Don't look at Han Shizhong as just a partial general, but both force and resourcefulness are rare in the Western Army.He is now in his 30s, and he has not made any military exploits these years, mainly because the Xixia people have hardly attacked in these years, so there is no chance to make meritorious deeds.Once he is given the chance, he must be a famous general of the generation.

Zhong Shidao deeply understands this truth, and has long treated Han Shizhong as a confidant, so he sent Han Shizhong to perform this task.

"Don't worry, Commander, I will definitely kill this thief!" Han Shizhong knelt down without hesitation and said loudly.

"Okay! I'm very relieved for you. Today is New Year's Eve... You will leave tomorrow." Teacher Zhong said.

"Yes!" Han Shizhong accepted the order.

On the first day of the first lunar month, Han Shizhong ordered 1000 elite soldiers and headed towards Liangshanbo.

On the same day, Wu Dong, Lin Chong, Wu Song and others walked around the house with food, snacks, wine and vegetables, etc., to pay New Year's greetings to the people.

When they heard that the people in front of them were the main leaders of Liangshan, the people burst into tears of gratitude, which was unbelievable.

In the past, whether it was when the court was in office or when Tian Hu was in office, how could it be reasonable for an official to meet the people?Even if the common people want to pay New Year's greetings to officials, they may not be able to see it!

In the hearts of the common people, such a leader is simply a Buddha or a Bodhisattva descending from the sky, and the legendary Yao, Shun and Yu Tang are nothing more than that?

"I really don't want to eat the food and wine sent by the governor. If it wasn't for fear of spoiling, it would have been placed on the table for sacrifices." An old farmer said exaggeratedly.

"Sure enough, Liangshan is very different from Tianhu. This is the real kindness to the people." Some poor students talked about it.

The news of New Year's greetings quickly spread throughout Fenyang City. Originally, Wu Dong only visited a few houses. When he came out, there was already a sea of ​​people outside. Seeing him kneeling down one after another, Wu Dong had no choice but to invite these people to get up. Many families left before leaving.

In fact, in later generations, it is very common for leaders to pay New Year greetings to ordinary people. Whether it is sincere or just for show, there is no reason to stay at home during the New Year.Wu Dong came from a later generation, so he naturally learned this method well, who would have thought that the people of this era would be so grateful.

That night, Wu Dong and others spent time in the barracks, making dumplings and watching various entertainment activities with the officers and soldiers in the barracks.The entertainment activities in the army are nothing more than martial arts contests and so on, but seeing Yang Xiong show off his skills, Wu Dong couldn't help laughing.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, Yang Xiong took thousands of soldiers and horses, and took the head of Tian Hu to the counties to recruit the enemy.

Tian Hu's territory has a total of 56 counties in five prefectures. Now Liangshan only occupies the land of the five prefectures, and none of the 56 counties is occupied.However, there are almost no defenders in these 56 counties. The county magistrates and county lieutenants of the 56 counties have long known the news of Tian Hu's killing.

Some county magistrates and county lieutenants have even made up their minds to go to Fenyang, Weisheng and other places to surrender voluntarily after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, because it is rare to use troops before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in this era.The general government does not deal with affairs before the fifteenth day of the first month, so they set the time on the fifteenth day of the first month.

Unexpectedly, just after the new year, before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Liangshan's army has already arrived.At present, these county magistrates and county lieutenants have surrendered one after another. If there is one word to describe them, it would be "surrender at the wind".

Among the 56 counties, the only one with any strength is Zezhou County.There are still thousands of defenders in Zezhou County, as well as tall city walls and a lot of food and grass, but the chief general of Zezhou County has already heard the news of Tian Hu's death.

Yang Xiong ordered someone to send Tian Hu's head over there. After confirming that Tian Hu's head was real, they no longer had the slightest fighting spirit.

Tian Hu is dead, who else are they fighting for?Based on their land in one county, if they can beat the land of five prefectures?

If you surrender early, you can still save your life... If you just stubbornly resist, I am afraid there is only one dead end!

In just a few days, all the 56 counties became Wu Dong's territory!

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, military control began to be formally implemented.

The Liangshan army entered various counties, and the original county magistrates and county lieutenants, if they had some talent, would continue to be hired, and those without talent would be sent home immediately.As for the countryside, Liangshan troops also entered.Choose the township head and deputy head directly from the army to rule one territory.

Liangshan's trial system has also been implemented in these places, but the trial system here is somewhat different from the jury in Shuibo. All juries must have at least one army representative, and the army representative can veto all judgments.

In addition, Liangshan began to implement the "New Military Law" in the east of the river. The so-called "New Military Law" is actually a civil law for the management of the people. It just simplifies and changes the Song Law, and makes more severe punishments.

China has been a society of human relations since ancient times, and human relations are greater than legal principles.Especially in ancient times, when adjudicating a case, not only the law must be paid attention to, but also human relationship and relationship.Sometimes, even if the people did not break the law, they may be punished if they violated the human relations.

