The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 091: Technology Competition

In 1921, after nearly a month of negotiations with Tsarist Russia and the Republic of China, Red Russia finally compromised with the Republic of China.

Red Russia and Tsarist Russia signed the "Agreement on the Formation of a Coalition Government".

The agreement stipulated that Red Russia publicly acknowledged the inaccuracy of the revolution and ordered the army to lay down their arms and accept the integration of the newly formed coalition government.

The coalition government adopts a constitutional monarchy. Nicholas II restores the monarchy and continues to serve as the emperor of tsarist Russia. However, the emperor is bound by the constitution and does not participate in administrative management. Tsky became Minister of Defense of Tsarist Russia.The coalition government promised to give every Russian a welfare system and so on.

On June 1921, 6, this is a day that every Russian will never forget. Trotsky, the Supreme Temporary Leader of Red Russia, made a sad announcement on the national broadcast: "We must admit that our proletarian revolution is heading towards the The violence was so extreme that it caused a huge disaster in Russia. Such a violent revolution has also planted the bitter fruit for everything today. What is our revolution for? We are for a country that can eat enough and enjoy fair treatment Russia. But now? We have gained nothing, only natural disasters and endless wars. Regardless of the subjective or objective reasons, the cruel reality is in front of us.”

"Wake up! We can no longer go crazy. The productivity of the current world is not enough to achieve your goal of socialism. This revolution is irrational. It was a revolution exploited by careerists. Now careerists no longer exist , let us return to normal order! The revolution has failed."

The revolution has failed!

This sentence is so deafening to every Russian, and countless Russians fell into grief on this day.They were crying, crying for the ideal that would be buried with that one sentence.

That sentence also disintegrated the most firm belief in the hearts of all the red Russian people.

Amid weeping and sobbing, Tsar Nicholas II read the promise of a coalition government on the radio.

"Children! I know that you have been wronged, which made you used by ambitious people and led you to the road of violent revolution. But all this has passed, and we should give up all hatred. Because we are full of Russia Human blood. After the coalition government is formed, all people will enjoy the basic welfare security system, workers in the factory. They only need to work nine hours a day, and they can rest two days a week. If you lose your job, you can get unemployment Insurance money. Every man’s monthly income can at least buy enough food for the whole family. You can also enjoy more commodities. Beautiful clothes. Better houses, and you can also go to playgrounds and zoos Play... let us unite together to create a better and fairer Russia..."

Nicholas II also promised that no one would be liquidated, no matter what had been done before.

The Soviet troops who got the promise walked out of the city one after another, put down their weapons and surrendered to the coalition forces.The people in the city are still immersed in grief.

However, apart from grief.A new hope arose, and at the same time, a sense of relief was felt. In this conflicted mood, Red Russia declared its dissolution.

In order not to cause chaos, the areas that the coalition forces have not entered are temporarily managed by Red Russia.Both sides began rushing to repair railways and bridges.

Grain would then be transported from these railways to various cities in Russia to stabilize the coalition government.

The disbandment of Red Russia on this day also shocked the whole world.

For a time, the proletarian organizations of all countries in the world fell into endless grief. The holy place in their hearts fell, and European workers also held demonstrations to mourn the demise of Red Russia.

On this day, the Republic of China is full of celebrations. The main thing to celebrate is the end of the war. Winning the war feels normal to everyone in the Republic of China at this time. There is nothing to celebrate about defeating a weak red Russia.

And the end of the war, no more children will die on the battlefield, is the most worth celebrating.However, this does not mean that the people are afraid of war.

Strategically, the Republic of China has reached out to Europe.

The German Junkers Consortium is very helpless with the result in front of them, and they have also begun to realize that there is only one overlord in this world island.

After the rise of China, it will be extremely difficult for Germany to expand its living space.

However, the current strength of the Republic of China makes Germany dare not jump out and become an enemy of the Republic of China, so it can only continue to strengthen cooperation.

The Republic of China took the opportunity to propose to Germany that the machine tool orders of the Republic of China were more urgent, and it would be better to put the orders from the United States to the back.

Germany has obviously become one of the countries with the most development potential among European and American countries. The Germans rely on technology, while the other is the United States. The United States also relies on technology, but their precision manufacturing is not as good as Germany.But the United States still has a huge land area, which Germany does not have.

