One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 210 Kidnapper Luffy


SPN Hydra has been a place where power is paramount since a long time ago.On this island full of women, the most beautiful person must not only have a beautiful appearance, but also must have enough strength to prove himself.So gladiatorial, which belongs to men, is unexpectedly very popular on this island, but this time the event held in the center of the arena is a bit surprising.Not only is the project different, but also because this time there is a different contestant.

"I can't do it!" A tall and strong woman who looked like a brother fell to the ground on her back.The medical team, who had been preparing for the stage, immediately ran up and carried her down with a stretcher.

"Okay, everyone. The last challenger, Brother Chun, has also fallen. The winner of this big appetite contest is the man from Margaret's family——Luffy!" A handsome hostess walked away. Arriving at the side of Luffy who was still eating fiercely with his head bowed, he handed the microphone in front of him, "That man Luffy, can you express your feelings now? By the way, I have a personal question. Is it so edible?"

"Ah, feeling?" Luffy filled his mouth with food, thinking while chewing.Finally he figured it out, and swallowed everything in his mouth, "Although I still don't know what's going on, but thank you for your hospitality. The food here is delicious, and you are so kind. Yes Now, can you have more of that kind of noodles, the taste is quite unique!"

Luffy’s words made all the audience, including the host, full of black lines. From what the man said, he seemed to be just here for dinner, and he didn’t seem to be full... In a royal palace present But the chef began to worry that he hadn't fed His Majesty the Prince last time. If all men could eat like this, His Majesty the Prince would not have been hungry that day. [

"Ah... Luffy is really humorous, so next..." The host who was stunned by Luffy quickly recovered from his surprise, and immediately continued project introduction.At the same time, the staff on the side had already arrived on the stage and took Luffy down who was still a little bit unsure about preparing to participate in the next round.

"Huh, it's a good thing you thought of bringing him here, Stubby. Otherwise, we will definitely be bankrupted by him this time." Yafilandrabi touched her purse happily.Looking at the plates piled up like a hill on the field, she really felt a little bit worried, "Damn, Margaret. Are you sure you can afford this man's food? If not, just like Nali said Just let people visit him like he said, and earn some living expenses."

"This is indeed a problem. This kind of big stomach competition does not happen every day, and if he is allowed to come every time, the organizers will have some problems." Stubby couldn't help but feel that those seniors who formulated the prohibition of men from entering the country really It's great, if all the men are so edible, it will take a lot of work to prepare food for them, let alone training and patrolling.

"Actually, it's nothing serious. I think...he's just hungry because he hasn't eaten for a long time?" Margaret said with some confidence. Also too much.Even if the treatment as a national defender is good, I can't afford to eat like this.

"Margaret, save me! These women are crazy!" Luffy's screams made the three women who were discussing his appetite turn back.I saw Luffy rushing out from the gate of the arena with his chubby belly in his arms, followed by a group of curious female warriors.

"I heard that a man's whole body can be stretched. I don't know if it's true."

"I pulled it secretly just now, it's like a gummy candy, it's really interesting."

"Stop, let's pinch!"


"Bastard, how can I let you pinch it. I'm not Chopper and Ibrahimovic!" Luffy complained loudly to the women behind him while running, stepped on the ground and jumped onto the roof, and then Stretching out her hands and tied her hands, Margaret, who was at a loss, pulled her into her arms, "I'm sorry, Stubby, Yafilandra. You are too big for me to carry, you run for yourselves Alright. I'll take Margaret and leave first!"

"Then... what are we going to run for?" Yafilandra tapped her lips with her fingers, and looked down at Stubby with some doubts.

"I don't know, I always feel like that guy misunderstood something." Stubby spread his hands, and ran after him with some reluctance, "But we can't leave Margaret and the man Luffy alone. Damn it really I don’t know how the news about the man spread so quickly.”

Meanwhile, in a room that smells of ink.Nali is directing a group of women to be busy with their work, "Hurry up, everyone, make sure to print out all the rest of the lace news. We must take advantage of the time when everyone's curiosity about men is the strongest. Make a fortune!"

Margaret struggled vigorously, and finally broke free from Luffy's tied arms.Bi hit Luffy's head with his forehead angrily, "Man, what are you going to do! Let me go, I'm almost strangled by you!"

Luffy, who is a rubber man, felt no pressure on Margaret's headbutt.While running, he explained to the struggling Margaret, "Don't move around, okay! Didn't you see those crazy women have been chasing us? I will never let my partner defend me again The soldiers are chasing you. Don't worry, I can definitely take you to a safe place."

"Eh? Don't you think..." After hearing Luffy's explanation, Margaret suddenly had a dumbfounding impulse, "They didn't mean anything malicious, they just saw you as something new. I just started watching I also want to pinch and watch when it comes to you. It doesn’t matter if we don’t have to run away.”

