The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 268 Clearing up the Nanyang Aboriginals


spn This time the Republic of China launched a large navy plan, Jiang Yu naturally wanted to raise some money, and the East China Chamber of Commerce immediately held a fundraising meeting. As a national capitalist, the country expanded its territory and opened up territories to protect capital interests, and businessmen also had to know how to feed back!

Jiang Yu took the lead in donating 5 million Yanhuang coins this time, which is definitely a huge sum of money, and businessmen from the East China Chamber of Commerce were also enthusiastic and donated enthusiastically.

Donate more to those with more money, donate less to those with less money.

However, each ethnic businessman of the East China Chamber of Commerce donated a lot of money according to their own economic situation. This donation got [-] million Yanhuang coins from the ethnic capital merchants.

This made Jiang Yu very satisfied. The national awareness of the businessmen in East China is still very high. [

If none of them donated money, then the slogan of the nation's capital would make total sense.The reason why national capital merchants add the word nation is that they can stand up when the country is in trouble and donate generously to the country.

However, it is not so easy to encounter national crisis. Usually, we still need to find some projects for them to donate to cultivate their habit of serving the nation.

A total of [-] million Yanhuang coins were raised this time.

For the country, it is a huge sum of money. Although it is only less than one-tenth of the national budget, there are more than ten projects that the state spends money on, and some projects even account for more than ten or twenty percent. of financial revenue.

Of course, the state can owe money, and the consortium can borrow.

But you have to borrow, and you have to donate.

The consortium makes money by contracting national projects and other aspects, but the most basic thing is to ensure the quality of the project and the quality of arms. In fact, in the case of the warlord and oligarch consortium in Jiangyu, the country and the consortium are often integrated.

The capital of his consortium can be used by the country at will in times of crisis, and the same is true for those national capital merchants.

After the capital owns the national border, it is not as cheating as the Rothschild consortium. The United Kingdom has been half disabled by the Rothschild consortium.

The so-called empire on which the sun never sets.It's actually just an appearance.

The truly powerful thing is capital!

If it wasn't for the Rothschild consortium investing cutting-edge industries in Germany, if it wasn't for the Rothschild consortium deliberately manipulating the war.

Well, the Brit is still number one in the world.

But Brit won't be number one anytime soon.

After the end of the war in Europe, the countries most likely to impact the status of world leaders will be left with China and the United States, and it is temporarily unknown who will win the battle.

But China is basically invincible at this time.

The Chinese national capital group headed by Jiang Yu's warlord oligarch consortium, because it has national boundaries, it will not cheat the country no matter how hard it is.

Because without a country, they would have no roots, and no most powerful protection and sword.

Only by strengthening the military power of this country.In order to pry open all the tortoise shells that hinder the expansion of Chinese national capital groups, so that Chinese capital can freely circulate in the world.At the same time, only by strengthening the country can the national capital group not be annexed when it is weak. [

Whether a country's national capital will be annexed.First of all, look at whether the country has policy protection. A country that has been driven directly by foreign capital must have its national capital be encircled and suppressed by foreign capital.

Therefore, the money of the national capitalists is not earned for nothing. Helping the country pay for construction is a necessary investment.Moreover, it is a collective investment, and the collective has a return.

The central government is also approaching the end of the year budget time. At this time, it received a donation of 7 million yuan from the National Capital Group, which immediately made the central government's budget much more comfortable.

In 1918, the year of Wuwu, this was a relatively extreme fleeting year, with heaven and earth.Sitting on the sun blade at noon fire.This year, the fiscal revenue of the Republic of China reached 113 billion yuan, the gross national product exceeded 1500 billion Yanhuang coins, and the annual gross national product increased by 25%.The rate of growth is horrifying.

This is mainly due to the increase in steel production, which enabled the construction of fields that could not obtain sufficient resources before, and the increase in steel production led to growth in all aspects.

Steel production eventually increased to 3600 million tons for the year, a growth rate that was frighteningly fast.Coal mining has exceeded 8 million tons, surpassing that of the United States.

However, China's steel production and coal production.But still very low.

Although steel production has already reached the world's largest level, China's per capita steel production is more than four times lower than that of the United States.

Coal production is only 3 million tons more than that of the United States.

In other words, if the Republic of China wants to reach the level of the United States, it must form an annual steel output of about 15 billion tons, and at the same time, coal mines must reach about 20 billion tons.

Today steel production is still limited by iron ore mining.