Therefore, after the Republic of China extended its hand to the border of Poland, Germany never had the chance to become a world superpower.

In normal times, as long as Germany keeps its own place, then China can get along very happily with Germany.But if Germany wants to expand outward, the Republic of China will not allow this to happen. With the military power of the Republic of China, it is definitely not something that Germany after the defeat can challenge.

Germany cannot expand outward militarily, and the Junkers Consortium also cannot expand outwards. The German Junkers Consortium can only gradually become a second-rate consortium in the world, because China's precision manufacturing technology has surpassed that of Germany, and its scale will gradually increase. Catch up with Germany.

It's just because China is too big and needs too many precision machine tools, so the Germans are still needed to help manufacture precision machine tools and some mechanical equipment.

However, the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry has become bigger and bigger with the increase of machine tools, and the Germans are gradually no longer needed.But machine tools are still needed.

Among them, China National Capital Group is obviously in a state of excitement.

The military expansion has also greatly expanded the sphere of influence of national capital groups.

"Our army has reached Europe. It is equivalent to our capital. It can be exported not only to Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, but also to Poland, Romania and other countries. However, the current main capital export is still in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Japan. , North Korea, Vietnam, Siam, Persia, Afghanistan, the six countries of the peninsula, Namibia, Australia, and India. In Central Europe and the Balkans, we can tentatively invest to a certain extent.”

At the meeting of the East China Chamber of Commerce, Zhou Ziyue said to those ethnic businessmen: "Currently, the national capital of our Republic of China is in a state of rapid expansion. Our industrial scale has surpassed the sum of Europe and the United States, and our comprehensive national strength has also become the first in the world. This aspect alone has made us the most powerful capital group in the world. However, we also need to see that our infrastructure is no less than that of any other country in terms of total amount, but in terms of total But it seems backward. Our internal construction has not been fully completed. In addition, the living standards of our people still need to be further improved. The export of capital and commodities to the outside world is a way for us to exploit the labor force of other countries. To improve the living standards of our citizens important means."

"Vice President. When will we be able to conquer the Strait of Malacca? When our merchant ships pass through Malacca, we have to pay taxes to the British."

One of the ethnic capital businessmen who rushed back from India asked Zhou Ziyue, "There is also the Indian problem, we should solve it as soon as possible. India has a population of 2.5 million. If we can develop these labor resources, the benefits will be even greater than Russia is bigger."

"There's no rush, you have to eat the meal one bite at a time." Zhou Ziyue said calmly.After the Russian issue is resolved, obviously India, Burma, Malaysia.And Africa became the main problem.

But these problems do not necessarily need to be solved by violence, at least in order to maintain the current world needs, the Republic of China still does not need to be so anxious.

After all, it still takes time to digest the vast lands of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus being swallowed up by Chinese private capital groups.

In addition, the internal construction has not yet been completed, which means that the interior has not been digested clearly.When the internal development has come to a depression, it is the time when it is finally unnecessary to take care of it, and it is most appropriate to launch a war at that time.

Starting a war at this time will affect trade.

Even if Africa, India and other regions are under the control of Europeans, the Republic of China can still use commodity exports to exploit them at this time, so as to buy a lot of resources and enjoy more commodities.At the same time, the export of high-end commodities can curb the industrial development of Europe and the United States.

Furthermore, the level of science and technology at this time is not as developed as in the 21st century, and there are not so many industries that can be subcontracted out for the development of backward countries.

At this time, the industrial division model adopted by the Republic of China no longer needed so many puppet countries after the red bear was solved and Tsarist Russia was incorporated into the system.

Even if the Indians are under British rule, the Republic of China can also exploit them for labor, but not so thoroughly, but it can also generate considerable benefits.

This year, the import and export of the Republic of China has undergone major changes. Although the export volume of the Republic of China is still growing, the import volume is growing extremely fast.

With the development of subcontracted industries in the dependent countries, the Republic of China imported a large number of those commodities, and the import quota continued to increase.

It's like a borrower who looks poor but is actually an uncle.If there are too many exports, it can only be said to be a coolie for others, and if there are more imports, it is equivalent to being a master.

Among them, the trade deficit elimination agreement signed by China and other countries played a very important role, which led to the rapid growth of imports by the Republic of China.

