Fairy Road

Chapter 146 Warning from the Immortal World

After Wang Hao successfully passed the second round, Jian Daoxin became the second person to be promoted, which made the head of the Three Immortals Sect who was in a void suddenly smile all over his face. Among them, Lei Tiantian even smiled and said: " It seems that this time, it is really possible to recruit a few powerful outer disciples to go to the entrance of the Demon Realm of the Outer Seas, and stop those demons in the Outer Seas." When Lei Tiantian spoke, his voice was like thunder, and his momentum was astonishing.

"Yes, this time, old man Shui has finally done a good thing for my Three Immortals. If we don't recruit some outer disciples, every time the devils from overseas demons invade, we will have to take action, isn't it? It's boring. This time, I can relax for a while!" Huo Yantian said with a look of ease.

"Hehe, even though that's the case, we still can't relax our vigilance. After all, whether these newly recruited disciples can be of great use remains to be seen. After all, the mission of our Three Immortals to stay in the Yanhuang Continent is only a matter of time." It is to guard the channel of ascension to the God Realm, so that the monks in this continent cannot successfully ascend to the God Realm, thereby weakening the power of the God Realm. This mission must not be missed! As long as we stick to it for another hundred years, the credit of the three of you and me will be able to directly He was summoned by the fairy world, so he ascended to the fairy world!" Shui Yuntian said slowly.

At this time, another monk successfully got rid of the illusion created by the golden inscription. This person is a disciple of the Taiqing Sect.It was this person who reminded Wang Hao of Miaozhen whom he had saved once.

Just after Miaozhen successfully advanced to the next level, Sanxiu Fazhen suddenly screamed wildly, exuding a soaring aura from his whole body. This aura is actually close to the appearance of the early stage of transforming gods, and its power is unparalleled.Then, Fazhen let out an angry roar, and hit the cliff with the golden inscription with his palm.

With a "bang", the cliff was undamaged, but Fazhen was knocked back a few feet away.At this moment, behind Fazhen, a big skinny hand grabbed Fazhen, and then disappeared into the air.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Hao couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat: It seems that he was right in not choosing to fight. Sure enough, there are people in the Three Immortals who are watching from the sidelines, and will take action at any time to capture those who resist the will of the immortal world.

As for the sword heart next to Wang Hao, a silver light flashed in his eyes at this moment. If you look carefully, you can find that what appeared in his eyes was actually a long sword with a cold light.

In the void, Lei Tianzheng put Fazhen on the ground, and said: "This son has a different heart, and you must not be recruited into my Three Immortals!" On the forehead, Fazhen let out a muffled groan, and a pale halo suddenly flashed around his body, blocking the power of Lei Tiantian's finger.

"Huh? Buddha Light! This person is not a monk from the Yanhuang Continent, but a monk from another continent!" Shui Yuntian said in a deep voice, "Wait a minute, don't kill him, capture him, and torture him carefully. Let's see, which continent dares to extend its claws to my Three Immortals Gate!"

Fazhen's incident was just a small wave, and soon, three days had passed. Except for Fazhen, all sixteen monks had arrived at a wide place on the cliff at this moment, and none of them were injured. , only Wang Hao, Jian Daoxin, Ye Qingqing, Liu Qingyun and a young man with a mole on his face were left in Weiyang Palace. In addition, only two masked disciples in Taiqing Sect also retreated.

Except for these seven people, Hong Sheng, Qin Zhong, Yan Nantian and others all left the cliff because of their injuries, ending their comprehension of the golden inscription!

"Master, it seems that I have no fate with the little princess of Yan Kingdom!" Hong Sheng walked to Wang Hao, squinted at Jian Daoxin and Liu Qingyun, and said, "These two people are really perverted!" !"

Wang Hao said in a deep voice: "Just stay calm and don't be impatient, the result will be known soon!" As soon as Wang Hao finished speaking, three white clouds slowly floated over from a distance.When Wang Hao saw it, he couldn't help thinking to himself: These three people have been staying here all this time, but they still want to make a false impression that they came from a distance. It seems that the heads of the three immortals are also very hypocritical!Moreover, these three people upheld the will of the fairy world and prevented the monks in the Yanhuang Continent from ascending to the upper realm, so that in the entire Yanhuang Continent, no monk could ascend to the upper realm after a thousand years. What a heinous crime!However, his current cultivation is not enough to fight against these three people, and he will pretend to be a snake, and then slowly figure it out.

