

That's one chapter today, and I'm still dealing with that annoying matter for the past two days, and it should be completely dealt with tomorrow.

At the same time as the end of the war, the British and French industries also began to re-produce industrial goods, and began to make a comeback to Asia, but after the first batch of goods arrived in Asia... they rushed to the street!

He rushed to the street without any suspense.

British goods hit the street most thoroughly. [

British commodities are textiles, iron and steel, and coal.

In terms of textiles, British textiles have suffered miserably in Asia. China's cotton planting industry has become the largest in the world, and its production cost is the lowest.

The export of the textile industry of the Republic of China has also been transferred to subsidiary countries such as Vietnam and Siam. These subsidiary countries use the most advanced textile machinery, but the workers are paid very low wages. The competitiveness of China’s textile exports is fundamental. Not something British textiles could compete with.

Although the textiles exported by the dependent countries are actually no different from those exported by China, because those textile factories are all opened by consortiums.

In other words, the profits are still in the hands of the consortium.

In contrast, the British textile production machines are outdated, and there is an essential gap between the products of the first industrial revolution and the products of the second industrial revolution.

Just like textile machinery, the first industrial revolution used a steam engine for transmission, but the vibration of the steam engine transmission was relatively large, and the textile efficiency and product quality were not as good as the textile factories of the second industrial revolution that used electric motors.

British textile factories basically use the machines of the first industrial revolution. In addition, British wages are relatively high, and unlike the Republic of China, the ordinary textile industry is handed over to dependent countries with lower labor costs for production. Resulting in high production costs.

In terms of cotton, Britain does not produce cotton. In the past, British textile factories mainly imported cotton from the United States.Thus, it was shipped back to England to produce cotton cloth, and then shipped to colonial markets all over the world for sale, and also sold to countries such as Brazil, Chile, and Argentina.

In other words, the British imported cotton and had to go through two tariffs.

The tariff on cotton exported from the United States, plus the tariff on imported cotton from Great Britain.Then Britain exported textiles and had to be charged another tariff.

That's three tariffs.

If it is shipped to Brazil, Chile, or Argentina, the import tax will be charged again. Although the import tax in these countries is not high, it still exists.

After many tosses.Tariffs that come and go make British textile production more expensive.

This problem does not exist in the Republic of China, whose cotton is exported to dependent countries because the export tariffs on raw materials among Asian trade organizations are relatively low.Circulation within this system is only taxed symbolically, and export taxes are relatively low.

As a result, the cost of ordinary textiles exported by the textile mills of the dependent countries is not even half that of British textiles.In the competition of overseas markets, British textiles simply cannot be sold.Even the textiles exported by the United States were weighed down by the textiles produced by the dependent countries.

And the national textile factories in countries like Brazil and Argentina have also been hit by Chinese textiles so that it is difficult to continue to survive.

The textile products of the member countries of the Asian Trade Organization are rampant in markets around the world. Since the Allied countries have negotiated import and export tariffs with the Republic of China in advance, the countries cannot stop these low-priced textiles without changing the tariffs.

Light industry.Although the profit is not high, it can create a lot of jobs. [

Various industries in the Republic of China are booming, and there is no need for so many light industries.But the dependent countries are in great need, which has brought a lot of employment to the dependent countries.

The textile markets in other countries are constantly shrinking, and the scale of employment creation for them has also been reduced.

After the textile factory workers in those dependent countries got their wages, they went through some consumption.The money ran into the pockets of the consortium again.The consortium is always exploiting the people of every dependent country.

This kind of exploitation is so hidden that ordinary people can't see it at all.

British coal is also on the street.After a series of investment activities, China's overseas coal assets are more than the coal mines controlled by the United Kingdom in Asia.

Although not all of those coal mines use the "open-pit" mining model, at least the equipment is more advanced than the coal mines invested by the UK overseas. Once the productivity increases, the coal price will blow up British coal.

As for the coal mines transported from the UK from the mainland, the British merchant shipping still has to rely on Chinese merchant ships, and the price is relatively high.The coal invested by China is sold all over the world.

The only thing that is not so pitted is steel, but American steel occupies most of the global market, but the Republic of China has a steel gap and imports a lot of British steel.

But the Republic of China has begun to export higher-grade steel, that is, low-alloy steel.

That is to import steel from other countries to the Republic of China, and then produce it into low-alloy steel with high added value.

In the early years, Jiang Yu not only consulted a large amount of technical information with his golden fingers, but also spent more than half a month in an experimental steel factory in order to develop the technology for mass production of low-alloy steel.

After experiments, the Huaian Pilot Iron and Steel Works created several methods for large-scale production of low-alloy steel. One of them was a technology created by the workers themselves during the Cultural Revolution, which produced low-alloy steel directly from the mine instead of going through the blast furnace. Open hearth low alloy steel such process.

However, the production efficiency of this indigenous method is lower, but the advantage is that the cost input is also low.

