The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 093: The Third Industrial Revolution

Of course, the metaphor of one-tenth and two-fifths is too big, and the proportion of financial expenditures for the development of the navy by the Republic of China, Europe and the United States is not that high.

"European and American countries, are they overestimating their capabilities, or seeking their own death!" Xie Baozhang couldn't help laughing easily after hearing this information at the meeting.

The total economic volume of European and American countries is only half of that of the Republic of China itself. If the economies of the dependent countries of the Republic of China are added, it will be more than that of European and American countries.

Under such circumstances, the Republic of China has enough confidence to build a navy twice as large as that of European and American countries.

European and American countries actually built twice as many battleships as the Republic of China. Isn't this overthinking what is it?The battleship is already a backward thing. The Republic of China does not intend to develop too much, but has begun to secretly develop aircraft carrier technology. However, European and American countries are now focusing on battleships, so the research and manufacture of aircraft carriers will inevitably lack funds. What is not suicide?

Of course, funding is not an issue if the consortium supports it.

But Europe and the United States really want to develop aircraft carrier technology and the Republic of China is not afraid. After all, the advantages of the Republic of China's economic aggregate and industrial scale are there, and the power of European and American countries is relatively scattered. How can it compete with the Republic of China.

"But it seems that the Rothschild consortium and the American consortium still have room for provocation. Maybe we just need to make another battleship manufacturing plan, and maybe they will follow up." Sun Zhendong, director of the Military Intelligence Bureau, estimated after analyzing the intelligence. .

"Building more battleships now is a waste of money." Jiang Yu didn't want to build more battleships, "Even if we build more battleships now, it is actually useless. Because the initiative of the war is in our hands, not in the hands of European and American countries." On. When we really want to launch a full-scale war, the battleships we are building now are already behind. So we don’t need to rebuild battleships, but we can feign a shot.”

"A feint?" Xie Baozhang asked in confusion, "Are we pretending to build a batch of battleships?"

"Not only that. We have to deliberately create that the Republic of China will build an extremely large navy, thereby destroying the trend of Europe and the United States, so that Europe and the United States will consume a large amount of labor on military construction. So that our Republic of China will Focus on internal construction and technology research and development. When a full-scale war breaks out, the military facilities and naval vessels built by European and American countries will become a bunch of backward and useless gadgets." Jiang Yu said his thoughts, and then said to Sun Zhendong asked: "Does the Military Intelligence Bureau have the ability to deliberately leak this plan?"

"If you want to deliberately leak the plan, there is no problem. The Military Intelligence Bureau has bought more than a dozen European and American spies. At the same time, it has pulled out a bunch of European and American spies. These spies have not been pulled out, just to keep it for the enemy to leak false information. However, if we leak this so-called top-secret plan too easily, it may make European and American countries feel that the credibility is not high. Therefore, we need to plan carefully when we leak the plan, and the most important thing is to have a corresponding Movement to cooperate." Sun Zhendong replied.

"This plan is very good. If Europe and the United States can really be fooled, then at least it can consume a lot of their labor resources." Xie Baozhang said in agreement.For today's Chinese navy, battleships are no longer the main pursuit. The Chinese navy is pursuing more advanced aircraft carriers, submarines and other equipment. That is to say, the next move of the navy is to train the navy as soon as possible to improve the quality of its personnel. The second is to incline financial resources to technology research and development.

"Okay, let's do this." Jiang Yu nodded.The deception plan was determined to be implemented, and the Naval Command Center of the Supreme Command and the Military Intelligence Bureau then began to perfect the implementation details of the plan.


1922.In the Electronic Computer Research Center of the Republic of China, the world's first integrated circuit was manufactured using original components such as transistors and silicon wafers.

The electronic computer technology of the Republic of China has directly leapfrogged to the height of the third-generation electronic computer, but the breakthrough is only the core technology, and the marginal technology is still in a largely blank stage.

But the breakthrough of core technology is the main one.

Electronic computer engineering is obviously a big project. The electronic computer research center is located in Jiuquan, Gansu Province, and the number of people involved in this project has reached 8.

From programming to semiconductor material manufacturing, and other supporting personnel and technologies have appeared one after another.

But the people who really know what they are researching are only those who have access to electronic computers. Most of the other people don't know what they are researching. They just complete partial preparations and research and development according to the task requirements.

This electronic computer is of great significance to the Republic of China, because electronic computers are of great significance to the improvement of human productivity.

Any scientific research activity is generally inseparable from calculations, even massive calculations.If it is calculated by manpower, it is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also prone to miscalculations.

Just like studying nuclear fission technology, a lot of calculations are required.

If the Republic of China can develop a computer that runs faster, it is equivalent to calculating the amount of calculations for a month when conducting a certain technical research, which can be completed in a few minutes, thus greatly improving the speed of scientific research. The cost is greatly reduced, which drives the rapid development of technologies in other fields.

