
spn In a festive atmosphere, the beginning of spring is coming.

The time enters the Gengshen Year (20), which is the year when the stems and branches are united.

This is the ninth year of the founding of the Republic of China.

Every citizen of the Republic of China is excited by the great achievements made by the government of the Republic of China, and every family has a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner in the restaurant.

All kinds of ingredients from all over the world can be found on the tables of ordinary people. [

There are various seafood caught from overseas, as well as local fish products.There are fruits brought back from the tropics, as well as locally produced citrus, apples, green dates and other fruits.

There are all kinds of chicken, duck and fish, as well as local traditional dishes.

Dumplings may be the most common thing in the New Year's Eve dinner. Most families make dumplings to eat during the New Year. Women start to prepare carefully from early in the morning.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, people listened to music and the radio, and the time gradually approached the early hours of the morning.

The gates were about to open in the early morning, and every household took out the prepared firecrackers. Cities across the country have never been quiet since 0:[-].

The sound of firecrackers filled the whole city, and the crackling sound kept ringing, and people were immersed in the lively festive atmosphere.

The whole country becomes a sea of ​​joy during the festival.

Even those foreigners are deeply infected.

From the first day of the Lunar New Year, various folk performances were held all over the country. On this day, the nationals wore Hanfu and walked on the street, conveying New Year greetings to each other when they met.

Movie theaters and squares all over the country began to screen this year's Spring Festival Gala from the first day of the Lunar New Year. The Spring Festival Gala of the Republic of China was very popular among the common people.

There are various performances at the Spring Festival Gala, all of which are very exciting.

For people who don't have much entertainment, there is a lot of lethality.

From the first day of the Lunar New Year, people began to go from house to house to pay New Year greetings to relatives and friends.And invite relatives and friends to eat at home.

Women are the busiest at this time, and they prepare sumptuous dishes at home.In the middle and high-income families of the Republic of China, women's lives have become more and more favorable.

At this time, the mainstream public opinion in society still advocated that women should be good wives and mothers.

This is true whether it is a low-income class or a high-income class.

As for whether to work, there is not much controversy in the Republic of China.

Under the feudal rule of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties in the past, every poor family was busy and running around for survival. Women not only had to do housework, but also took part in the responsibility of supporting the family.

Poor housewives in the old days were very hardworking. [

So whether women work or not.There is no conclusion in the Republic of China, whether you participate in the work or not, you can protect the flower hunting king.are allowed.

However, the government still advocates women to participate in the work under the premise of taking care of the family. During the war, these women must participate in the work.

The only restrictions on women's participation in work are the official families in the old era, and some landlord classes. These families are opposed to women's participation in work.

But with the full popularization of women's education.The awareness of women's participation in the work has been cultivated.

For a country, it is beneficial for women to participate in the work because it can greatly enhance the efficiency of construction and production.

But everything has two sides.

After women take part in the work, they have independent financial income.Naturally, there is no need to rely on men, and some social problems have arisen.

Since the gender has been chosen at the time of reincarnation, the male is the god.Women are Kun and earth, and many things are taken for granted.

Still, a certain amount of feminist issues is acceptable compared to the benefits.The Republic of China still encourages women to participate in the work, provided that the family is taken care of.

Children are the happiest during the Chinese New Year, and not only can you receive red envelopes everywhere during the Chinese New Year.And you can play with worry, and there are a lot of delicious things.

Older children.I also feel that there are always great changes every year during the Chinese New Year. There are more and more red envelopes, more and more delicious things, and more things to play.

Many foreigners who come to work in the Republic of China are still used to going around for dinner during the Chinese New Year.

They don't have the habit of celebrating the Spring Festival, but they know that it is a festival where you can eat big meals everywhere. Those wealthy families, as well as some wealthy big clans, have a feast every day. Before the fifteenth day of the new year, these foreigners ran to Wishing them a new year and saying auspicious words, they will be warmly welcomed.

In the prison, the prison meals during the Chinese New Year are also much richer than usual.

Those Russian workers also enjoyed good treatment during the Chinese New Year.

But now is the industrial age, and the Spring Festival is not as leisurely as in previous years.

It used to be an agricultural society, and people didn't have much farm work to do during the Chinese New Year, just doing their own business, occasionally watching operas and so on.

Now many citizens celebrate the New Year according to the holidays, and they have to go back to work in factories and construction sites after the holidays.

It's just that although it is not so leisurely, the people feel happier.

There is a saying: If you have money, you celebrate the New Year every day, but if you have no money, you live like a year.

When people are generally rich, it is natural to feel that life is very easy.

Although the work may be busy and tiring, but now I can have a full stomach and don't need to worry about the resources necessary for society. [

Even as an adult, many times you can live with worry, at most it is some work pressure.

