The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 098: The Birth of the Fence

At the same time as the establishment of the Third World Alliance, Europe and the United States felt unprecedented panic, because this Third World Alliance meant the establishment of a world military alliance.

This military alliance centers on the Republic of China, and soldiers from each country will be adequately armed.Similarly, joining this alliance means that the Republic of China will have a deeper control over these member states.

The whole world has faintly moved towards a pattern of confrontation between the East and the West.

The European and American countries are still in a state of disunity, and they simply cannot organize these countries like the Republic of China.

Because the Rothschild consortium itself is a consortium with limitations, it wants to play a balance.Moreover, the Rothschild consortium has not yet jumped out of the European structure of the First World War, Germany still has to pay reparations, and the League of Nations also excludes the original allies.

How can it be possible to unite European and American countries against the third world alliance formed by the Republic of China before even jumping out of the pattern of the First World War.

Under such circumstances, the US government cannot sit still.

The US government proposed to Britain and France that Europe and the United States must also form a military alliance to compete with the Republic of China.In particular, Germany should be brought over.

"European and American industries cannot do without the support of Germany." President Wilson said that the United States is now actively upgrading its industrial system, but what makes them depressed is that they can't buy much machinery and equipment in Germany. The Germans are contributing to the Republic of China. Production orders, and a large number of orders.

The United States also has its own machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, but it is not as large as Germany.Machine tools for manufacturing machinery and equipment.Most of them are dependent on German exports.

Under such circumstances, if Germany is drawn over by the Republic of China, it will definitely be a huge tragedy and disaster for Europe and the United States.

"But. The Germans' reparations have not been paid." British Prime Minister George said.

"That is exempt."

"But who will forgive our debts?"

In the end, there is always someone to pay the bill, and as the U.S. government with the most debts in its hands, the U.S. government naturally does not want to let go.

The consortium is not engaged in charity, so how could it be possible to waive the bill.

"At the very least, we should pull in the Germans and build a European defense system. Prevent the Chinese from invading Europe." Wilson behaved very inconsistent with the glorious isolation principle of the United States.

But the U.S. government has fully seen the danger. Once Europe falls into the sphere of influence of the Republic of China, will the Americas be spared?

America if not spared.So what will happen in the end?

Wilson's proposal still caused Britain and France to reflect. If Europe does not jump out of the pattern of infighting, then the result may be defeated by the Third World Alliance.

But how can we effectively build a European defense system?

If it is a navy, countries still have confidence.But the Army!That's the one to compare.The strength of the integrated land and air battle shown by the Republic of China.It can be said to have shocked the world's attention.

Since the Republic of China's second armed intervention against Russia.Which country's people don't mention China with a sense of awe?

It is the huge territory and the huge sphere of influence that are enough to make them have enough awe.

The European and American maritime defense systems have been established, but the land defense systems are blank.If the Republic of China really wants to hit Europe at this time, there is no way to resist.

Under such circumstances, European and American countries decided to win over Germany after several negotiations.And establish a European and American army defense system.

The German Weimar government quickly joined the negotiations, but the Junkers consortium was puzzled.How is this going?

However, to the surprise of the Junkers Consortium, Germany did not need to bear such a high indemnity. The war indemnity was directly reduced to 300 billion marks, which is simply a big difference.

The condition is to deal with the third world alliance formed by the Chinese together.

However, to the surprise of Britain, France and the United States, the German Juncker Consortium disclosed this news to the Republic of China and communicated with the Republic of China.

The German Juncker Consortium is obviously aware that, given the relationship between China and Germany, even if China intends to govern Europe, but in terms of its style, the German Juncker Consortium cannot be liquidated.

But if Germany joins the European and American army defense systems, the result is likely to be cannon fodder.

At this time, the German Junkers Consortium gradually realized that the developed Republic of China was a superpower that was difficult for European and American countries to compete with.

Even if European and American countries unite, what is the use of successfully resisting the Republic of China?All it takes is a partial failure, and Germany, which bears the brunt, will be reduced to scum.

And what if Germany cooperates with Britain, France and the United States?Are Britain, France and the United States willing to let Germany dominate Europe?That is obviously impossible.

Therefore, it is very stupid and extremely risky to join forces with Britain, France and the United States to form an army defense system.