Moreover, computers can also be used for military calculations, so that the staff can quickly obtain various data to improve command efficiency and response speed.And time is often the basis of victory.

Jiang Yu even personally presided over the research and development of the electronic computer. Due to his precise command, the supporting units hardly took any detours in their research on their respective tasks, and the speed of research was extremely astonishing.

Prior to this, the Republic of China had already developed a transistor computer.At present, more than a dozen mature transistor computers have been manufactured. The calculation speed can complete 5000 calculations per second in terms of addition and subtraction, and 50 calculations per second in terms of square and cubic calculations.

These dozens of electronic computers have become the top secret of the Republic of China, but they are not used.It is equivalent to being invalid, so Jiang Yu allocated these computers to research bases in various regions of the country, and set up top-secret computing centers in these research bases.

What complex things do the research centers and research institutes need to calculate.It can be sent to the computing center, and these research centers and research institutes have no idea that there are electronic computers in the computing center.They just discovered that the computing speed of this computing center was extremely fast, allowing them to obtain extremely exciting data one after another.

In the past, it took a lot of time for them to come up with these figures, and it often required dozens or hundreds of people to calculate a single figure.Some large-scale research projects even employ more than a thousand computing personnel.Previously, each research base had at least a few thousand mathematics majors.I am constantly engaged in the task of calculating and recalculating.

Today's computing center can get the data they want in a short period of time, but they are not very surprised, because the data were all calculated by Jiang Yu before.Jiang Yu's mind can connect to the network of future generations.It is also possible to perform quick calculations on these data, so they have long been used to it.

The application of these dozens of electronic tube computers has rapidly increased the scientific research speed of the Republic of China, and the cost has also been reduced a lot, but Jiang Yu is a little bit indifferent to these electronic tube computers. These electronic tube computers are too bulky. Extreme, and still bulky.And the performance is not even comparable to the mobile phones of later generations, but it frees him from various computing tasks.

But the performance is too poor.Still the main problem.

Therefore, Jiang Yu decided to develop by leaps and bounds towards integrated circuit computers. Although integrated circuit computers are not as high-performance as large-scale integrated circuit computers, they are still a technology between 1964 and 1971 and belong to the third generation of computers.

The third-generation electronic computer is to combine three kinds of electronic components on a small silicon chip; at the same time, more components are integrated into a single semiconductor chip.As a result, computers can be made smaller, consume less power, and be faster.This kind of computer can also establish an operating system, so that the computer can run many different programs at the same time under the control and coordination of the central program.

Twelve years later, the Republic of China has cultivated a large number of professionals in mathematics, physics and chemistry, and these national talents have been recruited into scientific research institutions in large numbers.

And those European and American scientists are constantly being transferred by the Republic of China away from top-secret scientific research to prevent the technology from leaking to Europe and the United States.

Technology is fundamental to the rise of the Republic of China, so we have to pay attention to it. The secrecy of technology is even stricter than that of the military.

Those who participated in the research and development of confidential technology, except for a few European and American scientists who can focus on prevention and control, the others must not only be born and bred, but their family members must also be placed in protected areas, so as not to be used by spies from other countries. Surveillance can be described as impenetrable.

Obviously, the emergence of electronic computers has enabled the Republic of China to grasp a large amount of extremely valuable data. If these data are leaked, it will cause relatively serious consequences. That is, Westerners can quickly complete research in certain research fields based on these data. Tackling key problems.

In the most critical precision manufacturing industry, the emergence of electronic computers can obviously improve the accuracy of research, but Jiang Yu either calculated these data by himself, or found the answer in professional books found on the Internet.

The existence of Jiangyu was also the core of the ROC's scientific and technological research and development, and the main reason for the rapid development of the ROC's precision manufacturing industry.However, Jiang Yu is obviously lacking in skills. He can't calculate too many things, so part of the calculation of scientific research work is done by manpower. Now that there is a computer, the calculation efficiency is hundreds or thousands of times. promote.

Compared with Westerners who have developed a gadget, they have to announce it, but the Republic of China keeps it secret.

This is mainly an issue of the international environment. Historically, the Caucasian race dominated the earth, and there were no strong competitors, so it could be announced in a high-profile manner.At the same time, they also need to let more researchers know these things, so that more people can participate in the research, and then they can find a breakthrough direction.

The difference is that the Republic of China has a clear breakthrough direction, so there is no need to participate in research and development so much, and only need to establish a dedicated research center.

This specialized research center already has a research direction.At the same time, the Republic of China regards Europe and the United States as enemies that are bound to have a war, so naturally they cannot find a research direction.

The scientific and technological progress of mankind is mainly due to the role played by those scientific research directions.On this invisible and intangible road.Those scientific researchers don't know how many detours they took, and how much energy and material resources they expended to find the right direction.

In other words, it is necessary to prevent European and American countries from inventing those things in advance.The best way is to let them not even know the existence of that kind of thing, so they don't have any research consciousness in that area at all.

