The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 024: Battleship Launch


The SPN European battlefield is still deadlocked. After the Allied Powers negotiated with the Republic of China, because of the high anti-war sentiment, they temporarily focused their energy on appeasing the people.

A large number of civilian supplies produced in China were shipped to Europe, which greatly improved the situation in Britain and France.

in the Republic of China.

The first batch of Huadong-class battleships "Shandong" and "Jiangsu" were officially launched in the autumn of this year.

The Shandong and the Jiangsu were built by the Hangzhou Shipyard, which was the earliest shipyard invested by the Jiangyu warlord oligarch consortium. [

After years of development, Hangzhou Shipyard has become the largest shipyard in the Republic of China. It not only builds a large number of merchant ships, but also builds warships for warlords.

Of course, aircraft carriers are not built here.

The goal here is too big, and spies from all over the world are staring at it. Therefore, the Republic of China intends to publicize it, triggering the construction of battleships followed by other countries.

On the day of the launching ceremony, Jiang Yu rushed to the scene with several wives.

Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Xie Baozhang, Navy Minister Sa Zhenbing and other high-level naval officials also arrived at the scene. What everyone saw were two behemoths.

The [-]-ton battleship is definitely the top displacement in the world.

"The two battleships built in the first batch have some changes in the original design, and the displacement is larger." Xie Baozhang explained to Jiang Yu at the scene.

"You can make up your own mind about this." Jiang Yu nodded and smiled at Xie Baozhang.

From Jiang Yu's point of view, what he should guarantee is the development funds of the navy, and other tasks should be handed over to the subordinates.

However, besides being responsible for funds, Jiang Yu also sometimes intervenes in technology research and development.

The performance data of the Huadong-class battleship after the changes are as follows:


The displacement is 2000 tons more than the design, the speed has been changed from 27 knots to 28 knots, and several anti-aircraft guns have been installed.

The anti-aircraft guns of the Huadong-class battleships are definitely the most among the battleships of various countries at the same time. The Huadong-class battleships themselves are not mainly designed for naval warfare, but more like they are built for air defense and fire support.

The main gun of the Huadong class will be mainly used to cooperate with the Marine Corps in landing battles.Anti-aircraft guns are used to protect aircraft carriers.

As for battleship bombardment, the Huadong-class battleships are not afraid. The powerful armor and not weak firepower are enough to make the Colorado-class battleships launched by the United States in 1921 drink a pot. At this time, the construction of the Colorado-class battleships in the United States has already begun. .

But before launching into the water, it tragically became a backward battleship.

This situation is very common during the naval race period.Many advanced battleships have fallen behind tragically before they are built.

"Although battleships have become obsolete, battleships are still very useful for landing battles. And now battleships are still the most powerful representative in the eyes of all countries in the world, and their deterrence is very strong. We build eight, enough to fight in the ocean. It's rampant." Xie Baozhang said with anticipation. [

"We still need to pay close attention to training. Without qualified sailors, even the best equipment is useless." Jiang Yu said to Xie Baozhang.

"Don't worry, Marshal! The Japanese have a rich background in the navy. We have already absorbed Japanese naval talents. There is no problem with the training of battleships." Xie Baozhang said confidently, and Jiang Yu nodded. The resilience of the Japanese navy is indeed very strong.

In terms of battleships alone, the Japanese's bombardment accuracy is definitely the highest among all countries.

This is mainly the tenacity, the efforts of all sailors.

The failure of Japan in history was mainly due to the fact that its overall national strength could not match that of the United States.The United States fought Japan with its strong industrial strength, and it also suffered heavy casualties, which was indeed quite frustrating.

The Navy of the Republic of China does not lack such tenacity.

Since the humiliation of the Opium War in 1840, China has never had a truly strong navy.

After being equipped with these advanced equipment, all officers and soldiers of the navy began to train hard.

When there is no advanced equipment.Some naval officers and soldiers may think: It's useless to train hard, and you can't beat others without good equipment.

But now that the navy has good equipment, this kind of thinking is no longer possible.

