Fairy Road

Chapter 114

Wang Hao stared blankly into the distance, what happened just now seemed a little unreal.In a situation where he must die, he was able to survive from a desperate situation, and even inadvertently possessed an inner alchemy of a monster in the transformation stage.Wang Hao looked down at the dark green bead exuding a strong aura in his hand, and his heart moved: the supernatural power recorded in the ancient demon scriptures - "Demon Saint Transformation", doesn't it just need a demon of the transformation stage? Is it the inner alchemy of the beast?I actually got it by accident...

After Wang Hao sighed for a while, he finally decided not to take it for the time being. After all, he has not refined the third stage of the "Tian Yao Nine Alchemy" exercise. If he directly takes this inner alchemy, he does not know what the consequences will be. , it is better to be cautious.Wang Hao looked at the body of the Minotaur snake again, and with a move with his right hand, he put it into the sky-filling ring.But at this moment, the strange snake's blood was almost shed, Wang Hao hurriedly collected some with a small bottle in the sky-replenishing ring, and prepared to swallow it together when he took the demon pill.

Originally, I thought that the materials needed to practice the "Demon Saint Transformation" were heaven-defying. I didn't expect that now I would inadvertently get the blood and inner alchemy of a monster in the transformation stage.Now, as long as the "Nine Demonic Heavenly Alchemy" exercises are refined to the third level and break through to the Nascent Soul Stage, you can start to practice this heaven-defying supernatural power.If this supernatural power is successful in cultivation, and when confronting the enemy, it can summon the ten great demon saints of the ancient times, wouldn't it be invincible?Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help but feel very excited. After all, what Wang Hao desires most now is the improvement of strength.

Wang Hao thought about the scene after refining the "Demon Saint Transformation", with a smile on his face, and with a thought, he sacrificed the Weeping Frost Sword and went away through the sky, but it was unsuccessful.Then he smiled wryly and said to himself: At this moment, there is no energy in the body, and the tendons have also suffered a lot of damage. It seems that we have to stay here and heal the wound before we can go on the road.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao walked in the valley on foot. After a while, he found a relatively hidden cave and burrowed into it.The cave was indeed extremely quiet, and because of the remote location, it was unlikely that wild animals would come to harass it.Wang Hao nodded, sat cross-legged on a rock in satisfaction, and slowly began to heal his injuries.

A day later, Wang Hao's body was already filled with dense air, and several faint air currents circled around Wang Hao non-stop.At this time, most of Wang Hao's injuries have healed, and the energy in his body has almost recovered.Suddenly, Wang Hao opened his eyes, his eyes were full of surprise, and then he stretched out his right hand, and the dark green demon pill of the strange snake appeared in his hand.

It's strange, why this demon pill kept moving around in the sky-filling ring, as if it could be tempted by some kind of temptation.Wang Hao stared at the pulsating demon pill in his hand with doubts on his face.At this moment, the demon pill flew directly into Wang Hao's mouth by itself.The speed was so fast that Lian Wang Hao had already entered Wang Hao's dantian before he could react.

In fact, Wang Hao himself didn't know it yet, because he had practiced the ancient demon scriptures, and his dantian already had a unique power to seduce the inner alchemy of monsters, and when he was swallowed by a strange snake, he accidentally swallowed it. After drinking a lot of strange snake blood, it even aroused the power of the ancient demon scriptures in his body, and directly sucked the strange snake demon pill into his dantian.

In Wang Hao's eyes, it was the demon pill that entered his dantian by itself, but in fact it was his own dantian that directly sucked the demon pill in.As soon as the demon pill entered Wang Hao's dantian, it began to melt gradually, and soon turned into a thick dark green liquid.Because of the melting of the inner alchemy, the huge heat generated also made Wang Hao's dantian feel like a raging fire was scorching. Wang Hao was already in a cold sweat at this moment, he could only grit his teeth and barely passed out.

Um?These liquids actually began to transform into Yuanli, and the phantoms of the top ten ancient demon saints in the dantian reappeared, constantly absorbing the Yuanli transformed by the inner alchemy!Wang Hao's heart moved, and he thought to himself: It seems that I made a mistake and successfully absorbed the inner alchemy of this monster in the transformation stage.The burning feeling emanating from the dantian also became weaker and weaker, and was gradually replaced by an extremely comfortable feeling.After a few breaths, Wang Hao had a feeling of enjoyment on his face. At this moment, his body seemed to have begun a kind of transformation, and countless impurities began to seep out of his body along his pores.

Two hours later, Wang Hao opened his eyes, and found that the big rock he was sitting on had a lot of smelly black gas, but his body was indescribably comfortable at the moment, and the pain in his dantian Yuanli also looks like it has increased unabated compared to before.What surprised Wang Hao even more was that in the dantian, the phantoms of the top ten demon saints have not disappeared, and still stay in the dantian, which seems to be more solid than when they appeared before!One of them was an ugly buffalo-like monster with two horns on his head. At this moment, he was no longer just a phantom, but gave Wang Hao a feeling of urgency.

