The Hunting Evil Doctor

Chapter 8 So soft and so fragrant

() "Why didn't you hire me? I also graduated from a bachelor's degree, and I have more than two years of work experience!" When the third interview was rejected, Yang Yixuan asked with a cold face.

"You don't have a license to practice medicine." The interviewer said lightly.

"I seem to remember that this guy doesn't have a license to practice medicine either? And he's a freshman?" Yang Yixuan pointed to another boy beside him, regardless of the fact that the boy was already blushing.

"It's not up to you to interfere with what kind of person our hospital wants to hire! Look at your attitude. With a person like you, that hospital dares to hire you?" The interviewer pointed at Yang Yixuan's forehead with disdain and scolded him road.

"Remove your hand!" Yang Yixuan said coldly.

"It's pretty stupid, it seems really right not to hire someone like you!" The interviewer spattered all his saliva.

"Move your hand away!" Yang Yixuan said word by word, really a little angry, even in the Profound Sky Continent, where there are so many strong people, how many dare to point their fingers at Yang Yixuan?

Seeing that the interviewer hadn't moved his finger away, Yang Yixuan stretched out his hand and waved it casually in front of him. With a "snap," it lightly hit the interviewer's hand.

"You!" The interviewer didn't expect that Yang Yixuan dared to make a move. Although it was only a light wave, it did have physical contact with him.

"It seems that it is right not to enter this hospital, there are too many scumbags here!" Yang Yixuan turned his head in time, and left without even looking at the interviewer who was the vice president.

There is no need to continue the dispute, because Yang Yixuan has already used a special method to send a wave of true energy into the wrist of the vice president. After 24 hours, the vice president will feel a tingling sensation in his wrist.Then the pain will get worse and worse.

If no expert treatment is found within seven days, that hand will lose 80.00% of its function!Even if he guessed that it was Yang Yixuan who did it at this time, there would be no evidence.

Vengeance must be avenged, and vent any displeasure immediately.Joygate pursues all kinds of joy.Patience, this is not the style of Happy Gates!

As soon as he walked out of the interview room, Yang Yixuan heard a rush of footsteps behind him.

"Brother, brother, wait." A boy who was interviewed together and was also rejected caught up with Yang Yixuan.

"What's the matter?" Yang Yixuan stopped in his tracks, his face still a bit cold.

"Brother, you have backbone! I admire you!" The slightly chubby boy gasped and said, "But brother, you don't have any social experience, so I came here to chatter. The interview just now was not as simple as you imagined. ".

"How to say?" Yang Yixuan asked calmly, saying that Yang Yixuan has no social experience, Yang Yixuan is really convinced, my 1000 years of life was for nothing?

"Hey, it's very difficult to get in and work in a public hospital like this! Those who can get in are either given gifts or have connections. Brother, I suggest you go to a private hospital. In fact, the treatment in private hospitals is quite good. Not bad, but there is no official establishment." The boy said sincerely.

Hearing what this boy said, Yang Yixuan immediately realized many things.It seems that the interpersonal relationship in this society is just too complicated.In this society, there is really a lack of social experience, Yang Yixuan immediately admitted this fact.

Yang Yixuan wrote it down, next time he has to find a private hospital to try.To Yang Yixuan, there is no difference between a public hospital and a private hospital.Formal establishment?That's not what Yang Yixuan cares about at all.

After leaving the gate of this hospital, Yang Yixuan immediately returned to his normal state of mind.What happened just now will not be taken seriously by Yang Yixuan.Most of the unpleasant things will be filtered out by Yang Yixuan, the genius disciple of the Happy Gate, happy!joy!Yang Yixuan, what he wants is happiness!

When you come to a big city, the technological civilization here is more vividly reflected.Once again, he wandered around with great interest, until he ordered a fish head with chopped peppers in a Sichuan restaurant and drank a bottle of cold beer before Yang Yixuan returned to his room.

Pushing open the door, Chen Qixiang was sitting on the sofa watching Korean dramas as usual.Seeing this scene, Yang Yixuan's mouth showed a smile, he couldn't understand, why are the childish and idiotic plots of Korean dramas so popular?

But this time, Chen Qixiang didn't say hello to Yang Yixuan indifferently, but with a kind of excitement, she quickly asked, "Brother, where did you buy today's radish? It's delicious!".

radish?Yang Yixuan knew right away that the radish he put beside the refrigerator was eaten by Chen Qixiang.

"It's so delicious. It's sweeter than pears and crispier. I've never eaten such a delicious radish. Brother, where did you buy that radish?" Chen Qixiang even came to Yang Yixuan with some excitement, bursting The deep and elegant fragrance went straight to Yang Yixuan's nose.But this girl was very nervous, she stuck out her pink tongue while talking, and touched her bright red lips a few times, expressing that it was really delicious.

But they didn't know that Yang Yixuan's mind was fluttered by her unconscious lip licking behavior.

