Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 628 Europe

"Shall we continue east?" Chao Gai asked after leaving Cape Horn.welcome to read www

"We took a long way to the south, let's go north first, and then go east!" Said the naval commander.

"Good!" Chao Gai nodded.

They headed north in the vast sea, first along South America, and then on the eastern coastline of South America.

This time, they sent more soldiers to explore on land.

Stopping and stopping along the way, until October of the eighth year of Datong, they were still on the eastern side of South America.

"It turns out that there are still big countries on this continent." On this day, when everyone gathered on the boat, the navy commander said.

It turns out that there was an Inca Empire in South America in this era. Of course, the Inca Empire in this era is far from reaching its heyday!Historically, it was probably not until the 45th and [-]th centuries that they expanded aggressively and reached their peak!But even when they reached their peak, their system was still extremely backward, and soon they were conquered by European colonists!

"How many people does that big country have?" Yelu Dashi asked.

"I don't know much... But although they are a big country, they are very backward. Their soldiers don't have decent weapons in their hands. Many soldiers fight with wooden sticks! There is still not much difficulty in conquering here." The commander said.

"Their culture is also very backward. Except for a very small number of people, the vast majority of people can't read and write! Let alone read and write, it is difficult to see a book here! They have almost no Decent clothes! This is really a backward place ruled by barbarians!" said a scholar of the Academy of Sciences.

They are full of contempt for the barbarians here, because this place is too backward, even ordinary people in the mountains of the Central Plains are much richer than here!

Everyone discussed for a while, but they didn't care about this so-called "big country".From this day on, they really headed east and finally left the coastline of South America.

The sea is vast and the road is extremely difficult. Sometimes they can't see an island for more than ten days.Sometimes they see islands, but there is nothing on the islands, and it is impossible for them to replenish fresh water.Due to the harsh environment, dozens of soldiers died here in just one month.

The army mourned silently for the dead soldiers, but after arriving here, they couldn't stop their footsteps and could only continue to move forward.

At the beginning of November, they came to the African continent, where they stopped for a while.

The soldiers entered the African continent, and those from the Academy of Sciences also entered the African continent.

Soon they discovered that this was an unusually barren land, where it was extremely hot and the land was extremely desolate!It's pretty hard to grow anything here other than weeds!According to the calculations of later generations, the yield per mu of land in Africa is only one-fifteenth of the world's average level. This is also one of the reasons why Africa lags behind in later generations. Five million people in Africa starve to death every year.

They had discovered a new continent with rich resources before, but they were not very interested in this barren continent.

But the Tu people in Africa surprised them. Yelu Dashi was knowledgeable and said, "Could it be that these people are slaves of Kunlun?"

Chao Gai said, "Kunlun slave? What is that?"

Yelu Dashi said: "Zhang Ji of the Tang Dynasty once wrote a poem called "Kunlun'er". Yuluo once pierced his ears, and his head was not wrapped in a long snail bun. Zixi’s skin was as black as lacquer, and his fur was half off when he walked.’ The poem said that the skin of the Kunlun slaves was as black as lacquer, and the snail bun was long. The skin of these Tu people in front of them is so black, The hair is all curly, isn't it a Kunlun slave?"

After Yelu Dashi finished speaking, Yelu Jinning nodded. He was also from aristocratic background and had read many books, so he naturally knew the classics of "Kunlun slaves". It seems that the Tu people in this continent are really so-called "Kunlun slaves"!The naval division commander and several officers also nodded slightly at this moment. They had also heard related legends.

"So, we are not far from the Central Plains?" Chao Gai said excitedly.

"I'm afraid it's still very far away from the Central Plains!" Yelu Dashi shook his head.

In any case, the "Kunlun slaves" are all characters recorded in the Central Plains classics. Seeing these characters now, they feel excited when they have been away from their hometown for a long time.After seeing these legendary characters, it is not impossible for them to return to their hometown.

"Are we going south or north now?" Chao Gai asked.

"Let's go north, and after investigating for a while, we'll go south again! The purpose of our trip is to inspect various places, and we can't miss any place," the teacher said after thinking for a while.

"Good!" Chao Gai nodded.

Until February of the ninth year of Datong, Daliang's fleet finally arrived in Portugal, Europe!

Here, they finally met the real Europeans!

The naval division commander sent someone to investigate the situation above, and soon he had a preliminary impression of this place. He called everyone over and said: "This is a new continent with a huge population, and there are cities and towns here. Villages and towns, with civilization, here are almost the same as our Central Plains! It seems that there are all Semu people here, and it turns out that the hometown of Semu people is here."

Chao Gai said, "What should we do now?"

Yelu Dashi said: "We should send envoys here to deal with the government here first."

The teacher nodded and said, "That's exactly what I mean!"

So the division commander sent more than ten envoys into the European continent to communicate with European countries.

However, only one month later, all Daliang's envoys were massacred to death by the Europeans!European countries regard the Han people in Liangshan as demons. Under the organization of the Holy See, the fleets of all countries unite and start to attack Liangshan's fleet!

At this moment, the navy commander, Chao Gai, Yelu Dashi and others realized that this is not a friendly continent!They have only 5000 people, and the number of soldiers is limited. Although their ships are far superior in quality and have weapons such as artillery, they still have no determination to fight Europe. After breaking up the fleets of European countries, They headed south.

"Remember this, we will come back sooner or later!" Said the naval division commander.

They have captured many Europeans and learned about the situation in Europe through Europeans.There are some nobles among the Europeans who understand Persian, and there are people in Daliang's fleet who understand Persian.By this time, they finally knew the relationship between Europe and Persia, and they also knew that they could travel from Europe to Persia by land.In this era, Europeans had not yet discovered the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa, and to the north was an ice sheet, which was impassable at all.

"Let's go south!" The naval division commander said decisively.

Daliang's fleet went south, and they passed through Africa again, where they inspected for a while.This time they discovered the existence of the desert, which is boundless and unbelievably desolate, and they have a deeper understanding of this continent.

In June of the ninth year of Datong, they finally arrived at the Cape of Good Hope in southern Africa.After arriving here, they continued to go south, and after a few days they found that they were still in the vast sea, and they finally knew that they had left this continent.

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