The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 045 The Caucasian World's Sense of Crisis



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Two months after the ceasefire in the European battlefield, the negotiations between Germany and the Allies began. During this period, the Rothschild consortium was negotiating with the German Juncker consortium.

Sure enough, as the top leaders of the Republic of China expected, the defeated Germany will not be razed to the ground, let alone military officers.

In the First World War, the main contradiction in this war was the competition for interests, but it did not involve so many ethnic issues. [

For the Rothschild consortium, after Germany is destroyed, who will occupy Germany?


Then France will inevitably become a big European country, so it is impossible to continue to play a balance in Europe.

Britain's interests in this area dovetailed with the Rothschild consortium, and Britain also needed a balanced continental European system.

First of all, from this point of view, it is impossible to impose military control on Germany.

In addition, the German Junkers consortium is in a hurry. At worst, those factories will be blown up. At that time, the Rothschild consortium will not get any benefits.

After two months of negotiations, the German Junkers consortium reached an agreement with the Rothschild consortium after paying a certain price.

The next step is the negotiations between the countries. Germany and the Allied Powers started negotiations in Paris, France.

All countries sent delegations to participate in the negotiations, and the Republic of China was also invited. The Republic of China sent Wu Tingfang to form a delegation to Paris, France.

Although the Republic of China is a neutral country, it must implement the issues of Iraq and Namibia.

In November, Wu Tingfang's delegation arrived in Paris, France.


The participation of the Republic of China in this negotiation has attracted some attention.The appearance of the Republic of China in this negotiation as a "notary country" seems a bit strange.

Some media have speculated that some kind of agreement may have been reached between China and the Allies.

But this speculation has not been confirmed.

The negotiations were led by the heads of government and foreign ministers of the four victorious countries (Britain, France, the United States, and Italy), as well as the "Ten-member Committee" composed of two Chinese delegations.The organization is complex and full of contradictions, making it difficult to make effective decisions.During the negotiation process, the foreign ministers of various countries withdrew from the ten-member committee one after another. Later, when Italy also withdrew due to the rejection of its territorial claim to Fiume (Rieka) in Yugoslavia, the final negotiations were conducted by the heads of government of the three major powers (UK, France, and the United States). That is to say, British Prime Minister George, French Prime Minister Clemenceau, and US President Wilson are in control, and Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando has a negligible role.Germany was not even allowed to participate in the treaty discussions, and the ROC delegation participated, but only in defense of its own interests.

Because the negotiating goals of various countries are inconsistent or even conflicting, each decision can only be reached after "unpleasant compromises".Henry Kissinger called it "a fragile compromise between American-style idealism and European-style paranoia".

The Republic of China is the easiest in this negotiation.The three giants of the Allied Powers, Britain, France, and the United States, dare not touch the secret agreement signed before.

There were no further dissenting views on the two colonies of 'Iraq' and 'Syria' in the northwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula occupied by the Ottoman Turkish Empire, and Namibia in German South West Africa.At the same time, the United Kingdom also knew that it would continue to occupy Hong Kong on the issue of returning the Hong Kong concession that it had reached at the beginning, so it did not make any efforts. [

The Allies know that the consequences of annoying the Republic of China are very serious. Although the war with the Allies is over, China is always threatening Britain's large colonies.

Britain, France and the United States are deeply afraid and worried about the strength of the Republic of China.Although the Republic of China fought everywhere in this world war, it never fell into the quagmire of war, so China's strength is the best preserved.

China can now mobilize a large number of troops, also has a strong air force and armor, and can even go all the way to Europe if China wants to.

Fortunately, China is clearly full now.I don't want to continue to expand.

In this negotiation, Wu Tingfang, who led the Chinese delegation, put forward the concept of 'national self-determination' on behalf of President Song Jiaoren of the Republic of China.

That is to say, all ethnic groups can form their own countries and regimes, and advocate for Poland to form an independent country.To contain Red Russia.

The next day, photos of Wu Tingfang's speech in Paris appeared in newspapers of various countries, and the Republic of China mobilized all channels of public opinion to promote this 'national self-determination' policy.

This concept immediately aroused the resonance of all nations in the world.The Republic of China once again packaged its national image gorgeously, in the eyes of those enslaved nations.The Republic of China is the hope of the world's weak and small nations.

That day Wu Tingfang had just finished the negotiation meeting and was about to return to the hotel when he was surrounded by a group of reporters.

