Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 632 Changes in the Political Situation 3

In June of the tenth year of Datong, Li Gang became the first Prime Minister of Daliang Central Province after being elected by the Consultative Council!

After being elected, Li Gang didn't have any pride in his heart, only apprehension. He was afraid that he would not be able to govern the country well, and that he would fail Wu Dong's great trust!After personally visiting several important ministers, Li Gang decided not to change Wu Dong's national policy at all, and continued to follow Wu Dong's national policy!With Wu Dong already making major changes, he decided to seek stability!In the early Han Dynasty, there was Xiao Gui and Cao Sui, and he was also preparing to learn from Cao Shen. :Reading novels

However, his decision is in line with the current situation. It has been ten years since the world has undergone great changes. In the past ten years, Liangshan has introduced countless new policies. These new policies are different from previous dynasties.

After talking with Li Gang in person, Wu Dong felt relieved!

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed, and the political situation in Daliang is stable!Except that Wu Dong no longer participates in politics, the entire girder does not seem to have changed much!By this time, officials from all over the country, soldiers and civilians across the country are gradually relieved!However, there are still some people who are reluctant to leave Wu Dong. They often ask Wu Dong to come back, but how can Wu Dong agree to this request?


August, autumn has arrived!The autumn is cool and refreshing, Wu Dong lives in the palace in Yanshan, this is the most relaxing time for him in the past 20 years!

In the afternoon of this day, the guards came to report that it was Chai Jin and Lu Junyi who asked to see him, and Wu Dong asked them to invite them in.

"Brother Chai, Brother Lu, long time no see!" Wu Dong looked at the two with a smile, and found that they were both dressed like rich men, with a rich aura all over them.

"See Your Majesty!" Chai Jin and Lu Junyi hurriedly saluted.

"You don't need to be too polite! You all sit down and watch the autumn maple leaves with me... Both of you are big businessmen now, and you don't get up early if you don't have any profit. When you two come to me, you must have something to ask for, but that's the case. ?” Wu Dong asked.

Chai Jin and Lu Junyi had already sat down. After hearing Wu Dong's words, their faces turned red!They are indeed asking for something.

"When Daliang founded the country, you were very kind to Daliang! Now if you have any requests, just say so. If I can help you, I will definitely help you." Wu Dong laughed.

"Your Majesty, we want to get the sea chart to the New World! In addition, we want to know some detailed information about the New World." Chai Jin said.

"Oh? Are you going to the New World?" Wu Dong asked in surprise.

"That's right! When the fleet went to sea, we also sent people to follow, and we also recorded the charts and the situation in the New World, but our records were not detailed enough! We heard that the Navy has the most detailed records. We think To obtain these records, I came here to beg Your Majesty." Chai Jin said.

"This matter is easy to talk about, I promise you! Are you two going to the New World, ready to do business?" Wu Dong said.

"Of course it's for business! We heard that there are many novel crops in the New World, which may be introduced to the Central Plains! I heard that there are still a lot of minerals and gems there. We are also planning to ship some back to see if we can open up the market." Chai Jin said.

"The sea is extremely dangerous. Since you are going, you must be well-prepared! Your ship must be able to withstand strong winds and waves, and withstand long-distance travel. In addition, it is easy to get sick at sea. You must be prepared. Enough medicine requires a good doctor!" Wu Dong said.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we have been in the sea trade business for many years, so we naturally know what to pay attention to when sailing at sea! We have also gone to Nanyang, Tianzhu and other places a few years ago, and there was no danger. This time, we just went further." Chai Jin said. .

"You can go to Chao Gai, Yelu Dashi and others. They have been to the New World once, and they already have a certain understanding of it. Yelu Dashi's nephew, Yelu Jinning, is a talent, and his records on the New World are especially good. In detail, many of his insights are also different, and he will definitely be helpful to you." Wu Dong said again.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your guidance!" Chai Jin said hastily.

In August, Chai Jin and Lu Junyi personally led the team. They took more than 20 ships and more than [-] people to the New World!This time, Chao Gai, Yelu Dashi and others followed them again, and some people from the Academy of Sciences also followed them. These people from the Academy of Sciences wanted to establish a base in the New World and conduct a long-term investigation there.