At the same time, with advanced equipment, the navy has also seen hope.As long as they are willing to train hard, victory will definitely belong to them.

Bravery is the need of the spirit, honor is the need of dignity, and cowardice is the fear of the body.

In terms of ideological education, the army, navy and air force of the Republic of China have done a very good job, and all officers and soldiers are working hard for future honor.

The first two Huadong-class battleships were successfully launched. This news also caused the Republic of China to plunge into jubilation.

All the major newspapers reported this exciting news one after another.

"East China Daily" reported: "The battleships Shandong and Jiangsu launched this time are the battleships with the largest displacement in the world and the most advanced battleships in the world. This is the painful experience of the Republic of China, and we are determined to open up the sea and defend against the enemy. In addition, the advanced battleships that have just been allocated for construction also mean that in the next few years, the Republic of China will build a powerful navy to protect the rights and interests of each nation..."

"Ta Kung Pao" commented: "China is a big country, and it is true that we have a strong navy to guarantee national security. Before that, we were poor in finances, so we tried to build large ships. Now that we are rich in finances, we have the conditions to build a strong navy."

"News" commented from a commercial point of view: "The navy's construction of battleships and the development of a world-wide large navy are of great significance to the overseas business of the Republic of China. A strong navy can not only protect the ocean-going fisheries of the Republic of China, Maritime interests such as ocean transportation can deter small barbarians and prevent them from suppressing Chinese commercial interests."

The "Declaration" commented: "The launch of two of the world's most advanced battleships this time has undoubtedly greatly boosted the morale of the Republic of China, and also demonstrated the industrial strength of the Republic of China to the world, making foreigners look at China with admiration. This time, the Republic of China The navy to be built is no longer limited to the title of Asia's No. [-] navy, but to build a world-wide navy. We should believe that the tragedy of the Beiyang Fleet in the past is no longer possible. The young and vigorous China The Republic of China is by no means comparable to the old and decadent Qing Dynasty."

The citizens were very excited when they saw these reports.

In many areas, firecrackers were set off to celebrate.

Merchants from all over the world also seized the opportunity to promote their products in the name of launching battleships and revitalizing the navy. [

One good news after another.Let the people of the Republic of China at this time feel sincerely that the Republic of China will create an unprecedented prosperity.

This will be a more prosperous era than the Han and Tang Dynasties.

In general, the emergence of the prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties was mainly due to the process of Chinese civilization entering the acquired society, relying on the products of the innate society and relying heavily on natural resources.

The Republic of China today.It is the prosperity of a relatively pure acquired society. The products of the innate society are relatively weak during this period. Although the national art is being revived, the national art is mainly used in daily life, and the military still relies on the technology of the acquired society.

Major newspapers also dug into the development process of Hangzhou Shipyard.

"The Hangzhou Shipyard was responsible for the construction of the first batch of Huadong-class battleships this time. The Hangzhou Shipyard was invested and established by the Generalissimo Lu, Sea and Air in 1910 with an initial capital of 3000 million silver dollars. Initially, it could only manufacture 9-ton merchant ships. After 20 years Its assets have exceeded [-] billion silver dollars, and it can build the world's most advanced battleship with a displacement of [-] tons. During this period, Marshal Jiang invested a lot of money in development. The industry of the Republic of China has grown from the beginning to the end. Advanced, its speed is the fastest in the world..."

Various newspapers trumpeted Jiang Yu's achievements, calling Jiang Yu the true "father of industry" of the Republic of China.This assessment is questionable.

Although the Qing Dynasty launched the Westernization Movement, it seemed vigorous.

However, the industries built by the Qing Dynasty were small in scale. Although some were relatively advanced, they lacked pioneering spirit, such as arsenals, and other countries produced advanced weapons and equipment.The military factories opened by the Qing Dynasty were imitated immediately.But it is only imitation, and the cost is relatively high, the quality is not so good, and it is not suitable for mass production at all.

in addition.That kind of industrial development thinking that does not think about making progress makes those factories fall behind quickly.