"Mr. Wu Tingfang, the Republic of China has proposed a policy of national self-determination, so has the Republic of China itself implemented it? As far as I know, your country not only occupied the Philippines, but also occupied the Russian Far East administrative region and Turkic lands. Why do the Filipinos and Turks Can’t national self-determination?” One of the British reporters asked Wu Tingfang, the question was full of various doubts.

Facing the reporter's interview calmly, Wu Tingfang replied: "I must correct one point. The Philippines has been a subsidiary country of the Republic of China since ancient times. In ancient times, we only handed over the territory to them for management, but the Philippines once launched a massacre against the Chinese. Therefore, the Republic of China will not allow such a dangerous nation to form a country. We will strengthen education for Filipinos, and then reconsider whether Filipinos have the conditions for national self-determination. As for the Russian Far East Administrative Region and Turkic Land, there are nomadic peoples living there region, these nomadic peoples have launched several acts of looting and massacres in China in history, and the Republic of China will not tolerate such garbage people to establish a country around them."

"All nations that meet the conditions for national self-determination are those that love peace or have suffered aggression, and as aggressors, they should be punished." Wu Tingfang's words caused an uproar.

The last sentence appeared on the front pages of major European and American newspapers that day.

The China threat theory is once again making noise.

In the past, Britain and France, as invaders, enslaved all nations in the world. They were a very guilty country. If they did too many bad things, they would naturally be afraid of rebelling against the latest chapter of Langyao Zhutian.

This sense of crisis has taken root in the hearts of the people of every colonial country, even those who have peace on their lips all day long, have this sense of crisis.

Wu Tingfang's remarks won the welcome of those oppressed nations even though the white world had a strong sense of crisis.

The Republic of China has become the savior in the eyes of those oppressed nations.

With regard to the policy of national self-determination, all countries regard the actions of the Republic of China in their eyes.

From the Kingdom of Korea, the Kingdom of Ryukyu, the Kingdom of Annan, and the Kingdom of Siam, we can see the strength of the implementation of the national self-determination policy of the Republic of China.

As for the Republic of South China and the Kingdom of Japan, they are relatively special examples.

The former is a country established by the Chinese, but the Indonesian indigenous people have also launched massacres against the Chinese. This is the reason given by China. [

The Kingdom of Japan is an Asian country that was defeated by China. It was once a vassal state of China, and now it has become a vassal state again.

As a vassal country of the following criminals, the Republic of China allowed them to continue to exist, which is already very benevolent. The Republic of China even helped Japan develop its economy and provided Japan with relief food to prevent the Japanese from starving to death.

All kinds of good deeds have appeared in large numbers in international public opinion.

But actually!These reports are good deeds to Japan, but the Republic of China did not want to see Japanese slaves starved to death, so they provided them with food aid.

If you want the animals to work for you, at least you must ensure that the animals will not starve to death.

As for the development of the economy, countries have only seen what is on the surface. In-depth investigation will find that most of what China has allowed Japan to develop are those highly polluting industries.

However, the Republic of China is continuously strengthening the manipulation of international public opinion, constantly promoting the righteous image of the Republic of China to those colonized countries and third world countries.

As for the Caucasian world, except in Australia and New Zealand, there is basically no publicity in Caucasian countries.

After all, there are not many public opinion channels controlled by China, and it is not its own territory. First of all, it is not easy to publicize, and secondly, it is not necessary.

At this time, the Republic of China is not afraid of the hostility of the white world, because they will all be enemies in the end.The international public opinion propaganda of the Republic of China is mainly aimed at those third world countries and colonized countries.

This makes many third world countries want to join China's Asian trading system.

The "Asian Trade Organization" established by the Republic of China during the First World War, the member countries are China and those dependent countries, the Asian Trade Organization is the trade organization with the lowest tariff in the world, and the member countries enjoy low tariff trade conditions.

Of course, in this system, it depends on one's own ability.

Those who are capable make more money, and those who are not capable make less money.

But in fact, it still depends on the allocation of industries by the consortium. If the consortium does not want you to develop the industry, it will definitely not develop.Because all the dependent countries have obtained their own industries, and the huge market of the Republic of China, it seems to be very profitable.

However, the money is still in the pockets of the consortium, because those industries are still assets that the consortium is operating.Naturally, when the consortium puts its industries in these countries, the tax revenue of the dependent countries will also increase.

The Afghan King Habibullah Khan and the Persian King Shah received invitations from the Republic of China to visit at the same time in the winter of this year.

The two kings received the invitation and both went to the Republic of China with pleasure.

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