Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 627 New World Part 2

"I don't know, we don't understand the language of the barbarians, so we don't understand why they abandoned the city!" The scholar shook his head.welcome to read

In fact, these are the cities left by the Mayans, and the "barbarians" in their mouths are the descendants of the Mayans!The Mayan civilization in the classical period was extremely prosperous. By 900 AD, the classical Mayan civilization ended and many Mayan cities were abandoned. Historians did not figure out the reason until Wudong crossed over later. Some said it was because of the war. , It is also said that it was because of the plague, and it was said that it was because of peasant rebellion, collective suicide, etc. In short, the Mayans abandoned these cities.

"Are there any abandoned cities?" Yelu Dashi asked.

"Should there be? More than 1000 soldiers of the navy are still exploring the environment here." The scholar said.

They stayed in the Mayan city for two days, and they were more and more amazed by it!The level of civilization in this city is extremely high. In addition to the characters, calendars, and temples that have been discovered, they also found that this city has an excellent drainage system!In addition, there are abandoned fields around the city, and it can be seen that there is an extremely sophisticated irrigation system there.

A few days later, naval officers and soldiers found more villages, but they never found the city again.It wasn't until April that they found a city that was actually inhabited, but the scale of this city was much smaller than that of the abandoned city, and there didn't seem to be a highly developed civilization like the Abandoned Land there. Simple population gathering place.

In addition to these, naval officers and scholars of the Academy of Sciences discovered many crops!These crops are very different from the crops in the Central Plains, and some crops are very strange to them!For example, corn, pumpkins, tomatoes, etc., which are common in later generations, have already been eaten by the Mayans, and the Central Plains people have not seen these crops yet.

In mid-April, a large number of ships returned from the north and the south. Chao Gai, Yelu Dashi and others also returned to the coastline. They joined the navy officers and soldiers.

"How is it? Is this a continent?" Chao Gai immediately asked the first time he saw the naval commander.

"It's a continent, and it's an unusually huge continent! We've been going north and south for 20 days, but we still haven't come to the end. No one knows how big this continent is! On land, the officers and soldiers of our navy have gone all the way, and there is no end in sight! If this is not a continent, what is it? According to the report of the Academy of Sciences, the products here are extremely rich, and they even found some iron ore and copper mines. There are also some precious gems! Moreover, according to our investigation, the population here is very limited, and there is no unified political power here! There are only some small villages and towns here, and the rulers here are at most some chiefs! We want Occupying this continent is easy!" the teacher said excitedly.

"You want to occupy this continent?" Chao Gai asked in disbelief.

"This is natural! The mission of our army is to expand the territory! Now that we have discovered the New World, why not occupy it?" The teacher laughed.

"If we really occupy this place, our land area can at least double!" said another naval officer next to him.

"This place is too far away from the Central Plains. Even if we occupy this place, ordinary people will not come here." Chao Gai shook his head.

"The products here are rich, and people will definitely come! Merchants will definitely come. If farmers can't live in their hometown, or if the land is too little, they can come here! This place is much stronger than the barren northern ice sheet !” said the teacher.

"Should we stay here now and occupy this place?" Chao Gai said.

"That's not necessary! Our task is to go all the way forward and continue to explore. Now we just need to record this place, and the main fleet of our navy will naturally come here in the future! When the fleet of more than [-] people arrives, that will be When occupying here." The teacher said.

"Where are we going now?" Chao Gai asked.

"Let's... go south first! Going north is getting colder and colder. It seems to be the same as in the north of our Central Plains. Ice sheets will appear at that time! Let's go south and see how big this land is. If possible, we will continue to go east .” The teacher said after pondering for a moment.

Daliang's fleet started again, and more than 5000 people headed south.It took more than two months to go south. During these two months, naval officers and soldiers also landed again to inspect the environment of the mainland.They found that the mainland was extremely desolate, and sometimes they could only see endless forests without even a single figure.The forest area here is huge, and there are unusually wide rivers in the forest. The animal species here are quite different from those in the Central Plains. This novel world makes everyone excited.

It's just that they still haven't reached the end of the continent!

"This place is much bigger than the Central Plains!" Chao Gai said.

They were in Central and North America before, and now they are going all the way south, almost passing through the entire South America. Naturally, this place is much larger than China.

"Yes, and there is not much population here, at most there are some scattered small countries! Sooner or later this place will be completely occupied by us!" The navy division commander said excitedly.

"Even if we occupy this place, even if the people of the Central Plains are willing to come here, it will not be easy to govern this place in the future. It is too far away from the Central Plains!" Yelu Dashi said lightly.

"This... If the sea transportation is developed, here will be closely connected with the Central Plains, and governance will be easy." The teacher said.

"It's possible." Yelu Dashi nodded.

In July, the weather is getting colder!It was originally summer now, but it seemed like winter had entered here!In fact, this is exactly the seasonal difference between the northern and southern hemispheres of the earth. It is indeed winter here!

The soldiers of the navy occasionally entered the mainland and found that it was snowing on the mainland, which surprised everyone.

In August, the fleet finally reached the end of the continent.

"It's so cold here! We sent a small boat to investigate the front just now. The wind and waves ahead are very strong. Let's find a sheltered place to rest for a while, and then go forward through the wind and waves." The teacher said.

They found a shelter from the wind. On the one hand, the soldiers seized the time to rest. On the one hand, the workers were urgently repairing the small problems of the ship. On the other hand, the division commander sent more people to investigate the environment ahead.

In August of the eighth year of Datong, Daliang's fleet finally crossed Cape Horn, the southernmost tip of South America, and continued on its way.

They came to the vast sea again...

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