However, with the mining of iron ore in the Beihai administrative region, iron ore in Central Asia, and the development of iron ore in Western Australia and India, it is easy to increase steel production.

In fact, China still has a bunch of dependent countries, and these dependent countries also want steel.

The resources on land are limited. If a country wants to become a super-developed country, it must consume a lot of resources, so the acquired method cannot last long.

Within the long term of this law, whoever can grab more resources will be able to develop.

These days, the resources are still abundant, and the consortium has not focused on seizing global resources. The rise of Chinese capital at this time has directly grabbed a lot of resources.

Backed by these rich resources, we don't have to worry about not being able to develop.

Coal production also mainly relies on Beihai Administrative Region to supply northern coal, while southern coal is imported, and Shanxi coal is basically not mined much.

That's where the Taihang Mountains are, where there are dragon veins.

Beijing's big three-yuan pattern is largely based on the Taihang Mountains. If the underground is hollowed out, it will inevitably have a negative impact on luck.

Moreover, in places like Shanxi, the groundwater is generally destroyed, and people cannot even live there.

Coal imports come first from India and Australia, which are the two most reliable import targets. At the same time, Chinese capital can safely mine coal mines in this region. [

At the same time, the coal from the Beihai administrative region can also be transported to Vladivostok by railway first, and then transported to the southern provinces by coal carrier to supply Jiangsu, a region that does not have much coal and is a large coal consumer.

For example, in Fujian, the consumption of coal is relatively small, because Fujian is rich in hydropower resources, and coal is produced in southwestern Fujian.

Importing coal is no big deal either.After all, if China wants to export, it must import. Only in this way can a cycle be formed. It is the most cost-effective thing to exchange high-value-added things for low-value-added precious resources.

In addition to importing coal from India and Australia, some coal can also be imported from more distant countries. The sea freight price is the lowest among the transportation units as the displacement tonnage of ships continues to increase.

Therefore, by vigorously developing shipping, resources can be obtained from the outside, and transportation costs can also be reduced.

However, China also needs to consider China's coal supply after the outbreak of a full-scale war, so it still puts the main import targets on India, Australia, Myanmar, Malaysia, and those dependent countries.

Because once the war breaks out.China can quickly control India, Australia, Myanmar and Malaysia without fear of losing these capacities.

Eggs cannot be put in one basket, if all depends on imports.During the war, there is simply no time to expand its own production capacity.

Of course, with the advent of the second industrial revolution, oil has largely replaced the use of coal. China's oil production reached 1918 million tons, or 1 million barrels, in 7, twice that of the United States.Among them, the degree of commodity development of refining by-products far exceeds that of the United States.

Among them, 1/10 of these oils are used for export. Before that, the United States exported about 1000 million tons of oil every year. At this time, the oil exports of the United States dropped to 500 million tons, and China's oil exports were almost 1000 million tons.

The two sides compete fiercely in the international oil market. China's oil is mainly exported to its allies in Europe, and at the same time in other countries' markets.China's oil exports are more focused on competing for new markets.

New markets are also easier to cultivate. If China exports more cars, won't the demand come?

Therefore, China's vassal countries also have a lot of cars, tractors and the like.At the same time in Asia, kerosene exports are fully covered by China.

The Australian market is also occupied by China.

In the African market, Chinese oil is also flooding all areas in Africa that can afford kerosene, and mosquito meat is also meat.The oil market in South America is dominated by the United States.

Allied markets.It is also dominated by American oil, but those merchant ships that ship goods to Asia and Africa.All fuel used is produced in China.

These days, ships are big oil burners.

It can be seen from the oil demand that China's industry is mainly a product of the second industrial revolution, while the United States is mainly a product of the first dead industrial revolution.

China's oil-producing areas are divided into four major oil-producing regions, and the four corners are guarding the Republic of China. The ROC's local oil is also partially exploited, but the production volume will be reduced after the four major oil-producing regions are put into production, or even stop production.

These four oil-producing areas are all areas with rich oil reserves.

In a few years, China's oil will flood the world.Because China has the most advanced oil refining industry and the most developed oil refining by-products, it has a huge advantage over American oil in terms of price, and can dump oil to the world, thereby defeating American oil exports.

In general, the industrial flaw of the Republic of China is still steel production, but it will not take long to solve it.Because the steel production base invested initially is continuously increasing the output of iron ore, and the number of iron ore producing areas is increasing, and more and more mines are invested, and each mine is building a larger iron ore output every year. It is also the reason why China's steel production was able to surge by 1918 million tons in 1100.

