The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Number 235: The wealth of Lake Baikal


spnps: The first update, a chapter of [-] words!Code all night, ask for various tickets!

At this time, the territory of the Republic of China is already huge, and Jiang Yu and the military senior Nian are on the train together, and they are on the way to the northwest

This is the first time for Jiang Yu to go to the Northwest

However, as the supreme military commander, Jiang Yu still decided to go to the frontier to have a look, which will be the main expansion direction of the Republic of China in the future

In other directions, the expansion has basically stopped [

In Southeast Asia, at present the Republic of China does not have much expansion **, and there is only half of Myanmar and one Malaysia left in Southeast Asia.

Southeast Asia is not as vast as Russia, and the resources are not so much

After occupying most of Southeast Asia, China does not lack tropical resources. If the entire Siberia can be swallowed up, then China's resources will be truly sufficient.

When the train arrived in the Henan area, you could still see the wavy wheat fields outside, and several planes were fertilizing the wheat

"Agriculture in many areas of our country has gradually begun to use aircraft." Jiang Fangzhen said with emotion, "In the past, aircraft was just a gadget. I didn't expect it to have such a big role now. It can be used not only in the military, but also in production."

"It's just that the plane is more fuel-intensive." Tang Hanmin also looked at the plane that was spreading fertilizer in the sky with great interest. "Now our group has raised the price of fuel a lot."

"No need, there are fuel subsidies for agricultural aircraft and agricultural machinery, and the fuel price is actually lower than before." Jiang Yu said with a smile, the increase in fuel prices is naturally for monopoly

However, the price of oil in agriculture cannot be raised. This will increase the cost of agricultural production and hinder the scale and speed of agricultural machinery.

Improving productivity is the key. With higher productivity, more productivity can be invested in military construction.

Therefore, when the consortium raised the price of oil, the country also introduced an agricultural subsidy policy, but the price of oil for agricultural machinery was lower than before

The original price of diesel gasoline is actually not very low, after all, the oil refining industry in various countries in the world has just begun to develop

Among them, the oil refining industries in the United States and Russia are the most ambitious, so the price of diesel oil is not cheap.

Today, the oil refineries in the Baku oilfield area of ​​Russia have been dismantled by the Chinese army. Russia has no oil refining capacity.

U.S. oil has encountered strong competition from China's oil industry

In the face of lower oil prices than before, the consortium still has a lot of profits, so it can fully support the low price of agricultural oil

The train gradually went west, passed the Longhai Railway, and entered the border of Shaanxi.

At this time, the Guanzhong Plain in Shaanxi is also a wheat field like a queen. After the summer harvest, the land here will be planted with feed corn and then use the corn to feed beef cattle.

In the past, the stock of livestock in China was not enough, especially cattle, so chickens and pigs with strong reproductive ability were the first to be developed.

Broiler, chicken, and pig breeding quickly fill up the city’s supermarkets, coupled with seafood fishing, which constitutes the protein supply for Chinese people at this time. The breeding industry is increasing the breeding of beef cattle, and the scale of goat and mutton sheep breeding is also increasing[

In the future, the meat on the table of Chinese people will become more abundant

In Beihe District, deer breeding is a vigorously developed industry. Deer is a good thing. Deer blood was something that only emperors could drink frequently during the feudal dynasty.

But the disease is not cured, Xianfeng just drank deer blood and died

The tongue of the deer can lick the tail, which means that the Ren and Du channels are connected. The deer can grow antlers, which means that the yang energy is sufficient, and it is a herbivore, so the qi is relatively clear.

The whole body of deer is full of treasures, such as deer antler, deer fetus, deer whip, deer tendon, venison cane, etc. are not medicinal materials or supplements. In addition, there are several kinds of deer fur, which can be made into high-end clothing or leather. Reindeer has a wider range of uses, such as pulling sleigh load milking, etc.

The main large-scale development is the cattle industry. Although the feed conversion rate of cattle is lower than that of chickens and pigs, because of the support of mechanical agriculture, China already has the ability to produce feed. These feeds are low in production costs and can be used to feed ox

In addition, the more automated breeding super does not require a lot of human input, only some technicians and a few workers can maintain a breeding super, so the cost of breeding is still very low

However, beef is still delicious like buffalo meat, and the water arsenic breeding industry in the south is also developing

Chinese stewed beef has also become a dietary signboard that is widely spread to the world. It is indeed much more delicious than Western steaks, but the cost is higher.

