Fairy Road

Chapter 138

The monk Fatian from the Kuchan Temple in Tianzhu mainland just used the Buddhist secret method Polo to lure Wang Hao to make Wang Hao lose his Taoist heart and follow him to the Kuchan Temple.But unexpectedly, Wang Hao broke the secret method in an instant, and Fatian suddenly became angry from embarrassment.I was ordered to come to the Yanhuang Continent this time, the purpose is to find a genius like Wang Hao, join the Kuchan Temple, and help the Kuchan Temple unify the Tianzhu Continent.

Fangcai Fatian was in the void, and saw that Wang Hao, with his cultivation in the early stage of Yuanying, was actually killing the monks in the late stage of Yuanying in succession, and the artifact in his hand was even more unpredictable, so he immediately decided to kill him. Transform Wang Hao.This degree of transformation is actually bewitching, making people lose their minds!It's just that Wang Hao's Dao heart is firm and he is not bewitched at all. Fatian had no choice but to use strong means to capture Wang Hao directly. He took Wang Hao's artifact and brought it back to the Kuchan Temple and asked the arhat in the temple to use his supernatural powers to directly capture Wang Hao. Wang Haodu turned into a disciple of Kuchan Temple.

"Almsgiver, since you are lost and cannot return, the poor monk has no choice but to offend you!" As he spoke, the white Buddha beads on Fatian's wrist were thrown into the air at once. Put your head on Wang Hao.

"Ten Thousand Buddha Relics, help you escape from the sea of ​​suffering!" Fa Tian shouted loudly, a dazzling golden light erupted all over his body, his body also swelled several times, and his whole body was like a giant, standing in front of Wang Hao and others.

"Hmph! Sure enough, you have ulterior motives, it's not a good thing!" Wang Hao snorted coldly, blue light flickered in his right hand, and countless blue rains swayed towards the shining white Buddha beads. "Break it open!"

Chi Chi Chi, those blue raindrops fell into the Buddha light of the white Buddha beads, just like cold water meeting a red-hot anvil, countless green smoke came out, and were directly evaporated by those Buddha lights.The bright white Buddha beads actually just stagnated slightly in mid-air, and then continued to move towards Wang Hao.

"Hahahaha, it's useless, the small blue sword in your hand, benefactor, is a divine weapon, but the poor monk's Buddhist artifact, the ten thousand Buddha relics, are the relics left by the abbots of the Ascension to the Buddha Realm in my Kuchan Temple. Ordinary artifacts are simply irresistible, so you should obediently follow the poor monk back to the Kuchan Temple! Amitabha, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and it is right to turn back!" Fatian said, the golden light on his body was even more powerful, and with his huge figure, Just like a Buddhist Dharma Guardian Vajra, it is so powerful.

"Hmph!" Wang Hao snorted coldly, and didn't speak. He just shot out the Blue Rain Sword in his hand and stabbed at the string of Buddhist beads. , Waving the mace is to sweep towards Fatian.

"Wow! Bald donkey, take your life!" Bared Tie grinned and walked towards Fatian, but Fatian didn't even look at him, just smiled and said: "Benefactor, this vicious You should be the avatar of the ancient demon sage you summoned, you know, I, the Buddhist Vajra, is best at subduing demons!" As he spoke, he recited a short Buddhist scripture, and then shouted: "Dharma Guardian Vajra Show up and help me subdue demons!" As soon as the words fell, there was a thunder in midair, and a three-headed and six-armed King Kong appeared in front of Pitie, each holding a Buddhist vessel on each of the six long arms of King Kong, which has the power to subdue demons. Pestle, Demon Swinging Sword, Demon Subduing Stick... With all their fangs and claws, they immediately stopped Pitie, and fought with Pitie. Although Pitie's cultivation was infinitely close to the stage of transforming gods, but the Fatian summoned him. This vajra protector has nothing to do, and he is caught in a bitter struggle for a while.

"Puchi!" Wang Hao's Blue Rain Sword also pierced the white Buddha bead at this time, but it was like piercing into the mud, unable to penetrate an inch. Instead, he was attracted by the bursts of Buddha light emitted by the bead. In the end, Wang Hao felt as if he had gradually lost control of Lan Yujian.

"Huh? This monk's magic weapon is really powerful! However, since I, Wang Hao, have been practicing Taoism, my journey has never been smooth. Now, I have achieved a small degree of cultivation. It can be said that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas! Today, if this monk wants to harm me, I will kill you, which is my response to the Tianzhu Continent!" Thinking of this, in Wang Hao's dantian, the momentum of the ten Nascent Souls surged at the same time, and the boundless and majestic Yuan power flowed from Wang Hao's body. It radiated out, and even Fatian's face changed slightly after feeling it.