However, most of the commodities imported from Europe and the United States are raw materials.

Driven by the Republic of China, the European and American economies have prospered in the raw material mining industry, which can be described as booming.The Republic of China, on the other hand, saves a lot of labor for raw material mining and puts more labor on infrastructure construction.

The industrial division of the Republic of China at this time is equivalent to the export of raw materials from Europe and the United States to China, and the subsidiary countries also export raw materials to China. At the same time, there are also a large number of low-tech and low-value-added commodities exported to China, so that China does not need to allocate labor. produce these goods.

However, a large part of the labor force in the Republic of China is invested in real estate.

People who have money naturally want to live in good houses, and cities also need to be remodeled.These aspects lack the foundation, thus hindering the development of the war industry.

Real estate has also become an important area for consortiums to make money.

China's second military intervention in Russia.Tens of billions of funds were spent, some were destroyed, and some were used to aid the Russians.

The banknotes were sprinkled, but no industry was built.

The mode of the consortium is that when the consortium builds almost all the industries that need to be built, the consumer market is basically saturated.

When the consumer market is saturated, it is difficult to continue to develop.

Houses, cars, appliances.These big consumer goods are all durable goods, after ordinary people buy them.It may not need to be replaced for seven or eight years, or more than ten years.

This intervention in Russia has increased the currency circulation, and the consortium must find a way to get the money back.In order to maintain a sustainable consumer market.

to be honest.This is the banana on the elephant's head, which lures the elephant to work hard to build more things.

It's just that in some countries, elephants never eat the bananas in front of them.In some countries, after the elephants have done a certain amount of work, they simply hand over the bananas to the elephants.

The national capital group of the Republic of China naturally has the confidence to give bananas to elephants, but the rhythm must be grasped.

So the consortium started raising real estate prices.For houses of low-income groups, the price is still so much.Nothing has changed.However, the prices of houses for the middle and high-income class have risen again.

This has caused many middle- and upper-class people to be dumbfounded by the soaring real estate prices again. Many middle- and upper-class people went directly to the suburbs to build their own houses.

Land in the Republic of China is privately owned, so building houses is relatively free.

Building houses in the suburbs not only has low land prices, but also does not need to be built so high, and the labor force consumed is reduced, which also achieves the purpose of the consortium.

But to live in the suburbs, a car is definitely a must, which drives car consumption.

Housing prices are higher, which is the policy that the Republic of China must adopt at this time, because the Republic of China can buy a house with a mortgage, which is equivalent to an elephant eating bananas first, and then specifying how much work to do every day. If you don’t do anything, you have to spit out the bananas come out.

To let the common people live in a house, drive a car, live a materially rich life, and at the same time let them work, you must give them some debts.

When the economy is in recession, the common people pay back almost all their money. At this time, life is very comfortable, and they don’t even need to do anything. The consumer market is almost saturated. At this time, it is not easy to think about the construction speed. up.

When the depression comes, large-scale industries, for low-income groups, can’t pay off their mortgages and car loans. It's time to work.

At this time, a war is needed to consume the reserves of crazy production and construction during the previous economic prosperity, and by consuming these reserves, defeat other countries.

Five or six years after the war, and five or six years after the war, automobiles and electrical appliances will become obsolete. At this time, there will be a market again, and the bubble economy will be possible again.

Just like a person, eating like crazy.Reserve a pile of fat, and then die with the enemy in the cold winter without eating or drinking.Once the enemy is exhausted, continue to eat.

Therefore, the rhythm must be carefully grasped, that is, to let the common people live a good life without losing their motivation to work, so that the country can develop at the fastest speed.

The rhythm of the Republic of China is obviously well grasped. The whole country is developing rapidly and has huge potential.

At this time, the world capital consortium is not too mature.

The second industrial revolution led to commodity export and capital export becoming the mainstream, while the Rothschild consortium played on the United States, while the American consortium has not yet played smoothly.

The China National Capital Group played very smoothly. Not only did it quickly complete the export of capital to the affiliated countries and the export of commodities to the world, but also subcontracted the industry on a large scale, using an advanced industrial division of labor model to carry out develop.

In this year, the iron and steel output of the Republic of China exceeded 1.8 million tons, more than twice the total iron and steel output of all countries in the world. In this year, China's steel was exported on a large scale.