"Hahahaha..." Shui Yuntian let out a long laugh from a distance, and then said, "I never thought that there would be so many geniuses in the cultivation world!" The seven people who were not injured looked over, and then Shui Yuntian said: "You seven, you can directly enter the final round of testing!" Then, Shui Yuntian looked at the other ten people, and then slowly said: "You Although the nine people were hurt by the inscriptions because of their lack of cultivation when they comprehended the inscriptions, they can also be said to be amazing figures in the realm of comprehension. Therefore, the old husband and the three decided that the nine of you Selecting five more people from among them to participate in the final round of tests will be regarded as giving you a chance!" As soon as Shui Yuntian finished speaking, these monks were all in high spirits.

"As for how to select five from the nine of you, it's very simple! You draw lots, and then compete one-on-one. The winner advances, and the loser can go back directly! However, one of the nine can become a bye The lucky ones who will advance directly. Hehe, now, the lottery begins! There are nine numbers from one to nine, and the one who gets one will compete with the monk who got eight, and so on! The one who gets nine can directly advance to the final One round!" After Shui Yuntian finished speaking, he waved his right hand, and suddenly nine pieces of jade slips appeared in midair.

With a cry, everyone shot at the same time, and immediately there was an extra jade slip in everyone's hand!After a breath, Hong Sheng suddenly yelled: "It's nainai, I've advanced!" As he spoke, a big nine characters appeared on the jade slip in his hand.Wang Hao said with a smile: "Good luck!"

The three of Shui Yuntian also looked at Hong Sheng with a smile, and nodded slightly, which seemed to agree with his saying that he was promoted directly.Then, the remaining eight monks, under the supervision of Shui Yuntian and the other three, began to fight against each other.

These eight people are all the best among the younger generation in the cultivation world, and the competition is really impressive.In mid-air, all of a sudden, the energy was flying, and the magic weapon was rampant.Seeing Hong Sheng kept talking to himself: "Fortunately, I am lucky, otherwise I will definitely be blown up!"

The competition soon came to a conclusion. What surprised Wang Hao was that his two enemies, Yan Nantian and Qin Chong, were both colleagues who advanced to the final round. The other two advanced, one was a disciple of Weiyang Palace, and the other One is Yan Huihuang, a monk selected by the royal family of the Yan Kingdom, who has had a few encounters with Wang Hao.

"Very good! The twelve disciples who participated in the final test are finally here, and the rest of the monks leave here quickly!" Shui Yuntian said loudly, and with a wave of his sleeves, the four defeated monks couldn't help but look at him. Fly in mid-air.

"Now, this old man will tell you the rules of the final test." Shui Yuntian waited until the eliminated monks disappeared before saying, "This time, my Three Immortals Sect selects the outer disciples, and I, Penglai, Yingzhou, On the Abbot Sanxian Mountain, each monk will eventually choose a monk to become an outer disciple. Therefore, this last round of tests is arranged at the entrance of the Outer Sea Demon Realm!"

"The Demon Realm of the Outer Sea!" Some of the promoted monks seemed to have heard of the Demon Realm of the Outer Sea, and they couldn't help but exclaimed!

"That's right, the Outer Sea Demon Realm, every three years, will attack the entrance to the Yanhuang Continent. Every time, I, the monks of the Three Immortals Sect, will repel it. This time, your final test is to attack the entrance to the Yanhuang Continent. Get rid of these monsters from the outer seas who want to enter our Yanhuang Continent, and the top three monks who kill the most monsters will become the outer disciples of my Three Immortals Sect, and each will get a reward from my Three Immortals Sect! The old man can tell you in advance that the rewards this time are three extremely powerful artifacts, everyone, work hard! You can make a little adjustment now, after three days, it will be the time for the invasion of the monsters from the outer sea. The old man will naturally lead you to that entrance!" After Shui Yuntian finished speaking, He Huo Yantian and Lei Tiantian flew away from the mountain again.

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