The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 088 Occupying Siberia

This war in Russia has brought too much shock to the world.

The Republic of China used air superiority to carry out precise air strikes against the Soviet army, and then used armored divisions to forcefully break through the line of defense and conduct deep penetrations. This completely changed the war of attrition in World War I and became A quick blitz.

Among them, the strategic bombing of the Chinese Air Force shocked the world even more violently. In just three months, the strategic bomber force of the Republic of China dropped more than 100 million tons of bombs on major cities in Russia.

This is simply an unprecedented large-scale strategic bombing, which basically paralyzed the industrial production and transportation of Red Russia.

"It's hard to imagine. If so many bombs are dropped on the American mainland, I really don't know what the United States will look like." Chicago Daily reported. [


In Siberia, the 300 million army quickly captured towns throughout Siberia.

Towns in Siberia have a peculiarity.That is, these towns are distributed along the railway line, and the Siberian Railway traverses the Eurasian continent, and these towns are distributed along the railway line.

When Tsarist Russia developed Siberia, the speed was very fast. It was once known as the Russian speed. The towns in Siberia were quickly built, and the population exceeded 1000 million in a short period of time.

However, after experiencing the Soviet-Russian Civil War and the Russian famine, the population of Siberia has dropped sharply to more than 500 million, nearly 600 million people.

But Siberia is a place rich in resources, and the Russians here can live a decent life.

But this place obviously doesn't belong to them anymore.

After the Republic of China quickly controlled the towns in Siberia along the railway line, it immediately mobilized a large number of cars, dredged the railway transportation, and began to forcibly transfer the Russians in Siberia.

In this regard, the Republic of China sent a large number of administrative and propaganda personnel to use carrots and sticks against those Russians.

Families packed up and saluted, took the cars and trains of the Republic of China, and migrated to the resettlement area west of the Ural Mountains.

The Republic of China and the Tsarist Russian "government" jointly came forward and made promises to them.

Anyone who is willing to relocate will be helped to build a house. Those who are willing to engage in agricultural production will be allocated 10 mu of land for each family. Those who are willing to be workers will have a monthly salary of not less than [-] Yanhuang coins and various welfare guarantees. Siberia life is much better.

As for those who are unwilling to relocate, they will be forced to relocate by force. For those who have serious conflicts, secret executions will be carried out during the forced "forced" relocation.

Siberia's population migration is obviously easier to carry out, because there are railways and roads. In terms of transportation, the cities are distributed along the railway lines, and the migration is very fast.

Even if these Russians don't petition, they can only move.

The Russians moved out, and the "government" of the Republic of China moved the Chinese people to Siberia. Most of the people who moved to Siberia were people from North China.

The people in North China will be more resistant to the cold, and the people in South China will be able to migrate to the Central Asian administrative region.But Siberia is not very suitable. It is too cold there, and it is easy to get frostbite after passing.

The population of North China, after continuous immigration, has gradually migrated nearly 8000 million people, of which the Northeast, Beihai Administrative Region, and Central Asian Administrative Region are the main immigration directions.

Among them, the Central Asian Administrative Region and the Northeast Administrative Region have relatively large populations, and the Central Asian Administrative Region has the largest immigrant population. Comparatively speaking, the number of population immigrants in the Central Asian Administrative Region has gradually surpassed that of the Northeast Region.

The administrative region of Central Asia is much larger than that of the Northeast.Although the agricultural resources are not as unique as those in the Northeast, they are also very rich, and the whole production of grain can feed a population of one billion.The other one is industrial.The industry of the administrative region of Central Asia became the fastest growing region in the Republic of China.

The Central Asian administrative region is rich in mineral resources and is also the frontier of war. Many military industries have begun to develop in the Central Asian administrative region, and many metallurgical industries have also migrated to the Central Asian administrative region. [

Coupled with the infrastructure construction of the Central Asian administrative region, it also attracted a large number of workers to immigrate to the Central Asian administrative region.The population of the administrative region of Central Asia is growing rapidly.

With the passage of time, more and more workers went to live and work in the Central Asian administrative region. After a period of construction, it is no longer as desolate as it was at the beginning.

In the entire North China region, the original population of more than 2 million has left about 2000 million.

The Yangtze River Basin is the most populous area in the Republic of China.The population began to migrate to the administrative regions of Central Asia, Northeast China, Southeast Asia, and Australia.

In Guangdong and Fujian in South China, many people immigrated to Southeast Asia and Australia.

Throughout the Republic of China, its population is mobile.The population in North China mainly immigrated to the north, the population in South China mainly immigrated to the south, and the Yangtze River Basin emigrated both to the north and to the south.

The process of immigration is characterized by a large number of people entering cities, factories and construction sites.

immigrant population.Enjoy certain preferential policies, such as three-year tax exemption, as well as low-interest bank loans and other policies.

At this time, the national cultural level of the Republic of China was generally not high.It has also created many low-income groups, and these low-income groups are also the main force of immigration.

In addition, merchants are the vanguard of immigration.

After they arrive in the immigration area, they can play the social function of organizing production.At this time, the Republic of China immigrated to Siberia, consortiums, national capital merchants, and even a large number of private capital merchants participated.

Those mineral resources in Siberia are monopolized by consortiums.If the consortium wants to build more railways and roads in Siberia, and also needs to exploit those resources, it will need a lot of workers, so it organizes workers in the country to work in Siberia.

The wages of workers who go to work in Siberia are a bit higher than those in China, which is also the most attractive place for those workers.

In addition, a large number of private businessmen and low-income classes entered Siberia to reclaim arable land by themselves and put it into agricultural production.

There are also forest development and the like, the wealth of Siberia is very huge.

Benefits are driven by immigration. Under such a driving force, the immigration process of the Republic of China is very fast.

Every immigration can bring about the birth of a large number of middle classes, and these middle classes are the main force of consumption.

The consortium's encirclement and suppression of private capital is not to eliminate them, let alone the middle class.The middle class obviously needs to be cultivated, while private capital belongs to the high-income class. These high-income classes are equivalent to a flock of sheep. If they are fat, they must be slaughtered, and if they are thin, they must continue to be raised.

At this time, the consortium of the Republic of China was raising these private funds, and a large amount of loans were thrown out, resulting in an extremely prosperous market. The spring of private funds has arrived.

This emigration was the emigration of Russians and the emigration of Chinese to Siberia.

It is equivalent to when the sovereignty of Siberia has not yet been determined, the Republic of China began to immigrate.At this time, the order in Russia was very chaotic. In such a chaotic situation, people's attention was generally attracted by the ongoing war, and their attention was not concentrated on Siberia at all.

Westerners have come up with a principle, that is, the actual right of residence is greater than historical sovereignty.

This is what Westerners are doing to defend their immigration activities. For example, the United States is a country formed by massacring Indians.

If they admit that historical sovereignty is above all else, then they are also illegal.

When the Republic of China immigrated its citizens to Siberia, this land already belonged to the Republic of China.Unless the Russians can relocate Chinese people from Siberia back to China, and then relocate their people to Siberia, but this is obviously impossible. The current Tsarist Russian "government" is in collusion with the Republic of China.

And there is another more important factor, that is, Siberia belongs to the Asian region.And Russians are Europeans.

Europeans occupy Asia, which cannot be justified.

As early as a few years ago, Song Jiaoren proposed: "Asia is Asia for Asians."

Morally, China has a foothold. In fact, after the Chinese people immigrated there, China’s occupation of Siberia became a fait accompli, rather than the Russian occupation of Siberia becoming a fait accompli.

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