This is the tenth saint among the top ten demon saints—Bitie! < After the human form, there will be a black-faced man as strong as an iron tower, holding a mace weighing tens of thousands of catties in his hand. For ordinary monks, as long as they are lightly knocked on by the mace, they will die. The end of life and death!

Could it be that I have inadvertently practiced the supernatural power recorded in the ancient demon scriptures - "demon saint transformation"?Wang Hao's heart moved, and a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face: If this is the case, he will surely be able to rescue the elders of the Shimen and the two senior sisters Zi Yan and Fang Rou when he goes to Wan Country this time!Thinking of this, Wang Hao no longer hesitated, he already read out the formula used to summon the ten demon saints in the ancient demon scriptures!

After a few breaths, Wang Hao's complexion suddenly changed, and his whole body trembled unceasingly. Then, blood beads oozed from the pores all over his body, and then blood spurted out from his mouth.Wang Hao, whose complexion turned black, finally failed to detect it, and fell to the ground.At this moment, the thick Yuanli in the dantian seemed to be emptied in a breath, and there was no Yuanli left, and a feeling of weakness spread to Wang Hao's sea of ​​consciousness. .Wang Hao's eyes darkened, and he finally passed out.

After Wang Hao woke up and turned around, he opened his eyes and was stunned by the scene in front of him!It turned out that a man with a dark complexion, a few feet tall and like an iron tower appeared in front of him.This man was holding a huge mace in his hand, and he was standing in the cave, the top of his head almost touching the top of the cave.

Seeing that Wang Hao woke up and turned around, the man actually stepped in front of Wang Hao, stared at Wang Hao carelessly, and said in a low voice, "You summoned me?"

Wang Hao nodded with a wry smile, and was about to speak.But the man said again: "Hmph! Your cultivation level is not enough to summon me. This time you forcibly summoned me. It seems that you have suffered a lot! This is also a lesson for you. The next time you want to summon me, I'd better wait until you've cultivated the 'Nine Demons of Heaven' to the third level!"

Wang Hao stared at the iron tower-like man in front of him with all eyes, but thought in his heart: This guy was summoned by me, he should recognize me as the master, seeing that my cultivation level is not high this time, he actually said it in words Quite disrespectful, it seems that if you don't suppress his arrogance, it may be difficult to drive him in the future.Thinking of this, Wang Hao frowned, and snorted coldly: "Huh! Barbara, I summoned you, you should be very grateful, let me be the master, you actually dare to call yourself a saint in front of me, Don't you know that with a single thought in my mind, I can instantly make you disappear between the heavens and the earth?"

When Bi Tie heard Wang Hao's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face became uncertain. After pondering for a while, he clasped his fists at Wang Hao and said, "Is it my fault this time? Blame it!" At this moment, Qi Tie had already thought clearly in his heart, although the cultivation level of the young monk in front of him was not high at the moment, he had unlimited potential.Moreover, as long as it is a monk who has practiced the ancient demon scriptures, which one will not eventually become the overlord who dominates one side?If after this young man succeeds in cultivation and can summon other demon saints, and he has offended him, the end is very likely to be abandoned by him forever.After all, although his strength is strong, he is the weakest among the ten demon saints.Therefore, Pie Tie hastily changed his attitude and began to curry favor with Wang Hao.

"Well! Since you know you're wrong, I won't hold you accountable anymore." Wang Hao nodded, and continued: "Although my cultivation level is not enough at the moment, I can barely summon you. From now on, if When I am in danger, I will call you out, if you continue to push back and talk nonsense, don't blame me for being cruel!" Wang Hao thought that going to the Xuantianzong to save people this time would most likely use the iron Therefore, he let Pie Tie know in advance that his fate stone is completely in his hands.

After hearing this, Pitie nodded and said: "Master, as long as you give me an order, I will go forward bravely! However, Master, your current cultivation level is not suitable for using the magical power of 'Demon Saint Transformation'. You just forced it. At this moment Not only is the vitality in the body completely lost, I am afraid that even the tendons have suffered a lot of damage?"

Wang Hao nodded, and said: "Of course I know this. If it's not a critical moment, I won't call you out easily. By the way, the energy in my body is not inferior to ordinary monks in the Nascent Soul Stage. They are all used to summon you, I wonder how long you can exist?"

Tie Tie smiled and said: "Master, even if your strength is comparable to that of a monk in the late Yuanying period, you can only support me for three hours! When you fell asleep just now, an hour has passed, and now there are only two It's time."

Wang Hao nodded, thinking: Three hours is enough to turn the Cultivation Alliance upside down.Thinking of this, Wang Hao waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'm going to heal my wounds, so you help me protect the law for now!"

With a sound of barking iron, he walked to the entrance of the cave and stood there like a door god.

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