Late at night on New Year's Eve, Wu Dong had already laid down, but it was difficult to fall asleep.

Burning charcoal in the room, the temperature is extremely high, and there is a feeling of spring.He hugged Hu Sanniang, and gently stroked Hu Sanniang's satin-smooth body with one hand.

"Husband, what are you thinking?" Hu Sanniang asked.

"I'm thinking about my father... Shi Shi, Jin Lian and the others." Wu Dong said.

He misses his father very much, and he has been with him for more than ten years, and his father and son love each other deeply.Now that his father is getting older and cannot accompany him every day, Wu Dong feels that he is a little unfilial.As for Li Shishi, Pan Jinlian, and his son Wu Hai, they are naturally thinking of them too.

"We'll go back to Liangshanbo when the matter in Hedong is over." Hu Sanniang said, kissing Wudong.

"En." Wu Dong replied casually.

"Husband, go to bed quickly." Hu Sanniang said.

"Okay... the new year is coming, and then we will face more challenges." Wu Dong smiled, and finally closed his eyes gently with his arms around Hu Sanniang.

In the new year, if there is no accident, Wudong will launch the Battle of Goryeo, preparing to occupy Goryeo in an all-round way.The situation is already in jeopardy now, and the Liao Kingdom will be destroyed in four or five years. Wu Dong must occupy Goryeo before the Liao Kingdom is destroyed.If the Jin people occupied the territory of the Liao people and their strength soared, and then occupied Korea at that time, I am afraid that they would be much behind the Jin people.

As for the Battle of Goryeo, Wu Dong is also a little worried now.He knew that Goryeo's powerful troops were all on the northern border. Although the Goryeo army was defeated last time, the Goryeo Kaijing was stationed by veteran soldiers who were vulnerable and incomparable to the border troops.Just like the Song Dynasty, the Forbidden Army in Bianliang was far inferior to the Northwest Army.

"It's another big battle... we must be fully prepared..." Wu Dong finally fell asleep in a daze.


In Puzhou Mansion, Zhang Yu, the magistrate, is not asleep at the moment, he is entertaining a "VIP"

In addition to him, General Guan Sheng of Puzhou and several high-ranking officials accompanied this "guest of honor".

"Tian Zhuangshi abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, which is really a blessing to the Song Dynasty and all the people." Zhang Yu raised his wine glass and said excitedly.

"Don't dare... Actually, I wanted to surrender a long time ago. It's just that my brother went against the law, and I couldn't help it. Now that my brother is dead, I hurriedly surrendered to the court." A big man stood up, drank the wine in his glass, and laughed. road.

It turned out that this big man was none other than Tian Hu's younger brother Tian Bao. After he planned to surrender that day, he had been in contact with the Puzhou government these days. VIP.

For him, if he was recruited, he would be able to become an official of the imperial court, and it would be a good thing to get rid of his status as a grassroots bandit.As for the Puzhou government, if they can recruit such a big bandit, it will be of great merit, and of course they are willing to do such a thing.

"Master Zhang, what kind of official position do you think the court will confer on me?" Tian Bao asked urgently.

"If there is no accident, the position of a pacifier cannot be escaped, and there should be the position of the chief of the army and horses." Zhang Yu thought for a while and said.

In the original Water Margin, after Song Jiang was recruited, he was appointed as the comfort envoy of Chuzhou and the head of the military and horse capital. Now Tian Bao has [-] troops under his command, and his strength is not trivial. .

"That's great!" Tian Bao said excitedly.

The general manager of soldiers and horses can be regarded as a military officer of the second rank, which can be regarded as an extremely high official position.He is a grassroots bandit and has nowhere to go, and now he can get such an official position, which has greatly exceeded his expectations.

Of course, the status of a military officer in the Great Song Dynasty was relatively low. Even if he really became the commander of the army and horses in the future, he would have to respectfully salute when he saw Zhang Yu, who was a fourth rank.Unless those marshals who really guard one side don't have to be careful and respectful when they see ordinary civil servants.

"Thank you sir for cultivating it!" Tian Bao drank another cup and laughed.

"You're welcome. From now on, we're all colleagues. Maybe Tian Zhuangshi will guard Puzhou area, you and I will see each other often, and then we will support each other." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Yes, sir, don't worry." Tian Bao said.

"Tian Zhuangshi, who are those rogues in the north?" At this moment, Guan Sheng asked suddenly.

During this period of time, everyone knew that the "rogue bandits" in the north defeated Tian Hu and occupied Tian Hu's territory. Now they are all guessing the origin of those "rogue bandits".

"I also just got the news that they are bandits from Liangshanbo," Tian Bao said.

"Liangshanbo?" Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they remembered the place Liangshanbo.Liangshan Po is a famous big lake in the Song Dynasty. It is said that it was occupied by a group of grass bandits, but I haven't heard how powerful the grass bandits are there. How did they occupy Tian Hu's territory?

"There is a timely Yuwu Dalang in Liangshanbo. I've heard of it...they hide in the water and dare not come out for many years. How can they be so strong?" Guan Sheng asked in surprise.

"This matter... Whether it is the government or the friends of the rivers and lakes, Liang Shanbo is underestimated. Liang Shanbo's strength is extraordinary. According to the news I got, they first went to Huazhou, Shaanxi, and defeated Lord Tong Guantong there. The [-] elite soldiers rescued Song Jiang, and then took over our original territory." Tian Bao said.