The central finance also increased along with the continuous development of industry. At the same time, the number of agricultural reformed land in the country increased, and a lot of agricultural taxes were also collected.

The central fiscal revenue has also broken through to 113 billion yuan, and the consortium earns more money. However, in the eyes of the consortium, how much money is not the key. Money is a pile of waste paper. The important thing is how much the consortium has increased in this year .

It is absolutely impossible to spend all the money on the private sector, as this will cause strong inflation.

The purpose of the consortium issuing banknotes is to be able to withdraw banknotes.

Then spend money to let the people build more assets, and then recover the money through various businesses, forming a complete cycle.

The government's money is actually returned by the consortium to form a cycle.

Due to the substantial increase in fiscal revenue and the issuance of many bonds by the Republic of China, the fiscal surplus this year was still somewhat.

This has also increased the central government's fiscal budget for the coming year.

The Ministry of Education is still a big money taker. The central government allocated 28 billion to the Ministry of Education to continue to build the education system. It is well known that the Ministry of Education has money.

Before the Ministry of Education received money, the annual quota was 25% of the financial budget.

The Ministry of Education is rich.So the public schools across the country are very beautifully built, and every school is very spacious, and the pastures are covered with turf.

The education in the Republic of China cultivates partial talents, so attention has been paid to the cultivation since elementary school, so the facilities of each school are very complete.

Elementary schools have fewer facilities, while middle schools have more facilities. There are some facilities in various fields, so that students can fully exercise their strengths.

Everyone's horoscope is different, there are all kinds of horoscopes, so everyone has their own strengths and talents.

Talent also needs to be watered.Otherwise it cannot thrive.

In universities, there are more facilities, and some national-level research facilities are equipped in many universities.

Three yuan and nine luck have almost reached four green Wenqu stars.Wenquxing is in season, which is very suitable for the development of the education industry. In those 20 years, there are many children who can read. If we seize the 20 years dominated by Wenquxing, the whole nation will take off.It's the time of five yellows.The four greens have become the dying stars, the worst of the nine stars. At that time, the education industry will not be able to develop well.

The weather is like this, and manpower often cannot be reversed.

Seize the weather and move in due time.Therefore, the education funds of the Republic of China have always been very sufficient, so much money is spent.The next generation cultivated is naturally of the highest quality.

From the moral quality of the students to their personal abilities, they are all comprehensively cultivated.Almost all students are boarders at the school.It is mainly to reduce the influence of parents' bad habits and carry out a comprehensive transformation and promotion of the nation.

The Chinese people are too smart, because they are too civilized, and as the saying goes, extremes lead to opposites, and oftentimes too smart will become too selfish.There are no norms for many things.

The school's boarding training system is to make students more honest.

certainly.Because the school has sufficient funds, it is not easy to go to school.The education system of the Republic of China does not allow students to sit in classrooms all day long, reading dead books and engaging in exam-oriented education.

There are a lot of extracurricular activities, and many of them are very interesting, which will definitely make children not want to go home when they arrive at school, and even make many children look forward to starting school early during the holidays.

Of course, the Republic of China is not aimed at cultivating a group of weak-willed next generations, because war is always what this nation needs to prepare for most.

Therefore, there is also a lot of will training in the school.

In an era of material abundance, people's willpower is always relatively weak.Why don't American soldiers fight?It is because their material life is too rich.

China's economy is on the same path as the United States, and its material life is becoming more and more abundant, but China is absolutely unwilling to see the next generation become like American soldiers.

The Ministry of Education takes so much money every year, which shows how much the Republic of China has invested in the next generation at this time, and the Republic of China has also become the country with the largest investment in education in the world.

The military budget in 1919 reached 13 billion yuan, of which the army got 6 million, the navy 4 million, and the air force 3 million.

Although we are working on a large navy plan, the warships have not yet been built, so the navy can't spend so much money. The money for the warships has already been paid by the East China Chamber of Commerce.

Among them, the army is the richest, because the army has just bought 12 tanks, and at the same time plundered a lot of property in Russia.

The rest of the money was invested in various departments, among which water conservancy repairs were still the focus. This year, the central government invested 20 billion yuan in repairing water conservancy projects, speeding up the global water conservancy construction work.

In addition, the construction of hydropower stations by the consortium can also regulate water conservancy and irrigation, and the investment in water conservancy is also very large.