The train continued on and arrived in Gansu without knowing it

The railway runs all the way through the Hexi Corridor. This is also a commercial grain production base that China is currently vigorously building. It is also full of wheat.

When I arrived in Lanzhou, I saw a large area of ​​melon seedlings in the field. This is Lanzhou's specialty Bailan melon, which is a fruit imported from the United States.

When developing Gansu's economy, Jiang Yu personally decided to import projects. This is the characteristic of later generations of Lanzhou. It is the seed brought by US President Wallace during his visit to China in 1943.

This kind of thick-skinned melon is spherical in shape, and each weighs about 15 kilograms. The skin is white and hard, and it is resistant to storage. It is suitable for storage and transportation. , enjoying the reputation of "fragrant like osmanthus, sweet like honey"

This kind of melon is not only sweet and delicious, but also rich in nutrition. It also has the effect of clearing heat, quenching thirst, appetizing and diuretic. Since it was planted in Lanzhou, it has been successfully not only supplied to all parts of the country, but also exported to Heng. honeydew

Jiang Yu took people out of the car to inspect, and accompanied by Wang Binglin, the mayor of Lanzhou City, visited the Lanzhou Bailan melon production base

Wang Binglin said very excitedly: "Since the introduction of white orchid melons, after several years of exploration, we have adopted measures such as early sowing, covering to keep warm after emergence, timely spraying and watering, etc., to solve the problem of inhibited growth due to cold spring and early summer. The quality of the white orchid melons has been greatly improved. The white orchid melons produced are uniform in size, and the average individual weighs about three to four catties. High sugar content, with an average sugar content of more than 14.00% and a maximum of 18.00%, which is higher than the ace melon in the United States”

"Now Lanzhou has formed a 50-mu white melon planting base with an annual output of 65 billion kilograms of white melons. Most of them are processed into cans and supplied to military schools. At the same time, many are for export, because they are easy to store and market sales. Also very good”

Listening to Wang Binglin's report, Jiang Yu nodded and was in a good mood

"If the market sells well, we can increase the planting area," Jiang Yu instructed. This is a kind of melon introduced by Jiang Yu himself. This time, I just want to take a look.

But I didn't pay much attention to it. It's just adding a variety of fruit melons. There are still some in China. For example, the newly bred white pear melon is also a very good kind of melon, but it is a small melon, and the white pear melon is also Grown in large quantities in the South and processed in large quantities into canned products

Canned food can be exported and is regarded as an industrial agricultural product[

As the people become richer, the demand for fruit consumption has also begun to increase greatly, and various fruit planting areas have begun to emerge across the country.

The consortium is also cultivating new varieties of various fruits, of course they are more interested in the appearance

Because when the world is getting more and more noisy, people pay more attention to the appearance of the goods. However, the fruits in the domestic market still focus on the pursuit of quality. Those who pursue good-looking varieties are mainly for export.

Fruit planting can also increase a lot of employment. At the same time, it can also export to generate foreign exchange and improve the quality of life of the people. Therefore, more attention is paid to fruit planting.

Then Jiang Yu inspected the licorice production base in Lanzhou. Licorice is an old medicine in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. It has the reputation of "ten prescriptions and nine herbs" and is widely used in clinical formulas. At the same time, licorice extracts are widely used in industrial chemicals and other fields. , is the most demanded herb

Jiangyu attaches great importance to the cultivation of herbal medicines, and there are Chinese medicine production bases established by consortiums all over the country

In view of the cheating of important medicinal properties in later generations, the medicinal properties of many planted herbs are not even half of the medicinal properties of wild herbs, so Jiang Yu asked not to blindly pursue yield in the process of planting herbal medicines

At this time, Chinese medicine began to revive the dialectics of Bayang, which was popular in the Qing Dynasty. It was thrown into the garbage dump, and Chinese medicine began to study the dialectics of the ancient Six Classics on a large scale.

