One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 209 The Three Boya Sisters


Spn Daughter Island is surrounded by wind belts full of sea kings' lairs, where almost any ship cannot sail.The huge and ferocious Neptunes have become the natural barrier of the small island brought by the wind. Only the Nine Snake Pirates, who use the ferocious poisonous giant snakes to pull the boat, can pass here with confidence.However, there are people who have reasons to come to such a dangerous place.

A five-masted giant ship quietly docked on the sea not far from Daughter's Island, and several huge sea king corpses lay on the sea around the warship.They all have a cross-shaped wound on their bodies, and the cut surface is neat, as if they were modified by the most astute chef.However, these navies did not have nothing to do this time to hunt Neptunes. They were forced to stay in the wind belt and had more important tasks.Fortunately, the person they were waiting for finally came.

Two huge swimming snakes pulled a bright red ship gradually approaching from a distance, and stopped beside the warship.A sun-like Hydra pattern is printed on the sail, which is the car of Boa Hancock, the pirate queen in the Seven Seas of Kings.

"It's really brave to park in a sea area where monsters are concentrated." A disdainful voice made the navy on the deck look at the other side with ugly expressions.Surrounded by a group of female soldiers in white cloaks, a sexy beauty with green hair is leaning on a black panther and lazily looking at the sailors who are waiting in battle. "However, facing a group of us weak women who are so trembling, you navy are really useless."

"Boa Sandersonia! We've been here for a long time. As you can see, even a warship with sea stones installed on the bottom of the ship has been here for so long and has begun to attract the attention of the sea kings. I have no time Let Boa Hancock come out right away." Although the striped suit on the flying squirrel still looks quite neat, even if he killed several sea kings with his own hands, he didn't get a drop of it on his body. Blood.But the flying squirrel still couldn't bear it any longer, and the blood of those killed sea kings would definitely attract more sea kings.If you don't solve the problem here, even if you don't have it, you won't be able to keep going. [

"Ala, what kind of tone is that?" Sonia stretched her waist, suddenly her body moved suddenly, and she waved something at Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel.Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel also didn't expect the woman to make a move as soon as she said she wanted to, so he didn't have time to draw his sword in a hurry, so he dodged to one side.

A flying blade like a triangular windmill flashing with cold light swiped past the flying squirrel, causing blood to flow among the soldiers nearby.After spinning in the air, the blood-stained flying blade flew back to Sonia's direction again, and she easily caught it in her hand. "This is just a warning. Next time I won't go any further. My imperial sister said that she would accept the Qibuhai's summoning order and she would definitely go. As for when we will go, it's not up to you navy to arrange!"

"You! You bastard, how dare you do this!" Seeing how the soldiers under her were killed by her at will, the flying squirrel was furious and ready to attack.But when his hand just grasped the hilt of the sword, the members of the Nine Snake Pirates on the opposite side reacted more quickly.

All the female warriors tore off the snake coiled around them.Those snakes also straightened up very cooperatively, when the tough hair growing on their backs was pulled away.They have become the most commonly used weapons of Amazon female warriors - bows and arrows.After the female soldiers bent their bows and set their arrows, those in the front row immediately squatted down, those in the rear prepared to shoot, and those in the middle aimed their arrows at the heart of the opposite navy.No one doubts what will happen if the next moment is to go to war. The rain of arrows like locusts will definitely make almost all the navy hate on the spot.

"Sonia, it's not good for you to do this. Those who are close to Aijia prefer the name Qi Wuhai." A charming voice came from the cabin.Although the tone is nothing special, the tone of every word of hers makes people feel more than perfect, and people can't help but want to listen to it.As the most powerful beauty product in the superhuman system, the sweet fruit can beautify a person not only in appearance.

Hearing this sound, the female warriors who were still bending their bows and shooting arrows immediately knelt on one knee and bowed to the hatch.For their queen, everyone has a kind of respect and admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

The door of the cabin opened slowly, and a slender beautiful leg stepped out, followed by a curvy and sexy body.A head of smooth black long hair fluttered slightly in the sea breeze, and a jade-like snow-white and slender neck was a delicate face like Venus.Whether it was the female soldier on the ship or the navy on the opposite side, they all lost their minds for a short time after seeing this face.Breathtakingly beautiful, this is the most beautiful woman on the sea—【One Piece】Boa Hancock.

He shook his head vigorously, suppressing the thoughts and desires that suddenly popped up in his head.Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel yelled loudly at those subordinates who were looking at each other obsessively, "Bastard, wake up! The other party is the Pirate Empress, are you still the elite of our navy!"