"Hmph! If you want to surrender me, I will blast you to death!" As he said, all of Wang Hao's energy was concentrated in his right arm.

"Break the void!" The most powerful ultimate move in the Great Destruction Fist was used by Wang Hao. At this time, the Great Destruction Fist has been used to the extreme by Wang Hao. Seeing the seniors, I'm afraid they will feel inferior.With the support of the majestic vitality in his dantian, Wang Hao punched Fatian directly. At this moment, a looming black hole even appeared in front of his right fist, which could swallow everything!

"Vajra Subduing Demon Fist!" At this time, Fatian also felt the majestic force in Wang Hao's body. Although his own Vajra Saint Body defense was extremely strong, he did not dare to be careless in the slightest. Supernatural powers, the Vajra Fumo Fist met Wang Hao's Great Destruction Fist.The two fists collided, and with a bang, a deep crack was actually punched out in the midair. After a few breaths, it was slowly closed.The combined strength of these two people has already reached the limit that this world can accommodate.If it bombards continuously, Shattering the Void is really possible!

"Break! Break! Break!" Wang Hao fought with Fatian with a punch, but he was not hurt at all. He took a step forward and punched Fatian with three more punches. "Breaking the sky, sloping ground, and shattering the void!" Out of the nine moves of the Great Destruction Fist, the three most powerful moves were immediately drawn with three black sky marks in midair by Wang Hao's three punches.

After Fatian and Wang Hao punched each other, although there was no problem, his heart was not only awe-inspiring, his cultivation had already entered the stage of transforming gods with one foot, and only when he crossed the last threshold was he truly A monk in the stage of transformation.Among all the disciples of Kuchan Temple, I can also rank in the top three, and I have awakened the Vajra Holy Body since I was a child.This Vajra Sacred Body is the most capable of tempering the body and increasing the strength of the Yuan, but I didn't expect that when I came to the Yanhuang Continent, my Vajra Subduing Demon Fist would not be able to do anything to a little monk who was only in the early Yuanying stage. Be sure to bring it back to the Kuchan Temple, and let the master refine it into the Dharma Guardian King Kong of the Kuchan Temple!

Thinking of this, Fatian Gao proclaimed the Buddha's name, and the Vajra Subduing Demon Fist in his hand was also thrown out to meet Wang Hao's destructive fist.

Rumbling, rumbling... There seemed to be a muffled thunder in the sky, and the faces of Lu Da and Ye Qingqing, who were not far away from the shock, changed their expressions at the same time, and hurriedly used their energy to avoid being hurt by the sound waves.The reason why the two didn't make a move was because Wang Hao sent a voice transmission to the two before making the move, telling them not to act rashly.After all, with Fatian's strength, even if the two of them make a move, I'm afraid it won't be of much help!Even if Ye Qingqing uses the semi-divine weapon "Past Life Bell" that can generate spiritual attacks, it may be difficult to influence the Buddhist disciples whose spiritual consciousness is as solid as a rock.After all, every Buddhist disciple recites Buddhist scriptures every night and cultivates his spiritual consciousness hard. It can be said that the firmness of spiritual consciousness is best practiced by Buddhist disciples at regular intervals.In fact, if you don't have a firm spiritual consciousness, how can you save others.Wouldn't it be a joke to be hurt by someone else's consciousness if you were not careful?

Ye Qingqing and Lu Da could only stand on the sidelines and watch the battle at the moment. After all, Wang Hao was not at a disadvantage at this time, so there was no need to worry too much.

"Give it to me!" Fatian cut off Wang Hao's fist wind with a punch, and suddenly shouted loudly, the bright white Buddha beads were actually a great victory by the Buddha's light, and the blue rain sword was sucked into the Buddha's light all at once.

"Oops! The Blue Rain Sword has lost contact with me!" Wang Hao's complexion changed, and the fist in his hand was still fierce, but at this moment, he felt that after the string of Buddhist beads took his Blue Rain Sword, it was dripping. With a turn in mid-air, it actually came towards me again!

"Amitabha, this benefactor, you are so obsessed with obsession! That poor monk had no choice but to accept you into this non-Buddha relic! Accept it for me!" Fatian said, the golden light of his whole body soared, and the string of Buddhist beads was also fluorescent With a big victory, he headed towards Wang Hao.

(Urgently need collection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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