The Republic of China at this time is not like the 21st century. Although people in the 21st century can eat enough, the resources necessary for society are occupied by a small number of people.People have to think about a lot of things, and there is a lot of pressure.

A British reporter later wrote in his "Republic of China Experience Records": "The Spring Festival that Chinese people are used to is like a carnival for Westerners. But they are not crazy and disorderly festival frenzy like Westerners. During their carnival, people are full of peaceful joy. They wear gorgeous national costumes and convey holiday greetings to each other. Every family prepares rich food, and children play happily. There is no war here, and because of industrial Development, foreign military victories, and European wars have made them rich. The workers and farmers here either have unemployment insurance or government subsidies. There are security systems in medical care and education, and their ordinary people do not have much Worry, like an oriental paradise."

Many foreigners who have just come to the Republic of China are surprised to find that this place is completely different from the China in their impression.

There are no braids, and there are no Chinese people who are yellow and emaciated due to long-term malnutrition, and these Chinese people wear more fashionable clothes than them. Instead, they look like local leopards.

Moreover, many family cars can already be seen on the street, and trucks shuttle around, which is much more than the number of cars in Europe.

In Greater Shanghai, there are many tall buildings here.The atmosphere of urbanization is stronger than that of any city in Europe and America.

At the same time, those foreigners who came to Shanghai also found that Shanghai, the legendary oriental adventure paradise, has now become a place with fewer opportunities than Europe and the United States.

The Chinese are no longer interested in foreigners like them.

If the foreigners who come to China are not technicians, engineers, researchers, or scholars.Or if you have a good skill, it will be very difficult to get along in this place in China.

The white people who would come to the east to take risks are all very frustrated guys with no education or skills. These European hooligans and silks have to rely on smuggling to enter China.After coming to China.I can only do some dirty and tiring work.

Better jobs, easier jobs, don't think about them at all.

They came to China by smuggling or borrowed money from smugglers. There is no law to protect them here, and they are completely black households.

Nearly half of the monthly income has to be paid back to the smugglers.

Many Europeans suffer from poor working conditions or are overworked.There are generally some problems in the body, and on average, they will die of exhaustion five or six years after they come to China.

This is not an adventure paradise, but an adventure hell.

They die and they die.No one cares about them at all.As for their government, they can't control them at all.Because they are black households, their government has no reason to control them, and at the same time it does not want to control them.

And those foreigners who entered the Republic of China through formal channels are all talents with special skills.These people are really doing well in the Republic of China, and many of them have extremely high incomes.

Europeans often only see the superficial sunshine.But they did not see the shadow on the other side, so many poor Europeans thought that they could live a good life in the Republic of China.

However, it also attracted many European talents to immigrate spontaneously to the Republic of China.

Especially those small countries, because Europe is a mess, so they generally feel insecure, and they can have a safer environment, higher income, and better living conditions when they come to the Republic of China, so why not come to China where to go?

But also because of the war at this time, the roads were not so smooth, so there were not so many European talents who spontaneously came to the Republic of China.

However, Europe after the war will fall into a period of economic depression. At that time, more European talents will come to China. The Republic of China does not need to worry about the shortage of talents after the war.


In Europe, with the arrival of the Spring Festival in China, the winter in Europe is over, and the two camps will continue to fight in the spring of this year.

The Allied Powers formulated a spring offensive for this year and imported a lot of materials from the Republic of China, and the United States also shipped a lot of materials from the mainland.

The Allied countries frantically produced machinery and equipment in one winter, and then exported them to China in exchange for more military supplies.

But this year's spring offensive is different from last year's tragedy.

During last year's spring offensive, most of the war tanks of the Allied Powers were blown up before they reached the front line.This year the Allies purchased more advanced fighter jets from the Republic of China, which gave the Allies an advantage in the past winter's air force competition.

At the same time, the Allies also learned the tactical arrangement of using the air force to protect the armored division.

The Allied Powers dispatched nearly 3 tanks in March. Under the protection of the Air Force, they launched a fierce attack on the German army on the Somme River defense line.

The German counterattack was fierce, and all kinds of anti-tank weapons were used.

The tanks of the Allied Powers suffered heavy losses under the attack of these anti-tank weapons, and nearly half of the tanks were destroyed. However, because of the support of the air force, the Allied Powers still crushed the German Somme defense line in one fell swoop.

The Allied Powers advanced all the way, and the German army had to retreat to the Hindenburg defense line again.

The war between the two sides, to this extent, is more anxious, even more disgusting, in this rhythm of advancing and retreating.Tired of playing.

It seems that victory is so far away.

Especially the soldiers of the Confederate States felt this way.

In terms of the Allied Powers, British and French soldiers also felt the same way, but American soldiers were better in comparison, after all, the United States entered the war relatively late.

However, the quality of the American soldiers is not too high, but their artillery tactics are relatively mature, not as stupid as the British and French artillery, and the artillery preparations are even as long as a week.