"Going out in the morning, I saw an old man selling a basket of radishes on the side of the road. I saw that the old man was working hard, so I bought one. By the way, the old man also said that this radish was grown in his own vegetable garden .” Yang Yixuan quickly calmed down, and spoke with style.Of course, it cannot be said that it was bought in a vegetable market.The old man on the side of the road was fighting a guerrilla war. Chen Qixiang wanted to buy it, but couldn't find anyone.

"It's a pity, it seems that I won't be able to eat it next time." Chen Qixiang showed a regretful look, "I'm not full!".

Hearing this sentence, Yang Yixuan's heart moved, this is wrong, that radish probably weighs three to four catties, is it full?Moreover, at this time, it should be just after dinner time.

"Didn't eat tonight?" Yang Yixuan looked at Chen Qixiang and asked.

"I only have 50 yuan on me, and I haven't found a job yet. I'm going to eat instant noodles at night." Chen Qixiang blushed slightly, but she still told the truth.

"How can I do that, eat instant noodles every day, and worry about getting liver cancer!" Yang Yixuan said it deliberately serious, and immediately changed his tone to a caring reproach, "You are really serious, tell your brother when you have no money. A college graduate and a young and beautiful girl, can’t she really find a job? I don’t have the money to tell my brother! My brother will borrow it from you first, and then just pay me back when I find a job!”.

These words, righteous words, awe-inspiring righteousness, and even more ardent affection and caring heart, made Chen Qixiang's eyes wander for a long time.

Seeing the change in Chen Qixiang's expression, Yang Yixuan quickly took out 500 yuan: "You take the money first! Eat better, and be more energetic! When you become more energetic, your luck will improve immediately. I found a suitable job!" Although Yang Yixuan didn't want Chen Qixiang to find a suitable job and leave here immediately, it must be said beautifully.

However, Chen Qixiang was obviously hesitant. Chen Qixiang was born in a poor family, but she knew that she should not ask for money from others.

Seeing the hesitant expression on Chen Qixiang's face, Yang Yixuan grabbed Chen Qixiang's little hand, and stuffed the money into Chen Qixiang's hand involuntarily: "Who doesn't have a difficult time! Maybe senior brother will also have a difficult time in the future. At that time, you will remember this Love will be fine!"

Chen Qixiang's little hand was grasped tightly by Yang Yixuan's, Yang Yixuan couldn't help admiring, it was so soft!And Chen Qixiang flinched hard, a blush appeared on her face!

Yang Yixuan let go of his hand, and deliberately asked Chen Qixiang to take it back. In fact, with Yang Yixuan's strength, how could Chen Qixiang be able to take it back?Yang Yixuan just didn't want to leave a bad influence on Chen Qixiang's heart.

Chen Qixiang subconsciously stopped, and the 500 yuan was also accepted by Chen Qixiang.

Before Chen Qixiang could speak, Yang Yixuan went out quickly, and before closing the door, he said, "Junior Sister, I'm going to look for a job, I wish you good luck!".

Close the door, leaving Chen Qixiang who is still at a loss in the room.Yang Yixuan stretched out the left hand that had grabbed Chen Qixiang's little hand and put it under his nose to smell it.

An elegant and delicate fragrance spread into Yang Yixuan's nose, Yang Yixuan sighed sincerely: "As expected, it is a heavenly fragrance, this fragrance, tsk tsk..., it smells really good.".


Tongji Hospital is a well-known large hospital throughout the country, and its reputation in the provincial capital is far higher than that of the Provincial People's Hospital.Early in the morning, a Land Rover parked in the parking lot in front of Tongji Hospital.

The car door opened, and a man in casual clothes who seemed to be in his early 30s helped Xiao Wei get out of the car.

"Wei Wei, wait a moment, I will ask Lei Zi to push a wheelchair over." The man in his early thirties said with concern while supporting Xiao Wei.

"Dad," Xiao Wei said, this man who looks like he's only in his early thirties is actually Xiao Wei's father, isn't this a good support?

"Dad, there's no need, you just need to support me a little bit. In fact, at home, I can already walk on tiptoe by myself, and it doesn't hurt anymore."Xiao Wei continued.

"Nonsense, a hundred days of broken bones! If it really breaks into several pieces, you will have to lie on the bed for at least half a month! I guess you have sprained at most, and the doctor lied to you." Xiao Wei's father was Se said, based on his experience, how could it be possible for a comminuted fracture to be able to walk on tiptoe in less than a week?

"Impossible. If he lied to me, how could he not take my money?" Xiao Wei strongly objected. Xiao Wei still had a good impression of the young doctor. It was not that Yang Yixuan confiscated her money, but Xiao Wei Wei really felt that during Yang Yixuan's treatment, her pain was greatly relieved immediately!

Speaking of this, Yang Yixuan's handsome but slightly evil smiling face rose in Xiao Wei's heart, and she couldn't help but blush slightly.

Xiao Wei remembered again, back then, that guy had been staring at the bottom of her skirt for quite a while.that guy!I don't know if he saw something he shouldn't see.Xiao Wei thought in her heart.

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