Fairy Road

Chapter 115

"The tendons in the body really suffered a lot of damage!" Wang Hao spent a whole day repairing the damaged tendons, and the energy in his dantian was almost recovered.

"Now I finally understand why there are so many requirements when cultivating the supernatural power of 'Demon Saint Transformation'. Like me, I forcibly summoned the demon saint without training my physical body to the third level of the 'Nine Demons of Heaven'. The damage is really too great, it's not worth the loss! Fortunately, although I haven't cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage, I have a strong vitality comparable to that of a monk in the late Nascent Soul stage. If not, I'm afraid I want to summon that iron , It is absolutely impossible!" Wang Hao straightened his thinking, but he didn't think much about it, after all, in the Xuantian Sect of Wan Kingdom, all the masters were still waiting for him to go to rescue him.Although everyone is not in any danger now, but one day later, one more day will be punished.

Is it a trap?Wang Hao said to himself: Even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I will make a breakthrough!

Three days later, in the territory of Wu Kingdom, a silver sword light whizzed past in mid-air, and the several monks who were fighting below stopped their fight immediately, staring at the sky blankly, all of them secretly startled: the speed of this person , It's simply unbelievable, I don't know what kind of state his cultivation base has reached... After the people on both sides sighed for a while, they had no interest in their own struggle at all, and they flew away at the same time.

Actually, Wang Hao didn't want to make such a big commotion.However, if you want to hurry on your way with all your strength, you have to expose your whereabouts.Today's Wang Hao has greatly increased in strength, so he is not afraid of causing some right and wrong.In fact, along the way, some cultivators who liked to make trouble out of nothing, after seeing the flying speed of Wang Hao's Yujian, all avoided it from a distance, and none of them dared to provoke such a evil star.The strong in the comprehension world are respected, which can be seen in general.

Roaring all the way, in just two days, they traversed the entire Wu Kingdom.During the period, I also met one or two elders from Wu Guo's cultivation sect who secretly watched, but after following these elders secretly for a period of time, they were all left behind by Wang Hao, and these people found that Wang Hao's destination was not at all. After Wu Kingdom, they all turned around and returned to their sect.Among these sects, a rumor began to spread: the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation did not know which powerful monk was offended, and this monk went straight to the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation aggressively. It seems that the situation cannot be resolved. Now the Cultivation Alliance has suffered!

Finally, after flying with the sword for seven days, Wang Hao finally entered the territory of Wan Kingdom.Since entering the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation, Wang Hao has used secret techniques to change his appearance and aura, and slowed down his speed to the level of ordinary Jindan late-stage monks. In this way, it did not attract much attention.

When he was still hundreds of miles away from Xuantianzong, Wang Hao lowered his figure, found a hidden valley, adjusted his breath, and recovered the vitality in his dantian, then checked again. Frost Sword's state, after realizing that the Weeping Frost Sword has fully recovered at this moment, Wang Hao nodded in satisfaction, stared at the direction of Xuantianzong with firm eyes, and said slowly in his mouth: "Cultivation Alliance, this time I want to Let's start killing!"

Ever since he swallowed the inner alchemy of the strange snake, Wang Hao felt that he had gradually touched the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul stage, but at this moment, there was no time for Wang Hao to retreat and break through. Take a look at the elixir in the sky-filling ring, there are still a few pieces of "Guiyuan Pill" and "Huanying Pill" left, at that time, if the situation is urgent, you can swallow one or two.

Wang Hao slowly flew to the top of Xuantian Peak, unfolded his consciousness, and swept across the entire Xuantian Peak, suddenly several extremely powerful breaths were released from a valley of Xuantian Peak at the same time.A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth: Come out, this time I want you to understand!Today's Wang Hao has no compassion for the Cultivation Alliance.The purpose of coming here this time is to kill them all, and then rescue the people in the master's sect, and leave the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation from now on.

coming!Jin Kemu, who was sitting in the valley, opened his eyes, and there were two strange looks in his eyes, and then he took out a sound transmission jade slip from the storage bag, and with a whoosh, it flew towards the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance. go.

After placing the jade slips, Jin Kemu sneered again and again, and disappeared into the valley in a flash.

After a few breaths, Wang Hao was surrounded by more than a dozen Nascent Soul Stage monks from the Cultivation Alliance. Among them, there were three monks in the late Nascent Soul Stage. Although Jin Kemu had not entered the Transformation Stage, his strength was definitely higher than that of ordinary Yuan Ying stage monks. There are several times as many monks in the late stage of infancy, and I am afraid that it is not much better than Qisheng, a genius disciple of Weiyang Palace.

"Hahahaha, I have been waiting for you for a long time! You are finally here, very good, it seems that you are a very affectionate person!" Jin Kemu shook the golden folding fan, staring at Wang Hao with all eyes, Said slowly.

At this time, Wang Hao had already recovered his true face. Among the monks of the Cultivation Alliance, he saw Bai Zhanyuan who had fled in a panic in his hands at a glance.