The steel of those dependent countries is basically exported from the Republic of China.

The per capita share of iron and steel in the Republic of China is almost catching up with that of the United States.However, there is still a little gap with the United States, but no country will think that the per capita share of steel in the Republic of China will be lower than that of the United States in the future.

All countries in the world have a strong research interest in the rapid rise of the Republic of China.

The final result of the research is.The fundamental reason for the rise of the Republic of China is the rapid breakthrough in productivity technology.The breakthrough speed of this productivity technology is many times faster than that of any other country.

"At the beginning of the [-]th century, the Chinese invented many technologies that were extremely productive and even completely changed the traditional production and construction models of mankind. For example, mechanized agriculture, the Chinese took the lead in completing agricultural mechanization. This technology allows a labor force to complete several Agricultural production can only be completed by hundreds or thousands of laborers. So that more laborers can be invested in industrial production. This kind of technology has given the Chinese the basis for rapid industrial leapfrog development."

"The second is the emergence of construction machinery. This kind of machine also allows a labor force. It can complete the work that hundreds or even thousands of laborers can complete in a day, enabling the Chinese to quickly build various infrastructures. At the same time, the large-scale use of automobiles and the flexibility of automobiles enabled the Chinese to get rid of the constraints of industrial development without the foundation of railway transportation. Then the Chinese invented the container freight system, which made the transportation efficiency unprecedentedly improved. Another It is the appearance of the aircraft. Although the cost of the aircraft is high, it enables some goods to be transported at an unprecedented speed. More importantly, the Chinese have won all foreign wars with the aircraft.”

"Whether it is industrial development or military victory, the rise of the Chinese is inseparable from the technological application of the second industrial revolution. In contrast, the British Empire, which was still behind the first industrial revolution, formed Industrial system. Although the industrial system of the British Empire is the most mature among the products of the first industrial revolution. But the heavy steam engine has completely fallen behind."

A British scholar published his opinion in a newspaper, which was quickly widely recognized by various countries.

Technology has become the basis for world hegemony.

"Then, if we European and American countries want to get rid of the backward situation, we must work hard on technology research and development to catch up with the Chinese people." The British scholar finally concluded.

And the United States is doing exactly this at this time. As for the United Kingdom, it really wants to do this, but the heavy debts make it impossible for the United Kingdom to have the financial resources to completely upgrade the industrial system.

At this time, the American consortium saw that the technology of the United States had fallen behind, and was scrambling to catch up with the Republic of China.

However, since the international market has been occupied by China and China's affiliated countries, it is not so easy to snatch it back.

This is not only a technical problem, but also a cost problem. The labor costs of China's dependent countries are lower than those of European and American countries.

In terms of high-end products, China's technology is leading after all, and it is leading in an all-round way. European and American consortiums have lost their commanding heights.China can use leading products to reap huge huge profits, while European and American countries can only drink soup from behind.

And what European and American countries don't know is that the "theory of relativity" appeared in the physics world of the Republic of China seven or eight years ago, which is a new theoretical system after classical mechanics.After these years of secret study and research, the nuclear fusion technology of the Republic of China has been developed.

After the completion of classical mechanics, Westerners declared that physics had come to an end, and advised those young people not to study physics anymore.

As a time traveler, Jiang Yu understands that after the theory of relativity, there is quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics is actually not the end, because in the Western system, energy is energy, matter is matter, and energy and matter are separated, which in itself is a wrong way of thinking.The scientific system developed by Chinese Taoism believes that energy and matter are actually one thing.

The perfection of quantum mechanics is only one step closer to the truth, but it is far from the end.

In addition, what Europe and the United States do not know is that the Republic of China is stepping up research on the technology of the third industrial revolution-electronic information technology.

The first electronic computer has been secretly manufactured, and the scientists of the Republic of China are continuing to research in the direction indicated by Jiang Yu. This kind of research speed is obviously unparalleled.

For the Republic of China at this time, whether it is the technology of the second industrial revolution or the technology of the third industrial revolution, this is something that is easy to develop by leaps and bounds.

The only thing that cannot be sold too quickly is the precision manufacturing industry.As long as the Republic of China continues to strengthen its precision manufacturing industry, no country can stop the Republic of China from seizing world hegemony. (To be continued..)

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