For the consortium, the production of low-alloy steel must have commercial interests. Due to the low input cost of indigenous production, it is easy for others to enter this field, so Jiang Yu decided to seal up this technology.

The added value of low-alloy steel is much higher than that of ordinary steel. In this era, countries have not yet started large-scale production of low-alloy steel, but it is about to start.

But the Republic of China took the lead and began mass production of various types of low-alloy steel.

Steel is imported from the UK, and then tempered into low-alloy steel, which is then produced into products such as automobiles and mechanical equipment. The performance is much higher than that of ordinary steel.

For example, after the truck is made of low-alloy steel, its own weight is reduced, and the load capacity is increased?At the same time, in the empty state, its lighter weight can save fuel.when loading cargo.Not only is fuel utilization improved, but so is efficiency.

After using low-alloy steel to manufacture trucks, the performance of China's trucks is undoubtedly the first in the world.

At the same time, a batch of low-alloy steel was directly exported, which means that a value-added was earned as soon as it was re-produced. Moreover, this low-alloy steel was imported in large quantities by Europe and the United States.

This kind of thing has not yet formed a large-scale industry in all countries in the world. Every country has to import things, and they still sell them the same after adjusting tariffs.

Just like the products exported by Germany in later generations, other countries have to buy them if they don't want to, because other countries can't produce them. [

The added value of low alloy steel is relatively high in this year.But other alloy steels have higher added value, and the Republic of China is also exporting some medium and high alloy steels, but the prices are very high.The added value is much higher.

With the development of the alloy smelting industry in the Republic of China, Europe basically imported such products from China after the war, and the United States also imported them.

In the start of this industry, China has already seized the opportunity.

In terms of internationalization of ordinary steel, it is mainly controlled by the United States.However, the international steel market is not very large. Excluding China, it is at most more than 1000 million tons, or even not that much.

When the scale of China's ordinary steel industry reaches a certain level, it will be able to crush US steel exports by simply engaging in exports.

After all, the steel industry in the United States at this time only had an output of 4000 million tons.And China's steel production has expanded crazily to a scale of 1 million tons.

But China's population base is too large, and now it is engaged in a bubble economy, and various construction projects are everywhere in the country.The consumption of steel is terrible, so the Republic of China is still importing steel despite such a huge amount of steel production.

Except for one piece of steel, all other commodities in the UK have basically rushed.

France is much better than the UK. After all, France is a continental country, not like the UK before.It can make money without any technology, so France's industry is more advanced than that of Britain.But the goods in France basically fluttered a lot.

The post-war international market is dominated by the Republic of China and the United States. Industrial products that can be produced in Europe can also be produced by these two super monsters.

That is to say, European countries such as Germany and Sweden have some advantages in precision manufacturing.

Therefore, economic recovery in Europe is not easy, especially in the UK.Germany's prospects for industrial recovery are the best, and it doesn't look like a defeated country at all.

In addition to occupying the Asian international market, the Republic of China also occupied many commodity markets in the Americas and Canada, basically forming an anxious tug-of-war with the United States.

In the fierce overseas market competition, the East China Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China has exerted a strong ability to coordinate and command, and every national capital businessman who can participate in it, and every production link has been mobilized.

In those disadvantaged industries, the enthusiasm of scientific researchers and workers is fully mobilized to innovate technology.The consortium continuously monitors the market, collects various international market data, and adjusts commodity prices in a timely manner. The entire chamber of commerce is united in good faith, and the "government" and the military cooperate closely to adjust policies at any time.

In terms of the export of agricultural products, the Republic of China has a great advantage, especially in food production, which basically blows up the United States.

In terms of grain production, China has popularized large-scale agricultural machinery, and all grain production has been mechanized. In addition, the Republic of China has invested the most resources in the cultivation of crop varieties.

The cost of food production in China is so low that it is even exported to the United States.Wheat production in various countries is not bad at this time.As China develops the administrative region of Central Asia, there will be a lot of wheat to be produced there.

The Republic of China sold grain to the world, and basically wiped out American grain exports.

However, in the production of economic crops, China's cotton, soybeans, and rubber have swept the international market. Among them, rubber and soybeans are imported by every European country.

These days there is no synthetic rubber industry in Europe and the United States, and the output of natural rubber is not too large. Therefore, importing rubber from China has become the choice of every industrial country.

There is no large-scale cultivation of soybeans in any country, and only China has developed soybean cultivation.

In terms of oil exports, China and the United States are engaged in a fierce price war. There is no shortage of oil these days. The two sides just sell oil as an ordinary commodity, as long as there is a profit.

Therefore, the price war is fierce, but the oil industry in the United States is not as advanced as that in China.The production cost is also higher. In addition, China has built larger ocean-going tankers, and the price is lower than that of American oil. The competition between the two sides in the oil market is fierce, and it has reached a white-hot stage since the beginning of the war.

Europe basically imports oil, and the more affordable Chinese oil has become the choice of most European countries.