Entering the year of Ji Wei, a year in history where major disasters occurred in North China and Sichuan, agricultural production was generally in short supply, and the disaster lasted for three years.

Disasters also occurred in Russia during the same period.

In the past three years of disasters in history, a large number of people in North China and Sichuan starved to death. The situation was very tragic.But at this time, the Republic of China will no longer starve to death.

First of all, the transportation is convenient. The North China Railway extends in all directions, and the Sichuan Railway has also been built. Even if there is a famine, disaster relief can be quickly provided.At the same time, the government also has money for disaster relief.

Secondly, ordinary people generally have savings and are able to save themselves.

Furthermore, there is enough food. The Indochina Peninsula is the super granary of the Republic of China. The rice produced every year can even be fed to pigs.

A large number of people in North China and Sichuan have also migrated out.It will not cause too many people to crowd in one area.

However, there are still some losses due to the reduction in agricultural production. The production of economic crops has decreased, and the production of industrial products has also decreased, and exports have also decreased.At the same time, the government has to spend some money to subsidize the affected farmers.

But in general, this kind of loss is within the tolerable range.

In terms of water conservancy, the four waterlines of the Yellow River, Huaihe River, Yangtze River, and Pearl River are mainly governed. In the Indochina Peninsula, the Mekong River is governed, and the dependent countries that the Mekong River flows through have to pay.

In terms of natural disasters, the more serious ones are droughts and floods, among which droughts have spawned locust plagues.In the southern region, flood control is the main focus, while in the northern region, drought and locust plagues are the main control.

In response to the possible three-year disaster in North China, the central government decided to start the North-to-South Water Diversion Project.That is to build water canals to transfer fresh water from Lake Baikal to Mobei Province (Outer Mongolia), Monan Province (Inner Mongolia), Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province, Xinjiang Province, Shanxi Province, and Hebei Province.

The first phase of the project will only transfer water from Lake Baikal to Mobei Province.

This is a large-scale water diversion project with a larger project volume than the South-to-North Water Diversion Project of later generations, and the water transfer covers seven provinces, so it cannot be done in one go.

The main reason is that we are currently engaged in a bubble economy and do not have so much energy to engage in this project.The ready-made frontier land has not yet been fully cultivated.Naturally, we are not too eager to transfer water to increase the area of ​​pastures and cultivated land, so we only do the first phase, and then we will gradually build up the following phases year by year.

The central government has a lot of money. After all, Russia has been plundered. Therefore, in addition to fiscal revenue, the central government has other windfalls this year.

This makes the funds of each department very generous.

more money.It is used in the urban transformation of various regions, and all parts of the country are now carrying out a comprehensive transformation of cities.

The current transformation cost is still relatively low, if it will be transformed in the future.Then the cost is high.

It is very necessary to widen the streets and build enough parking lots. Now that the consortium wants to sell cars, it must first dispel the concerns of ordinary people about buying cars.

First of all, where is the car bought and parked?

Therefore, each community has a rigid regulation to have a parking room, one for each household.And there is also a public car park.

In addition, the streets should not be too narrow to cause traffic jams.In this way, ordinary people can drive comfortably.Ordinary people drive out, but also have a public parking lot to park.

The other is the issue of oil prices, which is actually linked to income.

When oil prices are high in later generations, the living standards of Americans and Chinese are actually similar, but because their money is more valuable, the high oil prices in the eyes of Chinese people are still acceptable in the eyes of Americans.

Therefore, as long as China can increase the income of workers, it is enough, not to mention that the current oil price is not very high compared to future generations.

Without these concerns, ordinary people will naturally buy cars.

When the popularity of cars reaches a certain level, the price drops to a certain level, and wages rise to the point that most people can afford a car.Most of the buses can be eliminated, and the buses will run every half an hour, so it is guaranteed to be on time.

But one car every half an hour is to force ordinary people to buy a car. If they can't afford a new car, they can buy a second-hand car.

Children go to school or something, they can use the school bus.

Urban reconstruction in various places has demolished a large number of shantytowns, and built a large number of residential areas and low-rent housing. The urban drainage system is also focused on construction, especially in the southern region, to prevent cities from being flooded.

Cities will also build ring roads, and those large trucks will go directly around the city to reduce the pressure on urban traffic.

These urban renovations are basically done in one step. In the future, as long as the city is expanded outwards, the internal structure of the city does not need to be changed. Although the cost is higher at the beginning, the cost will be even greater if it is changed later.