During the peak period of Chinese medicine in the Song Dynasty, the mainstream was dialectics of the six classics, which was created from the system of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" in the Han Dynasty. can't be cured

The plague was prevalent in the Qing Dynasty, and a "febrile disease school" of Chinese medicine appeared and became the mainstream Chinese medicine. As a result, when encountering colds and so on, they always prescribed honeysuckle and other herbal medicines to clear away heat, resulting in many small colds that could not be cured. This also led to the continuous decline of people's trust in Chinese medicine. Coupled with the invasion of Western medicine in the late Qing Dynasty, Chinese medicine was completely defeated.

In the field of medicine, Jiang Yu still advocates the use of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of the people. If Western medicine encounters a cold and fever, it is just a continuous drip and drip until the virus is eliminated.

This is how Westerners think. Isn't disease caused by viruses?Then kill the virus

Injecting the medicine into the body is equivalent to treating the human body as a battle super, killing the enemy by one thousand and self-defeating by eight hundred. After the virus is killed, the person is just relying on his own vitality to survive. If the vitality is not enough, the person will burp.

The thinking of Chinese medicine is to adjust the vitality first, and then cure the disease. If a person's life is gone, what is the use of being cured?

Another example is the problem of high blood pressure. Western medicine is to let people take antihypertensive drugs, but this thing is dependent. The more you take the medicine, the more you take the blood pressure.

The idea of ​​Western medicine is that if blood pressure is high, it is enough to take medicine to lower blood pressure. It would be better if you don’t study why people’s blood pressure rises and they are dependent on medicine. The more medicine you take, the more money the consortium will make. With the money, you live an extra year and eat an extra year!

Traditional Chinese medicine treats blood pressure in a more humane way. Different people have different blood pressure standards, rather than a fixed value. If the blood pressure is too high, it is enough to regulate the liver

The main difference between western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine is that western medicine is materialistic, while traditional Chinese medicine is based on the energy level. Chinese medicine is people-oriented. Western medicine does not have this kind of philosophy. Treating the human body as a battle to kill viruses and other vital energy is not necessarily a big loss. Can be cured thoroughly

That is to say, the Republic of China has not yet cultivated so many "classic prescription" talents, so Western medicine is popularized first. In the future, enough Chinese medicine personnel will be trained. Chinese medicine will be the leading position in the medical field. Chinese medicine practitioners go to see them, and let Western doctors take care of them when surgery is required.

However, the study of western medicine cannot be neglected. Western medicine surgery is still very useful.

Moreover, the Republic of China uses western medicine to foreign countries, so it can continue to fool other countries in the world to use western medicine, and then Jiangyu's warlord consortium produces medicines and sells them vigorously, and eats the so-called nutritional products in western medicine

You can also learn from the Yankees. When you enter the hospital, no matter whether you are sick or not, you will be given a lot of medicine first, and you will be sick even if you are not sick.

Then continue to treat, continue to take medicine, let those gringos live one more day and eat one more day

The popularity of traditional Chinese medicine in China will inevitably lead to a sharp increase in the demand for Chinese medicinal materials. Licorice is the most demanded herbal medicine, and its main production areas are Northwest and other places.

After visiting the licorice production base, Jiang Yu inspected Lanzhou's industrial

Then Jiang Yu inspected the afforestation situation in Lanzhou area. The afforestation in the northwest area has always been highly valued by the Republic of China

During the Beiyang period in history, Yuan Shikai Group also attached great importance to the environmental issues in the Northwest

I saw that trees were planted everywhere in Lanzhou at this time. Trees can maintain soil moisture and reduce evaporation.

Trees can spit water in winter, which can prevent the normal flow of rivers

Historically, after a large number of trees were felled in various parts of the country, the water volume of all rivers began to decrease, and the Yellow River stopped flowing from time to time.

"How much Russian labor force do we have now?" Jiang Yu suddenly asked Jiang Fangzhen when he was inspecting the tree planting issue.

"Currently there are 800 million Russian labor force and it is still increasing." Jiang Fangzhen replied, Jiang Yu nodded, and said: "One or two million people can be mobilized to plant trees in the northwest and completely contain the desert. We must not only curb the expansion of the desert, but also attack the desert every year." Jiang Yu immediately decided that those Russians were forcibly captured in China to perform slave labor.

