The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 236: Visiting Persia, the Allied Powers are tight


spnps: [-]-word chapter, I was in a bad state yesterday, so there is only one update!

Water is the source of life, without water, the North would be useless.

In the later generations, the economy of northern China declined in an all-round way, and only the economies of Beijing, Tianjin and other cities were guarded. The main reason was the lack of water.

Even the drinking water in Beijing is that kind of black. Cooking a pot of porridge turns out to be black.

Fortunately, the environment has not deteriorated to that extent in this era, and floods often occur in Mongolia. As long as the vegetation in the northwest is protected, the environment will not deteriorate. [

At this time, in the northwest region, except for the arable areas designated by the state, the rest of the area was not allowed to cultivate land. It was mainly some Han people who reclaimed wasteland on the northern grasslands, starting from the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, it is relatively easy for these people to migrate, and there will be no phenomenon of recalcitrant government.At the same time, the cost of population migration in this era is also very low, as long as they change jobs.

On the other hand, the nomads once obstructed the conversion of pastures to forests, but they were suppressed by the government with iron blood. There is nothing to compromise, after all, this is a major issue related to the survival of the nation.

"Putting the Russians to plant trees is indeed a good way to consume labor. If there is not enough space for these people, then throw the rest to plant trees, and there is no need to raise them for nothing." Jiang Fangzhen nodded in agreement, After all, those Russians can only do manual labor.

But in general, the popularity of mechanization across the country is not that high, and there are a lot of construction projects there!

It is not too difficult to digest these Russian labor forces.

After all, there are a large number of construction projects in every region.From roads to water conservancy, and agricultural reforms, before there were so many machines, it all required manpower.

After visiting Lanzhou, Jiang Yu got on the train again and began to inspect Xinjiang.

When I arrived in Xinjiang, I saw a large number of cotton fields, and the green cotton seedlings were growing vigorously against the sun.After years of hard work and development, the cotton planting area in Xinjiang is constantly expanding.

After only seeing Xinjiang, you can see from the train that many Russians are being organized to continuously repair water conservancy. The composition of these Russians is relatively complicated.

The first batch of people who came to China were the Poles of later generations. The German army invaded Poland and caused a large number of refugees in Russia. These refugees were transported to China to work as coolies.

But all men have no money.They can only stay in the labor team obediently, and they will be paid two yuan of Yanhuang coins every month.

This batch of Russian labor force mainly consists of more than 200 million people. Although their freedom is restricted to a certain extent, they can still move around freely.

At the same time, you don't need to eat a whip when you work.

The second batch of Russians were looted from Russia, nominally revolutionaries handed over to China by the Balshak government for "reform through labor".

This group of labor force reached 800 million.Women are not included.

This batch of labor is first arranged to repair water conservancy and roads in Xinjiang. Asian human management companies are already very proficient in this and are hurrying to allocate and arrange.

I saw that the Russians on the construction site were also working very hard. Many Russians did not slack off in order to achieve the standard of "ideological awareness" as soon as possible.

The Chinese government promised them that as long as they work hard, they may be released within a few years.And became a legal citizen of the Belarusian government of Bolshak. [

When Jiang Yu and the others arrived at Urumqi Railway Station, they saw a carload of Russians walking and getting off the car, and a carload of livestock was also being pulled out of the car.

The Chinese Army is in Russia, whether it is industrial equipment or agricultural livestock, these means of production can be snatched away.

Livestock that were really difficult to transport back to the country were slaughtered directly to make military rations.

The things and people brought back from Russia every day filled up the train, and the young Russians who got off the train were all listless.

The train compartment was not the luxury special train that Jiang Yu took, it was full of stuff in a train skin.Like canned sardines.

The whole train station was busy.

The bus station is also very busy. 30 vehicles travel between China and Russia. Every day, a large number of vehicles transport goods back to China and then transport ammunition to Russia.

Seeing these Russian laborers and Russian women, as well as the industrial equipment, livestock, gold, jewelry, and furs brought back from Russia, Jiang Yu knew that Russia's vitality was constantly passing away.

