Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 555 The Battle of Japan 1

Dongying was known as Fusang and Waguo in ancient times, and it was also known as "the place where the sun rises". However, on the 15th day of the fourth lunar month, the southern part of Dongying Honshu was covered with clouds. www

In the afternoon, it began to rain heavily in the sky.

During the day, the naked eye can still see tens of meters away.When the night fell, it was completely pitch black in front of my eyes, and I couldn't see my fingers.In such weather, even lighting a torch is useless. If the rain is too heavy, the torch will be extinguished immediately.

And on the night of this day, the Liangshan Navy First Army stationed in Fukuoka City in the north of Kyushu Island began to move!A total of more than 200 large ships set off from the north. These large ships crossed the Maguan Strait and headed for the opposite Honshu Island!

The Maguan Strait connects Kyushu Island and Honshu Island. This strait is extremely narrow, especially in the direction of the northeast corner. The narrowest place there is only 700 meters!However, Liangshan's navy did not land from the northeast. They actually landed on Honshu Island from the westernmost and widest place in the strait.

It's raining, and the waves are raging!In such weather, even the big ships of the navy must be cautious when driving, lest they encounter accidents.

Ruan Xiaoqi frowned, although today's weather is excellent, suitable for raid operations.But today's wind and rain are a bit too big, and such a big wind and rain may encounter a little danger.It would be bad if the ship hit the rocks.

"Brother, why don't we land from the east? It's the narrowest place, and it's much easier to land from there." Beside Ruan Xiaoqi, a middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Ruan Xiaoqi asked.

"Second brother, it is precisely because it is extremely easy to land there, even without a big ship, our soldiers can swim there, so the Dongpu people have set up extremely tight defenses there! Once we land, they will be discovered immediately! So we We have to make a detour and land in Honshu from the west," Ruan Xiaoqi said with a smile.

It turned out that the middle-aged man next to him turned out to be Ruan Xiaoqi's second brother, Ruan Xiaowu!Ruan Xiaowu was originally in charge of the Dengzhou Customs. This time, a large amount of supplies were transported from the Dengzhou Customs, and he came along with him.

"I see!" Ruan Xiaowu nodded.

"The southern camp of the Dongying people is in the east! We will rush towards the camp of the Dongying people immediately after we land! The sky is so dark and the wind and rain are blowing, it is impossible for them to find us! Wait until we take down the southern camp of the Dongying people in one fell swoop. , we will continue to advance northward and fully invade Dongying Honshu Island." Ruan Xiaoqi said.

It was a short journey, but because of the wind and rain, it took the First Navy Army an hour to arrive at the south coast of Honshu Island. At this time, the soldiers finally started to land!

A total of [-] marines jumped off the boat and headed towards the opposite side. If it was normal, such a large-scale naval operation would have been discovered long ago, but in such a dark night, no one could notice it at all. them.

The marines landed extremely fast, and in just a quarter of an hour, all 5 people came to the coast.

As for the brothers Ruan Xiaoqi and Ruan Xiaowu, they had already come to the coast.

"So fast!" Ruan Xiaowu said in surprise.

"Soldiers of the Marine Corps are training to land on the island every day! For this day, we don't know how much sweat we have shed!" Ruan Xiaoqi laughed.

"I really envy you all! The army, this is where men should stay! The battlefield, this is the most passionate place!" Ruan Xiaowu sighed.

"Second brother, you can also join the army and fight with us." Ruan Xiaoqi said.

"I want to do this, but the governor will not agree." Ruan Xiaowu smiled wryly.

He has been in Dengzhou Customs for many years, and he is very familiar with the things there. Dengzhou Customs cannot do without him now.A few years ago, he still dreamed of galloping the sea, but this wish was difficult to realize.I am afraid that he will not be able to truly relax until the end of the Great War.

The [-] army did not stop at the coast, they rushed towards the east immediately!All the soldiers carried spears in their hands and longbows on their backs. Apart from this, they did not carry the rest of the army rations, etc., so their marching speed was extremely fast.

The heavy rain poured down, and the sound of their footsteps had long been covered by the sound of rain.But on the way, after all, someone found them!These people were all spies from the military camp in the south of Dongpu, some of them were killed by the marines, and some of them ran eastward desperately.

"We've been discovered!" Ruan Xiaowu said nervously.

"It doesn't matter, everyone is rushing forward, their speed may not be stronger than ours! They knew our arrival immediately, and they don't have time to convey it back now!" Ruan Xiaoqi said.

"Quick! Quick, speed up! Go faster!" Beside them, the officers of the Marine Corps have urgently urged the soldiers to go faster.

