The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 027: Ignite the War in Africa


spnps: The first update arrives!There is another chapter today

The European battlefield has not been peaceful. Although the Allies and Allies did not launch a large-scale offensive, trench warfare is still going on.

The shortest distance between the two sides' trenches was even less than a hundred meters.

Both sides are digging trenches frantically.

All kinds of weapons are constantly beckoning each other. [

The sniper rifle is the thing that scares the soldiers the most. Maybe one day they will be named by God if they accidentally pop their heads out.

However, the soldiers on both sides already had a lot of experience, and most of the time they didn't stick their heads out of the trenches.

In addition to sniper rifles, there were also a large number of mortars, which caused great damage to both sides.Many of these mortars were exported by the Republic of China.

The mortar of the Republic of China is an advanced mortar that truly possesses the form of a mortar and has strong practical significance. Both sides bought a lot of Chinese mortars.

In addition, the two sides often dug trenches into each other's trenches, then filled them with explosives, and blasted each other into the sky with a bang.

The trenches on both sides even surrounded each other.

This is a typical World War I pattern.

This war has been going on for too long, and both sides are somewhat exhausted, but the blood transfusions from the Republic of China and the United States have kept the war going.

This is already the fifth year of the war.

In the past five years, the Republic of China has achieved great results. The construction projects started five years ago have all been completed.

Five years is considered a cycle in industrial construction.

In five years, a large iron and steel plant can be built, and a large mine can also be built.

But in the Republic of China, many iron and steel factories and mines were built in two to three years. In the second year after the outbreak of the First World War, the Republic of China had a lot of money and invested in a large number of projects. At this point these projects are basically complete.

This is also one of the main reasons for the sharp increase in steel production in the Republic of China this year.

For the Allies and Allies, the five-year war not only consumed a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources.The two sides fought exhaustedly, and the war could not end for a long time, which delayed the development even more.

If there is no rise of the Republic of China, then this kind of delay is nothing. They are still the most advanced representatives in the world, but this time it is different.

If they delay for another year, the gap between the Republic of China and them will widen by one year.They can't even catch up with the gap caused by a year at this time in a year.

Because the productivity levels of the two sides have begun to pull apart.

If European and American countries want to catch up with the development speed of the Republic of China, they must first upgrade their productive forces and at the same time have an internal market! [

There is no money to play, and there is a gross market!

Only the United States has a relatively large internal market, but compared with the current internal market of the Republic of China, it is still far inferior.

After the war.There are still a whole host of questions.

Debts have to be repaid, right?

We didn't have much money in the first place, and now we have to pay back the money, so we don't have much money to spend on development.At the same time, so many laborers died in the war, even if they have money, the market has decreased a lot.

The labor force died so much, and post-war production was underpowered.

In contrast, the Republic of China has been in the past five years.It has not fallen into the quagmire of war, and has earned a lot of money, and the labor force has not decreased.

Post-war Europe, if there is no capital injection, it can only become a third-rate country.

If there is funds, and the Republic of China has not risen, it can still become a first-class country again.But now, even with surplus capital injection.They can only become a second-rate country.

The only first-class countries are the Republic of China and the United States. This is the first echelon, and Europe will never be able to catch up.

Because the places in Europe that are just slapped to death are divided into n countries, no matter how those countries develop, they are also limited by the size of their territory.

Although they have colonies.But they are colonizing by force, and the fundamental method is to make the colony have higher productivity. The result of the low productivity of the colony is that there are not many fruits of labor to plunder. This is a typical model of not giving the horse grass and asking the horse to run.

The Republic of China has already begun to engage in economic colonization everywhere.Those affiliated countries of the Republic of China are, to put it bluntly, colonies of the Republic of China.

Give the horse grass first, and then let the horse run.

The more fruits of labor produced, the more profits can be plundered.

However, the model of Westerners cannot be changed in a short while.So that's what Europe is going to do.

Even if they were able to convert, their colonies were unreliable and could easily be captured by the Republic of China, and they were just making wedding dresses for others.

Therefore, after this war, Europe has no way to compete for world hegemony.

