Fairy Road

Chapter 121

The semi-divine weapon "Weiyang Divine Bell" was actually transformed by the "Blue Rain Sword" and the sword rain pierced countless small holes in the body of the clock. The "Weiyang Divine Bell" suddenly lost its spiritual energy. Get out of the clock at once, and retract the temporarily unusable "Weiyang Divine Clock" into the sky-filling ring.Then, the Yuanli in the right hand circulated, and within a breath, hundreds of punches were actually thrown at Tang Ru, and each punch had the power of a full-strength blow from a peak monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

At this moment, Wang Hao had already successfully conceived a baby. Not only was the energy in his body skyrocketed several times, but also the condensation of the top ten demon saints in his dantian filled Wang Hao with a domineering air in every gesture. "The Blue Rain Sword is extremely powerful. Since I don't have a suitable magic weapon to fight against it now, I will strike first and hit you with the 'Great Destruction Fist' so that you can only parry and have no power to fight back!" Wang Hao Thinking in my heart, I roared angrily: "Tang Ru, you are in charge of the Cultivation Alliance, and you only know how to ask for it from the sects in the alliance, but you have never given the slightest support! You are not worthy of the position of leader!"

Before the words fell, hundreds of punches had already come in front of Tang Ru, intending to blast Tang Ru into powder!However, Tang Ru didn't panic in the face of hundreds of fist winds that could break mountains and rocks. The moment the fist wind approached him, a black flower bloomed in front of him, refining the hundreds of fist winds. The fist wind swallowed it all, but Tang Ru sneered and said, "Hmph! Overestimate your own strength, do you think you can compete with me if you are promoted to Yuanying now? I have been in charge of the Cultivation Alliance for hundreds of years, and I follow the law of the law of the jungle. ! I am stronger than you, so I will take your treasure and kill you! Hahahahaha..." After a wild laugh, the Blue Rain Sword burst out countless blue raindrops again, and swayed towards Wang Hao.

Every drop of the raindrops is full of violent destructive power, as long as one drop touches it, it will cause irreparable damage to the physical body.Wang Hao's complexion changed. At this time, there was no magic weapon in his hand, and the raindrops were falling, covering a wide area. Even if Wang Hao was promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, his speed had skyrocketed. He wanted to avoid these raindrops. There is no possibility at all!

"Chi Chi", in a hurry, Wang Hao took out the "Weiyang Divine Bell" again to block the sword rain this time, and after blocking this wave of sword rain, countless tiny cracks appeared on the "Weiyang Divine Bell" .no!If the "Weiyang Divine Clock" is used again, the body of the clock may be broken and it will never be repaired!Wang Hao secretly said in his heart, and at the same time secretly read the formula for summoning the demon saint in the "Demon Saint Transformation". Although the muscles in his body have not fully recovered, but at this moment he has advanced to the early stage of the Nascent Soul, the strength of his physical body has also increased, so, Instead, you can try to summon the iron out.

Sure enough, after one breath, after the mantra was finished, a man like an iron tower suddenly appeared between Wang Hao and Tang Ru.This time, the bared iron summoned was more than twice as high as the previous two times, and the mace in his hand was also twice as thick.As soon as he appeared, he said to Wang Hao in an angry voice: "Congratulations, master, for advancing to the Nascent Soul stage. From now on, using supernatural powers, you will no longer have to worry about hurting your tendons!" Wang Hao nodded slightly, thinking in his heart: Now I am advanced In the Nascent Soul stage, the summoned iron should be able to compete with Tang Ru in strength!

Wang Hao was thinking, but Tang Ru had a smile on his face at this moment, and even showed a look of surprise, and said in his mouth: "Hahahaha, you finally used that magic weapon. Puppet magic weapon? Hmm! The breath of the whole body , can almost get close to this seat, no wonder you can kill the law enforcement elders under this seat! Kid, you are really lucky to have obtained such a magic weapon, but today your luck has come to an end!" After finishing speaking, the body In a flash, he disappeared in place again.The next moment, it appeared above Wang Hao's head. With a wave of the Blue Rain Sword in his hand, a piece of blue rain was poured out, covering Wang Hao in the middle!

