Fairy Road

Chapter 127 Set off again

The man threw the cloth bag in his hand on the ground, and then found a strange white-clothed boy sitting on the seat of the leader of the alliance. He immediately grinned and asked, "Who are you? How did you get to the leader's seat?" The Sa family has always wanted to sit, and only dared to take the seat secretly a few times when no one is around, you are more courageous than the Sa family!" Saying this, he looked at Shang Changhe and the others, and then said, "Hey, You people, why are you silent? Are you afraid that Tang Ru will come back and peel your skin?"

"Presumptuous! Lu Da, hurry up and meet the new leader!" Shang Changhe sternly shouted.

"What? The new leader? Where's Tang Ru? Could it be that the old boy Tang Ru is dead? The Sa family also wants to be the leader, why let this little boy be the leader?" Lu Da said, stepping in front of Wang Hao, and wanted to join Wang Hao Sit together in the leader's seat.

"Hmph!" Wang Hao snorted coldly, and with a tap of his right hand, a majestic force of origin directed towards Lu Da's chest.Seeing this, Lu Da yelled: "Good time!" As he said, he also pointed his finger, which collided with Wang Hao's finger of Yuanli.

"Puchi!" Two fingers touched, Wang Hao remained motionless, but Lu Da retreated more than ten steps violently, finally couldn't hold back, and spurted out a mouthful of blood. "You guys are really treacherous. You are obviously not much worse than that old boy Tang Ru. Why did you pretend to be in the early stage of Yuanying, and the Sa family suffered a big loss!" Lu Da said, sitting on the ground with his buttocks, Start to repair the injury directly.

Wang Hao frowned. At this time, Shang Changhe had already stepped forward and told Wang Hao about Lu Da's situation.It turned out that this person was named Lu Da, and he was a straightforward man.He once came to the Cultivation Alliance to challenge Tang Ru, and after being defeated by Tang Ru, he became a guest elder of the Cultivation Alliance, but he only listened to Tang Ru's orders.A few days ago, he was sent by Tang Ru to capture Bai Zhanyuan and others who fled in battle. Today, they should have captured Bai Zhanyuan and came to ask for credit.

Um?This person has a straightforward personality, so he can be friends with!With a move in Wang Hao's heart, a burst of Yuanli was introduced into Lu Da's body. Lu Da's body shook, and then he got up from the ground directly, and said: "Your Yuanli is extremely strong, and the Sa family is not your opponent! It's just , why did you sit in Tang Ru's seat?" Wang Hao smiled and said, "Tang Ru was killed by me, so I took his seat!"

"What? You killed Tang Ru! Then you are stronger than Tang Ru?" Lu cried out in shock.

"That's right!" Wang Hao said in a deep voice, "Are you planning to join me, or are you planning to avenge Tang Ru?"

"Revenge?" Lu Da shook his head and said, "Why should I avenge Tang Ru? This old boy Tang Ru is not very righteous. He only knows how to let the Sa family do things, and never benefits the Sa family. The Sa family has long thought he is not pleasing to the eye!"

"Then you mean you want to join me?"

"Take refuge in you?" Lu Da pondered, "You do have the strength to let me take refuge in you. However, I have suffered from Tang Ru's losses. This time I want to ask clearly, what benefits do I gain by taking refuge in you?"

"Advantages? Hahahahaha!" Wang Hao laughed, "Of course the benefits will not miss you. As he spoke, he shook his right hand, and the 100 yuan middle-grade spirit stone flew in front of Lu Da. Wang Hao is now a carrot and Both big sticks and policies were used. Lu Da's face was filled with joy, and he said with a smile: "Your boy is much more straightforward than Tang Ru, and the Sa family will listen to you from now on! As he said, he cupped his hands towards Wang Hao, and kicked Bai Zhanyuan out of the bag beside him.

At this time, Bai Zhanyuan had already been knocked unconscious by Lu Da. After kicking him away, he woke up leisurely. The first thing he saw was Shang Changhe, and he crawled up in front of Shang Changhe like a mangy dog, crying : "Leader Shang, I know I was wrong, I swear, I will definitely capture that guy Wang Hao and make amends! Please let me go..."

After Shang Changhe heard Bai Zhanyuan's words, the expression on his face couldn't help being extremely embarrassing, and he didn't know what to say, he just kicked Bai Zhanyuan, kicked Bai Zhanyuan into the air, and then fell to the ground, just facing the sitting Wang Hao in the position of leader of the alliance.

