The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 090 The Restless Russian People

The war waged by the Republic of China and the puppet "government" of Tsarist Russia is already a sure thing, and the Republic of China has enough arms to sustain six months of high-intensity combat.

If it is to blockade and sweep Russia, with the current pattern of strategic blockade in the overall situation and continuous erosion in tactics, the munitions in the arsenal can last for more than a year, not including the munitions that the arsenal is still producing at this time .

The war that took place in Russia could only be regarded as a low-intensity war for the army of the Republic of China, because aircraft, artillery and tanks solved many problems.

Street fighting is also responsible for the Tsarist Russian Salvation Army and the Japanese Army.

Therefore, the casualty rate of the Republic of China in this war was not high, less than 3, and less than [-] were killed in battle. This made the Republic of China not have to bear the pressure of casualties in this war. [

The attitude of the common people in China towards this war is very supportive.

After all, Russia occupies the land of Asia and is right beside it. If Russia is allowed to develop, China will be under great pressure.

There are only a few opposition parties, and the voices of these opposition parties have also been ignored by public opinion.

Public opinion around the world has also taken a 180-degree turn, from a voice of opposition to a voice of support and praise.

Especially European countries, after the Republic of China helped Ukraine and Belarus to become independent, they immediately changed their diplomatic strategies and stepped up dialogue with the Republic of China.

Every European country saw the powerful threat that the Republic of China posed to Europe.

At this time, the red "hair" bear, it would be good if it can hold the territory, and there is no need to think about counterattack.As long as the Republic of China can support Tsarist Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, it will be able to threaten Europe without completely eradicating the red bear.

Especially at this time, while the Republic of China is fighting, it is frantically building railways and roads, when the Republic of China has built enough railways and roads in Russia.There is absolutely no problem in fighting a cross-state war.

The railways and roads built from the territory of the Republic of China to Russia can be used to transport soldiers and supplies during wartime, and can be used to transport resources mined by Russia in peacetime.

Because it is a plain area, the cost of building railways and roads is relatively low, but the area is relatively large, so the amount of work is still quite a lot.

Therefore, after a large number of Russian laborers were sent back to Russia from the Republic of China, they all had jobs, that is, building roads and other infrastructure.

Tsarist Russia took Volgograd as its temporary capital and adopted a constitutional monarchy system, Nicholas II was still emperor.But on the surface, like the previous Tsarist Russia, power was handed over to the prime minister.But unlike before, now Nicholas II rarely intervenes directly.

Nicholas II established the Tsarist Russian Consortium.A traitorous capital group controlled by a Chinese consortium, and the prime minister is the spokesperson of this traitorous capital group.

It is equivalent to Russia. Under the control of this traitorous capital, even if something goes wrong in the future, it is only the prime minister who will fall, not Nicholas II.

The backwardness of the imperial system.The reason is that the target is too obvious, so a constitutional monarchy is very necessary, but it is not a complete insurance.

However, even if Nitula II falls again, he is still the top nobleman in Russia, because he is the boss of the traitorous capital group in Russia.

In the newly restored Tsarist Russia, internal conflicts were eliminated relatively well.

the relief of the relief.The job is assigned to work, there is no need to worry about jobs, and the supply of materials will not worry about the repair of railways and roads.People work for wages.There are also certain social security capabilities.

For the Russian people, this is a life full of hope.As these Russian people saw the hope of life, and compared with the red ""Russia, they found that life was better. [

Of course, there are also a group of people who feel that life is even more difficult.This is mainly a problem of inequality.It seems to this group of people.Even if the stomach is not full under the rule of the red "Red" Russia, at least everyone is the same.And in the social system of Tsarist Russia.Those Russian nobles still exist.These Russian nobles lived a better life. These Russian nobles could enjoy more material goods, live in bigger houses, sleep with more beautiful women, drive family cars and so on.

This group of people see the problem more clearly.

But for more Russian people, as long as they are not hungry, it will be fine.Not everyone likes to fight. From the perspective of numerology, people with a "yin" Sun Lord are more introverted and peaceful, and they don't like to fight very much.But for the majority of the people, as long as life is so-so, who would rebel and start a revolution!

As for what kind of women, does Russia lack women now?

The answer is no, there are a lot of women, and there are a lot of widows among them. Is it not easy to find a woman to live with?

The war "chaos" made today's Russia absolutely yin and yang decline, a large number of male labor force died, resulting in a large number of widows, and a large number of women could not find a man to marry.