In the future, Russians will have neither money nor labor force, and the means of production will be very scarce.Coupled with the death of some people in the civil war, Russia in the future will become a third-rate country. Even if it strives to develop, it will only become a second-rate country at best.It is impossible to become a first-class power.

Because Russia's territory has been eroded by China at this time.

The Russian Far East Administrative Region is now the Beihai Administrative Region of China, and Kazakhstan occupied by Russia is now half occupied by China. In the agreement signed with the Red Bear, the entire Kazakhstan will be ceded to China.

As long as Siberia is occupied again, Russia will hardly become a world power in terms of territory alone.

And once China occupies Siberia, except for an Indian subcontinent, Myanmar, and Malaysia, the whole of Asia will be included in China's sphere of influence.

Of course, there is also a Persian.

And this trip is going to visit the Persian dynasty. Since the Persian envoy visited last time, the Persian king has shown great sincerity and wants to become a vassal state of China.

In order to distinguish between levels, a highly sovereign dependent state like Persia is called a "protectorate". Once Persia becomes a dependent state of China, it is called a protectorate of China and has been protected by China ever since.

After becoming China's protectorate, Persia doesn't need to undertake any unequal treaties, it just needs to open up its investment market and join the Asian Trade Organization. At the same time, it needs to broaden the Chinese culture to a certain extent.

Jiang Yu and his party entered Central Asia from Urumqi by car, also planning to visit the scenery of Central Asia.

I saw that after the car left southern Xinjiang, Jiang Yu first went to Lake Balkhash for sightseeing to see this wonderful river and mountain.

When they came to Lake Balkhash, under the protection of a group of guards, Jiang Yu and others began to appreciate the beautiful scenery here, and saw reeds growing thickly on the bank of the clear Balkhash Lake.

At this time, it is summer, the reeds are green, and there are a large number of gulls, wild ducks, cormorants, swans, pelicans, pheasants and partridges in the reeds.

"Haha, this place is nice." Jiang Yu opened his arms excitedly, looking at the spacious lake. [

"Master, let's go hunting! Get a few swans and taste the taste of the swan meat." Zhou Zhengye likes hunting, and when he saw that the ground was full of birds, his hands were itchy.Jiang Yu shook his head and said, "I won't go, you guys go!"

Jiang Fangzhen also shook his head with a smile, and said, "You guys go! I'll just take a look at the scenery."

"Forget it, let's go!" Zhou Zhengye said while pulling Tang Hanmin.Tang Hanmin had no choice but to follow with an air gun.

Zhou Zhengye, Tang Hanmin and the guards waited for a group of warriors to start hunting birds in Lake Balkhash.

I saw that Zhou Zhengye was ruthless and specialized in beating swans.

Two hours later, Zhou Zhengye and a group of guards came back with a lot of prey.More than 30 swans came back from hunting, and hundreds of wild ducks.

In addition, the guards also shot a few yellow sheep and a moon bear, that is, the black blind man.

"This is to protect animals! You bastard killed so many at once." Jiang Yu looked at those swans and scolded with a smile.

"I've never eaten swan meat! We're going to eat meat today. Besides, we are protecting the swans in Jiangsu, not the swans here." Zhou Zhengye said lazily. A lot.

The prey has come.Here's what happened to the chefs who came with them.The guards cleaned up the prey, and then handed it over to the chef to make various delicacies.

Jiang Yu didn't forget to ask the chefs to save some smoked duck and take some home for the family to taste.This is smoked duck made from Central Asian wild duck ().

After waiting for more than an hour, Jiang Yu finally got the swan meat.

Speaking of which, Jiang Yu has never eaten this kind of thing. I saw that the chefs made those swans into roasted whole geese, swan stew, and what kind of fried swan meat, marinated swan meat, and swan offal were also boiled into soup. It is not a waste at all.And there are all kinds of styles, which make people dazzled.

"My swan leg." Zhou Zhengye shone brightly, stretched out his hand and tore off a swan leg, and then bit it down, with an expression of ecstasy immediately appearing on his face.

"Damn, how old are you, and you still grab your legs to eat?" Tang Hanmin imitated Jiang Yu's catchphrase from time to time and said contemptuously to Zhou Zhengye.