"Wang Hao, hahahahaha, you actually cast yourself into a trap. The leader of the Shang League, he is Wang Hao, catch him, catch him soon!" Bai Zhanyuan said madly, suddenly, he seemed to understand something, and the business gradually weakened down.Wang Hao stared at Bai Zhanyuan with a sneer, and said in a deep voice: "Bai Zhanyuan, you are fanning the flames, and your ability to sow dissension has not diminished at all!" As he said, he stepped forward and came to Bai Zhanyuan's body, stepping on Bai Zhanyuan's chest. On the head, he gritted his teeth and said, "Say, how do you want to die?"

"Senior Wang, senior Wang, the villain doesn't want to die, leave the humble life of the villain, and I will definitely serve the senior in the future!" Bai Zhanyuan cried.

"Serve me? Hahahaha!" Wang Hao thought of Ziyan lying in the sky-filling ring, and he felt a pain in his heart, so he stopped talking and crushed Bai Zhanyuan's head with one kick, and then Bai Zhanyuan's Yuanying came from It got out of the neck, was grabbed by the iron in the hand, threw it into the big mouth, and started to chew.

Seeing this, Lu Da's face turned blue immediately, and he said to himself: "Nainai's, this is too powerful, I just ate the Nascent Soul as a dish... Fortunately, Sajia's brains were bright, and he didn't have any trouble with these two evil stars." Go against it, otherwise wouldn't the Nascent Soul of the Sa family also..." Thinking of this, I couldn't help shivering.

"Okay, Bai Zhanyuan has been killed! From now on, if someone in the alliance continues to play tricks like Bai Zhanyuan and turn black and white, they will end up in the same way!"

Such a scene was firmly engraved in the hearts of these core members of the Cultivation Alliance. From then on, no one dared to have any dissent towards Wang Hao.Of course, as Wang Hao continued to grow stronger, the Cultivation Alliance became the most powerful force in the cultivation world.These are all later.After Wang Hao finished handling all the things, he placed the master of Xuantianzong in a place to rest, and he also ordered Shang Changhe to open the place where Tang Ruping practiced for a few days. The "Heavenly Demon Nine Refinements" supernatural power that he cultivated faintly seemed to break through to the second level. It seemed that after a few days of retreat, he would definitely be able to cultivate this supernatural power to the second level.As a result, the physical body became stronger. It is estimated that at that time, ordinary Nascent Soul stage masters will be able to hurt Wang Hao with ordinary magic weapons.

Seven days later, Wang Hao left the customs.The aura emanating from his body is even more frightening, and the skin exposed outside the clothes becomes more and more crystal clear, making people feel hard to hurt!

After Wang Hao left the pass, Emperor Xuan brought everyone from the Xuantian Sect to bid farewell.After some farewell words, Wang Hao dispatched four Nascent Soul mid-stage monks from the Cultivation Alliance to go to Xuantianzong to help Xuantianzi rebuild the sect.Leng Qiuyue, on the other hand, needed to stay in the Cultivation Alliance and set about forming an alliance monitoring team.

When bidding farewell to everyone, Fang Rou suddenly proposed to accompany Wang Hao to Sanxian Mountain. The reason was that Ziyan's life and death were uncertain now, and she hoped to stay by Wang Hao's side and do her little bit.Wang Hao didn't refuse either, and when Xuan Tianzi saw Wang Hao agreeing, he naturally didn't stop him.

After the members of Xuantianzong left, Wang Hao explained clearly what he needed to explain, and then he was ready to go to Yan Country to meet Hong Sheng Lin Qier. After all, it has been almost a month since he left Yan Country. The day of departure from Yan Kingdom to Sanxian Mountain.

Just when Wang Hao had arranged everything properly and was about to leave, Lu Da suddenly found Wang Hao and proposed the idea of ​​following Wang Hao. Sincerely, he did not insist, and agreed to his request.After all, Lu Da's cultivation base is even worse than that of Jin Kemu, and it is not a small help to serve by his side for a while!

In the end, Wang Hao, Fang Rou and Lu Da left the Yuenv Peak, the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance, and flew towards the country of Yan.

(The end of the first volume. More exciting things will be in the second volume!)

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