Many families rely on women to support their families, and these "women" have to come out to work.Many women were assigned to work in the Republic of China.

There are also many Russian women who dream of marrying to China and becoming a rich wife in China, from then on they can enjoy a luxurious life without having to work.

The internal environment of Tsarist Russia at this time was mainly stabilized by the materials delivered by the Republic of China, that is, those Russians could earn income through labor, and these income could buy the commodities they needed for life. These commodities may not be very good, but As long as it can satisfy their lives, it is enough.

This kind of material living standard soon appeared on the leaflets of the Republic of China, and a large number of leaflets were spread in the ruled area of ​​​​Red Russia.

Russians in almost every city have seen these leaflets.

The leaflet depicts a heavenly capital Russia, where everyone has food and security, can eat as much as he wants, and has endless bread.

People are like this, when they are in one environment, they always envy another environment.

Just like traveling, it is to go from a place where you are tired of staying to a place where others are tired of staying.In such a school, students who enter the school want to enter the society, and people who enter the society want to enter the school.Or like the countryside and the city, urban people always want to go to the countryside, while rural people like to squeeze into the city.

The Russian people in the area ruled by the red "hair" bear generally only saw that the Russian compatriots in the area ruled by capital were full of food, and they not only had to be hungry, but also endured the bombing of bombers, and Enemy forces outside the city blockade.

For cities in Russia, the food reserves are not sufficient. After all, they have just escaped the two-year drought, so where can there be so much food.Even the food aided by the Rothschild consortium is only for the army, and most of the people cannot eat that food.

As a result, production in many cities has been delayed because of this year, and the food at home has been decreasing day by day.Some other warehouses were also bombed, and a lot of food was lost.

For the Russian people in the city, their food is not supplied on a yearly basis, but generally on a monthly basis. Therefore, as soon as the Republic of China and the Tsarist Russian saviors blocked the city, many people died of starvation.

Many Russian people are struggling in the abyss of hunger. Seeing these leaflets is like soldiers who have been marching for a long time and they start to get restless when they know that there is a forest of plums ahead.

"Have you seen the food they promised? Have you seen the good life they promised? No! Everything is a lie."

These reactionary slogans were impressively printed on the leaflets, and these leaflets themselves were also somewhat deceptive. The Russians couldn’t get enough to eat. One was because they went to engage in industrial construction, the other was natural disasters, and the third was the Republic of China. The invasion caused the labor force to go to war, and food production was affected by the war and could not proceed normally, which led to another famine in Russia at this time.

But the red "hair" bears also have certain problems. The purpose of their heavy industry is to strengthen the security of the rule, thus sacrificing the living standards of the people for the rule. The light industry basically does not develop. If it is not for the development of agriculture, it will lead to starvation Dead man, maybe Russia doesn't develop agriculture either. [

The Russian people in the Red Bear Territory generally have no will to resist because of the emergence of Tsarist Russia.

The population on the plain generally has no will to resist.This kind of phenomenon exists not only in Africa and India, but also in China. This is the case in the North China Plain, where the Mongols occupied it, the Manchus occupied it, and the Japanese also occupied it during the Anti-Japanese War.

The Russian Plain in Russia is also a large plain, so the Russians have been very frustrated in history, even small countries like Poland and Finland can't beat them.During the Soviet period, it took ten years to fight Afghanistan, but it ended in failure and withdrawal.Especially after the Russian dragon vein was cut off, it lost the will to resist.

So while the Russian people lost their will to resist, it also affected the will of the Soviet army to resist.

For the officers of the Soviet Army, it doesn't matter whether they were officers in Tsarist Russia or they were promoted from the bourgeoisie later.As long as they surrender, they will immediately be able to enjoy better welfare and higher income levels than ordinary people, which is equivalent to those who gain the benefits of ruling.

The revolution is not about a better life, so why not surrender?And surrender to Tsarist Russia, there is a decent step for them to descend.

So much so that after these leaflets were disseminated, those Soviet troops who were blocked in the city came out of the city in batches and surrendered in groups.

The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for the senior executives of the red "hair" bear. If they do not compromise, then in the end, they will get nothing.

If you compromise now and give up that set of things completely, you may also get huge personal benefits.

Under such pressure, Trotsky and other high-ranking Soviet troops decided to compromise.

Trotsky said: "There is no point in resisting any longer. It will only drag the Russian people and ourselves into the abyss."

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