Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 633 Check and Balance

It was not until the spring of the 11th year of Datong that Wu Dong returned to Yanjing City. www: read novels

From the first day he returned to Yanjing City, Wu Dong devoted all his energy to presiding over the reform of the Consultative Council.

In March, the Conference Board passed the "Bill of Rights", which formally endowed the Conference Board with legislative power, financial approval power, and administrative supervision power. In addition, the Conference Board can decide the successor to the throne!After possessing these many rights, the current Liangshan Consultation Bureau has fully possessed all the rights of the parliaments of later generations.

In May, the Consultative Council passed the law on the election of members. Members below the state and counties are directly elected, while members of the provincial and national consultative bureaus are elected indirectly.

Although the electoral system has been determined, it will take a long time for it to be truly implemented and perfected!Fortunately, Wu Dong is now the chairman of the National Consultative Bureau, and he has enough time and energy to deal with these matters.

Regarding the reform of the Conference Board, many officials in Central Province are talking about it.In the past dynasties, there has never been an institution like the Advisory Council in China, and the power of the Advisory Council is a bit too big now, it is incredible!

During the Dragon Boat Festival, Zhu Wu came to visit Wu Dong, he said: "Your Majesty, the Consultative Council has such great power now, will it affect the administration of the Central Province?"

The Advisory Council has the power of administrative supervision, which Zhu Wu finds most inconceivable.

"No! As long as the Central Province implements the correct laws, why should the Advisory Council stop it? Although the Advisory Council has the power of administrative supervision, it requires extremely cumbersome steps to overthrow a law and requires a certain number of members To propose a motion, a majority of the members need to pass it. Normally, as long as it is not too controversial, the members will not do that.” Wu Dong said.

"Will there be some evil people who will control the Advisory Council in the future?" Zhu Wu asked again.

"All members of the Advisory Council are elected, and a small number of them may become members through deception, but most of them are good, and they believe in the eyes of the people! Moreover, in the Advisory Council, the members of the Council The status is the same, even the chairman only has the power to convene members and preside over the council! It is not easy to truly control the Advisory Council." Wu Dong said.

"I still feel that the Consultative Council has too much power." Zhu Wu still shook his head.

"In fact, it's not just that the Advisory Council has great power. We are passing a bill to improve the power of the court. The next round may be the reform of the court." Wu Dong said lightly.

"Court reform? What will the court look like?" Zhu Wu asked hastily.

"In the future, the courts will be completely independent from the government. The courts and the government will be two completely independent institutions! Even the central province cannot check and balance the courts at all levels, and the prime minister must not interfere with the affairs of the courts! The courts can investigate officials at all levels , the Supreme Court can even rule that the Central Province's decree is unconstitutional and reject the Central Province's decree." Wu Dong said.

"Ah! How could this be? In this way, the Central Province, the Consultative Bureau, and the court all have huge powers, and the three check and balance each other. I'm afraid our administrative efficiency will be extremely low!" Zhu Wu said.

"The checks and balances you just said are very good, and we need checks and balances! The three checks and balances can ensure the perfect operation of the government! With checks and balances, there will be no dictators, and there will be no absolute rights! Our rights come from The people of the world, now divide this right into three equally, and serve the people. Wouldn’t it be good? If the power is in the hands of one person or an organization, the final result will inevitably be that this person or this organization oppresses the people. Domineering over the heads of the people! From now on, no one in China will have absolute power." Wu Dong said.

"No one has absolute rights? What about you, Your Majesty?" Zhu Wu hesitated for a moment and said.

"How much power do you think I still have now? I have already withdrawn from the Central Province. After the reform of the Consultative Council, it is impossible for me to control the entire Consultative Council! I am now mainly relying on my previous prestige! Given time, my Although future generations can become emperors, it only has a symbolic meaning at best." Wu Dong said.

"In that case, wouldn't His Majesty be is this possible?" Zhu Wu said in surprise.

"Although it's only the emperor or prince in name, I think it's good that future generations can enjoy wealth without worrying about state affairs! If someone really wants to participate in politics, they should withdraw from the royal family and never be a child of the royal family again." Wu Dong said indifferently. the way.

Zhu Wu looked at Wu Dong with disbelief in his eyes.


In the summer of the 11th year of Datong, Lu Junyi, Chai Jin and others finally returned from the New World!They brought back a lot of peppers, a lot of novel crops, and they brought back a lot of ore, and some shining gems.

Although these things are valuable, but because the cost of coming and going is too high, they don't actually earn much money, but Chai Jin, Lu Junyi and others are still very excited!This time they are only exploring the New World initially, and the market has just opened up. They are confident that they will make more money from the New World in the future!

"Those natives have a lot of gold and precious stones in their hands, but they only need porcelain, and only porcelain can exchange those gold and precious stones from them! We brought too little porcelain this time, and we will bring more next time. Take back all the gold and precious stones in their hands! This is a lucrative business! We have to go early, if others preempt it, it will be bad." Chai Jin said.

"When are you going to set off again?" Yelu Dashi said.

This time he came back with him, but Chao Gai, the Ruan Brothers, Yelu Jinning and others had already stayed in the New World and established a base there.