"There is a magical crop in the New World, or it can be said to be a seasoning. The taste of that seasoning is excellent! I brought some when I left the New World, and now I have already eaten it, and I can't stop thinking about it every day! If we can use that seasoning If you bring it back, you can sell it for a high price." Yelu Dashi laughed.

He was talking about chili peppers. Historically, chili peppers were introduced to China in the Ming Dynasty. After chili peppers entered China, they were rare and expensive at first, and the price was very expensive, even reaching the point of tens of taels of silver per catty!Now if the peppers are shipped back to China, they will definitely be able to sell at a good price.

"The land in the New World is extremely fertile, and there are many crops there. We can build manors there and grow those crops." Yelu Jinning said.

"Now the New World has been designated as Daliang territory by the Central Province, but the Central Province has no specific plan to develop the New World! If we build a manor there, I'm afraid we must first get the approval of the Central Province." Lu Junyi shook his head.

"Our main purpose this time is to investigate! We will stay in the New World for a long time. If there is really value for development there, we will definitely pay a visit to all the adults in the Central Province when we come back." Chai Jin said.

Their fleet did not pass through the Southeast Asia, but headed directly to the east, heading straight for the North American continent.


In October of this year, Wu Dong led hundreds of guards on horseback to the Mongolian grassland.

The cold wind howled, the snow was blowing, and everything in front of us seemed hazy, and everyone couldn't see the scene ahead at all.

"The snow in this grassland is much heavier than the snow in the Central Plains!" Wu Dong laughed loudly with a felt hat on his head.

"That's right! It's really snowing here! Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow!" The company commander of the guard laughed.

"Have you notified the death squad?" Wu Dong asked.

"They have already been notified, and they should be here soon." The guard company commander said.

Wu Dong continued to move forward with the guards, and after walking for another hour, there was a faint sound of horseshoes ahead.Gradually, the sound of horseshoes became louder and louder, and people could already be seen in the heavy snow.

"They're here!" Wu Dong laughed.

After a while, those people finally came in front of Wu Dong and others.The leader among those people was a woman in military uniform, she had a beautiful face, she was Hu Sanniang!

"Husband, why are you here on the grassland at this time?" Hu Sanniang said excitedly.

"I resigned from my work in the Central Province, and I'm free. Now I just come to meet you on the grassland! Spend the winter with you!" Wu Dong said with a smile.

"Husband really wants to spend the winter on the grassland?" Hu Sanniang said in surprise.

"Not bad!" Wu Dong nodded.

The two armies met, and they headed towards the Prairie Army City together!It was a snowy day, and the road was extremely difficult. Fortunately, they were led by elite cavalry, and they arrived in the military city late at night.

Wu Dong entered the house of the Military Headquarters in Juncheng, where there was a stove, Wu Dong was holding hot milk tea in his hand, gradually he felt comfortable.

At this moment, a boy about ten years old broke in. When he saw Wu Dong, his eyes revealed an expression of excitement. Soon he fell to his knees and said, "See Father!"

It turns out that this ten-year-old boy is Wu Dong's youngest son Wu Yuan!Wu Yuan has been living on the grassland since he was born, and only occasionally goes to Yanjing during the Chinese New Year.

"Yuan'er!" Wu Dong laughed loudly, he pulled Wu Yuan up and hugged him tightly in his arms.

Although Wu Yuan is only ten years old, he has grown into an unusually strong body now!He grew up in a world of ice and snow, and his physique is much better than that of ordinary people.

"Is it cold?" Seeing Wu Yuan's flushed face, Wu Dong couldn't help asking.

"It's not cold! It's nothing! I've seen even colder weather!" Wu Yuan muttered as he was hugged a little tighter.

Wu Dong laughed again.

"Father, won't you leave after you come here?" After a while, Wu Yuan asked.

"I'll go back next spring." Wu Dong said.