He remembered the scene of Liangshan burning Lishan, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"It's so powerful?" Everyone couldn't believe it, and at the same time they turned pale with shock.

Zhang Yu and Guan Sheng frowned, thinking that the people in Liangshanbo had defeated all the elite soldiers in the Northwest. They were even more powerful than the original Tianhu. Now it seems that another big enemy has come to the north. facing a huge threat.

"Now that I think about it, my nephew should have been killed by those people from Liangshanbo!" Tian Bao sighed.


Northwest Jingyuan, this is the front line against the Xixia people.At this moment, Zhong Shidao is here, the snow in the northwest is especially heavy, the room is extremely cold, Zhong Shidao is sitting by the stove drinking wine, and his two cronies, Qu Duan and Han Shizhong, are by his side.

Qu Duan and Han Shizhong are both famous figures in history. Qu Duan is now the capital of Jingyuan. In the first year of Jingkang, the Jin people invaded the Central Plains. People can't go south at all. Later, Qu Duan led the northwest soldiers and horses to fight against the Jin people many times, and repeatedly blocked the Jin people's attacks.At that time, Shaanxi people said, "Wen and martial arts are Qu Da, and those who have strategy and courage are Wu Da." They were talking about two famous generals in the Western Army, Qu Duan and Wu Jie.

As for Han Shizhong, later he became more famous than Qu Duan, but now he is not as famous as Qu Duan, just a partial general.He joined the army very early. When he was 16 years old, Xixia people harassed the border. Han Shizhong fought hard to kill the enemy, killed the general of Xixia, and blocked Xixia's attack.But after the military exploits were reported, Tong Guan didn't believe it, and just raised Han Shizhong a level.It was not until the second year of Xuanhe, that is, next year, that Fang La rebelled, and Han Shizhong followed Tong Guan to Fang La and made military exploits, and then he was promoted step by step. (In real history, it was Han Shizhong who captured Fang La alive.)

"The commander-in-chief seems very unhappy?" Han Shizhong couldn't help asking after taking a sip of his wine.

"The country's affairs are difficult. I don't know when it will be peaceful. How can I be happy?" Zhong Shidao sighed.

Zhong Shidao is not young at this time, nearly 70 years old, but his prestige is still extremely high.His family has grown stronger and stronger over the years. Not only is he an envoy of the Northwest Economic Strategy, but even his younger brother Zhong Shizhong has been named Qin Feng's economic envoy. With two economic envoys in his family, it can be said that he is the No. 1 military envoy in today's army. up.It is extremely rare to see such a frowning scene.At least Qu Duan and Han Shizhong have followed him for many years, and they rarely see such a scene.

"We haven't fought with the Liao people for many years. I heard that the Xixia people are also interested in negotiating peace with us. Peace in the world is just around the corner. Why should the commander worry?" Han Shizhong said.

Han Shizhong is now just a partial general with limited access to information, so he now feels that the future is bright and he doesn't have much to worry about.

Zhong Shidao shook his head and said: "I just got the information that His Majesty wants to unite with the Jin people to deal with the Liao Kingdom and try to regain the Sixteen States of Yanyun. What do you think?"

Qu Duan and Han Shizhong were both taken aback, and Qu Duan said: "Commander, this matter is worth discussing... I heard that the Jin people are very strong and have already defeated the Liao Kingdom repeatedly. If they join hands with the Jin people, it is really possible to take back Yan. Cloud sixteen states."

Han Shizhong also had the same idea, and said, "I think it's feasible."

Zhong Shidao frowned and said: "This statement is wrong. The Jin people are more cruel and powerful than the Liao people. If we really unite with the Jin people to destroy the Liao Kingdom, how can we stop the Jin people when the Jin people fight over?" people?"

At this period in history, the entire court of the Song Dynasty was planning to unite the Jin Dynasty against the Liao Dynasty. The only one who was the teacher was Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty who proposed to unite the Liao Dynasty to fight the Jin Dynasty. Of course, Song Huizong did not accept his suggestion, otherwise the direction of history may not be It was like that later.

Qu Duan and Han Shizhong frowned, but they couldn't make up their minds for a moment.But the two of them are just generals at the grassroots level now, so it's enough to think about such things, and it's not their turn to advise on major national affairs.Even if they have any ideas, it is impossible to spread them to the center, and they can only discuss them in private.

"In addition to foreign troubles, domestic banditry is also getting stronger and stronger. Tong Guan just sent the news that it was Liangshan Po bandits who defeated my [-] army in Huazhou that day." Mr. Zhong said.

"Liangshanpo bandits?" Qu Duan and Han Shizhong were surprised. They have been in the northwest all the time, and they have never heard of Liangshanbo's group of people. Presumably they are not famous people. How could they be so powerful?

"These thieves, only 1 people, defeated an army of [-] strong. From Shandong to Shaanxi, they passed through countless counties and counties. They did not commit any crimes, and no one noticed them all the way. I also heard that Wu Dong, the leader of Liangshanbo In the beginning, it turned out to be recruiting people, not going around looting... This thief has great ambitions, and I am afraid it will be a serious disaster for the country in the future. Han Shizhong, I have one thing to tell you." Mr. Zhong said.

"Please tell me, Commander," Han Shizhong said hastily.

"You take 1000 troops to Liangshanbo, and stop the leader of Liangshan, Wudong, near Liangshanbo. You must kill this thief!" Zhong Shi said.


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