"Of course I know this, but it's because of this that I have to run away. I am very grateful that they invited me to eat, but I was touched all the time..." Luffy seemed to think of something horrible Shivering as if something happened, Bi lowered his head in a pale manner, "Then I will never have the face to put my photo on the arrest warrant!"

"It's not that serious, is it? Probably not." Margaret also felt a little sympathetic to this guy, because she always felt like she would lose something after being touched by a large group of people.Well, sure enough, don't tell him that he has been touched by people almost all the time.

"Huh? The man and Margarita! Has that bastard finally couldn't resist attacking his savior!" Kikyo, who was having lunch, put down the chopsticks in his hand and let his pet snake flexibly turn into a snake. In the shape of a bow and arrow, he waved to his team members, "Everyone come with me and rescue Margaret who was kidnapped by a man. Any weapon is allowed as long as Margaret is not hurt!" [

"Understood, Mr. Kikyo!" The guards of the country next to him responded immediately, holding up their own snake bows and chasing after them.

Kikyo walked nimbly through the alleys, his eyes locked tightly on the man with his hands tied to Margaret, he reached out and took out an arrow from the quiver behind him, aimed at the eaves under Luffy's feet and shot. go out.

Luffy was about to jump to the roof on the other side, but suddenly an arrow shot at his feet.The huge force shattered a large piece of the roof, and Luffy's feet were empty, leading Margaret to fall straight down.Below are the defenders of the country who are ready to aim at him with bows and arrows.

"Not good!" Luffy shook his free hand vigorously, and held the corner of the eaves above his head.With a strong hand, he and Margaret were thrown off the roof, and then ran away quickly again.

"Damn it, are they trying to kill me!" Lu Fei touched the cold sweat on his brow, he clearly felt the killing intent from which women just now.There is no other way, it seems that I have to leave.Luffy thought so, and immediately asked Margaret, "Hey, Margaret, is there any boat that can leave here?"

"There is talk about the ship, but it is our queen's car. And now they have not returned." Margaret just finished speaking, and the melodious bell rang from the clock tower. "Master Snake Princess has returned!" Margaret couldn't help exclaiming. If the adult came back, it would be troublesome to see the man on the island.

"Ah, is the pirate ship back? That's really great. If I get rid of them and drive me to the Chambord Islands, I should agree." Luffy showed an excited expression on his face, looking around like a monkey with his hands on a pergola After a while.It was easy to see a waterway leading to the village inside the mountainside, and there were many Amazon Lily women waiting for something on the pier. "That's where it should be! Okay, rubber-rubber-bow!"

"Hey, you bastard...don't go there!" Margaret's shout did not stop Luffy from moving, and she could only follow Luffy across the air while being held tightly by Luffy. Fly towards the direction of the pier.

"That direction is... Damn man, what the hell are you going to do to be reconciled!" Kikyo gritted her teeth angrily and looked at Luffy.He didn't know where to go, he had to go to Master She Ji.Now I can only hope that he can suddenly change course, otherwise Margaret and the three of them will be in trouble!

The gate depicting the Amazon Lily logo on the mountainside was slowly opening, and two huge snakes pulled the Pirate Queen's car and slowly drove in.After seeing the familiar three-masted pirate ship, all the people present cheered.

After the two swimming snakes docked the boat, they bent their bodies and put their heads on the shore.The people on the boat laid the red carpet that had been prepared long ago on the back of the swimming snake, and a carpeted step was formed like this.

Then the adults of the Nine Snake Pirates will walk down the red carpet under the leadership of Queen Snake Ji, and smile friendlyly with everyone amidst everyone's cheers.Everything should have developed like this, and everyone would share a share of the spoils in the joy of the queen's return.However, the accident still happened like this!

A meat ball-like thing suddenly fell from the sky, and after a few hits on the ground, it turned into a strange-looking person. "Hehehe, don't you think this is very simple?" Luffy touched his head with a smile, and put down Margaret, who was already in a cold sweat, "Okay, then we just need to get out of here sincerely My queen would have given me a ride."

Margaret touched her chest in shock, what happened just now almost made her heart jump out of shock.Originally, Margaret was ready to be thrown to death, but Luffy suddenly turned into a ball and let the two of them land safely. "Why did you suddenly gain weight just now? Can men do this kind of thing? No, what do you want! You know how much trouble you will cause if you do this, If Lord Snake knows you are here..."

"So what if Aijia knows?" The charming yet majestic voice made Margaret tremble all over, and hurriedly knelt on one knee and lowered her head.Waiting for Lord Sheji's trial with trepidation, even the tolerant Sheji-sama would be angry with someone like herself who violated the Amazon Lily clan motto.

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