Fairy Road

Chapter 139 The Power of Immortal Art

"Huh! Idiots talking about dreams! Break it open!" Wang Hao said, and punched the Buddhist artifact "Ten Thousand Buddhas Relic Beads". In the middle, with a sudden sweep, he found the place where Chen Tuan said the spirit of the fairy.Although this mass of fairy energy is very small, it is just a tiny mass, floating in the void of the sky-filling ring, but this tiny mass of fairy energy is enough to support Wang Hao to use that trick of immortality." God's palm that covers the sky".

After Wang Hao congealed the baby successfully, he did not expect that the sky-filling ring could transform the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into a trace of fairy energy. Although the progress was very slow, this trace of fairy energy has become Wang Hao's biggest reliance now .With this celestial aura, coupled with the immortal technique taught by Chen Tuan, Wang Hao's combat power immediately increased by several points!

The Da Destruction Fist hit the string of Buddhist beads, but it only slightly slowed down the coming of the Buddhist beads. After a breath, the Buddhist beads have since moved towards Wang Hao.The white light from the Buddha beads immediately enveloped Wang Hao.

However, at this very moment, Wang Hao inhaled all the fairy energy in the sky-filling ring into his dantian.Immediately, the ten nascent infants in the dantian seemed to have experienced the baptism of the gods, and at the same time their spirits were shocked, full of indescribable power.Each Nascent Soul seems to have grown a little bit, and Wang Hao also felt that he had actually touched the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul's mid-stage. It seems that in time, it should not be difficult to break through to the Nascent Soul's mid-stage.

"Okay, this time, I will use this monk as a knife to scare all those who want to harm me! A kind heart will only invite more killings, and only behead all those who have greed and evil thoughts. Only then can we truly be clear and bright!" Wang Hao suddenly had a bit of enlightenment in his heart at this time, and the sky-replenishing ring on his chest also moved slightly at this time, as if responding to Wang Hao's enlightenment.

"Fatian, you have ulterior motives, you want to capture me and become a slave of your Buddhist sect, but you are so eloquent, you want to shake my Dao heart, I will kill you today, so as to frighten Xiaoxiao and let him know Flee in the wind!" Wang Hao said in a loud voice, suddenly the whole body's aura changed drastically.

With a wave of Wang Hao's right fist, he hit the Buddhist bead that was about to trap him, and the Buddhist bead was immediately sent flying a distance of hundreds of feet, followed by another punch that collided with Fatian's punch, and all of a sudden it knocked Fatian away. Tian Chuan flew upside down.Fatian was in mid-air, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and extreme fear appeared in his heart: How is it possible that my vajra body will be injured by someone, even a monk in the early stage of transformation can't do it.How did this person do it? What a freak!No, I have to retreat quickly, I already feel a trace of danger.If you don't leave, it is very likely that you will die here! "Fatian thought of this, without stopping at all, with Wang Hao's fist, it turned into a black light, grabbed the Buddha beads in his hand, and fled towards the distance.

"Want to go?" Wang Hao raised his brows, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It's too late!" As he spoke, his right hand turned into a fist, and with one palm he struck towards Fatian's back.

"God's palm that covers the sky!"

"What kind of supernatural power is this, with such power?" Bi Tie has stopped fighting at this time, and the vajra protector summoned by Fatian has disappeared with Fatian's escape. ? Yes, only fairy art can have such power. The power of the whole world is drawn by this palm. Being hit by this palm is tantamount to the heaven and earth wanting you to perish. How can you survive in this world? Between heaven and earth? However, in this lower realm, there is no spirit energy, but how can you use this trick of immortality? The master has too many secrets, making it difficult to fathom!"

"My god, the leader, this... this... what kind of supernatural power is this?" Lu Da's eyes were three points bigger than the eyes of a bull at this time, and he shouted stupidly, "The Sa family once wanted to challenge the leader, It's really lard, if the lord gets angry, then the Sajia will definitely die!"

Ye Qingqing also had a look of joy at this time, staring at Wang Hao, she felt infinite admiration for Wang Hao in her heart.

"What? Why did I run away quickly, but the breath of death is getting closer and closer to me?" Fatian fled quickly, but he felt the strong breath of death behind him, and he couldn't help feeling extremely terrified.

"I didn't expect that when I just came to the Yanhuang Continent, the first monk I met who could bring me back to the Tianzhu Continent would be such a difficult bone to crack! No, the breath of death is getting stronger and stronger, the light of Buddha! "Fa Angel used the secret magic power of the Kuchan Temple, and wanted to escape thousands of miles away in one fell swoop.

"What's going on? Buddha's Light Glimpse is actually useless, ah!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is my body locked by that breath of death!" Fatian looked back and saw only one Huge palms patted towards him overwhelmingly.And in front of this giant palm, he was as insignificant as an ant.

No! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !I can't die!I am a once-in-a-thousand-year genius in the Tianzhu Continent, and a strong contender for the next generation of Kuchan Temple. How could I die in the hands of a kid in the early Yuanying period.Didn't Master say that I would be able to ascend to the Buddhist world in the future and become a giant in the Buddhist world?ah! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Beast, you dare to kill me, Kuchan Temple will not let you go, my master will definitely relegate your soul to the Nine Netherworld, and suffer from being devoured by thousands of ghosts!

No! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !After a shrill cry, Fatian was finally hit by the giant palm that covered the sky, and his body turned into a speck of dust and disappeared between the sky and the earth.Only the string of Buddha beads and the Blue Rain Sword, intertwined with white light and blue light, were suspended in mid-air.

Wang Hao stretched out his right hand, and a big hand transformed by aura suddenly appeared in the Buddha beads. He grabbed the Buddha beads in his hand, played with them, and said in his mouth: "Tianzhu Continent, Buddhist cultivators, it seems that this world is really It's huge. What I have to face is getting more and more complicated. However, now my cultivation base has achieved a little bit, and I can use a trace of fairy energy in the sky-replenishing ring to use the fairy art 'Shining God' Palm', below the stage of transformation, I should be invincible. I want to break through the middle stage of Dao Yuanying as soon as possible. At that time, even if I meet a master in the early stage of incarnation, I can have the power to fight!" Wang Hao was muttering, barking iron, Lu Da and Ye Qingqing had already surrounded them.The three of them were all sighing about the immortal technique that Wang Hao used just now, but Wang Hao didn't explain why he was able to use the immortal technique, but only vaguely told the three of them that his magical power was taught by a senior The secret method is to release Fang Rou from the sky-filling ring. As soon as Fang Rou came out, she looked around and found that there was no trace of the enemy, so she smiled and talked with Ye Qingqing.At this time, Wang Hao's low position in her heart has climbed to an infinitely high level. It is only natural for anyone to be killed by Wang Hao, because Wang Hao has created too many miracles.

"Let's go, we have to hurry and reach the Overseas Sanxian Mountain as soon as possible!" Wang Hao's thoughts moved, and the bared iron disappeared into the invisible, and then a silver sword appeared under his feet, and Fang Rou was pulled to the sword On the next day, he turned around and saw Ye Qingqing staring at him obsessively, without the intention of a basic magic weapon, he couldn't help but move in his heart, and stretched out his hand to pull Ye Qingqing onto the Weeping Frost Sword.Fortunately, the Weeping Frost Sword has a wide blade, and it doesn't feel crowded when three people are standing.Lu Da was also standing on top of his giant ax at this time, following Wang Hao as he flew towards the north with all his might.

(Favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!)

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