! Really good calligraphy!" Wu Dong couldn't help saying.

He started to look down, and the first thing he looked at was the newly learned scroll.

The first few questions of the new study were about analyzing the words of the sage Mencius. Wu Dong looked carefully, and he found that this man's answer was almost exactly the same as the correct answer!Then read on, the last question is to explain how to ensure the independence of the judiciary!This person's answer is to first ensure that the courts will not be interfered by the government, and then to ensure the independence of courts at all levels, and the higher courts must not interfere with the trial of lower courts.The last thing is to ensure the independence of the court. Judges have the highest status in handling cases, and no one else can interfere.In addition, to ensure the non-political organization of judicial personnel, judicial personnel must not join any political organization.

The words are exceptionally beautiful, the content is exceptionally smooth, and the answers given are so shocking!Many of these contents, Wu Dong did not expect!He couldn't believe that there were such outstanding talents in Goryeo!

After reading the new study, Wu Dong started to read the science papers again.The answers in this test paper are not very outstanding, and can only be said to be above the average.

"Who is this person?" After reading everything, Wu Dong couldn't help asking.

"This man is called Hu Quan, and he is a Han from the south of the Yangtze River." Qin Hui said.

"Hu Quan?" Wu Dong shook his head, he had never heard of this person.

But he didn't know that this person was very famous in history. He was one of the four famous ministers in the early Southern Song Dynasty, as famous as Li Gang, Zhao Ding and others!This person is much younger than Li Gang and Zhao Ding, and he is the main force of future generations to fight against Qin Hui!He was originally from Jiangxi, and Jiangxi's generation suffered from Hua Shigang, and also suffered from years of severe drought. This person brought the elders of his hometown to Korea!Now he is a scholar in a village near Seoul. He used to teach the students in the village how to read, but this time he came to take the university exam.

"What subject did he apply for?" Wu Dong was very interested in this person.

"Politics." Qin Hui said.

"Oh! This person is not simple!" Wu Dong said.

Political science at Korea University is taught by some officials, mainly to teach how to deal with civil affairs.In addition, after taking this course, you have to go to the local area for an internship every year.It can be said that a large number of officials will be selected from this profession in the future.Therefore, this major is an extremely popular major, and the number of applicants is extremely large.And after entering this major, the elimination rate is extremely high.If you do not study well or do not perform well in practice, you will soon be eliminated.According to Wu Dong's guess, this possible final elimination rate may reach 50.00%.This person dared to apply for such a major, first to prove that he has political ambitions, and second, to prove that he has confidence and believes in his own ability, and his ability is indeed extremely high.

"Pay attention to this person for me! In the next three years, I want to see how his internship performance is! Now that Liangshan is the first to build, it is the time when there is a shortage of talents. If he has talents, I will make great use of them!" Wu Dong said .

"Yes!" Qin Hui nodded hastily, he had already firmly memorized this Hu Quan.

The war is about to begin. Although Wu Dong has discovered talents, the battle is still extremely serious.After learning a little bit here, he returned to the Governor's Mansion to finalize the battle plan for the last time.

On the second day of April, Wu Dong took people to Dongying, and his destination was also where the Oki Kingdom was.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Wu Dong was filled with emotion.He hadn't been to the Beihai area for a long time, and the last time he went to Kudao was several years ago.At that time, Liangshan occupied Kudao, Hokkaido and other places, but this time he lost Dongying, and he wanted to occupy Dongying.

For the Dongying people, he felt conflicted.This nation is very cruel. Later generations they invaded China and killed tens of millions of their compatriots.On the other hand, this nation is very studious and hardworking. Their rapid rise after the war has a lot to do with their national character.Until Wudong crossed, this nation was the great enemy of the Chinese nation.In this era, Wu Dong will never let this nation develop here, he wants to let this nation perish and become a part of China.

"Li Gang, how is the logistics preparation? Have all the supplies been delivered?" Li Gang was beside Wu Dong, Wu Dong said.

"It's all shipped! The military rations can ensure that we can last for half a year in the case of landing! But this time we don't have so many civilians to help maintain the logistics, only the soldiers of the navy can help maintain the logistics! Although the navy has 20 troops , but there are probably only about 234 marines that can really participate in the battle. Including Wu Song's Sixth Army and the Heavy Cavalry Regiment, we may only have 37 million soldiers who can participate in the battle! The number of Japanese warriors has reached [-], and they trained It's extremely hard work, I don't know if we can defeat them in this battle?" Li Gang said with some worry.

"There is no problem in defeating them! I also know that they have a lot of troops, and they train very hard! Their training is much more cruel than ours. According to intelligence, they are fighting with real swords and guns during training. The elimination rate has reached one-third, that is to say, one out of every three people will die from exhaustion or battle during the training! Under such cruel training, their individual soldiers' quality is quite good, and their soldiers are exceptionally good. They are bloodthirsty and extremely cruel! However, the Japanese army has no experience in large-scale wars, and they do not have excellent commanders! We have been fighting endlessly in Liangshan for more than ten years, and our combat experience is infinitely richer than theirs! This time The combat plan was carefully formulated by more than a thousand staff members of the military department. These staff members have profound war experience. They also followed us to Oki Island. Suppressing bandits, fighting, and under the atmosphere of war like Liangshan, they may not be as good as Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and others, but they are definitely better than the Japanese generals! In addition, our weapons are far superior to them, and countless artillery have already been shipped , the Dongying people do not have the corresponding weapons to check and balance our artillery, they have only one way to fail." Wu Dong said.

"After defeating Japan, governance is also a problem." Li Gang said.

"As long as we completely subdue them, governance will not be very difficult. Don't worry." Wu Dong said.

It took them five full days to arrive at Oki Island, where one hundred thousand Liangshan Army, ten thousand heavy cavalry regiments, and one hundred thousand Second Navy Second Army were stationed here.Now the island is full of the sound of soldiers training, and the navy's warships have blocked the nearby waters to ensure that no Japanese ship will arrive here.

Wu Dong set foot on the island and found a group of children looking at them curiously.

"Are these the aborigines of the Oki country?" Wu Dong asked.

"Yes! They and the Dongying people are actually the same nation. They may have immigrated here from Dongying a long time ago! This Oki country is huge, and the number of aborigines on it is about 2! When we first arrived, they They dare not resist us at all, so we let them continue to live here! Now some people in this Oki country have begun to learn our Chinese language and serve us Han people." Ruan Xiaoqi said.

"Can the soldiers adapt to life here?" Wu Dong nodded and asked again.

"I'm not used to it, especially the soldiers of the Sixth Army. Many of them are sick. But we have a lot of medicinal materials and doctors. They are just not acclimatized, and they will be cured soon." Ruan Xiaoqi said .

"Very good!" Wu Dong nodded.

He looked around and found that the scenery of the island was very beautiful.There are many cherry blossom trees on the island, and now is the season when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.Some of the cherry blossoms are pink, while others are bright red.The cherry blossoms are brilliant, but Wu Dong seems to see blood, death, and massacre when he looks at these cherry blossoms!

Soon, Japan will undergo drastic changes!Before attacking the Song Dynasty, Wu Dong had to sweep the surroundings, first eliminate all the forces that might restrain him from the rear and flanks, and then take the Central Plains with all his strength!The war is about to start again!

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