"We need to prepare some goods, and we won't be able to set off again until autumn at least! I've been exhausted this year!" Chai Jin said.

"By the way, I have sent people to the Central Province to apply for the right to establish a manor on land! Cotton in the New World can be made into cotton cloth, and we should grow cotton in large quantities! I plan to build a few cotton manors first, but this requires A lot of labor." Lu Junyi said.

Cotton appeared in the Northern Song Dynasty in China, but at that time cotton was used as an ornamental plant, and it was not very practical!In the Southern Song Dynasty, cotton cloth appeared in China for the first time!After the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongols put cotton cloth as the top tax in the summer, but China's cotton production was still extremely low at that time!It was not until the Qing Dynasty that China introduced American cotton from the Americas, and China's cotton production was greatly increased!

Now the New World is the Americas, and the output of the original American cotton far exceeded that of Asian cotton and European cotton, so Lu Junyi had such an idea.

"Some aborigines in the New World dare to attack us. We should suggest that His Majesty send troops to conquer all the aborigines first!" Yelu Dashi said suddenly.

It turns out that not all the aborigines in the New World are friendly, some are friendly, and some are attacking the people of Daliang and robbing the goods of Daliang!Because of this, many of them died this time.

"If Your Majesty is willing to send troops now, it would be the best! However, the domestic consultation bureau and the courts are reforming now. Your Majesty is afraid that there will be turmoil in the country, and the army will frighten Xiaoxiao in the country! In addition, I heard that the daring people on the grassland The dead army has now gone north into the Qincha grassland, and the military expenditure is huge. While most of the domestic income is invested in infrastructure construction, the Central Province is definitely not willing to spend money to prepare for the second war." Chai Jin thought for a moment, said .

"The eldest prince is in Nanyang, and he has an army under him! Although this army has been incorporated by the military in name, in fact they are still in a semi-independent position. We might as well contact the eldest prince and ask him to send troops! If the time comes If we make money, we can share it with the eldest prince." Lu Junyi thought for a while and said.

"That's fine! Brother Lu, how about this, you prepare the goods in the country and recruit people who are willing to work in the New World, and I will go to Nanyang to pay a visit to His Royal Highness the Prince!" Chai Jin said.

"it is good!"

So this matter was settled in this way, Lu Junyi stayed in the country, Chai Jin didn't even enter the house, and went to Nanyang by boat on the same day.


In China, the reform still affects people's hearts!Ordinary people may not feel the changes in the system, but some high-level officials and some old and young of the Song Dynasty are paying close attention to the changes every day.

On this day, the Great Confucian Yang Shi called several of his friends and disciples together to discuss the changes in the Consultative Council.

"The Advisory Council has great power. I read the election bill of the Advisory Council. As long as it is prestigious and supported by others, it can enter the Advisory Council! If we can enter the Advisory Council, we can check and balance the Central Committee. In the future, Confucianism may flourish again in the future!" Suddenly a big Confucianism.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to enter the Consultative Council." Yang Shi said.

"Why can't we enter the Consultative Council?" the great scholar asked.

"Wu Dong's traitor is extremely despicable, shameless, and lowly. He opposes our Confucianism everywhere. How can he tolerate us entering the consultation bureau?" Yang Shi sneered.

"What Mr. Yang said is true!" The great Confucianists next to him agreed.

But Yang Shihua said so, but he still participated in the election of the Consultative Council!He thought to himself that it would be best if he could enter, but if he couldn't enter, he would have reason to criticize and insult Wu Dong!In addition to him, several other great Confucians also participated in the election of the Consultative Council.

But to their surprise, not only did Yang Shi enter the advisory bureau, but most of the other great Confucian scholars also entered the advisory bureau, and only two of them lost the election.

Yang Shi was amazed!Only one month later, Yang Shi formed the "Confucianism Party" with several great Confucians, but the influence of the Confucianism Party was still extremely small, and they only had very little power in the Consultative Council.

Wu Dong did not stop Yang Shi's actions. That night, Wu Yong came to visit Wu Dong.

"Your Majesty, Yang Shi and others are the relics of the Northern Song Dynasty. They are the most rebellious! Now they set up the so-called Confucianism Party, trying to restore the old learning and resist the new learning. Why don't you stop them and drive them out of the Consultative Council ?” Wu Yong asked.

"They entered the Advisory Council according to the rules! As long as we act according to the rules of our game, I will not expel them!" Wu Dong said.

"But they will eventually affect the governance of the Central Province!" Wu Yong said.

"There must also be this possibility...Wu Yong, you and Qin Hui and others promote new learning, but you can also form a political party to counter Yang Shi! In the consultation bureau, the power of new learning is much greater than Confucianism. "Wu Dong said.

"Establish a political party? Compete against Yang Shi? If so, wouldn't I want to withdraw from the Central Province?" Wu Yong hesitated for a while and said.

"You don't have to quit. Don't you have a group of people who specialize in new learning? For example, Xue Guo, you can let those people form a political party, and you and Qin Hui can exert influence on them." Wu Dong said.

"Okay!" Wu Yong nodded.

This Wu Yong acted vigorously and resolutely, and he established the Xinxue Party that month.


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