After the central budget for 1919 was completed, it was time for the consortium to take over these construction projects, and the profits of these projects were not small.

Private capital basically stands aside and has no part in them.

The consortium not only makes profits, but also guarantees the quality of national construction projects. These projects in the central government basically do not engage in bidding, and are directly contracted by the consortium.


Enter 1919.

The country is building a lot of infrastructure, consortiums are also building, and private capital is also building, and the whole country is in a very prosperous state.

There are plenty of jobs, and the wage level has also increased due to the abundance of labor positions. The local ordinary wage level has increased from 20 yuan to 25 yuan.

Such ordinary wages are actually relatively low.

but.When advanced productive forces are not fully popularized, such ordinary wage levels are reasonable.The increase in wages has forced capitalists to adopt higher productivity in order to reduce human input.

This stimulates the popularization of advanced productive forces. After the popularization of productive forces increases, the wage level will continue to increase. If this cycle continues, it is only a trivial matter for ordinary people's wages to break through the annual income of 1000 yuan.

The wages of those workers who have adopted advanced productivity have also risen sharply, and the monthly income of most skilled jobs has reached more than 50 yuan.

Because of such a stimulus.Many ordinary coolies have gone to learn technical skills, and technical schools are everywhere, and they can be trained for a little money.

Those top technical jobs.Most of the monthly income exceeded 100 yuan, and some even reached 200 yuan.

The middle- and high-income groups in the Republic of China are constantly increasing, and these people will have a "trickle-down effect" on society, trickling down money to ordinary people through consumption and service industries.

There is no foreign investment in the Republic of China.So this is a bucket that will not leak, and the money will not be earned by other countries during the trickle-down process, so that ordinary people can also get enough nutrients.

In terms of construction, engineering vehicles are now used in many construction sites in the Republic of China, and more engineering vehicles are leaving the factory and put into construction every day.

Therefore, although the amount of construction by the state, financial groups, and private capital is huge, it can basically be built.

If it is the old China.No matter what [-] million people do, they can't build so many things. This is the progress of productivity.

Advanced productive forces have been popularized to a certain extent.The construction speed is definitely getting faster and faster, so fast that people can't match it.


Just as the Spring Festival is approaching, a 5-strong Japanese army is entering the 'New Guinea Island' where there are ogre tribes in the Republic of South China, bringing farms into another world.

The island is undeveloped and full of evils, mosquitoes, leeches, poisonous snakes, ogre tribes, diseases.Various threats lurk in the rainforest.

This Japanese army is a mercenary army formed by the Republic of China to Japan, and it is specially used to deal with the uncivilized tribes in Nanyang.

It is too troublesome for those tribes to tame and civilize.Moreover, Nanyang monkeys are relatively lazy, so education seems to be useless.

In the Nanyang region, there are various tribes.

In later generations, some tribes don't even work at all, just waiting to get government relief, so it's better to clean up these monkeys.

And those civilized monkeys are also good as coolies in the plantation.

The work in the plantation is not too tiring, but rather cumbersome, and these Nanyang monkeys can also do it. Therefore, the South China Republic and the Luzon Province of the Republic of China have all migrated all the civilized Nanyang monkeys to various plantations as workers. The land was immediately confiscated.

Kill the rebels!

These Nanyang monkeys must be useful to be worth keeping.Their value is to serve as cheap labor force for the production of tropical cash crops for the Republic of China. Most of the production of tropical cash crops cannot be mechanized.

If all these monkeys are killed, the labor cost of the Chinese people will be relatively high, and there will be no profit in planting these tropical economic crops, so there is no need for development.

But these tropical cash crops are needed, and therefore a lot of Nanyang monkeys are needed.

They need to tap rubber, and they need to grow pineapples, bananas, sugar cane, lychees, mangoes, dragon fruits, coffee, cocoa and other tropical cash crops. These things cannot be done by mechanization.

At the same time, they are also needed as servants and nannies.

These Nanyang monkeys eat relatively little, and their appetites are unbelievably small. The Chinese people's appetites even scare them.

So it doesn't cost much to raise this group of monkeys like that, you just need to feed them and give them some pocket money.

The land was confiscated by those Nanyang descendants of the owner farmers, and they were sent to the plantations to work as workers. Most of them did not dare to resist. After arriving at the plantations, they had enough to eat and some money to spend so that they could live a decent life. down, so they are at ease.