Of course, it should look like they are still the number one in the world, but it is already a thing of the past, but no one kicks them down for the time being.

On the battlefield, both sides also showed weakness.

However, the Republic of China turned to support the Allied Powers, giving the Allied Powers hope to continue the war. Although the Allied Powers received less aid, the scale of German precision-processed products was larger than before. There are still a lot of materials obtained from the Republic of China.

In addition, the Poles joined the war, and a large number of Poles were mobilized to make up for the lack of troops of the Allies.The battlefield on the Eastern Front is basically over. The red bear is fighting happily with the Belarusian government, and there is no time to pay attention to the European battlefield. [

The power of Turkey and the Austro-Hungarian Empire also began to tilt towards the Western Front.

As a result, there was not much difference in military strength between the two sides. The front-line troops of the Allied Powers reached 500 million, and the Allied Powers also reached 400 million.

Every day, both sides consume a large amount of military supplies.

At this time, the Republic of China is still making a lot of war money. In addition to selling military supplies, it also sells civilian supplies, some through cash and some through loans.

Even if the loan cannot be recovered, at least the cash received is enough to cover the cost.

In this war, it was too easy for the Republic of China to make money.

In times of peace, there is always only so much profit in common commodities.But during the war period, the profits soared several times, ten times, or even hundreds of times.

It's like saying.One year of export is equivalent to several years of export in peacetime, or even more than ten years.

In this way, how can you not be rich?

In the prosperous Republic of China, first of all, the wages of ordinary people have continued to rise. Although the average monthly wage has risen to 30 yuan per month, this is already a very high wage in the eyes of the people.

But there is still room for growth.It is easy to increase the salary to 40 yuan per month, so that the annual income plus bonuses for the first half of the year and overtime income can reach 500 yuan.

This income is almost the same as that of the British people.You must know the income of the British people. Before that, the annual income of 100 pounds was an ordinary level, but there are still many British people whose income cannot reach 100 pounds.

High income.high welfare.

With the popularization of advanced productive forces and the plundering of dependent countries and overseas markets, the Republic of China is moving towards this goal.

Jiang Yu once said in a university speech:

"In this era, the real wealth is no longer obtained from our compatriots. The world is so big, with so much wealth and abundant resources. Only when we are united can we truly obtain a lot of wealth."

It's like saying.At this time, the Republic of China is developing into a bandit state.So as to create high welfare and high income for the people, and transfer the contradiction to the outside.

Britain was able to earn £100 a year because there were a lot of overseas colonies to plunder, but Britain's productivity was not high.

British industrial productivity is still a product of the first industrial revolution, and many equipment is outdated.

At this time, the industrial productivity of the Republic of China was very advanced, and a large number of products of the second industrial revolution were applied to the production process, and much more commodities were produced.

In addition, the efficiency of foreign plundering by the Republic of China is much higher.First, it replaced a large part of the British market in the commodity market, coupled with the efficient plundering of the dependent countries, allowing the dependent countries to produce more results.

Therefore, it is very easy to pay an ordinary salary of 30 yuan. Originally, according to this kind of productivity, it is not a problem to pay a salary of 40 yuan.

But China still needs labor to build those infrastructures at this time, so there are much more things to build than European and American countries.

A lot of people have gone to build infrastructure, so the goods can't be produced so much.The supply of goods is currently not enough to make ordinary wages reach the level of 40 yuan.

Today's salary level.It is not a problem to earn 400 yuan a year, which is equivalent to 800 silver dollars in the past. In 1911, the salary in many areas of the Republic of China was only 2 silver dollars.After 9 years of development, it has increased by about 30 times.

In fact, the increase in productivity is more than 30 times, but many advanced productivity has not been fully popularized, so it is hindered.

Many industries with low productivity have begun to be subcontracted to dependent countries for development.

As more and more industries with low individual output value are subcontracted out, and the scale of high output value industries expands, the productivity of the Republic of China is constantly improving.

In the state of continuous improvement in productivity, an annual income of 1000 yuan is not a dream.