If the high-efficiency production of Mu is produced by machinery, it will not work with these Russians

Because slaves will secretly destroy the means of production, if the machine is used by them, it will be broken after two strokes

In addition to some physical labor needed for building railways and roads, water conservancy is also needed. However, afforestation is purely physical labor.

There is no machine capable of planting trees

If the Republic of China wants to carry out large-scale afforestation in the Northwest, it must mobilize a large number of laborers. First of all, there are not so many people in the Northwest. It takes a lot of money to recruit workers from other places, and there is no difference between using domestic workers to plant trees and using Russians to plant trees.

It would be better to let the Russians plant forests, and the Chinese workers use high-efficiency productivity to build

"Attack the desert? We don't have that much water in the northwest." Tang Hanmin pointed out the problem. The northwest region does not have that much water, and the water in the Yellow River is not enough.

The development of Northwest China is severely restricted by water resources

Building too many factories in the Northwest will consume too much water resources. In agriculture, it is impossible to build and reclaim too much cultivated land, because too much water resources are used, and the lower reaches of the Yellow River will stop flowing.

"We don't want to wipe out the desert in one go, it's just that adding a little water to the desert every year is not enough. We can divert water from the North Sea, 1000 billion cubic meters of water per year, and it will take 600 years to dry up." Jiang Yu has long said plan, that is to divert water from Lake Baikal

If 1000 billion cubic meters of water resources are adjusted every year, it is equivalent to the flow of two Yellow Rivers

As a traveler, Jiang Yu knows that if this country continues to develop industries in the north, then the entire north will face a crisis of water shortage in the future, and even the south-to-north water diversion cannot solve this crisis

Instead of carrying out south-to-north water diversion, it is better to carry out north-to-south water diversion

Every year, 600 billion cubic meters of water from Lake Baikal pour into the Yenisei River from the Angola River, and then flow into the Arctic Ocean. It is a waste. It is better to transfer these water resources to the northern regions

Even if the entire Yenisei River is withdrawn, the Yenisei River is one of the largest rivers in the world, with an annual flow of 6255 billion cubic meters

We must know that China's annual water supply in later generations is only 5600 billion cubic meters, and 60% of it is used for agricultural irrigation when water-saving technologies are not popularized.

If the entire Yenisei River is diverted and used for agricultural production in China, then there is no need to rush to do any seawater desalination

There is also a lot of water in the Yangtze River, but Jiang Yu dare not touch the Yangtze River

This is a matter of dragon veins. If the water of the entire Yangtze River is used for agriculture and industry, then first of all, the coastal fishing grounds will be finished.

Australia has done something like this, shutting down rivers in the southeast and using all the water for agriculture and industry, resulting in environmental problems

But moving the Yenisei River has no pressure at all. The areas that the Yenisei River flows through are sparsely populated places.

It is an exaggeration to pump out the Yenisei River, but it is very, very enough to draw 3000 billion or [-] billion a year, which can allow China to green a large area of ​​desert

Of course, this is a relatively large project, but when human productivity develops to this era, it is already possible to complete it

It is also possible to transfer water from Lake Baikal first. For example, if 3000 billion tons of water are transferred from Lake Baikal every year, the water in Lake Baikal can also be used for 98 years.

In 98 years, you can go to the project of diverting water from the Yenisei River to Lake Baikal, so as to refill Lake Baikal

3000 billion tons of water is equivalent to the water volume of 6 Yellow Rivers, and the Yellow River will be injected into it every year.

This can create a pasture in Inner Mongolia, Mongolia, with an area of ​​more than 200 million, with lush vegetation, and plant trees in the rest of the area

Although the north currently has sufficient water for agriculture and industry, this is not a long-term solution, so water transfer is imperative

At the same time, the Northwest region is too thirsty, such a large area, there are large areas of land for use

If it is only to satisfy agricultural water and industrial water, it is enough to transfer 1000 billion cubic meters of water from Lake Baikal every year

The water in Lake Baikal is natural mineral water, which can be directly drunk, so it can supply the drinking water in the north first.

To conquer Beihe District, water resources alone are a huge fortune (to be continued

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