And many research results of the Republic of China have greatly advanced the development speed of Westerners in many fields.

Just like the emergence of mechanized agriculture and engineering machinery.And the emergence of various electrical appliances are ahead of schedule.

Scientific research is like a race. If the Republic of China wants to win this race, it must do a good job of keeping it secret.

The purpose of scientific research is nothing more than transforming it into productivity.The purpose of transforming into productivity cannot be to win the war.

If there are no enemies, technology can even be developed without much effort.In this way, the rule can be better maintained, and the rapid development of science and technology means that human beings may produce new changes.

The emergence of the computer, its purpose is to facilitate scientific research.At the same time, it is also convenient for combat calculations.purpose of scientific research.It is to increase productivity, thereby improving war capabilities.Namely, make production faster, make build faster.At the same time, machines can be made larger and more precise, or smaller and more precise.

But at this time, even if European and American countries obtain some technologies through espionage, they can no longer change their backward situation.

Because the scientific research efficiency of the Republic of China is too high, and the investment is too large.


The technology researched by the Republic of China was fully developed, and a large amount of military technology was developed and stored, and it was not applied to the improvement of productivity.

Because of the increase in productivity, its purpose is to win the war.If disclosing technology could strengthen an enemy's military, then hiding it.

The result of the comprehensive development of technology research and development is that the results are blooming everywhere. European and American countries are not only inferior in scientific research efficiency, but also in terms of scale.

Not only has research been carried out on major projects such as satellites, nuclear fusion, and jet aircraft, but also laser weapons and electrical weapons.The research on super weapons such as lasers and electromagnetics was also carried out by the later Taizu after the founding of the country, which made China's theoretical level of cutting-edge technology not lag behind that of Europe and the United States, and even more advanced, but the precision manufacturing industry is not as good as it is. On the one hand, it has caused the phenomenon of backwardness.

Even with the current level of technology, there may be no substantial breakthroughs in the research of super weapons such as laser weapons and electromagnetic weapons. Cultivated, as long as the conditions are met, a breakthrough can be made.

The Republic of China obviously spent a lot of money on scientific research, but in the military, the money-burning navy only maintained a similar size.

Although today's similar scale has a displacement of 72 tons, the total tonnage of naval displacement in Europe and the United States has greatly exceeded this scale.

The army and air force spent a lot of money this year, but as the war ended, the expenses began to decrease.In terms of army and air force, the cost of the Republic of China is much higher than that of European and American countries.

At this time, the Republic of China has solved the red bear. There are two options. The first is disarmament. After the red bear is finished, there are basically no surrounding countries that can threaten the Republic of China.

Europe is nothing to worry about. The Europeans themselves are not united enough. Even if the Europeans want to attack the Republic of China, it is obviously impossible not to notice such a big movement, and there are Ukraine, Belarus, and Tsarist Russia as buffer zones.Therefore, disarmament is not a big problem. As long as there is an air force advantage, the army can be dismantled in large numbers.

The second option is to press heavily on the border and force Europe and the United States to enter an arms race, so that Europe and the United States will also consume enough labor in the army to curb the development speed of Europe and the United States.

Disarmament is obviously impossible. The Republic of China needs a high-quality army to defend its vast territory. It also needs to deter those dependent countries from dissenting.

Of course, it is relatively easy for those dependent countries to control them. If those dependent countries and puppet countries want to overthrow the monopoly position of the Chinese consortium in their territory, they must use force. However, these dependent countries do not have a war industry, and obviously they cannot defeat the Republic of China. .

The most important thing is to establish a reserve system so that after the outbreak of a full-scale war, more professionally trained soldiers can be recruited.

The total number of the armed forces of the Republic of China exceeds 500 million, while in Europe and the United States, after the end of the First World War, the total strength of Britain, France and the United States has dropped to less than 300 million.

Especially after a large number of American soldiers returned to the United States, they immediately became the main force of consumption and construction.

At this time, the Republic of China naturally wants European and American countries to consume more labor in the military. Soldiers are not engaged in production and cannot build various assets for the consortium.The only effect may be to increase the production of arms.

Therefore, the Republic of China began to produce disinformation to put pressure on Europe and the United States.

After a period of careful planning, the Military Intelligence Bureau seemed to have casually leaked a naval shipbuilding plan to an American spy.

In this plan, the Republic of China will secretly build more than 30 battleships in the name of merchant ships in the next five years, so as to create a huge fleet that can easily defeat the US Navy, and then occupy the American continent in two to three years .

At the same time that this false information was passed on, the military shipyards and civilian shipyards of the Republic of China also cooperated accordingly.

A group of strange-looking merchant ships have begun to be built. The reason why they are strange is that these ordinary ocean-going merchant ships have a relatively large tonnage, exceeding 4 tons.In addition, during the construction process, it was concealed, as if it was hiding something. (To be continued..)

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