Fairy Road

Chapter 116 Kill Without Amnesty

Wang Hao's method is to use a thunderbolt strike to kill a few cultivators of the Cultivation Alliance first.Otherwise, if these monks come back to their senses and form a joint force, and then try to kill them one by one, it will be extremely difficult.

Therefore, just as Wang Hao hit back Jin Kemu's golden folding fan magic weapon, he grabbed the "Weiyang Divine Bell" and ruthlessly swept towards the other two late Nascent Soul cultivators.These two were the ones Wang Hao wanted to kill first. As for Jin Kemu, Wang Hao never thought that he could kill them easily, and the remaining ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks were directly ignored by Wang Hao , the attacks of these people do not seem to pose much threat to themselves now.

The "Weiyang Divine Bell" screamed and crashed into the two late-stage Nascent Soul monks. Because of the lessons learned from the past, the two late-stage Nascent Soul monks naturally had abnormal alertness. The cultivator was smashed to death, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect.The two of them flashed at the same time, their hands did not rest, and the two top-grade magic weapons roared and greeted the "Weiyang Divine Bell".

Wang Hao saw that the two Nascent Soul Late stage cultivators were abnormally alert, and it was difficult to kill them in one fell swoop. He came to two monks who were in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and punched one of them with his right hand until blood gushed out of his mouth, and he fell to the bottom of the cliff.Holding the "Weiyang Divine Bell" in his left hand, he pushed hard towards another monk. The giant clock hit the monk holding the magic weapon, and smashed the man's body and magic weapon together!

"Little thief! Dare!" Jin Kemu's eyes are already red at this time, and Wang Hao is actually standing among the few of them. damaged!At this time, Jin Kemu no longer had the composure to give and take what he wanted just now, and cursed: "The little thief is cruel, everyone sacrifices the magic weapon of life, and kills this little thief in one fell swoop!"

Saying that, the golden folding fan in his hand suddenly released ten thousand golden lights, and the fan body also soared several feet, floating in the air, fluttering, and then suddenly fanned out in the direction of Wang Hao, a wave of golden yuan force Mountains and seas rushed towards Wang Hao...

The two late Nascent Soul cultivators also had solemn faces at this time, they both roared in unison, and then sacrificed their natal magic weapons that they had sacrificed for many years.Immediately, in mid-air, Yuan Li gushed out, and a red flying sword and a purple sledgehammer whizzed towards Wang Hao.

At this time, Wang Hao was holding an early Nascent Soul cultivator in his hands. Seeing the three powerful magic weapons attacking him, he stretched out his hand and threw the early Nascent Soul cultivator at them. In the past, the "Weiyang Divine Clock" in his hand also turned sideways, and he quickly slapped the big clock with his right palm several times. After the last palm, a wave of Yuanli burst out like a substance, facing the golden folding fan The wave of golden se element force sent out.At the same time, the Weeping Frost Sword also flashed silver light, strangling together with the red flying sword.

At this time, the purple sledgehammer had already reached the top of Wang Hao's head.But Wang Hao didn't dodge it, he pulled a cultivator at the early stage of Nascent Soul beside him, and raised it high against the sledgehammer, and the sledgehammer smashed down the cultivator at the early stage of Nascent Soul , the three souls have already lost two souls, and only one Nascent Soul villain ran towards the distance as if lifeless.

"These people have already known my strength at this time, and I am afraid it will be very difficult to succeed if they want to attack the killer! Now they can only be head-to-head. If it doesn't work, they will desperately summon the iron and kill them all! "Wang Hao was thinking in his mind, and when he moved, he appeared a few feet away.At this time, the purple sledgehammer continued to attack and kill him without hesitation.Wang Hao could only hit a few "Great Destruction Punches" to resist the attack of the golden giant hammer!

The Yuanli wave released by the "Weiyang Divine Bell" collided with the golden Yuanli wave released by the golden folding fan, and it turned out to be an evenly divided situation.Jin Kemu's complexion suddenly changed, and he secretly rejoiced: This little thief is really powerful. Fortunately, I was prepared to send a sound transmission jade slip to the alliance headquarters. It is estimated that reinforcements will come from the alliance headquarters in a short time.

Thinking of this, Jin Kemu also had some confidence in his heart, and shouted in his mouth: "Don't stop, kill me!" At this moment, the golden folding fan turned into a golden arc and came to kill Wang Hao.

Wang Hao felt awe-inspiring in his heart. If these people all attacked and killed them with all their strength, it would be difficult for him to resist. Thinking of this, he grabbed the "Weiyang Divine Bell" with his left hand, and with a move with his right, the Weeping Frost Sword also returned to the top of his head. Stop circling! "We must make a quick decision, otherwise there may be side effects!" Wang Hao thought to himself, and he had already read the formula of "Demon Saint Transformation" in his mouth, and he wanted to summon the iron to kill all the monks of the Cultivation Alliance!

