Fairy Road

Chapter 149 Crisis 4 Volts

At this time, Qin Chong and Yan Nantian were also frowning and communicating.

"The strength of these monsters is too weak. Even if we pretend to be invincible, release them, and lead them to Wang Hao, it is impossible to cause harm to Wang Hao!"

"That's right. However, it seems that the demons in the Demon Realm are preparing for their next attack. Maybe there will be demons in the late Nascent Soul stage. At that time, we will directly lead them to Wang Hao's side. How many late-stage Nascent Soul monster attacks can Wang Hao block! Quack quack quack quack quack quack!"

"Well, but when the time comes, after we lure those demons over, how can we get out?" Qin Chong asked doubtfully.

"You don't have to worry about this. My Yan family has an ancestral magic weapon, which can instantly hide our body shape and aura. Although it can only be hidden for a short period of time, it can help us recover from the demon head of the Nascent Soul stage. When the time comes, Wang Hao will be the only target of those monsters, let’s see how he will deal with it! Wang Hao, Wang Hao, you are destined to be unable to escape the fate of a thousand demons eating your heart, hahahahaha As Yan Nantian said, he patted Qin Chong's shoulder with confidence and said, "Don't worry, I will use my Yan family's magic weapon to take you away together!" Countermeasures.

Time was passing by bit by bit. Although everyone couldn't absorb the aura of heaven and earth to replenish their energy at this time, because the demons who were killed just now were very weak, they didn't let themselves consume much energy at all, so , but there is no worry at all.However, Wang Hao took the precautionary measures to distribute the six Guiyuan Pills to Hong Sheng and Ye Qingqing. In this way, they could at least recover their Yuanli when their Yuanli was exhausted, thus turning the danger into safety.

"Here we come!" In the silence, Wang Hao and Jian Daoxin suddenly opened their eyes. Jian Daoxin did not speak, but took the long sword that had been carried behind him that had not been taken off, and Wang Hao said in a deep voice. He said to Hong Sheng and Ye Qingqing beside him: "They are all late Nascent Soul demons. If you are invincible, you don't have to force yourself. Send me a voice transmission directly, and I will store you in my storage space."

Following Wang Hao's awakening, Hong Sheng and Ye Qingqing also opened their eyes with strange expressions on their faces, then nodded, and looked into the depths of the tunnel. At this time, at the other end of the tunnel, countless terrifying auras Gradually rushed towards this side.

"Be careful, they are all late Nascent Soul, damn it, there are at least dozens of them!" Zhou Qing also noticed the strangeness at this time, and said loudly.Liu Qingyun's complexion changed, and obscure seals quickly formed in his hands. However, after the seals were formed at this time, only a black vortex-like formation formed around Liu Qingyun's body.

This is a killing formation, a major trump card given to Liu Qingyun by Zhen Daozi, the lord of Zhen Dao Sect. At this time, Liu Qingyun used it directly. After all, he also felt a large number of late Nascent Soul demons coming.For geniuses like them, a few monsters in the Nascent Soul stage can handle it, but if the number exceeds ten, it will be very difficult.After all, his own cultivation is only in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

"Zhi, z, z, ....The ones guarding the passage this time are not those three old ghosts and their disciples, but some juniors who haven't even reached the stage of transforming into gods. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Come on, let's go!" Kill all these monks, then break the seal and go to the Yanhuang Continent!" A solemn voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Lands, making Wang Hao and the others shudder.

"Get out..." After a strange cry, at the exit of each passageway, there were several monsters in the late Nascent Soul stage. These monsters were like ordinary human monks, but their eyes were full of With a bloodthirsty look.As soon as they appeared, they rushed towards the monks guarding the passages. At this time, the passages could no longer be completely blocked, and they could only fight these demons in this void.

At this time, the three of Wang Hao sacrificed their magic weapons, and they were killed together with several late-stage Nascent Soul demons around them. At this time, Wang Hao's Weeping Frost Sword was full of silver light, and it kept swallowing the silver sword light. Soon, two late Nascent Soul monks were killed.And Ye Qingqing also sacrificed the semi-magic weapon "Past Life and Present Life Bell", killing a late Nascent Soul demon in an instant, but at this moment Hong Sheng only had the power to parry and had no way to fight back.

