Fairy Road

Chapter 125 Absolute Strength

The eight law-enforcement elders of the Cultivation Alliance were summoned by the green-clothed cultivator who crushed the jade pendant just behind Shang Changhe.These eight people, together with the four who were killed by the iron a few days ago, are the most powerful force in the Cultivation Alliance. Only the leader of the alliance, Tang Ru, can dispatch them. But now, after the news of Tang Ru's death, these eight people naturally ran away , to kill Wang Hao and Pie Tie, to avenge Tang Ru!

"Hmph! Want to kill me? Do you have the ability?" Wang Hao sneered, "I know that if I come here to take over the Cultivation Alliance this time, if I don't open the ring of killing, I'm afraid no one will surrender, so I'll take you first today." Eight cut!" After speaking, the Blue Rain Sword shook in his hand, and countless blue raindrop-shaped Yuan Li shot towards the eight red-robed law enforcement elders.At the same time, Iron's figure also moved, and the mace in his hand slammed down on the head of the leading law enforcement elder.

These eight law-enforcing elders are all at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, even worse than that of Jin Kemu. Seeing Wang Hao sacrifice the Blue Rain Sword, they also know the power of the Blue Rain Sword. The eight of them together Qi sacrificed eight silver shields and stood in front of them.These eight shields, once sacrificed, were actually fused together to form a giant shield with a length and width of several feet, directly blocking everyone in the Cultivation Alliance behind the shield.Then, behind the shield, eight blue-light long swords flew out, forming a miniature formation in the air, whirring towards Wang Hao.

Wang Hao frowned, took out the Blue Rain Sword, stirred it in the air, and sent the eight blue light swords flying back.

The blue raindrops transformed by the Blue Rain Sword chichi hit the giant silver shield, and countless tiny holes were punched out of the giant shield, but they couldn't penetrate the giant shield.However, behind the giant shield, there were several muffled groans at this time. It seems that those law enforcement elders also suffered a small loss. The power of the Blue Rain Sword is really powerful!

"Puchi!" At this moment, a stout figure appeared above the huge silver shield, and the mace slammed hard on the head of the leading law enforcement elder.Brain burst, body annihilated!Ba Tie stretched out his big hand, grabbed the Nascent Soul of the law enforcement elder, and swallowed it in one gulp.The remaining seven people were horrified, staring at the iron with terrified faces, and kept retreating.

When Wang Hao saw that the remaining seven people were already in a state of confusion, he pointed with his right hand, and the Blue Rain Sword suddenly disappeared out of thin air. The next moment, he appeared in front of the seven law enforcement elders. The head left the body, seven streams of blood spurted out, and the seven Nascent Souls screamed and fled in all directions.

"Teleportation!" Wang Hao actually took advantage of the short-distance teleportation function of the Blue Rain Sword, unexpectedly, and cut off the heads of seven law enforcement elders in one fell swoop!

"What? Kill all the seven law enforcement elders with one move!" At this moment, the monks of the alliance headed by Shang Changhe had already had a mental storm in their hearts, and they kept attacking their own hearts, "Ah! That man actually took law enforcement All the Nascent Souls of the elders have been captured and will be swallowed whole! These two are not humans, they are demons, we cannot fight them!"

In an instant, the strongest force in the Cultivation Alliance was actually killed by Wang Hao and Qi Tie, which made Shang Changhe and others no longer dare to think of confrontation.

Shang Changhe suddenly fell to his knees and said loudly: "I, Shang Changhe, am willing to treat my predecessor as the master of the alliance and take charge of the cultivation alliance!" After finishing speaking, he prostrated himself on the ground.

The monks behind him were so frightened that they knelt down on the ground, fearing that if they knelt too late, their Nascent Soul would be swallowed by the big man.Even if the big man didn't make a move, once the blue rain sword in the hand of the young man in white was out, how long his head could stay on his neck was really a question mark.

"Very good, you guys are very self-aware!" Wang Hao nodded and continued, "The reason why I killed Tang Ru and these law enforcement elders in the Cultivation Alliance was because they deserved their own fault. Respond to him harshly! Now you should have guessed my name?"