In just one hour, 50 marines ran [-] miles!

Below is the southern camp of Dongpu!The marines rushed into the southern camp of Dongpu in five groups!

In the southern camp, at this moment, only the endless sound of wind and rain and the sound of sea waves can be heard, but no sound of shouting for killing can be heard at all, because the sound of shouting for killing is also covered up!In the entire southern camp, massacres are happening everywhere!

The Dongying warriors trained extremely hard, especially the Dongying warriors in the southern camp. Because they are close to Kyushu Island, they have a stronger sense of crisis and more intense training!They only have an hour and a half to rest every day!They were already exhausted to death for half a day, and now they are lying there sleeping soundly!And the wind and rain outside can make people feel calm, they seem to sleep more deeply than before!When Liangshan's army arrived, they had almost no reaction, and most of them were asleep!

However, as more and more Dongying warriors died, the screams and the smell of blood still woke up the rest of the warriors around them!Gradually, the number of Japanese warriors waking up also increased!

"Kill!" In the night, the Dongying warrior roared and rushed forward.

Dongying warriors pay attention to the spirit of bushido. For the sake of the emperor, they can "die without remembrance, death without scruples, and death without hesitation." Go ahead!They didn't even get together, they just "sacrificed their lives" and moved forward!Although the warriors of Japan have begun to evolve into the army over the years, the spirit of Bushido has been firmly engraved in their hearts!At such a critical moment, they just want to dedicate themselves, and they have no concept of soldiers in their hearts!

In this kind of night, the soldiers of Liangshan cooperated with each other to move forward!They formed a row of spear formations, the soldiers in front stabbed forward together, and when they retracted, the soldiers behind moved forward together again!This continues one after another, and everything in front of them can't stop them!

More and more Dongying warriors came to their senses, and finally some Dongying warriors united together, holding bushido in their hands, and slashing forward together!

However, at this moment, the sound of bows and arrows sounded!Countless bows and arrows shot forward, and suddenly a large number of Japanese warriors fell to the ground!

The Dongying people actually have their own bows and arrows, but the bow and arrow technology of the Dongying people is extremely backward. The range of their bows and arrows is extremely short, less than 30 meters!According to the ancient Japanese records discovered now, the Dongying people rarely used bows and arrows in actual combat. Even if they used bows and arrows, they usually aimed at the target within a short distance before firing!Dongyinggu generally describes bows and arrows as "longbows and huge arrows, which can be used close to others"!In the dark night, Dongying people never thought of bows and arrows!

Soldiers from Liangshan were charging forward in units of battalions and companies, and the battlefield was filled with the sound of bows and arrows!In the night, the sound of "swish swish" even covered up the sound of rain!The number of arrows falling from the sky even exceeded the number of raindrops!Every time after the rain of arrows, countless Japanese warriors fell to the ground, and at this time the marines behind had already wiped out all the remaining Japanese warriors with their spears!

"Commander, the First Division has occupied the northeast direction!"

"The Second Division has occupied the northwest direction!"

"Order the first and second divisions to advance southward together!" Ruan Xiaoqi said.

"Order the third division to advance eastward, and the fourth and fifth divisions to prevent anyone from escaping!"

Battle reports from all over the world kept coming in, and Ruan Xiaoqi kept issuing new orders.

When the sky was dark, the battle was finally over.The Dongying people had [-] soldiers in the southern camp, but almost all of them died here at this time.The blood flowed all over the earth, but the rain dripped, and the blood was washed into the sea again!There are corpses everywhere, samurai swords everywhere, and the scene of the war is still so cruel!

Liangshan soldiers didn't have time to clean up the battlefield, they didn't even have time to clean up their brother's corpse!They continued on in the rain, and in the afternoon they arrived at Xiaguan City, which is one of the most important cities in the southern part of Honshu Island!Xiaguan City didn't expect the sudden attack of Liangshan's army at all, and they didn't have any defenses at all!The Liangshan soldiers marched desperately regardless of life and death. In just one hour, Xiaguan City was conquered, and [-] Liangshan soldiers entered Xiaguan City!

And at the same time when the Marine Corps started to attack, Zhang Shun also led a [-] navy to raid Yanai, Xiamatsu, Shunan and other places in the south of Honshu Island on the same night. Most of the samurai in Dongying were near Kyoto. Almost no other troops were stationed, and all these places were occupied by Liangshan that day!Soon, Zhang Shun's army continued to march north!

In just a few days, the entire south of Honshu Island was caught in the flames of war!

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