However, U.S. oil still sells better in Europe, because the Rothschild consortium has channels, and U.S. oil is controlled by the Rothschild consortium.

The Rockefeller consortium was supported by the Rothschild consortium.When the Rothschild consortium had not yet been formed.Rockefeller, the founder of the Rothschild consortium, had strong execution ability. This so-called execution ability is to burn other people's factories and beat other people's employees.Violent acquisitions of competitors made him fall in love with the Rothschild consortium. With the strong support of the Rothschild consortium, Rockefeller finally formed his consortium.

Starting from its own interests, the Rothschild consortium naturally makes more money selling oil from the Rockefeller consortium.Therefore, the oil sales channels of the Rothschild consortium are basically selling American oil.

However, China National Capital Group is also establishing its own oil sales channels in Europe, that is, industries such as gas stations.

In terms of oil, it is difficult for both sides to completely defeat each other in Europe, but in terms of by-products, China is basically in a monopoly position in the international market.

All kinds of plastic products are sold to various countries because of the lightness of plastic.And the more durable features, so it has been welcomed by the international market, and Europe has imported a lot of it.

Once the war is over.The Republic of China exported a large number of commodities to European countries.

After a long war, every European family has a very strong desire for consumption. After all, it was six years without any consumption, which was too difficult.

The war is over and supplies are plentiful.The price has also dropped, and naturally it is consumed in large quantities.

This is the first wave of consumption.The total amount of goods exported by China far exceeds that of the United States.A large number of goods from the Republic of China almost rushed in, quickly occupying the gap in the European commodity market.

It is not that simple for the European commodity market to recover. Many of them have to import raw materials from overseas first, and then produce them.

The East China Chamber of Commerce in China is eyeing it. When Britain and France made a comeback in Asia, Chinese goods had already swarmed into the European market.

This has made many British and French industrial products even unsafe in the European market. Under such circumstances, how can we talk about re-seizing the Asian market?

With a large number of Chinese goods occupying the international market and pouring into the British and French markets, it has become more difficult for Britain and France to restore their economies.

At the same time, a large number of Chinese goods have also poured into the US market.

The American industry has been hit to a certain extent, but in addition to tariffs, the United States has a relatively poor transportation. This gives American products a certain advantage, but that is only their monopoly products, and many of the non-monopoly products have been hit. It was sputtering.

In terms of commodity pricing power, China controls the pricing power of many bulk raw materials, and is currently engaged in fierce competition with the United States.

After the war, the two sides formed their own financial centers.

The status of London, England, as the world financial center no longer exists, and now it has become New York in the United States and Shanghai in China, and these two cities have become new financial centers.

Now there is no world financial center, only regional financial centers.Neither New York nor Shanghai can influence the whole world.

China controls the financial business in Asia and Oceania, New York in the United States controls the financial business in North America and Europe, and London in the United Kingdom is half dead and in a state of separate regimes.

In Europe, the main focus remains on negotiations.

France is trying to weaken Germany, Britain does not want to cause an imbalance in the power of the European continent, and the United States does not advocate excessive weakening of Germany.

In difficult negotiations, China has stayed out of the way.

Immediately after the end of the war, the Republic of China began to recruit various industrial talents in Europe on a large scale. Whether it is a technician, an engineer, or a scientific researcher, if they are willing to work in China, they can get very good treatment.

Many European industrial talents went to work in China one after another, which greatly solved the problem of the lack of industrial talents in the Republic of China.

Especially in Germany, many technicians have gone to China.

However, some European industrial talents are still reluctant to go to China. After all, the cultural background of the country is different, and many people prefer to go to the United States.

China's advantage is that the issue of treatment is guaranteed.

Another problem is that those industrial talents in Europe are not yet unemployed, so naturally they will not run around. When the European economy is depressed, they will naturally run around for their livelihood.

Under the background of solving industrial talents, the industrial development speed of the Republic of China is even faster.

The development momentum of the Republic of China is so strong that the world at this time is dumbfounded.

The Rothschild consortium understands why China has such a strong development momentum now, because the bubble economy was started by the Rothschild consortium long ago.

Basically, in Europe before, there would be economic depression every few years or something.

The strong development momentum under the bubble economy is terrifying.Especially in a country like China, which has a lot of construction projects.

In other words, the duration of China's bubble economy will be much longer than that of European and American countries.

Europe and the United States can only build so many projects in the bubble economy, but China can build much more than Europe and the United States, because China did not have much foundation before.

Europe and the United States can only stop after building those projects and the economy is depressed, but China can build the entire huge country to the level of Europe and the United States, and even build a higher level with more advanced technology, and then stop the bubble economy.

Thanks to painstaking efforts, the Republic of China now needs resources and resources, capital and capital, and technology and technology. At the same time, it also has a fairer wealth distribution model.

This also means that there is no suspense for the Republic of China to catch up with Europe and the United States.

Especially in the case of more advanced technology, what can be built is more advanced than Europe and the United States, the productivity is higher, and the country is more developed.

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