To Wang Hao's surprise, these late-stage Nascent Soul monsters gathered more and more, and gradually in the entire void, there were at least several late-stage Nascent Soul demons. These demons were divided into six teams. Wang Hao's six groups were immediately besieged.However, Wang Hao discovered that as long as he kills a late-stage Nascent Soul demon, he will have a [-]-point credit increase on the customs clearance token. In this way, the number on the token on Wang Hao's waist gradually soared,

Although these monsters in the late Nascent Soul stage are fierce, they have no magic weapon. For Wang Hao, a freak with enough vitality to rival that of a cultivator in the Transformation Stage, they are naturally not a big threat.Even, Wang Hao didn't even use the Blue Rain Sword, but killed several demons.

Others, on the other hand, were not so lucky, and fell into the bitter struggle one after another.At this moment, Hong Sheng's cry suddenly came from Wang Hao's consciousness: "Master, it's too bad, save me!" The devil in the late stage of the baby was forced into a dead corner, and suddenly thought, Hong Sheng was received in the ring of mending the sky, and the devil in the late stage of the baby who besieged Hong Sheng found that his target had disappeared suddenly, and immediately grinned and turned to the side Ye Qingqing attacked in the past, and Ye Qingqing at this time, also lost the ease and ease at the beginning, and fell into a bitter fight.

Except for Wang Hao who was the most relaxed, the two masked disciples of the Taiqing Sect were each holding an extremely powerful weapon at this time, forcing the late Nascent Soul demon next to him to hide everywhere. From the looks of it, these two weapons are most likely divine weapons.Although Jian Daoxin looks in danger at this time, if you observe carefully, you can find that every time he strikes the sword, he can save himself from danger.Even, every time he appeared in danger, he seemed to do it on purpose, so that his next sword could exert its greatest power under pressure.

Liu Qingyun and Zhou Qing were fighting vigorously at this time, and under the siege of demons ten times their size, they did not lose the slightest bit.Especially in the killing formation around Liu Qingyun's body, as long as a late Nascent Soul demon touches him, there will be a scream, and he will retreat quickly, and then he will be killed by Liu Qingyun, who has been prepared for a long time with a sword piercing his heart.

The two disciples of Weiyang Palace are not so relaxed at this time, they are already caught in a bitter battle. Although they can block the attacks of those demons at this time, it is even more difficult to kill them up.

The most dangerous ones are Yan Nantian and Qin Chong. The cultivation of these two people was originally the bottom among the 12 people. At this time, they have already been killed by those demons and kept retreating. However, this is also true. Just in line with the wish of the two of them, they saw that they were fighting and retreating, and they were gradually moving towards Wang Hao.

"Qingqing, how are you? Can you still hold on?" Wang Hao smashed the head of a demon with one punch, and then shouted at Ye Qingqing.

At this time, Ye Qingqing was already surrounded by four late Nascent Soul monsters, which had already made her unable to fight back. Hearing Wang Hao's words, Ye Qingqing frowned, feeling conflicted in her heart: If she leaves at this time, , Wouldn't it be better to let Brother Wang Hao face all the enemies alone?Let's persevere, even if you can't kill these monsters, holding them back can be regarded as buying some time for Brother Wang Hao... Thinking of this, Ye Qingqing replied loudly: "Don't worry about me, I can still persevere!" As he said that, as soon as he was urged by Yuan Li, "Ling of past life and present life" immediately rang piercingly, and those monsters who besieged Ye Qingqing froze immediately, and stopped their attacks. Take it easy.However, after a few breaths, Ye Qingqing fell into a disadvantage again.

"Huh? Why did the Late Nascent Soul demons over there suddenly rush towards me!" Wang Hao felt a little relieved when he heard Ye Qingqing's answer, but he suddenly discovered that there were a large number of late Nascent Soul demons. The head rushed towards me...


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