The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 084 Blocking the City


At noon that day, the air defense siren was sounded.Two hundred Chinese strategic bombers flew over Moscow and bombed factories in Moscow.

Bombs fell from the sky, making violent explosions in the city.

This indiscriminate bombing has continued for seven days.However, the strategic bombers of the Republic of China did not bomb residential areas, but chose various factories for bombing.

Red Bear's steel production had just recovered to more than 400 million tons, but most of it was wiped out during this week's bombing. [

At this time, the red hairy bear cannot produce steel.The Caucasus region has also been blocked, and all the oil production that the red bear has just recovered has been lost.

Without steel, there is no ammunition.

Without oil, airplanes, chariots, and cars are just a pile of scrap iron, so what's the use if they can't drive!

As for the oil fields around Ufa, they haven't been developed yet!And with the retreat east of the Volga, Ufa has also fallen.

And those military factories were also scrapped under the bombing of those bomber formations.

The Republic of China's strategic bombing of Russia shocked the whole world.This is the second time that the Republic of China has launched a large-scale air force bombing of other countries.

The first time it targeted Japan, but the scale of the bombing at that time was obviously not comparable to this time.

In just seven days, the Republic of China used strategic bombers to drop more than 40 tons of bombs to the rear of Russia. The 40 tons of bombs paralyzed Russia.

In addition to strategic bombers, those Mustang fighter jets are also wreaking havoc everywhere in Russia.

Whenever cars and crowds are found on the road, they will be shot down in a pile.Russia's railways were basically completely paralyzed, and all transportation hubs were bombed. In such a large country, transportation was basically paralyzed.

At this time, Russia can only transport at night.However, many roads have been bombed, making transportation efficiency a slow speed for such a large country.

This basically paralyzed the red bear in terms of troop mobilization, arms production, and logistics supply.

This kind of strategic bombing caused great fear in European and American countries, especially the Rothschild consortium, who began to realize that their previous aid to the red bear was simply super stupid.

Not only was such aid ineffective, but it also annoyed the Chinese.

What made Rothschild's consortium even more frightening was that at this time the Republic of China raised the issue of aiding Tsarist Russia to restore the country.

The threat is self-evident.

If they don't aid Tsarist Russia to restore the country, and stop aiding the red bear.Then the coalition forces formed by the Republic of China will march all the way to Europe.

"Let's talk slowly. Anyway, when we hit the Polish border, the Rothschild consortium won't be able to hold on anymore." Jiang Yu felt that the victory was in his hands.It is completely possible to crush the Rothschild consortium.

As long as the Republic of China takes Ukraine, it will go to the border of Poland to dominate the world. [

So does the Rothschild consortium still have the capital to be arrogant?

At that time, as long as the Republic of China destroys Poland, Germany will be able to take refuge in China immediately, and then crush France. Once France is finished, Britain will definitely be finished.

In this situation.The Rothschild consortium simply has no room for compromise.

Most of the assets of the Rothschild consortium are in Europe, how are these assets transferred?Mostly real estate, how to transfer it?


Who will buy it?

Private funds certainly don't have that much money to buy, and as the war approaches, if the Rothschild consortium disposes of real estate in large quantities, the price will not be much higher.

In order to retaliate against the Rothschild consortium for supporting the red bear.Jiang Yu must have caused the Rothschild consortium to bleed again this time.

It happened to be able to extort a lot of money, which reduced the expenditure on helping Tsarist Russia to restore the country, which was equivalent to throwing this burden on the Rothschild consortium.But the results are enjoyed by the Republic of China.


At the same time, the second batch of the Tsarist Russian National Salvation Army is also being quickly formed. The second batch of the army has 120 million soldiers. Half of these soldiers will be selected from the Russians who were arrested and sent to China to work as laborers.Then draw half of the captured Soviet soldiers.

These Tsarist Russian soldiers will be used for rear occupation and security maintenance.

If it is captured, it will still be occupied.

After the Russian government occupied Volgograd.That is, it was decided to use this city as the temporary capital, and Nicholas II came to Volgograd by plane.

In the rear, the Republic of China continued to transport personnel and materials to Volgograd, and the railway was repaired to Volgograd at an extremely fast speed.

The tens of millions of Russian laborers in the Republic of China began to be repatriated to Russia in batches.

At this time, Russia no longer had any male labor force, and the war basically sent all the male labor force to the battlefield.In order to fight the war, the red bear made the huge Russia show an extremely depressed atmosphere.

On the contrary, in China, there are tens of millions of Russian laborers.Although these Russian laborers were captured and sent to China as coolies, they had good food and hygiene, and the labor intensity was not too high, so not many died.

These Russian laborers stayed in China for a long time, and most of them regained their freedom, and formed families in China with the Russian women who were forcibly brought to China.