At this moment, there are only Wu Dong, Wu Yuan, and Hu Sanniang in the room. His wife is so beautiful, and his son is so strong. Wu Dong has a feeling of happiness in his heart!He felt very warm, such a warm moment was rarely seen in his life!He thought of his children, especially his three sons. The eldest son Wu Hai grew up in Liangshanbo and went to Nanyang when he was ten years old. Until now, he and Wu Hai have not met a few times!Li Shishi's second son, Wu Liao, grew up beside him, but Wu Liao was sent to Korea University a few years ago, and now he doesn't come back in winter!The third son, Wu Principle, grew up in the grasslands and has been tempered since he was a child!Thinking about it carefully, he didn't care enough about his children.

Thinking of this, he hugged Wu Yuan even tighter.

"Yuan'er, what do you want to do when you grow up?" Wu Dong asked.

"I want to be like my father, expand the territory and conquer the world!" Wu Yuan said.

"Haha!" Wu Dong laughed loudly.

Wu Principle glared at Wu Dong, as if he disapproved of Wu Dong's laughter.

"Husband, this autumn, three tribes on the grassland went to the Qincha grassland." Hu Sanniang said suddenly.

Daliang unified the grassland, and the grassland had been divided into ten tribes, each with a population of more than 30.Three tribes went to the Chincha Grassland, which means that more than [-] people went to the Chincha Grassland.

"Oh?" Wu Dong couldn't help being taken aback.

The Chincha Grassland is located in the north of the Mongolian Grassland, probably from what is now Kazakhstan to southern Russia!There are many races there. From the ninth to the eleventh centuries, these races established tribal alliances and occupied the Eurasian grasslands!Now the Qincha grassland has declined, but there are still a lot of ethnic groups there, and the overall strength is only slightly inferior to that of the original Mongolian grassland.

"In the next year, more people from the death-death army may go to the Qincha grassland." Hu Sanniang said.

"Why didn't the military get the news?" Wu Dong asked in surprise.

"We have already sent people to report...the distance from the grassland to Yanjing is too far. When my husband arrives, the envoy from the grassland should have just arrived in Yanjing." Hu Sanniang said.

Wu Dong nodded.

"The death-death army's desire to conquer is getting stronger and stronger, and I can't control it now! When the death-death army's military headquarters meeting, I originally suggested to wait a little longer and enter the Qincha grassland in a few years, but most people I don’t even agree! The desire to conquer is so strong, I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.” Hu Sanniang said.

"Of course it's a good thing! Isn't it a good thing for them to conquer foreign lands and open up territories for Daliang?" Wu Dong said.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to control these people in the future! What if the death squads break away from the Central Plains?" Hu Sanniang said.

"How could it be? They are also Han Chinese!" Wu Dong said.

"They are no longer the same as the Han people in the Central Plains! Now they are more cruel and ruthless than the Mongols in the past. They dare to fight and are never afraid of death. I don't know whether we are training warriors or tigers and wolves." Hu Sanniang said.

"Don't worry, the grassland and the Central Plains are inextricably linked! Every year, the Central Plains sends a large amount of supplies to the grasslands. Without these supplies, the grasslands simply cannot support so many soldiers! In addition, the soldiers of the Death Army sent them Send their children back to the country to receive domestic education! Also, every year we will transfer some Death Army soldiers back, and send fresh blood to the Death Army, so there will be no big trouble here." Wu Dong said.

"I hope so." Hu Sanniang was still worried.

"Daliang is constantly promoting the nationalization of the army, and the grassland is also implementing it! These are enough to ensure that the army will not cause chaos!" Wu Dong said.

Hu Sanniang nodded lightly.

"Yu'er, you have suffered in the grassland for many years, why don't you go back with me?" Wu Dong said.

"Go back?" Hu Sanniang was taken aback.

"I don't want you to suffer any more!" Wu Dong said.

"If I go back, what will happen to the grassland? There are millions of people and hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers on the grassland! I'm afraid that after I leave, there will be trouble if other people control this place." Hu Sanniang shook her head.

Wu Dong frowned, and after a while he nodded, not forcing Hu Sanniang to leave here anymore.


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