This year, the gross national product of the Republic of China exceeded 2000 billion Yanhuang coins, which is already twice that of the United States, but the population of the Republic of China is more than four times that of the United States.The territory is twice the size of the United States.

However, in comparison, the elite territory of the Republic of China is only slightly larger than that of the United States.

Because most of the territory of the Republic of China is in the frigid zone, and it is also the coldest Siberia. Because there is no Siberian cold wind in the Americas, the frigid zone is much warmer.

In addition, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Northwest Gobi Desert, and deserts, although these places seem to have a large territory, they are not suitable for living and development.

However, compared with the United States, there is no disadvantage, and even a great advantage.

Because the territory is so large, agricultural resources are no longer so important, because the country's agricultural resources are already sufficient.And there is no shortage of places to live.

What is fighting in the industrial age?


A large territory means abundant resources.

Even if the frigid zone is not so suitable for living, it is not uninhabitable. There are people living in the coldest Kamchatka Peninsula!So minerals can be mined.

In addition, the Republic of China has resources available in India, Australia, the Middle East, Africa, South America, and Canada, so resources are much richer than the United States.

Oil resources are even more exhausted in the United States.

When the industry develops to a certain level, wealth depends on resources, especially energy, which is the basic driving force of advanced productive forces.

Due to the development of the military, the occupation of the market.

At this time, the Republic of China has changed from being exploited to exploiting the outside world.

Europe and the United States not only lost the opportunity to exploit China.The colonies they originally exploited were also seized by the Republic of China, and the gap narrowed in this way.

In addition, the population of the Republic of China is too large, with a population of nearly [-] million. Even if the industrial scale per capita is not as good as that of the United States, the national output value will explode the United States.

It is not as good as the per capita industrial scale of the United States, mainly in terms of steel production.

But in other areas of production.Many per capita industrial scales are even higher than those of the United States.Just like the oil industry, China's oil production this year has surpassed that of the United States by several blocks.

In terms of national strength, the national strength of the Republic of China is no worse than that of the United States.

It's just that the Republic of China doesn't plan to launch a full-scale war at this time, because there is no need for that now!

Because there is no internal contradiction!

main reason for the war.Or transfer internal conflicts.

In addition, the people's livelihood in the Republic of China is not as good as that of Europe and the United States. Now launching an all-out war would be too big a step. Isn't that a mess?

After all, there are still so many things to be built in the country.

If it goes to war, who will build it?

Domestic infrastructure can't be built, and it needs to be built after the war.If you want to control the world at the same time, you will be too busy at all.

If the infrastructure is built now, people's livelihood will be developed.If all the preparations are done well, the market will be saturated and the common people will have nothing to consume, but the production capacity will be surplus, then an all-out war can be waged.

The war being waged now is only a local war.The purpose is only to compete for some local interests.

The rapid development of the Republic of China has also set off an upsurge of China threat theory in Europe and the United States.

Countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States are national bandits to a certain extent, especially the United Kingdom.

As a bandit country, a country that oppresses other nation-states to survive is most afraid of resistance because they have a guilty conscience.So today is the xx threat theory, and tomorrow is the China threat theory.

As a country where the whole country is full of robbers, these threats naturally have a huge market.

Some European and American whites even called on the two camps to stop the war.To unite against the rising ROC, so as not to threaten their Western civilized system.

There is still a certain market for such voices.

But it is impossible for the two camps to accept a truce. They have a truce to deal with China, and China may choose one to fight to the death.

If China is determined to attack Europe, the United States can only stare blankly, after all, it is across the Atlantic Ocean.


In Russia, after an autumnal shopping spree, the red bear finally broke through the Ural defense line of the Belarusian government, and both sides lost many soldiers.

Russia's labor force is shrinking again.

This country has been battered to pieces.

For this reason, the Belarusian government has always hoped that the Republic of China will assist them, but the Republic of China is indifferent and ignores the Belarusian government at all.

The Republic of China sent troops to intervene in Russia to suppress the red bear.

After the armed intervention of the Republic of China, the red bear was once compressed to the north of Moscow and west of the Volga River, and the Belarusian government also recovered a large amount of land.