And Wang Hao's spiritual sense at this time was also able to capture a trace of Tang Ru's ghostly figure, and felt the murderous intent above his head, and his body flashed. In front of him, he waved his mace, and transformed into a wave of black energy force, which actually swept away all the blue rain.

"What a treasure!" Tang Ru was still moaning after missing a hit. He thought that the iron was a magic weapon of Wang Hao, and as long as he could kill Wang Hao, he could take this magic weapon for himself!So, after a missed hit, there was another flash, and the Blue Rain Sword in his hand was replaced by a black lotus flower. After dancing the lotus flower, he swept towards Wang Hao.A wave of Yuan Force with a destructive aura charged towards Wang Hao.

"Get out of the way!" With a tiger roar, he appeared in front of Wang Hao again, and with a swipe of the mace, he caught the destructive Yuanli wave.Then, with a muffled grunt, the tower-like body actually showed signs of cracks, but the signs of cracks only appeared for a while, and then disappeared.Even so, Baritie bared his teeth and shouted at this moment: "The Art of Destruction! There are monks in the Lower Realm who can comprehend the "Art of Destruction" when they transform into gods! Wang Hao, it is difficult for me to win against this person!"

"Huh? Lower Realm?" Tang Ru frowned after hearing what Bi Tie said, "You mean a monk from the Lower Realm? Could it be that you are from the God Realm? Are you the spirit of the artifact?" A look of ecstasy appeared.After all, even if it is an artifact from the God Realm, it is difficult for one in ten thousand pieces to become a weapon spirit. Now, one of them appeared in front of him, how could Tang Ru not be excited!It's just that he didn't know that this bared iron was just the avatar of the demon saint summoned by Wang Hao with his supernatural power.

"What? Even iron can't stop this Tang Ru!" Wang Hao secretly groaned in his heart. It seems that it is really hard to escape the ten kingdoms of cultivation!

"Black man, you really have a lot of knowledge. You can actually see that the law of heaven and earth that I comprehended when I attacked God Transformation is the art of destruction! Although I have not yet fully advanced to the stage of God Transformation, it is only halfway through. One step away! Since you have self-knowledge and cannot compete with this seat, how about you take refuge in this seat? In this world, since ancient times, the strong have been respected, and it is better to follow this seat than to follow this kid! "Tang Ru's words were full of bewitching power. He thought that the iron was just a magical weapon temporarily used by Wang Hao. As long as he was a little bewitched, he would abandon Wang Hao!

"Really? What you said is not unreasonable!" Barie Tie suddenly nodded and said, and then took a big step towards Tang Ru.Seeing this, Tang Ru was immediately delighted.Then, when the iron was within ten feet of Tang Ru, the iron suddenly exploded, swung the mace and smashed it down on Tang Ru's head!Tang Ru was also caught off guard by this change, a black lotus bloomed above his head, supporting the mace.However, Tang Ru under the lotus turned pale for a while, and finally he couldn't hold back, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth!

"Hmph! How dare you play tricks with me, then I will capture you today and wipe out your wisdom!" Tang Ru was slightly injured at this moment, and was already furious. A huge lotus flower suddenly Appearing in mid-air, he immediately wrapped the iron in Huaxin.

Wang Hao's heart was shocked suddenly, and he felt that the bared iron avatar he had summoned had been trapped to death by the huge lotus flower, without the slightest combat power.On the other hand, Tang Ru laughed wildly, took a step forward, recalled the black giant lotus into his hand, and wanted to directly refine the iron!

Seeing this, Wang Hao thought to himself: Here comes the opportunity!With a flash of body shape, he appeared in the place where the Xuantianzong people were trapped below, and the "Great Destruction Fist" rained down, trying to break Tang Ru's Yuanli rope that trapped them.

Tang Ru was only focused on refining the iron at the moment, but just as his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the giant lotus, he found that the iron had disappeared without a trace. Behind Wang Hao who rescued everyone from Xuantianzong, a black lotus flower swept towards Wang Hao's back...

(For collection!)

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