Shang Changhe knelt on the ground, his heart moved, and he replied: "Could it be that senior is the king of Xuantianzong?"

"That's right! It's Wang! My Xuantian Sect is a sect under the Cultivation Alliance. When we encounter a robbery, the alliance will not send people to help, but will be in trouble everywhere. And, I always think about this treasure map in Wang's hand." , trying to lure me into the trap, tell me, is it Tang Ru's own fault this time?"

"Yes yes yes... But it was the Cultivation Alliance who offended senior first, and senior killed Tang League... Tang Ru is a matter of course, good kill, good kill!" Shang Changhe said in a low voice.

The powerful elders of the alliance behind him also said one after another: "Senior Wang, Tang Ru has always been arrogant, and we dare not speak out when we work under him! Now being beheaded by seniors is just very satisfying." " Senior Wang, the villain who plotted against you is Jin Kemu, the powerful elder of the Wan Kingdom, and has nothing to do with us at this time, I hope Senior Wang can forgive me and forgive me."

Wang Hao changed his face, and said with a smile: "Since you didn't participate in it, I don't blame you. But after I take charge of the Cultivation Alliance, if you have two hearts, I will definitely let you die, hear?" Wang Hao Hao knew that these people were only submitting to absolute power at this time, rather than surrendering sincerely, so in the future he would develop his own power in the alliance and integrate the entire alliance into a monolithic one.

"Yes yes yes... we will do our best to assist senior..."

"Huh? What do you call me?" Wang Hao raised his eyebrows.

"The lord is mighty, I will definitely assist the lord with all my heart!" The cultivators of the Cultivation Alliance immediately prostrated themselves on the ground and shouted in unison.

"Okay, hahaha, let's go, let's go to the conference hall of the alliance first! Shang Changhe, you lead the way!" Wang Hao waved his sleeves and flew towards the Yuenv Peak.

In the meeting hall of the Cultivation Alliance, dozens of high-level cultivators of the Cultivation Alliance were already kneeling at this time. In the front row were Shang Changhe and the powerful elders of the Nine Kingdoms of Cultivation. Jin Kemu, the real elder of the Wan Kingdom, was already Killed by Wang Hao, this position is temporarily vacant.

Kneeling in the next few rows were some ordinary elders in the Cultivation Alliance, as well as twenty captains of the Cultivation Law Enforcement Team.These people already knew that the Cultivation Alliance had changed. This harmless-looking young man in white actually beheaded Tang Ru directly, and even killed twelve law enforcement elders. Their dissatisfaction had long been felt. is replaced by deep fear.

Since even Shang Changhe regards this person as his master, why should we care too much about it!The middle-level members of these alliances also have their own plans in mind, but all plans are based on their own interests.Who is the leader, sometimes it seems that it really has nothing to do with me...

"Leader, my subordinates have already sent someone to the Kingdom of Wan to capture Qin Chong. It is this person who colluded with Jin Kemu and designed to frame the leader." Shang Changhe was already eager to show his merits in front of Wang Hao.

"Qin Chong?" Wang Hao frowned, thinking to himself: No wonder that Jin Kemu suddenly attacked Xuantianzong, it turned out that it was Qin Zhong who disclosed his information to Jin Kemu.This person should be killed!If it wasn't for this person, Zi Yan wouldn't be hurt either!

"Very well done!" Wang Hao nodded, "Today all the leaders of the Cultivation Alliance are in this meeting hall, and Wang has just taken the position of leader of the alliance, so he has to change the rules of the Cultivation Alliance. rule!"

Oops, it looks like they are going to attack us!Many heads of the Cultivation Alliance felt uneasy.

"As long as you didn't make a big mistake in your original position, Wang won't touch you!" Wang Hao said in a deep voice, to appease these people. After all, the future development of the alliance depends on these people, and they can't be suppressed blindly. !

"Huh~~~" Hearing Wang Hao's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and said in unison: "From now on, we will only follow the leadership of the leader!"

"Okay! You all get up." Wang Hao nodded, thinking in his heart: I finally have my own power in the cultivation world...

(Please collect!!!!!!)

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