The arc light of the golden folding fan, the red light of the red flying sword, and the purple light of the purple giant hammer all came to Wang Hao's body, and they were about to kill Wang Hao.At this moment, a destructive aura suddenly appeared in front of Wang Hao, and then a huge mace swept out, clang, clang, clang, and flew the three magic weapons out.A man with a black face like an iron tower appeared in front of Wang Hao.

"Master." Bi Tie was quite respectful this time, but at this time, Wang Hao's vitality in his body had been exhausted, and he swallowed the "Guiyuan Pill" he had prepared earlier, and finally recovered some of his vitality. .

Wang Hao pointed at the cultivators of the Cultivation Alliance around him, and said solemnly, "Baitie, kill all these people and leave no one behind!"

The iron leopard looked around, and replied viciously: "Follow orders! I haven't tasted killing people for a long time, old iron, what a good job!" Appearing in front of the late Nascent Soul cultivator who was controlling the red flying sword, he struck out with his right palm so fast that it was hard to distinguish with the naked eye. The cultivator's head was like a rotten watermelon, his brains were cracked, and the Nascent Soul was pinched in his hands.

Baring iron sneered, he stuffed the monk's Nascent Soul into his mouth in one gulp, and chewed it. The creaking sound immediately made all the monks on the field stunned in place, sweating profusely.

Baritie swallowed the man's Yuanying, grabbed the man's red flying sword and storage bag, threw it to Wang Hao, and said in his mouth: "Master, this is the first one!" Light, disappeared before everyone's eyes, and the next moment, he killed a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator easily!

"What kind of monster is this?" Jin Kemu's heart thumped, even when he faced the top master in the Weiyang Palace of Wu Kingdom, he didn't have such a feeling of powerlessness and fear... Everyone has the same feeling as Jin Kemu In his mind, those monks who were closer to the iron were even more frightened, for fear that they would be the ones who would be swallowed by the Nascent Soul in the next moment.

At this moment, Wang Hao had no time to take care of the situation on the field. After forcibly summoning the iron, although taking the "Guiyuan Pill" instantly restored some vitality, the damage to the tendons in the body could not be repaired instantly.Therefore, although Wang Hao was floating in mid-air at this moment, seemingly watching the situation on the field, he was actually secretly repairing the damaged tendons in his body.However, even Wang Hao was secretly surprised, he didn't expect that the iron that he summoned had such a fierce power.

In fact, Wang Hao didn't know that the supernatural power of "demon saint transformation" and the strength of the summoned demon saint were related to the strength of the cultivator who used this supernatural power.For example, the demon saint summoned by an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator has the strength of the Nascent Soul cultivator.But because of the innate supernatural powers possessed by the demon saint himself, even though he is a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, he should be unmatched among the monks in the Nascent Soul stage.Wang Hao's current strength is comparable to that of the peak cultivator in the late stage of the baby baby, so the strength of the demon saint Baitie he summoned must be able to sweep away all the cultivators below the transformation stage.

Sure enough, in a short while, the Nascent Soul stage monks in the Cultivation Alliance were brutally killed by the iron, and only Jin Kemu and another Nascent Soul stage monk were left.

At this moment, Jin Kemu was also driven to a desperate situation. He had an unusually dignified expression, and he kept chanting formulas in his mouth, probably using a secret technique.Pie Tie stared at Jin Kemu with great interest, and Yi Bian smashed a mace weighing more than ten thousand catties on the forehead of the remaining late Nascent Soul cultivator, with a puff, his brain burst.

A storage bag flew towards Wang Hao!At this moment, a simple scroll appeared above Jin Kemu's head. At this moment, the scroll was opened, and strange characters poured out from the scroll, and then formed a long whip of characters. Flying towards the bared iron.

Ba Tie stared at the simple scroll at this moment, with a look of surprise on his face, and exclaimed in his mouth: "Hmm! 'Book of Wanmin', how could this thing appear in the lower realm!" The long whip of words has already tightly entangled the iron, and then every word is full of golden light, constantly swallowing the brilliance like a sword, cutting the dark and hard body of the iron.

Bi Tie frowned at this time, and after a while, he suddenly opened his mouth wide, showing his white teeth, and said with a smile: "Hahahahaha, I thought it was the fairy artifact 'Wanmin Book', but it turned out to be just an imitation! Break it for me!" As soon as the voice fell, the iron body suddenly swelled a few minutes, and the simple words were bounced from his body, disappearing into the air...

At this time, Jin Kemu finally couldn't help spurting a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and stared at the iron with an expression of disbelief.But Pitie looked at Jin Kemu with grinning teeth, and said with a serious smile: "Little guy, bring your Nascent Soul!"

(Old wet begging for collection!!!!!!)

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