American artillery has a clearer sense of combat.

However, the United States did not prepare seriously when it entered the war, and it was even a bit like playing a game.He thinks that he can end the war as soon as he enters the war.

But later, the Republic of China caused the Allied Powers to stumble.

The United States is now serious about fighting this war.

The war developed to this period.It has become more cruel, because both sides are using white phosphorus on a large scale, the Allies are using it, and the Allies are also using it.

This weapon often caused the opponent's soldiers to collapse and flee.

The Allies are on the spring offensive.All the way to the Hindenburg defense line, in the process, the Allies paid the price of 60 deaths.

The U.S. government had to launch a second recruitment.

Due to the large number of U.S. warships engaged in submarine strike operations, and the Republic of China stopped supporting Germany’s restricted submarine warfare, the tonnage of merchant ships sunk by the German submarine force this year has been unable to keep up with the production speed of the Allies, and Germany’s restricted submarine warfare has failed. .

More and more American supplies were sent to the European battlefield.

More American soldiers also went to the battlefields in Europe.The United States once again mobilized 150 million people, and the size of the army reached a terrifying level of 450 million.

With the addition of 200 million people in the navy, the US military strength is as high as 650 million.

650 million!

The population of the United States is only about 9000 million.A large number of labor took to the battlefield.

The strength of the US Army alone is almost the same as that of the Allies.

At this time, the U.S. government is riding a tiger. For the United States, this war is also only allowed to win, not to lose.

Once failed.First of all, the benefit of being about to eat in the mouth is gone.And even the president or something has to get out of office.

So the United States is also deeply involved.

Because of American mobilization.As well as the arrival of a large number of materials, the victory of the Allied Powers has basically been as expected by the Republic of China, and it is about to win.

This war is also coming to an end.

However, at the end of the spring of this year, Ludendorff, who retreated to the Hindenburg line of defense, launched a crazy counterattack under the order of Hindenburg.

A large number of small groups of troops were sent out to attack the weak points of the Allied defenses.

At the same time, a large group of troops also dispatched planes, tanks, and a large number of artillery to launch a stormy counterattack against the Allied Powers.

It's like returning to the light, but the attack power cannot be underestimated.

The entire battlefield is like a crazy meat grinder, a large number of American soldiers and German soldiers are brutally fighting, including many Japanese soldiers.

These Japanese soldiers were very resilient and caused great casualties to American soldiers.

But after all, the U.S. military has advantages in materials and personnel, and the Allied Powers also have air force advantages. The two sides fought fiercely for about two months.

Corpses are almost everywhere on the battlefield, some complete and some mutilated.Among the casualties of the Allies, American soldiers accounted for the majority of casualties.At this time, the main force of the Allies has become the US military.

Although the Allies killed more enemy troops tactically, they still did what they did strategically, and their attacks were resisted by the Allies.

After the Allied Powers blocked the attack of the Allied Powers, they immediately began to organize their forces, preparing to attack the Hindenburg line of defense.

As long as they break through the Hindenburg defense line, the German Junker nobles will not be able to hold on.The Junkers consortium will inevitably compromise with the Rothschild consortium, which means the end of the war.


On the other side of Europe, the Soviet-Russian civil war was also in full swing in the spring. Compared with the war of attrition in Europe, Russia was fighting a war of movement.

The Western European battlefield is too small to move around, so the battle is positional warfare.

Russia is so big, it is naturally impossible to fight any positional warfare, and Russia's wars can only be mobile warfare.

In this mobile battle, the Belarusian army was also beaten back steadily, but the military equipment of the Belarusian army was better after all, and the Soviet army killed nearly twice as much as its own troops.

But even so, it couldn't stop the Soviet army's footsteps.

The Soviet army has ideologically instilled weapons, and at the same time is more flexible in tactics, and has the support of the poor Russian class who are suffering, and the soldiers are more able to endure hardships. Naturally, the White Russian army cannot resist it.

Moreover, the Soviet army also sent a small group of troops to make trouble in the rear, and the Belarusian government played very passively.During a spring campaign, the Soviet army had already entered Siberia's Tyumen State.

While the Belarusian government was retreating steadily, many Belarusian troops ran to Chinese territory to seek asylum.

At the same time, it also caused panic among the Russian nobles.

Many Russian nobles dragged their families to the Republic of China before the Soviet army reached Omsk. To obtain a green card to reside in the Republic of China, a fee must be paid.

For those who can’t pay, the Republic of China has opened up a refugee area, and only these refugees are allowed to stay in the refugee area. The labor force can enter the Republic of China to work under the organization of the Republic of China, but they cannot drag their families into the country. The family still has to stay in the refugee area.

The conditions in the refugee area are very poor. Although the Republic of China has distributed relief food, not only the conditions are poor, but also the public security is relatively poor. s right.

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