"Who are you?" Wang Hao frowned, staring at Jin Kemu and asked.

"Hahahaha, good question. This old man is the person in charge of the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance here in Wan. It is exactly what I mean by imprisoning the members of the Xuantian Sect and bringing you here." Jin Kemu was in a mood at this moment. That's great, because this young monk named Wang Hao seems to be only at the late stage of Jindan, and in his storage bag is the last of the four treasure maps that the Alliance has been looking for for a long time.

When Wang Hao heard Jin Kemu say the words "imprison the members of Xuantianzong", his complexion changed suddenly, and two lights shot out of his eyes, he stared at Jin Kemu and said, "Do you know what you are doing?" , is not a wise move!"

"Oh?" Jin Kemu smiled. The young monk in front of him came to this trap he dug alone, and he still looked confident. He was really arrogant, "I only know that when you come, you will I will never leave alive." After finishing speaking, Jin Kemu waved his hands, and dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators took out magic weapons at the same time, intending to kill Wang Hao in one fell swoop!

Before Wang Hao came, he had already expected that in the current situation of one against many, he would naturally make the first move.The moment Wang Hao saw the cultivators on the opposite side taking out their magic weapons one after another, Wang Hao thought, and the Weeping Frost Sword rushed towards the cultivators on the opposite side like a silver dragon going out to sea.Countless streams of Weeping Frost Sword Qi sprayed over like drizzle.At the same time, Wang Hao already had an extra giant bell in his hand.After a breath of shocking energy, it shot out from the huge bell, like a real wave of energy, and immediately rolled towards the cultivators of the Cultivation Alliance like a torrent.

Wang Hao's actions were done in one go without delay.Even Jin Kemu was in a hurry at this time, and he was even more horrified: What kind of cultivation is this person?It seems that Bai Zhanyuan's previous description was not exaggerated.

Jin Kemu waved the golden folding fan in his hand, and immediately a huge fan-shaped barrier appeared in front of him. The Weeping Frost Sword Qi and Yuanli Wave impacted on the fan, leaving a crisp sound, but it could not move the fan. crushed.

However, other monks in the Cultivation Alliance did not have such good luck.Boom boom boom, after dozens of muffled sounds, nine Nascent Soul cultivators, including Bai Zhanyuan, were knocked away by Yuan Libo for several feet, and blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths at the same time.Apart from Jin Kemu, the only ones who stood still were the other three late Nascent Soul cultivators. Although these three late Nascent Soul cultivators hadn't moved, they were still frantically sacrificing their magic weapons to resist the Weeping Frost Sword That mysterious attack.

However, Wang Hao's attacks never stopped. He held the "Weiyang Divine Bell" in his left hand, his right hand turned into a fist, and his body exploded. He punched Jin Kemu dozens of times in a row in the air.If it is an ordinary monk, due to the limitation of the internal energy of the dantian, it is impossible to hit so many punches in such a short period of time, and the punches are constantly superimposed, forming a shock wave that is almost heaven-defying.

What a freak!Jin Kemu cursed secretly in his heart, but he didn't dare to hesitate on his legs. At this moment, he didn't dare to use his golden folding fan to resist the shock wave formed by the "Destruction Fist". Instead, he dodged sharply to avoid Wang Hao s attack.Wang Hao, who was in mid-air, sneered, turned around suddenly, held the "Weiyang Divine Bell" in his left hand, and slammed it hard on a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

With a puff, the late Nascent Soul cultivator couldn't dodge in time, took out a silver shield and put it on top of his head, where it could block the power of the "Weiyang Divine Bell", the shield would be destroyed immediately.Not only was the physical body destroyed, but even Yuanying was smashed into powder by the "Weiyang Divine Bell"!He didn't even have time to let out a scream.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, and everyone in the Cultivation Alliance never expected that Wang Hao would easily kill a late Nascent Soul cultivator with a single move of his hand and foot. His complexion suddenly became extremely ugly.

At this time, Jin Kemu's eyes were tearing, and he gnashed his teeth and roared: "Wang Hao, take your life!" As he said, he threw the golden folding fan in his hand, which turned into a golden light, and shot towards Wang Hao .

After Wang Hao killed the late Nascent Soul cultivator in one fell swoop, with a thought, the Weeping Frost Excalibur moved towards those ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators. The remaining two late Nascent Soul cultivators punched several times.At this time, Jin Kemu's folding fan had already attacked in front of Wang Hao. Wang Hao pushed the "Weiyang Divine Bell" with his left hand, and collided with the folding fan. With a ding, the golden folding fan and the "Weiyang Divine Bell" At the same time flew back.Wang Hao grabbed the "Weiyang Divine Bell" in his hand again, and said viciously, "Today, you are all going to die!" After speaking, he raised the "Weiyang Divine Bell" and swept it fiercely at the other two late Nascent Soul cultivators.


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