They have also seen a lot of things about the Republic of China, and they no longer feel much about the theory of the red bear.

This group of people will become the main population for the restoration of Tsarist Russia.

Among these Russians, the male labor force is as high as 1000 to 500 million, and the female labor force is as high as [-] million. However, most of those beautiful Russian women have been absorbed by China. [

It is equivalent to, after the restoration of Tsarist Russia, it has a male labor force of 1000 to [-] million.And the red bears have been beaten to this level, and there are only a few million male laborers left.

And for Tsarist Russia, what's even more refreshing is that after the sharp reduction in population, the resources in short supply in society will be abundant, and it will be easy to unite with more than 1000 young and strong laborers of more than [-] million.

As long as Russia’s resources are developed, after the Republic of China has exploited most of them, these Russians can still live a good life, then internal conflicts will be relatively small, and the rule of Tsarist Russia can be maintained, and it can be continued by the Republic of China exploit.

As the Tsarist Russian National Salvation Army began to clean up the rear, the construction of those transportation facilities was first started. These transportation facilities are strategic railways and strategic companies. After they are repaired, the Republic of China can better transport materials to the front. .

The commercial railways and highways are funded and built by Chinese national capital groups, and those railways and highways that are not profitable must be counted on the head of the Tsarist Russian government, which is equivalent to lending them money to repair them.

With the construction of railways, roads, and houses, there will be jobs, which will allow those Russians to get jobs, and the Republic of China will export food and other materials to Russia, so that the Russians will be able to eat.

The other one is war.There will be more and more Tsarist Russian soldiers, and the third phase of training has already begun, but it will take several months before they can go to the battlefield.

Those Tsarist Russian soldiers got the money, and they also wanted to spend it.

As long as the traffic can be smooth, Chinese materials can be transported to the territory of Tsarist Russia, so road construction is necessary, and roads are the foundation of everything.

However, among the labor force in Tsarist Russia, more than 300 million are Ukrainians, and more than 200 million are Belarusians. These people will return to Ukraine and Belarus.

In addition to forming the Tsarist Russian National Salvation Army, the Republic of China is also forming the Ukrainian National Salvation Army and the Belarusian National Salvation Army. These armies will become the main force to surround the red bear.

The domestic material supply is quite sufficient. Due to the extended working hours and the large number of women entering the factories, various materials were produced in large quantities, making up for the part of the labor consumed by the war.

Commodity exports are relatively normal, and the supply of commodities needed in the international market can still be guaranteed.Internal consumption needs can also guarantee supply.

The arms production capacity is constantly expanding.

The scale of the war has become larger and larger. With the formation of the second and third batches of the Tsarist Russian National Salvation Army, as well as the formation of the Ukrainian and Belarusian National Salvation Army, the force will exceed 800 million.

But the main force is still the 600 million army, and the other 200 million or so are placed in the rear to clean up those guerrillas.

What the Republic of China has to consider is guerrilla warfare and street warfare. The Soviet army's field battles pose no threat at all, so what we are doing now is to restore Tsarist Russia to the country and at the same time wipe out the Soviet army's vital forces as much as possible.

The battle situation in the Caucasus region has become more important. If another 100 million Soviet troops can be wiped out, then the next battle will be much easier.

After the 300 million Chinese army entered the Caucasus, it immediately launched a fierce attack on the Soviet army.With the cooperation of the armored division and the powerful air force, the Caucasus Soviet army was divided and surrounded.

By the seventh day of the war, a third of the Soviet army had been surrounded.

The remaining two-thirds of the Soviet army obviously couldn't run away. The big pockets had already been tightened, and now there was no tactical encirclement. The Caucasus Soviet army was not encircled, and they retreated to Narimanov one after another, relying on the city as a corner Recalcitrant, about 50 people withdrew into Narimanov.

After the Supreme Command received the information, it immediately ordered the blockade of Narimanov.

From Jiang Yu's point of view, if 50 Soviet troops poured into a small city, the food alone would not be enough. How many days could these Soviet troops survive under the blockade?

As for street fighting, if you can't fight it, don't fight it, even though there are a lot of cannon fodder.

The other 50 Soviet troops were quickly annihilated under the siege of the Chinese Army, and most of them put down their weapons and surrendered.

As for Narimanov's blockade, it was very simple. First clear out the surrounding buildings, then pull up the barbed wire, plant mines, and then arrange the firepower.

After blocking the remaining 50 Soviet troops in the Caucasus in the city, the Supreme Command left 100 million troops in the Caucasus, and another 200 million troops were dispatched to the east bank of the Volga River, where they gathered another 100 million troops and began to attack the Siberian Soviet troops. .

The dragon slaying plan is about to start!

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