() "Oh!" The girl blushed, and said "oh", but her eyes flickered, but she didn't continue talking.She was not deeply involved in the world, and she really didn't know how to deal with this situation.

The other party has paid to rent the house, so she should leave.But where could she move?However, it seems impossible to continue living here.

You can talk to the landlady for a while, after all, you have paid money to live here for more than half a year, so you have a little friendship.But in front of this strange man, how could he not leave?

When the girl's thoughts were in confusion, Yang Yixuan quickly looked at the girl.The facial features are very correct, and the appearance is very good, although it does not reach the feeling of being eye-catching and amazing.But definitely a beauty.However, Yang Yixuan could feel that this girl was too good at dressing herself up.An uncoordinated outfit made her look much plainer than she actually was.

Of course, the deepest impression on Yang Yixuan was that this girl had a fragrance that made people fall into it unconsciously.Tianxiang body, this fragrance is really wonderful!Yang Yixuan thought in his heart.Thinking of this, Yang Yixuan began to speak.

"How was the interview?" Yang Yixuan asked with a smile. He remembered that this girl hurried out in the morning to go for an interview.

"Ah! Don't drive me away, okay! Let me stay for a few more days." Yang Yixuan's words surprised the girl, as if she didn't hear what Yang Yixuan said just now, she was worried about being driven away.As soon as he opened his mouth, there was a plea and a sense of helplessness.

"You misunderstood, I didn't mean to drive you away." Yang Yixuan quickly explained, how could he drive this girl away?Is it so easy to meet a beautiful woman with a fragrant body?It's not easy to meet one, this girl asked Yang Yixuan to take care of him, and Yang Yixuan would agree without even thinking about it, how could she be driven away?

"I'm just asking, how was your interview in the morning?" Yang Yixuan calmed down, and immediately regained his composure.More than two years of medical practice experience, met all kinds of people, plus more than 1000 years of practice experience.Yang Yixuan's current psychological quality is much stronger than that of the fresh graduates.

"Interview, I've hung up." The girl shook her head, but a blush appeared on her face.

She went to apply for a secretary position and made it all the way to the final interview. During the interview, the manager asked her if she could take care of the boss's private life at work?

personal life?what happened?When she asked, the manager smiled and told him that the boss is also a human being, and sometimes at work, it is unavoidable that some masculine impulses are unavoidable. At this time, he hopes that the secretary can cooperate with him.

Speaking of this, girls are naturally sensitive so tell her what's going on.When she blushed and said it was too difficult, the person from the personnel department immediately told her with a dark face that she failed the interview.

Of course, she didn't say this in front of Yang Yixuan, but when she thought about it, she was quite embarrassed and her face turned red.

"Look slowly, don't worry, the house is so big, I can't live in three rooms by myself, and I will live in that room for you. Look for a job slowly, and you must find a suitable one." Yang Yixuan said, as someone who has experienced it, Yang Yixuan It is very clear that the first job is very important to the whole life, and it cannot be sloppy.

"But, what should I do if I don't have the money to pay the rent to you?" the girl whispered.

"The rent is not in a hurry. When will I find a job and get paid and have money, when will I give it to me." This rent is really not Yang Yixuan's goal. For this reason, Yang Yixuan dropped a very manly sentence.

"Oh, good." This girl didn't even know how to thank her, she obviously belonged to the kind of person with a lot of nerves.

"Thank you so much!" The girl finally remembered and wanted to thank the other party, "My name is Chen Qixiang, don't worry, when I find a job and pay my salary, I will pay your rent as soon as possible!".

Speaking of this, Chen Qixiang blushed again. She has been looking for this job for three or four months, and there are more than a dozen companies that have been interviewed.But five of them thought she had no work experience, while eleven made excessive demands, which made her unable to find a suitable job until now.

She really wasn't sure that she would be able to make up for the rent in the short term.

"Look slowly, it's better to look for another two or three months." Yang Yixuan thought evilly in his heart, "If you suddenly find a good salary, food, drink and lodging, and you leave suddenly, I don't know how to find you. .”

"Hehe, don't worry, I won't press you for rent. I came here in the same way back then. I know that it is not easy for a fresh graduate to find a suitable job." The words came out of Yang Yixuan's mouth, but Become such a high-sounding rhetoric.

"Ah, brother, which school did you study in?" Hearing that Yang Yixuan also had her current experience, Chen Qixiang immediately felt that she was one step closer to him.

"I'm from Chenghan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine." Yang Yixuan said.