The Chinese heavy industry system established by Jiang Yu is not only comprehensive, but also technologically advanced. The huge investment in industrial technology research and development has fully mobilized the enthusiasm of workers for technological improvement, making the heavy industry system of the Republic of China more and more perfect, and the scale is also increasing. huge.

As a result of the popularization of advanced productive forces, the scale of industrial production continues to increase.

Although the Republic of China developed later than European and American industries, it also made the industrial technology popularization of the Republic of China more rapid. American industry is still generally at the stage of the first industrial revolution, and the equipment replacement of the second industrial revolution has not yet been completed. Full start.

Under such a gap, despite the industrial background accumulated by its long-term development, the United States still maintains a leading position in the quantity of industrial products such as steel.

However, with the increase of the industrial scale of the Republic of China, it has been quickly surpassed.

When it comes to steel, the steel output of the Republic of China is expected to exceed 7000 million tons this year, an increase of nearly two times compared to the previous year.

This is the craziest growth rate.

U.S. steel can exceed 4000 million tons a year, but tens of millions of tons of steel are exported to China, and a lot of iron ore is exported to China.

China has exported a lot of industrial products to the US market, eliminating the trade deficit, and the trade volume between the two sides is in a balanced state.

With a large supply of steel, there are more projects that can be built.

Due to the 'indemnity' of the Rothschild consortium and the growth of exports, etc., the ROC still has a lot of surplus capital, so its investment in dependent countries has also greatly increased.

Although the labor cost of the dependent countries has been kept relatively low, the Republic of China still allows and vigorously popularizes advanced productive forces.

All kinds of investments continue to pour into these dependent countries.

However, the labor cost of the dependent country is still slowly increasing, because the workers in the dependent country have made money, and most of the money has flowed back to the consortium's pockets under the environment of heavy investment by the consortium.

It's just that, compared with the protection of the low-income class in the Republic of China, there is no protection in the dependent countries.

In the Republic of China, consortiums will not rack their brains to get money from the pockets of the lower class, but to find ways to use the money in the hands of the lower class to buy commodities they can use, so that they can live a good life.

It is different in dependent countries.If gambling and other means can be used to get away the money of all the people in the dependent country, the consortium is very happy to use these transactions to get away the money in their hands.

However, no effort is spared in the popularization of advanced productive forces, because after the war begins, the productive forces of these dependent countries can be transformed into the war potential of the Republic of China.

Of course, these advanced productive forces are controlled by the consortium.

And when the consortium exports a large amount of surplus capital to the dependent country, the number of jobs in the dependent country has also become very large, and the people in the dependent country have jobs.Life is getting better and better, but in some respects, there are still more pitfalls, and most of the money that was cheated was earned by consortiums and Chinese national capital businessmen.

However, the Republic of China is still very strong in helping the poor, for the Republic of China.Labor is still important.

Starving people to death is naturally bad.

Although the consortium wants to exploit the benefits, there must be a limit to the exploitation, and it will not cost a lot of money to help the poor who have no exploitation value.

It's just a distribution of relief food.

How much is food worth?

After the money is spent, it will still be returned to the consortium through consumption and other means. Helping those poor people will not consume much productivity in the Republic of China.

Therefore, the poor in those dependent countries can receive relief food every month.

After Taoism became the state religion of the Republic of China.These relief work has also become Taoism to help Taoism's external and internal expansion.

Taoism still has a relatively strong foundation in North Korea and Japan. Before that, both North Korea and Japan believed in Taoism. Japanese Onmyoji was developed from Chinese Taoism.

Among them, Korean Taoism is relatively close to Chinese Taoism, while Japanese Taoism is somewhat alienated.

In Vietnam, Confucianism is more popular. At this time, Vietnamese literati all use Chinese characters and learn Confucian things.

At this time, the Republic of China turned Taoism into a belief.To turn Confucianism into a cultural invasion of dependent countries, the most successful ones are North Korea and Vietnam.

These two countries now use traditional characters, and Confucianism is also the mainstream of culture. It is very easy to continue to fool them with Confucian things.

They do not reject the education of Chinese characters, nor do they have the idea of ​​creating their own national characters.