"According to our continuous investigation, China's economy has great potential for development and is extremely dynamic. First, China has a large population, the country with the largest population in the world. Second, China has formed a nationalist consortium. Third, China has a A large number of dependent countries. Fourth, the Chinese consortium has strong technology research and development capabilities. That is to say, even if the Chinese are technically surpassed to a certain extent, they can still use their huge population to compete with European and American countries for consumption without losing the slightest disadvantage What's more, the possibility of this is extremely low, and China's technology has completely surpassed that of European and American countries."

"The most important point is that although Chinese people's thoughts are influenced by the supremacy of interests, they still maintain the cultural influence of ancient China, and they will not bully countries that have no historical hatred. And most importantly, Jiang Yu, the leader of the Chinese consortium, studied in Europe when he was a teenager, and he can also be regarded as a member of our German Juncker consortium. Therefore, as long as we have no threat to China, it is impossible for China to liquidate Germany.”

"What we want is to control the world, not what is without threat."

"But can we beat China?"

There are still differences within the Juncker Consortium, and the two factions have argued over this. The core of the debate is what the ultimate goal of the German Junker Consortium is.

To take refuge in China, or to defeat China?Then become the world hegemony?

However, those ambitious Junker nobles also have to admit that if Germany really participates in the queue for world hegemony, then it is very likely that it will really become a scumbag.

Because China invaded Europe from land, Poland and Germany were the first to bear the brunt, definitely not Britain and France.Therefore, whether China can be defeated is not the main issue. The main issue is that once the European and American armies fail once and retreat hundreds of kilometers, then Germany will become a scumbag.

At that time, only Britain, France and the United States will be able to win. Even if Germany finally stands in the victory queue, it will directly weaken and become a second- and third-rate country.

The risk of joining forces with Britain, France and the United States against China is too great.

"Why don't we think about it? Although we are caught in the middle and are the weakest, isn't it a chance?"

"what chance?"

"On the one hand, we can secretly maintain a good relationship with China, and on the other hand, we can join the army defense system of Europe and the United States. First, we can get a large number of orders from China, Britain, France and the United States, so that the German economy can take off again. Second, we can join the army Defense system, quickly get rid of reparations and military restrictions."

"Do you think the Chinese are fools?"

"Of course they are not fools, so naturally we can't be too swayed, but once a war breaks out, then we should quickly select the most powerful camp to join. At present, the Chinese obviously have no intention of launching a large-scale war, although They still maintain a large army. All we have to do is wait and observe, if the Chinese can not fall behind in technology, then there is no suspense in the future war, and Europe and the United States will lose.”

The environment in Germany at this time is indeed very embarrassing, because the strength of the two camps is stronger than that of Germany, and Germany is still caught in the middle. This is definitely the most tangled and painful place for the Junkers consortium.

This situation is really too bad.

But one advantage is that in order to win over Germany, both sides will offer some benefits to Germany.However, if China can maintain its military superiority, then no matter how great the benefits Britain, France and the United States give Germany, the German consortium will not be so stupid as to die with China, which is absolutely irrational.

Of course, this also depends on the subsequent development.If Germany's economy and military can develop greatly in the future, and China weakens, then it will be another choice.

At least, the most important thing at the moment is to let Germany develop.

The confrontation between the two camps is of great benefit to the development of Germany.As long as its own strength is strong enough, Germany can be flexible in the future.

Therefore, Germany decided to sit on the fence and fall to whichever side the wind blows.

This also caused Germany to discuss the establishment of an army defense system with Britain, France and the United States, while showing favor to the Republic of China.

After receiving such news, the Republic of China did not express much.

Apparently, Jiang Yu has no worries about the tendency of Europe and the United States to expand their military scale. After all, the technology of the Republic of China has developed to the era of electronic computers, and Europe and the United States obviously cannot catch up with China in terms of technology.If they put more labor into the military system, then economic development will definitely be dragged down.

However, the United States is so active in building a European army defense system, which surprises the Republic of China.

The refusal of the Republic of China is to acquiesce in Germany's participation in the construction of the land defense system of Britain, France and the United States, which does not pose much threat to the Republic of China.

The initiative is in the hands of the Republic of China, and the Republic of China can launch a war whenever it wants.In addition, there are many contradictions between Europe and the United States, so what if they unite?At that time, a few more provocations will disintegrate the fragile alliance of European and American countries. (to be continued..)

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