Jiang Yu and the others suddenly laughed.Just like Tang Hanmin's contempt, it reflects a unique Chinese desire for character restraint.

In fact, most of them like to eat chicken legs and the like, but in the past, Chinese people usually eat meat at dinner parties, so it is natural for children to eat it.The chicken was killed at home.Also for the kids at home.

Chinese culture is more reserved and knows how to restrain inner desires.The culture of Westerners is relatively superficial, and they express their inner desires more directly.

To a certain extent, ancient Catholicism restricted the expression of this desire of Westerners. When the cultural revival of Westerners appeared, they gradually broke through the shackles of Catholicism, and began to vent their desires around the world, colonizing and robbing everywhere.

China's culture is different. The Tang and Song dynasties had relatively prosperous maritime trade, but China at that time did not rob and colonize everywhere.

Of course, there was nothing to grab back then.

At that time, when China developed ocean trade, it had its own superior commodities, and there was no need to rob, and it could earn wealth by exporting commodities.

As for colonization, people in ancient societies were generally afraid of karma, and many people in the Republic of China today are still like this, but the times are different after all, and if you don’t want to expand brutally, you can only wait for others to expand brutally.

Jiang Yu also tore off a swan leg, and the big pieces rose up.

After taking a few bites, it tastes good.

But that's the chef's craftsmanship, as for the meat, it seems nothing special?

"Nimma, it turns out that swan meat is a myth." Jiang Yu couldn't help complaining in his heart.


Jiang Yu traveled to the mountains and rivers all the way, very happy.

But at this time, Central Asia has completely lost sight of other races, and it has become a place full of thousands of miles of people, and everyone has been killed.

There was not much population in Central Asia in this era, and the Turkic people themselves were nomads. Agriculture in Central Asia had not yet developed, and there were only more than 300 million people in East Asia.

The Chinese army killed them a few times casually, and they killed them all.

"It seems that we need to immigrate as soon as possible to develop this place." Jiang Yu couldn't help feeling a sense of urgency in his heart. After all, this is a border area. If there is no population, others can easily occupy this place as long as they drive away the Chinese army.

certainly.With China's current military strength, this situation is almost impossible.

But there is no population here, and it is inconvenient to supply troops.

"The hydropower resources in the Tianshan Mountains and the Himalayas are relatively rich, and there is also a lot of coal here. We might as well transfer some of the military industry to Central Asia. It will be much more convenient to attack Russia in the future. In addition, cement factories, steel factories, etc. Some must be built, so that the transportation pressure can be greatly reduced." Jiang Fangzhen suggested to Jiang Yu.

"Yeah!" Jiang Yu nodded.After all, Russia will be the main battlefield for China's expansion in the future, and it will also be the springboard for its expansion to Europe in [-]. If all combat materials are transported from China, the transportation pressure will be too great.

Central Asia must be developed. It seems that the immigration policy must be revised, if only veterans are relied on.Not that big of a quantity.

A few days later, Jiang Yu and others came to Tehran, the capital of Persia.

At this time, the land area of ​​Persia has become smaller and smaller. Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan in the north were split by Russia, while Bahrain and Afghanistan were split by Britain.

From the perspective of the distribution of mountains, the areas that were split off are all areas outside the Iranian dragon veins.

At this time, Turkmenistan was occupied by China, and naturally it would not be returned to Iran.

At the same time, after the Chinese Army captured Turkmenistan.The former Russian forces in the north of Iran were fully taken over by China, while the south was the territory of the United Kingdom.

The Qajar dynasty ended after World War I because its balance was broken.

Before the First World War, Britain and Russia engaged in constant games in Persia, which instead formed a state of balance that allowed the Qajar dynasty to survive.

After the First World War, Russia was finished, and the whole of Persia became the world of the British.But the Qajar dynasty refused to commit the crime, and the British were naturally angry.So he began to support the new ruler, and the Qajar dynasty died.

Jiang Yu suddenly brought high-level military officials to visit Persia, which made Britain in Europe very nervous. If Persia fell to China, India, the British colony in Asia, would be completely surrounded by Chinese forces.

But at this time, the British were overwhelmed, and the European battlefield entered after 1918.Hindenburg had taken power in Germany.

