Fairy Road

Chapter 150

Wang Hao suddenly found that there were at least 20 late Nascent Soul monsters swarming towards him, and he frowned, but he knew it in his heart.After sweeping his consciousness, he sneered at the corner of his mouth and said: You two want to use these demons to surround and kill me, what a good plan!However, the energy in my dantian is abundant, and I have the miraculous Blue Rain Sword in my hand. I don't even need to use supernatural powers such as the demon saint transformation, but I can kill all these demons.snort!When the time comes, I will take the lives of the two of you again!

Thinking of this, the Weeping Frost Sword in Wang Hao's hand immediately slashed towards those demon heads with agility, but on Wang Hao's right hand, there was now a small sword with a bright blue light.However, although the Blue Rain Sword is extremely powerful, it is one of the top ten magical weapons in the Yanhuang Continent, but it has not been cultivated into a weapon spirit.This is not to say that the Blue Rain Sword is not as good as the Weeping Frost Sword, it is precisely because the Blue Rain Sword is too high-grade, it is a divine weapon, so it is difficult to transform into something like a spirit.Because, if this sword is cultivated into a weapon spirit, the cultivation base of the weapon spirit is at least the cultivation base of the transformation stage, and even the owner of the sword will find it difficult to control it.Therefore, the law of heaven, in the dark, seems to be a law that dooms everything to fail!However, even if there is no sword spirit, the power of the Blue Rain Sword is not comparable to that of the Weeping Frost Sword. The sword body shakes slightly, and countless blue rains are swayed out, dripping on the bodies of those late Nascent Soul demons, which immediately makes people Those monsters called Lian Lian, and the bodies transformed by those demonic qi also appeared to be disintegrated a little bit.

At this time, Wang Hao was like one person controlling two flying swords. These two flying swords were extremely powerful, causing those demons to complain endlessly.However, at this time, these devils were already full of demons, and they were attacking and killing Wang Hao without hesitation.

"Wow, this kid is so powerful, let's go together and devour him!!!!" A stronger demon yelled.At this time, Qin Chong and Yan Nantian led the demons to Wang Hao's side, and Wang Hao's spiritual sense had already captured the traces of the two.

Although the two of them had led dozens of demons to their side at this time, they were also in danger and might be swallowed by the demons at any time.

These two people, in order to plot against themselves, were really willing to spend their money, even their own lives.Wang Hao's heart moved, but his hands were unambiguous, the blue sword light flashed rapidly, and the screams of the devil kept ringing beside him.

Um?Then why did Yan Nantian's aura suddenly disappear?Could it be that he was devoured by the devil?impossible!Even if it is swallowed by the devil, it is impossible to disappear in such a short period of time.It is not enough for a short breath, this Yan Nantian may have used some kind of secret method to hide himself suddenly, his own consciousness cannot be captured, and it is naturally difficult for those demons to find him!

This Yan Nantian is really cunning!Wang Hao thought to himself, at this moment, a shrill howl came through.Wang Hao shook his head involuntarily, and thought to himself: However, Qin Chong suffered a lot this time. Those demons who besieged Yan Nantian suddenly lost their target, and immediately attacked Qin Chong who was the closest with all their strength.Immediately, Qin Chong was surrounded by those demons, directly tore Qin Chong's body, and his Nascent Soul was also swallowed by one of the powerful demons!

People's hearts are so sinister!Wang Hao couldn't help sighing in his heart, Qin Chong and Yan Nantian must have agreed to frame him, but unexpectedly, Yan Nantian played Qin Chong ruthlessly again, causing Qin Chong to die tragically.Such a monk is not even as good as a devil!

However, with Qin Chong's tragic death.Those, the devil immediately turned his target to Wang Hao and Ye Qingqing who were the closest, Wang Hao immediately felt the pressure doubled, and Ye Qingqing was even more difficult to parry, but because of the increase in Wang Hao's fear However, he still chooses to persevere.

With a snort, Ye Qingqing's long sleeves were ripped off by a demon at this time, several bloody scars appeared on the jade arm, Ye Qingqing snorted, rubbed her figure, and immediately became dangerous Ring up.

This little girl has thin skin and tender flesh, I want to eat her... quack quack quack quack! ! !Seeing Ye Qingqing, these monsters were already overwhelmed, and immediately became extremely excited.

Qingqing couldn't hold it anymore, she didn't call for help, probably because she was worried that the monsters who besieged her would come and besiege her. Although Wang Hao was under double pressure at this time, but because of the incomparable power of the Blue Rain Sword, he was not at a disadvantage. Even though Qingqing was injured, she didn't want to let herself face these monsters alone, her heart suddenly became hot, and then she hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Ye Qingqing: "Sister Qingqing, don't hold on anymore! Relax quickly! knowledge!"

Ye Qingqing was already in a desperate situation at this time, when she heard Wang Hao's sound transmission, she immediately loosened her consciousness and disappeared in place, making the monsters who besieged her, Monk Zhang Er, puzzled, but Soon, these devils turned around and began to besiege Wang Hao.

At this time, there were already more than 30 monsters besieging Wang Hao, each of them had the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul, and they were fierce and mighty.Any of these monsters, if placed in the Yanhuang Continent, would be able to set off a storm of blood and blood. Even some medium-sized sects would find it difficult to resist their fierce power.

However, Wang Hao at this time is even more powerful.The blue sword light emanating from the Blue Rain Sword in his hand had already illuminated the surroundings of Wang Hao's body into a patch of blue, and these blue spots spewed out blue raindrops from time to time, attacking those demon heads.And those devils are extremely afraid of the blue raindrops at this time, as long as the blue raindrops hit, they will immediately dodge one after another, not daring to fight hard!At this time, the Weeping Frost Sword also turned into a white light, and kept shuttling between these demons. Although it was difficult to kill these demons, it caused these demons to be hurt from time to time, screaming again and again.

snort!Some monsters in the Nascent Soul stage are not troublesome to me, Wang Hao.At this moment, the blue light in Wang Hao's hand was shining brightly, and the vitality in his dantian was endless, and his heart was full of pride.

However, this Yan Nantian was extremely cunning and cunning.After strangling these devils, we must find out this treacherous and cunning person and kill them directly.Otherwise, he will be tricked by this person all the time, and there will be no peace!

kill!Wang Hao yelled fiercely, the blue rain sword in his hand suddenly won the blue light, and appeared in mid-air, countless blue rains swayed down, making the demons who besieged Wang Hao complain endlessly.But at this time, in Wang Hao's right hand, the power condensed, and the Great Destruction Fist broke the heads of several demon heads immediately, killing them directly.

All die for me!Wang Hao was already like a demon god at this time. Killing these late Nascent Soul demon heads was like cutting melons and vegetables. In an instant, half of those demon heads were killed by Wang Hao!The rest of the devils, at this time, have a look of fear in their eyes, and they want to escape at any time...

(Favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!)

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