The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 006: The Final Negotiation and Winning


The appearance of spn white phosphorus cast a terrifying shadow on the sky of the Western European battlefield, and the news that the Allied forces controlled the terrifying white phosphorus quickly reached the ears of every soldier.

"White cold light? What is that?" A soldier asked in a low voice to a comrade-in-arms beside him in the trench. When Europeans discovered white phosphorus, they extracted it from human urine. Because the dosage is very small, no high temperature is generated, hence the name 'Luminescence'.

"Didn't you learn it in chemistry class? It's something that burns automatically when it's over 40 degrees. If it gets on your body, it will burn all the way to your bones until it burns you to death."

"Isn't it okay if the temperature is lower than 40 degrees?"

"You are too naive. White phosphorus is already in a volatilized state after being heated by friction and explosion. What's more, the human body temperature is about 375 degrees, which is enough to ignite it." [

"What if the thing gets stained?"

"There is no way, if you want to survive, just dig out the white phosphorus with a knife." Speaking of this, the soldier seemed to be thinking about the cruel scene, and his whole body couldn't help shaking.

"My God! If those generals launch an attack in a few days, don't we want... no, I don't want to fight, I want to go home..."

The Allied soldier shouted in horror.

This situation quickly spread to the entire Allied forces, especially the pampered American soldiers. They were terrified when they heard that the Germans had the terrifying white phosphorus.

The Allied Forces, whose morale was shaken, had no will to fight, and many soldiers refused to attack.

The Allies' attack on Hindenburg had to stop, and the Allies immediately began to discuss countermeasures.

After discussing for a long time, there was no good solution. The only result was that they were also equipped with white phosphorus, and they would fight the allies with blood for blood.

However, it will obviously take some time to produce a large amount of white phosphorus.

Moreover, the white phosphorus air explosion technology requires a qualified fuze or something. In short, it is a lot of trouble.

As for the Rothschild consortium, this war has completely deviated from their control and is developing in a direction that scares them.

That is, the Junkers consortium has trampled on Rothschild in Germany. The assets of the Rothschild consortium in Germany have been confiscated in large quantities, and all Jews have been arrested by the German "government" on the grounds of "treason". And confiscated their natural property.

If Germany captures France, the assets of the Rothschild consortium in France will also be lost.

What is even more frightening is that once Germany wins, the Rothschild consortium will be kicked from its financial and commercial hegemony.

At this time, the first thing the Rothschild consortium has to consider is how to defeat Germany in order to destroy the ambitions of the Juncker consortium.

The war has been in its fifth year, and the people of Britain and France have reached the limit of their endurance. They have long endured hunger and limited supplies of living materials.

The war was completely beyond the control of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom had already spent too much money. At this time, the United Kingdom could only rely on borrowing from the United States to survive.

And what's worse, the sinking of a large number of merchant ships made it impossible for the British to bring in enough raw materials. Not only did the supply of materials have problems, but even military production was restricted.

The British people have gradually become unable to endure the ongoing war. Strikes and demonstrations are staged in the UK from time to time, and the Easter Uprising broke out in Ireland. [

In contrast, the situation in Germany is very good.

China provided Germany with a lot of daily necessities, as well as some food. In addition, Germany acquired a lot of tractors and agricultural machinery. The German people did not have to worry about starvation, and there were also more abundant living necessities. Although the casualties on the front line were relatively serious, they could barely bear.

If the two sides continue to consume, then Britain and France may have to collapse first.

Although the United States has great strength, the casualties of the U.S. military are not low. If the war continues and the casualties of the U.S. military increase, the anti-war sentiment in the United States will also rise.

However, if the Allies are not defeated, it will not be in the interests of the Rothschild consortium, because this war has already involved the issue of targeting the Jews.

Therefore, the Rothschild consortium launched personal connections and manipulated public opinion wantonly, so that the British "government" and the US "government" continued to fight.

The same is true in France.

But what they have to consider now is not how strong the Allied Powers are, but that material transportation is completely overwhelmed, and merchant ships are damaged every day, which seriously hinders the delivery of US materials.

So much material was lost during transportation, and merchant ships sank, so that the Allied Powers had strong material power and could not be put on the battlefield.

In contrast, it was the Allies who surpassed Germany in terms of material supplies because they opened up trade routes with China.

The Rothschild consortium had to hold a high-level meeting regarding the current situation.

These invisible nobles hiding in the shadows had to face up to the current problems.

"If we want to win this war, the key lies in China's attitude. According to the latest intelligence, the Germans obtained all their white phosphorus and new aircraft from China. If the Chinese are willing, they can even send a large number of all-metal aircraft to Europe. On the battlefield. This will definitely be a huge disaster for the Allied Powers, and the British mainland may fall in the end."