"Ah! So it's senior brother! I'm also from Chenghan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine!" Chen Qixiang heard Yang Yixuan report the name of the school he graduated from, and immediately changed her elder brother to senior brother.

This time, both of them graduated from the same school, and the distance between them became closer.

The two sides had a lively conversation, and they became familiar with each other immediately.

Chen Qixiang, a fresh graduate of Chenghan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.They study majors such as medical care, but the main direction of training is the direction of nutritionists.A nutritionist, to put it simply, is to teach people how to eat healthy and so on.Broadly speaking, it combines the characteristics of chefs, health nurses, medical staff, Chinese medicine, psychologists, salesmen, administrators and other occupations into a special occupation.

For a profession like Chen Qixiang, the best thing is to be a professional personal caregiver, the salary is quite good, and the work is easy.Of course, you can also go to a company to manage the canteen and the like.

After this conversation, Yang Yixuan also knew that Chen Qixiang thought it was difficult to find a job without work experience.Of course, Chen Qixiang would definitely not tell Yang Yixuan about the unspoken reason mainly because she was young and good-looking.

Chatting and chatting, Tianse is late.

"Brother, it's getting late. I have to catch a special job fair tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep first." Chen Qixiang took out her phone and looked at it, and said.

"Okay, you go to bed first. If you have any difficulties, just tell me!" Before going to bed, Yang Yixuan said a word to Chen Qixiang, which made Chen Qixiang feel very masculine.

But when he was lying on the bed, Yang Yixuan was also thinking that he should find a job first.With a job, there is normal social interaction, so that you can meet people from all walks of life, establish various interpersonal relationships, and gain the power of joy.

Staying in this room all day, the power of joy cannot fall from the ceiling.

In Xinma Town, Yang Yixuan could set up a clinic, but in the provincial capital, this is unrealistic.First, Yang Yixuan did not have the qualification to open a private clinic, Yang Yixuan did not have a medical license, and before the previous Yang Yixuan had time to take the exam, he was crossed by Yang Yixuan from Tianxuan Continent.And this Yang Yixuan didn't even have the concept of taking a license test.Yang Yixuan also does not have a medical qualification certificate from a medical institution.Therefore, there is no condition for legally opening a private clinic at all.Second, it is impossible for Yang Yixuan to open a black clinic like Xinma Town. No one here knows Yang Yixuan, let alone trusts his medical skills.

After thinking for a while, Yang Yixuan fell asleep peacefully. Yang Yixuan was really not worried about work.Graduated from a regular university, with a medical license in hand, and with medical skills that can be called masters, Yang Yixuan is not worried about being dismissed as long as there is a hospital looking for someone.

In the next few days, Yang Yixuan also joined the huge team looking for a job.It's just that Yang Yixuan is not in a hurry, he wants to find a suitable hospital to go to work.Anyway, I don't need money now, so I'll look for it slowly, and I'd better find a hospital that hides a beautiful woman of national beauty...

Five days passed in a flash, and Yang Yixuan couldn't find a suitable hospital.Similarly, Chen Qixiang is still participating in job fairs and submitting resumes everywhere.

Five days passed, neither of them found a suitable job, but this day Zeng Rong had just woken up when he suddenly remembered that the radish and cabbage had been planted for several days, and it was time to take a look.

Opening Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai, and entering it, Yang Yixuan immediately found that the depression where there were only a few ordinary grasses was now lush!

In just five days, the sown seeds turn into harvestable vegetables.Although the aura here is much lower than the normal level of Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, it is much richer than that on the earth!

With the help of such a rich aura, these crops grow very fast!Of course, this is equivalent to the growth rate of crops on the earth.

Pulling out a radish casually, looking at the radish and cabbage in front of him, Yang Yixuan cried out in his heart. "Is this really radish and cabbage? This is simply a work of art!"

Just look at the carrots.Well-proportioned, the curvature of the body is very suitable, and the shape of the radish is already very good-looking.In addition, there is no stray beard, the whole body is smooth and white, like a piece of extremely pure white jade, and on the top, there is a touch of green color that changes from light to thick, and the color is green and pleasing, making people love it even after seeing it!There are still carrots here!

Not only radishes, but Chinese cabbage, the tender yellow leaves make people want to take a bite!Moreover, the cabbage and radish exude a fragrance, and one can tell by smelling them that the radish and cabbage are not vegetables grown in ordinary vegetable gardens.

It was impossible to plant the radish that was pulled out, and when Chen Qixiang came out with a radish in her hand, Chen Qixiang had already gone out.Keep this radish by the side of the refrigerator.Yang Yixuan cleaned up and went out to look for work.

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