At this time, Hindenburg began to let go of his hands and feet and ordered Ludendorff to organize an attack.

Ludendorff immediately organized several attacks from the beginning of the year.

And history has completely derailed.

Because of the material aid from China and the support of the Japanese labor force to Germany, 50 Japanese mercenaries went to the battlefield.As a result, the spring offensive launched by Germany in 1918 progressed very fiercely. Although the strength of the US military had reached Europe, the quality of its soldiers was not very good.

On the contrary, Japanese soldiers are not afraid of death, and their will to fight is extremely strong.

Because of the possibility of Japan's final rise on the European battlefield, the Japanese soldiers chanted "the emperor is on board" and launched heroic attacks on the battlefield again and again.

The equipment of Little Japan has been greatly improved. There are a lot of light and heavy machine guns, as well as a large number of submachine guns, and the rifles are replaced by Mauser rifles.

This made Little Japan's combat effectiveness soar rapidly, and the first batch of 60 tanks aided by the Republic of China to Germany were also thrown into the battlefield.This caused the German army to hit a small climax in the spring offensive. The frontline positions advanced more than 20 kilometers, causing millions of people to be killed and injured in the Allied Powers.

The Allies also invested in tanks, a thing called a water tank, the quality of which was very low, and Germany was equipped with such weapons as anti-tank machine guns, anti-tank guns, and anti-tank mines, which made the tanks of the Allies completely hit the street .

On the contrary, the Allies lacked anti-tank weapons, and the defense line was smashed by [-] German tanks.

The spring offensive launched by Germany turned the long-term war of attrition into a turning point, making the war seem to be about to return to the era of mobile warfare.

This makes the European and American consortia not calm.

Originally, according to the idea of ​​the Rothschild consortium, the United States has participated in the war, and American soldiers have also traveled to Europe. The defeat of the Allies should be the result of minutes.

But as a result, the Allies had a major counterattack.

And if it doesn't work, France will be finished.

Now I am really not calm, I can only let the American soldiers who come to travel go up, but will the American soldiers know how to fight?

Those horse blankets, stirrups, those chariots that are completely unreliable in performance and have not even been produced to transport Europe can really fight?

The U.S. military is equipped with shotguns in trench warfare, and Germany is also equipped with shotguns, and a large number of submachine guns are also equipped.

As a result, the combat effectiveness of the German army skyrocketed, and the spring offensive went directly from the Hindenburg defense line all the way to the Somme area.

Then came the Summer Offensive, and this time it was even more violent, and the two sides fought again on the line of the Somme.

The Allied Powers must not let the German army break through the Somme, otherwise the whole of Paris will be in danger.

The Allies mobilized a large number of forces and gathered on the defense line of the Somme to defend against the German army.

Although the German army's offensive was relatively fierce, and the tactics of interspersed with small groups and tanks were adopted, which caused heavy casualties to the Allied Powers, but by virtue of the superiority in the number of American soldiers, a batch of deaths topped the batch, which caused the German army to also appear in large numbers. Casualties were inextricably fought on the front line of the Somme for a while.

But the defense line of the Allies is indeed in jeopardy.On the German side, it is facing the embarrassing problem of insufficient troops. Although Japanese mercenaries made up part of it, there is still a big gap.

In the end, the Allied Powers and Germany fought for two months, and the Somme defense line collapsed.The German army broke through the Somme defense line at a heavy cost of 50 casualties.

The Allies paid 120 million casualties, and nearly half of the frontline troops were killed.

There was even a mutiny in the French army, which forced the French army to withdraw from the battle, and the British troops lost a lot. This made the main force on the front line only for the American soldiers.

The Allied Powers had to retreat all the way to the front line of Paris to stabilize the front line, and formed a line of defense again on the front line of Paris.

But this line of defense was wider, allowing the Allies to use more troops to defend.

For a while, the front line was tight, and the German side also suffered a lot. For a while, there was not enough strength to continue the attack, and the two sides were once again stalemate on the front line of Paris.

At this time, the opportunity for China to sell arms came again.

The Allies, which had no way to produce more advanced arms for a while, were eager to ask for submachine guns, tanks, and aircraft produced in China. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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