Now that the Belarusian government keeps retreating, it is because the Belarusian government itself is too useless. It is no wonder that the Republic of China does not give them assistance or anything.

The answer is as follows.

But in fact, the Republic of China sold a lot of arms to the red bear. The arms trade is still carried out between China and Russia, but the Republic of China is doing business on both sides.

Whoever has the money sells it.

The arms trade channels of the Republic of China are much more than those of the United States.

It means that as long as it is a place where wars are fought, as well as camps, the Republic of China provides arms trade.

Whether it is the Western European battlefield or the Eastern European battlefield.

There are four camps.

The Allied Powers, Allied Powers, Red Bear, and White Russia are all buying arms from the Republic of China, and some South American countries have also begun to buy arms from the Republic of China.

Ethiopia also bought a batch of Chinese arms with loans.

The Republic of China has planted a nail in Africa.

In the context of a large amount of arms trade, the ROC has gained far more wealth than the United States.

Because of the arms trade, the consortium has a frightening amount of surplus capital.Because there is only so much domestic productivity, the money can't be spent at all.

The surplus capital began to be exported to the dependent countries again, and the productivity of the dependent countries was only so much. Therefore, although a lot of business capital was digested, the surplus capital of the Republic of China still had a certain amount of time after pouring into Australia, New Zealand, Myanmar, Malaysia, and India. a lot.

In Africa, China's surplus capital was exported to Ethiopia this year.

The regent of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, presided over the reform of Ethiopia, focusing on reforming agriculture, taxation, law, and education.

China's surplus capital has developed a lot of minerals in Ethiopia, and at the same time developed cash crops for Ethiopia. As for food!The Republic of China can produce it!

At the same time, Ethiopia also began to develop some primary processing industries.

The Republic of China also built many projects in Ethiopia, such as infrastructure such as railways and highways, which brought about a huge social change in Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian people have gained wages through labor, and their way of life has also changed.

With the support of the Republic of China, the military has also undergone modernization reforms, and military power is in the hands of Haile Selassie.

At this time, Ethiopia began to gradually become a time bomb of the white people's colonial rule in Africa, which may explode at any time, and may cause a heavy blow to the colonial system.


In Sudan, a team of smuggled mules and horses from Ethiopia sneaked in from the border and arrived at the tribal camp where the Sudanese anti-colonial forces were located three days later.

This team of mules and horses brought a batch of arms to this group of Sudanese anti-colonial armed forces.

This kind of arms smuggling has been going on in Sudan for several months.

Because the anti-colonial armed forces acquired these sophisticated guns, they dealt a certain blow to the British colonists in Sudan, and what caused the British colonists a headache was that these hit-and-run anti-colonial armed forces were very difficult to eliminate.

The British are also very troubled by this, and they can't draw any power from their homeland.

In Somalia, the British-occupied North Somali anti-colonial forces also obtained a batch of arms.The anti-colonial forces in central and southern Somalia occupied by Italy also received arms.

All these arms flowed from Ethiopia, and the provider behind them was the Republic of China.

The Republic of China is igniting fires everywhere in East Africa, and the flames of war soon ignited in East Africa, and East African anti-colonial armed forces attacked colonial troops everywhere.

The flames of war in Kenya were quickly ignited.

However, these anti-colonial armed forces are not very professional. Although Britain and Italy fought hard, they finally suppressed these anti-colonial armed forces.

"Hehe! This is just the first appetizer. How is our training of the anti-colonial armed forces in East Africa?" Jiang Yu asked Tang Hanmin, who was in charge of the matter.

"Currently, about [-] East African blacks are training in military bases in the Central Asian administrative region. There are trainings in firearms, fighting, tactics, map recognition, and sending messages. It will take about a year to train them. After this group of anti-colonial armed backbones are trained, they will certainly be able to deal a heavy blow to the East African colonists." Tang Hanmin reported.

"3000 people are too few. Immediately recruit anti-colonial militants throughout Africa and send them all to the administrative region of Central Asia for military training." Jiang Yu decided that an East Africa could not satisfy his appetite. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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