"Don't be so harsh on your subordinates, Flying Squirrel. It's not their fault, it's all because Aijia is so beautiful." Hancock touched his face and made a sad gesture, that charming look His appearance made the Haijun on the opposite side tremble a few times.Then Hancock looked at the sailors on the opposite side and showed a charming smile, "Thank you for coming here to meet Aijia, then Aijia will reward you accordingly." Said Hancock raised his She stretched out her slender jade arms, and placed her hands in a loving gesture in front of her chest.

"No! Get out of here!" The flying squirrel yelled in shock when it saw Hancock's movements.But the navy soldiers who were indulging in Hancock's beauty didn't react, and the flying squirrel couldn't remind them anymore.If he doesn't make a quick decision now, he will suffer too!

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel pulled out his dagger from his belt, and stabbed it at his thigh without any hesitation.Almost at the same time, as Hancock spit out the words "Sweet Sweet Wind" from his cherry lips, circles of pink light enveloped the entire warship.

"What do you want, Boa Hancock!" Enduring the pain, the flying squirrel pulled out the dagger, and expertly tore a strip from his clothes to bandage his wound.But his current situation can be said to be very lucky.The appearances of the naval soldiers standing beside him were all frozen in the last second, and they had all turned into stone statues with different expressions, without any breath of life.The only living person on the entire warship was the flying squirrel who temporarily suppressed his desire with pain.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel stared at the beautiful woman across the way, and the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed, "Are you planning to go to war with the navy? This order is for the compulsory recruitment of Qibuhai. Not only did you arrive I suddenly turned back when I was in the Chambord Islands. And I did this to my navy. You bastard woman!..."

The moment the flying squirrel started to curse Hancock, a saw wheel full of jagged teeth suddenly appeared behind him and slashed towards his neck. "Shave!" Enduring the pain, the flying squirrel activated the physical technique, and moved aside nimbly.The saw wheel drew an arc where the flying squirrel was originally, smashing several surrounding statues before stopping.The statue fragments shattered by the saw wheel released white bubbles, and became riddled with holes in the sizzling sound-the saw wheel was actually coated with extremely corrosive poison!

An orange-haired girl who has a sextile with Hancock took back the saw wheel that was completely out of proportion to her body, and gave the flying squirrel a provocative look, "Are you running fast, flying squirrel? As expected of a mouse!" But if you dare to treat Queen Hancock so politely, you should be mentally prepared!"

"[Poison Queen] Boa Marigolda. I didn't expect you to get close to me so easily. I was careless." [Pirate Queen] Boa Hancock, [Queen of Ghosts] Boa Sandersonia, and this [Poisonous Queen] Boa Marigolda, the combined strength of these three sisters is enough for them to occupy a pivotal position in the Qiwuhai.It is precisely because of this that after they suddenly returned to the voyage, the higher-ups would send themselves here.But I didn't expect them to be so domineering that even the navy dared to kill them. Are they really not afraid of the navy's accountability?

"Didn't Aijia already accept the summoning order issued by the Warring States Period? When Aijia went to the Navy headquarters, Aijia's own wishes. You guys invaded my territory so ignorantly. The navy in the Triangle Sea is made into a zombie, do you think I’m easy to bully because I’m a girl?” Hancock squinted his eyes and looked at the flying squirrel, his face already slightly sullen.

However, what she said made the flying squirrel realize that there is a chance of life. It seems that Hancock still wants to completely turn against the navy, so there is still a chance for relaxation! "Boa Hancock, since you are still planning to retain the position of Shichibukai, please don't act recklessly. After all, I came here as a messenger of the Navy Headquarters this time. For the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Bo The execution time and place of Tekas Ace have been confirmed, and it will be at the Navy Headquarters just a week later. It is precisely because of this that the time of this summoning order is a little urgent. I have received an order to come here and wait for you to go on the road together. "

"That's it... Sengoku is really courageous enough. Have you bet on the full combat power of the navy?" Hancock pondered for a while, then waved his hand at Gruta on the warship, "Just let him go, Gruta. There's no need to lose the title of Shichibukai because of a mouse."[

After Gruta nimbly jumped back to the ship a few times, Hancock ordered a few words to his subordinates, "Gentian, Lan, take your team and stop this warship outside the wind belt." Giant Beast Island (the island that Nero asked for from the Golden Lion). Amazon Lily will never allow dirty men like them to land on the island!"

The two cadres immediately took orders and jumped onto the deck of the warship with their team members.Skillfully took over control of the warship.Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel did not make any objection, but just stared at Hancock and waited for his reply.

"Listen up, mouse, I will go there to find you in three days. I will show up at the Navy headquarters on time, but you have to pay some price for your gift today." Hancock turned his head after finishing speaking, and motioned for a pull The ship's snake let an escort warship.The other pulled the Nine Snakes pirate ship and sailed towards Daughter Island.

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