"Yes, this is a war that will definitely be won or lost. If the Allies do not want to engage in this war, then the result will be a massive counterattack by the Allies, and the Chinese will definitely be very happy to join this war, so as to share the wealth of Europe with Germany .Then our Rothschild consortium will be completely destroyed in Europe, and our power in the United States is actually not that strong. If we lose the support of Europe, the control of the American consortium will be lost."

"The Chinese actually don't want the war in Europe to end so early. They don't want the Allies to lose too quickly, and they don't want the Germans to win so easily. So the attitude of the Chinese is actually very ambiguous. If we can give If China has enough interests, I think the Chinese are willing to see the Allies win the war."

"However, what kind of benefits do we want to give to the Chinese people? Is it gold or land?" At this time, a member of the Rothschild consortium asked aloud.

Everyone couldn't help thinking, yes!

What do the Chinese want?

Nothing but gold and territory!

"What the Chinese want is not only gold and territory, but also technicians, engineers, and beautiful women. The Allies have always been conducting human rights transactions with China. A large number of German technicians were sent to China in exchange for combat supplies. "

"We have many senior technicians and engineers, all of whom are idle and have nothing to do. If the Chinese are really willing to let the Allied Powers win the war, then it is acceptable to send them a large number of technicians and engineers."


While the Rothschild consortium was discussing how to completely win over China so that the war would quickly end with the victory of the Allies, Germany was also negotiating with the Chinese "government".

The German "government", or the Junkers consortium, at this time believe that the main reason why China did not join the war is that China is already full, and Germany has not given a clear plan for dividing the spoils.

"As long as we have an attractive enough spoils plan, I think the Chinese will join the war." Hindenburg said to William II.

So William II sent a negotiating team to China to negotiate with the Chinese "government".

When the negotiating team arrived in China, the news was immediately learned by the Rothschild consortium. Although the Jews were arrested in the Allied countries, the intelligence network of this ancient family was not as simple as it seemed. A powerful intelligence network made this family the invisible ruler of the world.

After hearing the news, the Rothschild consortium couldn't sit still, and immediately asked the Allies to send a negotiating team to China to conduct final negotiations with the Chinese "government".

Both sides know that if the war continues to this stage, it will be difficult to defeat the other side by their own strength.

The only hope of victory is to win over China.

When the world's powers are in war, only China has preserved its vitality and its industrial strength is getting stronger and stronger. As long as it falls to any side, any side will be the winner of this war.

Soon the delegation of the Allied Powers came to China as quickly as possible.


"Marshal, the two camps have now sent negotiating teams to China to win us over, what should we do?" Song Jiaoren asked Jiang Yu on the phone.

"They want to talk, let's talk to them! Anyway, we don't have a clear position, we just need to play by ear, whoever has more and greater interests, we will help." Jiang Yu said calmly, not because he didn't pay attention, but because It is at this time that China really holds the absolute initiative.

"I see." Song Jiaoren nodded and hung up the phone.

Jiang Yu knew that the situation was delicate, but it was also very simple.

The initiative is entirely in the hands of China.

This kind of behavior that is up for grabs is not something that any country can do.If it is a weaker country, although both sides will win over, if the conditions offered are too high to be accepted by other countries, it is very likely that they will be jointly attacked by both sides.

But China is different. China now has the strength to crush any party.

With such strength, China has made it clear that it is up for grabs, and they dare not turn around and deal with China.

Under such circumstances, negotiations with the two parties have started one after another.

The first thing to start was the negotiations with Germany. At the beginning of the negotiations, the German negotiating team proposed a plan to "equally divide the British and French colonies" with the Republic of China.

That is to say, Germany wants to colonize the whole of Africa, and at the same time, half of India should be divided.The West Indies were occupied by Germany and the East Indies by China.

Australia, Myanmar, and Malaysia were handed over to China.

Besides Minister of Foreign Affairs Lu Zhengxiang, Tang Hanmin from the military also participated in the negotiations. Tang Hanmin immediately lost interest when he heard the spoils distribution plan.

"It's such a low level to engage in colonization by force in such an era." At the end of the first morning's negotiations, Tang Hanmin complained to Lu Zhengxiang in a low voice, "In addition, India, the Asian subcontinent, will be like China's back garden in the future. , China does not allow new forces to get involved here, and the Germans still haven't turned their heads."

"No way, let's continue talking with them in the afternoon!" Lu Zhengxiang smiled and shook his head.

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