With the popularization of Chinese character education, Chinese language education is naturally justifiable.

Because the economic development of these dependent countries has also entered a period of prosperity, and the common people have obtained jobs.There is enough food to eat, the poor have also been helped, and the propaganda department has vigorously promoted it, so I am very grateful to the Republic of China.

In their view.The Shangguo (Republic of China) not only rescued them from the oppression of the colonial empire, but also provided them with enough food to eat and their children to go to school. This is a great kindness.

For this reason, the Annan Kingdom also built a "Welcome Gate" in this year, and erected a monument to praise the various kindness of the Republic of China to the Annan Kingdom.

Although the Kingdom of Siam was not colonized, it was somewhat special.But today's Siam has also made great progress. For this reason, the Siam Kingdom vigorously praised the noble character of the "Shangguo", and also conducted a deep self-examination of the war that broke out at the beginning.

As for some problems that arise within these dependent countries, they are ignored.

These problems are mainly due to consortiums and Chinese national capital merchants occupying a large amount of land and houses in these dependent countries, occupying almost all minerals and industries, and monopolizing finance and commerce.

This has further caused the contradictions of the collapse of the middle class, the lack of nutrients for the low-class class, and the ubiquity of the high-class class who have taken refuge in Chinese capital.

All the money has been earned by the 'Shang Guo', but they are not aware of these problems for the time being, because the money earned is invested in these dependent countries to build more assets.

This has also caused those dependent countries to look very prosperous, cities have been built everywhere, and a variety of excellent assets are everywhere, but the assets of the entire country are so far away for ordinary people, there is no How much assets belong to them.

It is equivalent to saying that the whole country is working for China, and they are workers who do not get much nutrition.

But the rulers who turned to the Republic of China, and the businessmen from the dependent countries who took refuge in Chinese capital, were very rich. These elites were very satisfied with the status quo of surrendering to the Republic of China.

Because they are rich and powerful, why should they engage in risky resistance?Isn't that enough to hold on?

In addition to the dependent countries, the Republic of China increased food aid to third world countries this year, and almost every third world country received food aid from China.

This allowed the Republic of China to establish good relations with those third world countries.

In the most backward third world countries, their rulers actually don't have much integrity. As long as they can give them some sweetness, they are willing to maintain good relations with the Republic of China.

As long as the ROC gives them a little sweetness, they are willing to open the market for the ROC.

As rulers, what sweetness do they want?

That is the highest quality of life, a life of extravagance.In the acquired society, if you want to live a higher quality life, you must have money and enjoyment items.

The Republic of China can make these rulers rich, that is, consortium capital enters these countries, helps them develop, promotes common prosperity and common prosperity, so that the tax collection of these rulers increases, and then the Republic of China builds those projects for them to enjoy, Provide them with various luxuries.

It is equivalent to renting the people under their rule to the Republic of China. Assuming that the original labor results of the people in these countries are 1, the Republic of China can change the labor results of 1 to 10 or even 100 with advanced productivity.

The Republic of China took 6% to 7% of the fruits of labor, and the fruits of labor left behind can also double the benefits of these rulers many times.

Just like the celestial dynasty in later generations, according to the survey report of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the money earned by foreign capital every year is equivalent to [-]% of the total gp, and the middle class has completely collapsed...

This is also the result of China's failure to open many profit-making fields to foreign investment.

If it is the small countries that the United States colonized economically, almost all fields are open to international capital, and it is estimated that [-]% of the labor earned will be lost.

Jiang Yu's consortium exported a large amount of capital in those dependent countries, and then the money was earned back by the consortium through commodity exports, finance, and commerce.

Those dependent countries are fully open to Chinese national capital, and in other countries, Chinese capital, like the American international capital of later generations, gives sweetness first.

After the sweetness is given, the noose will be gradually tightened, thereby strangling the independent ability of these countries and making them completely reduced to vassals under economic colonization.

A large amount of food aid, as well as various other aid projects such as medical aid, have enabled the Republic of China to present a very just and humane external image. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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