In terms of temperament, it is generally peaceful.They massacred Chinese in the past, mainly because of the instigation of Westerners.However, because of this, it is impossible for them to obtain a decent status now.

Each of them was branded as an 'Nanyang aborigine', and the occupations they could engage in were restricted to death, and their income levels were also restricted.

In terms of education, the Republic of China adopted enslavement education for them, and the time to go to school does not need to be too long, as long as they go to elementary school.

The teaching method is Chinese and Chinese characters, and the idea of ​​enslavement is instilled in them since childhood.

A few women who are relatively good can go to middle school, and then enter a training school for servants and nannies. This is called excellence.In fact, it depends on temperament and appearance.

Ugly ones affect the appearance of the city. Employers should not hire such maids and nannies. Beautiful ones can become senior maids and nannies.

This is a division of labor.

Japan provided prostitutes to the Republic of China.Nanyang aborigines provided maids and nannies for the Republic of China.

Japan undertakes high-pollution industrial production for the Republic of China, and the natives produce tropical cash crops for the Republic of China.

North Korea provides enough coolies for the Republic of China, and at the same time, it also shares some light industries with relatively low personal labor.

Vietnam and Siam produce food for the Republic of China, and are also responsible for the production of some light industries with relatively low personal labor output value.

At the same time, women from Korea, Vietnam, and Siam.The status in the Republic of China is higher than that of Japanese and Nanyang aboriginal women.Many of them married Chinese men directly, and some became concubines.

Many of these feudal women married to China and were able to work hard and support their families.

Russian women also entered China in large numbers, some were waiters, maids, nannies, and some married Chinese men.Some became prostitutes.

This division of labor revolves around the export of the Republic of China.

At the same time, other countries, such as India, are exporting a large amount of capital.India will become China's raw material producer, and at the same time, a large number of Indian women will come to China.

In fact, most women are greedy for vanity. The Republic of China has this foundation, the highest quality of life, and the best social security system.All kinds of fashionable and expensive luxury goods will definitely make these women from foreign lands linger and forget to return.

Many Russian women are like that.When I first came to the Republic of China, I had to live or die, but it didn't take long before I settled down because of the ample material conditions.After marrying a Chinese man, I basically didn't think about Russia, and soon regarded myself as a citizen of the Republic of China.

After the Republic of China moved the indigenous farmers in Nanyang to the plantations, it cleaned up those tribes. The Republic of China didn't want to be contaminated with this blood, so it was handed over to the Japanese to do it.

These Japanese mercenaries were treated well, with a monthly salary of 20 yuan and sufficient supplies. They were often sent to fight in the worst conditions.

The island of New Guinea is a typical area where conditions are harsh.

Originally, this place was used by the Republic of China to deal with some alien races, but after investigation, the island has an area of ​​78 square kilometers, and there is a relatively large central mountain range on the island.

The problem lies in the central mountain range, which is the largest mountain range in the entire Southeast Asia region, and the shape of the island of New Guinea looks like a sea beast.

Therefore, this is definitely an area with dragon veins, but the dragon veins here have not awakened. After all, there are no people, and it has no power after awakening.

However, if a large number of foreign races are thrown on this island, it may pose a certain threat to the interests of the Republic of China in the Nanyang region in a few hundred years.

Therefore, Jiang Yu decided to develop the island, move the Han people to the island, and build a safe city on the island.

The premise is to clean up the ogres and other tribes on the island first, and the Japanese mercenaries will come in handy.

These Japanese soldiers are very tenacious in fighting, and their resilience is even stronger than the soldiers of the Republic of China, because Japan, as an island country without resources, can only rely on distorted resilience in order to develop.

After entering the island of New Guinea, these Japanese troops dispersed into small groups, entered the jungle, and launched a comprehensive campaign against those tribes.

On various islands, Japanese troops also appeared to wipe out the indigenous tribes.

On the Indochina Peninsula, China adopts a certain soft policy towards those natives. In ancient China, China continued to expand southward.

And continue to integrate the minorities in the south. As long as they submit, they are the citizens of the Celestial Dynasty, and the Celestial Dynasty treats them equally.

This process of national integration continues because the Republic of China has expanded to the Indochina Peninsula, and this is the final integration.

After the integration of those ethnic minorities in the Indochina Peninsula, China's process of thousands of years will come to a perfect end.

Nearly [-] words in length. . .

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