As for military law, the ancients paid attention to the principles that military law is like a mountain, and military discipline is like a mountain.Military law does not respect human feelings. Those famous generals in ancient legends often have examples of using their relatives for surgery, which is not uncommon at all.

The reason why Wu Dong named the civil law the "New Military Law" was because of the current implementation of military control on the one hand, and on the other hand, he hoped to use the name of "military law" to cultivate the spirit of the rule of law among the people.They know that the military law is like a mountain and will not violate the "New Military Law", and the spirit of the rule of law will naturally take root in the hearts of the people.When military control ends in the future and the "New Military Law" is replaced by civil law, the spirit of the rule of law will continue to be passed on.

If it is in a general place, it is naturally difficult to implement these policies.But in the land of Hedong, after Tian Hu's destructive rule for many years, all the forces have completely disappeared.Whether it is the gentry class in the city or the clan forces in the countryside, all of them are gone. Liangshan now has no difficulty in implementing these policies.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Liangshan began to divide the fields.

Originally, the gap between the rich and the poor was huge in the Song Dynasty, and almost all the land was owned by landlords and gentry.When Tian Hu was in power, almost all the landlords and gentry were slaughtered, and all their land became the private property of Tian Hu's army.Liangshan naturally snatched all these lands now, and then distributed them to ordinary people.

Every commoner can get five or six acres of land, and everyone is grateful... The only thing that makes them a little disappointed is that the ownership of this land still belongs to Liangshan. Only after they have worked for 20 years can this land truly belong to them.

In addition to land, Liangshan also provided a large number of seeds and agricultural tools.

30% of the people's annual harvest must be turned over to the Liangshan army as military rations.After 20 years, when the land truly belongs to the people, they only need to pay 10% of the agricultural tax.

"Master Jun, I have something to ask." In the countryside of Fenyang City, when the land was being divided, an old farmer suddenly asked.

"What's the matter? Just ask." Liang Shan Wuchang, who was in charge of dividing the land, said.

"Master Jun, I heard that as long as you join the Liangshan army, your family will get this piece of land immediately, but is it true?" After the old farmer asked, he looked at the corporal with eager eyes.

"Of course it's true." The corporal nodded and said.

"Look, can I join the army?" The old farmer asked hastily.

"You... you're too old, you can't do it," Wu Zhang said.

"Ah... how old do you need to be?" the old farmer said unwillingly.

"Anyone over the age of 16 and under 36 can join the army... I will recruit soldiers in Liangshan in a few days, and you can all try it then." Wu Zhang said.

Hearing this, the people around hurriedly discussed, and everyone decided to let the young people in the family join the army... Although Liangshan said that the land will belong to them after 20 years, but 20 years is really too long. There are too many variables, who knows what will happen in the future?So everyone was thinking of enlisting their family members in the army and getting immediate land titles.

At the end of the first month, Liangshan formally recruited troops. After layers of selection, they finally got [-] recruits.In fact, he could have gotten more soldiers, but Hedong has been exploited too much by Tianhu, and now there is nothing to do, so he must leave enough middle-aged men to do farm work, otherwise he will starve to death next year.After next year, the situation will improve, and more soldiers and horses should be recruited by then.

It was already the beginning of February, Wu Dong and Lin Chong stood on the top of the hill, watching the recruits training below, after a long time, Wu Dong said: "Brother, you must train them hard, use the cruelest means to train them, and try to let them Become an elite soldier as soon as possible! The imperial court will definitely not let us go, at most one or two months, the imperial court will have a large army to encircle and suppress the east of the river."

Lin Chong said: "Brother, don't worry, I can guard this place."

Wu Dong nodded, and said: "That's the way, Zhu Wu is very talented, you should listen to his opinions more...Also, I have left Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu, and Hu Yanzhuo for you, let them assist you."

Lin Chong said: "You go to Korea, don't you take them with you? Goryeo is also going to fight this year."

Wu Dong said: "Korea has Huarong, Yang Zhi, Ruan Xiaoqi, Luan Tingyu and others, and Sanniang is also a master at using soldiers. With these people around, it shouldn't be a problem."

Lin Chong nodded. He also knew that there were many generals in the Koryo war zone, that most of the governor's offices were in Koryo, and most of the personnel of the Liangshan Military Aircraft Department were there, so he no longer refused and left Yang Xiong and others in Hedong.

"Aren't you going to see Bi Sheng?" Lin Chong asked again.

"No need... Since he is unwilling to surrender, let him see if Liangshan can achieve some kind of hegemony in the future." Wu Dong laughed loudly.

That Bi Sheng, although he may be Tong Guan's confidant, has very strong bones. He has been captured by Liangshan for a long time, and no matter how much he persuades him, he will not surrender.Even though Bi Sheng's family was brought here, he still did not surrender.Liang Shan had nothing to do with him, so he was put under house arrest in Shanxi.

"Tomorrow I will leave Hedong and go back to Koryo! I will preside over the war in Koryo! Koryo should also need a real war!" Wu Dong said after making up his mind.


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