Fairy Road

Chapter 153

Wang Haoda gave Yan Nantian a deep look, and said, "Let's wait until we get out to worry about this matter!" At the same time, his spiritual consciousness was communicating with several people in Butianhuan.Ye Qingqing knows the situation outside the most, and has been anxiously asking about the situation outside with her spiritual sense.

Wang Hao comforted them a few words, and then told them that there is a strange situation outside, a monk is behaving strangely, it seems that he must be controlled by a monster, so it is best for them not to come out now, wait for the opportunity, plan!

Everyone had no objection, but Hong Sheng anxiously transmitted his voice: "Master, if I don't come out, I will lose the chance to join the Three Immortals...The little princess..."

Hearing Hong Sheng's words, Wang Hao couldn't help but smiled wryly, and the voice transmission returned: "I have just checked, and the tokens around my waist seem to be interchangeable. Now, my token The points on the card are far ahead of them, and at that time, the teacher may consider exchanging this token for you!"

"This...Master, you...you love this disciple too much, and every disciple will respect you well in the future!" Hong Sheng said.

Wang Hao was speechless for a while. At this time, all the monks had gathered together and began to analyze the current situation. The most urgent task now is to figure out how to get out of this seal. If they stay here all the time, come back again A powerful demon, I can't stop him. After all, except for Wang Hao, everyone has very little energy left in their bodies.

"Sanxianmen's arrangement like this really doesn't take our lives seriously. If we continue to stay here and another wave of demons comes, we will definitely end up here!" Yue Bufan said in a deep voice at this time Said, "For the current plan, we'd better find an exit separately from this seal and see if we can go out in advance. If we wait until the devil strikes, it may be too late!"

After hearing Yue Bufan's words, everyone thought it made sense and nodded their heads one after another.Among them, Liu Qingyun said: "However, within this seal, the space seems to be very large, and it is difficult to discern the direction. If we spread out and look for the exit, I am afraid that we will be surrounded by the devil!"

"That's right, it's better for us to be together so that everyone can take care of each other. After all, the current situation is extremely dangerous, and personal grievances must be put down!" The person who spoke was a disciple of Weiyang Palace. After that, I took a look at Wang Hao, which meant to tell Wang Hao that the overall situation was the most important thing.Wang Hao didn't care about it, and stood there expressionless. At this moment, he was thinking about the purpose of the demon who controlled Yan Nantian, and whether he should control Yan Nantian at this time. speak out.However, if I tell Yan Nantian's details at this time, I am afraid it will be difficult to win the trust of others, and I will be misunderstood by others as intentionally framed.

"It's better like this." Jian Daoxin didn't speak all the time, and then he suddenly said, "How about we divide into two groups and look for the exit separately?"

"It can only be like this. Our Weiyang Palace has a unique means of contact. I will be separated from my junior brother. It will be convenient for the two groups to contact. If one group finds the exit or is besieged by the devil, the other group You can also find it quickly." A disciple of Weiyang Palace said.

Everyone has no opinion on such a decision.Soon, they spontaneously divided into two groups.Wang Hao was in a group with Zhou Qing from Taiqing Sect, Liu Qingyun from Zhen Dao Sect, and a disciple of Weiyang Palace.Wang Hao saw that Yan Nantian was deliberately avoiding him and walked into another group of camps. He stared at Yan Nantian with all eyes, and then sent a voice transmission to Yue Bufan: "Brother Yue, don't care about you. Believe it or not, you must pay attention to Yan Nantian's behavior!"

"What?" Yue Bufan asked puzzled.

"I suspect that this person has been controlled by the devil!" Wang Hao said through voice transmission. At this time, he and Yue Bufan made it clear. Pay attention to some of Yan Nantian's behavior.

"Hmm! I know what's in my mind, thank you, Brother Wang, for reminding me!" I didn't expect Yue Bufan to be so convinced. It seems that I just offered to help, but it gave Yue Bufan a lot of goodwill.

The two groups soon headed in two directions. Inside this seal, it was like a chaotic world, where it was impossible to distinguish east, west, north, south, and there was no sun, moon, or aura of heaven and earth.Therefore, the four of Wang Hao walked for a long time, but the scene in front of them remained unchanged, as if they would never come to an end.Moreover, it was impossible to capture even the slightest bit of outgoing information, which caused Wang Hao and the others a headache.

"It seems that after this seal, there is no exit at all!" Wang Hao thought to himself at this time, "There are only two ways to get out: one is to master the method of entering and exiting the secondary seal. Only people in Sanxian Mountain have it, so of course we are not able to know about it. And the second method is to break the seal inside the seal forcefully, but it seems that if you want to break the seal, there are not many masters in the transformation stage. It is very difficult to succeed. And in our team, there is no one cultivator at the stage of transformation, and it is even more impossible! Could it be that we can only let us go out when Shui Yuntian of Sanxian Mountain is outside the seal and casts his magic power? "Thinking of this, Wang Hao's heart suddenly felt a little slanderous towards the people of Sanxian Mountain. After all, the people of Sanxian Mountain didn't take their lives seriously at all, but just treated themselves and others as coolies. That's all!What kind of outer disciples, in the future, they will not be servants at their beck and call!snort!My life is up to me, how could I, Wang Hao, be at your command?

Wang Hao was thinking, at this time, the disciple of Weiyang Palace suddenly said: "Three, there is a message from my senior brother. After walking for a long time, the surrounding area is still in chaos. It is impossible to search for the exit, and asked if we should turn back again. Get together and make plans!"

Zhou Qing and Liu Qingyun nodded at the same time, and said, "It's better to come back, it seems that we can only hold on until the Sanxianmen takes us out of this seal again!" Wang Hao also nodded, turned around and walked back along the way. Let's go, the four of them walked along the way, but they also used Yuanli to leave some marks along the way, so that they would not be unable to return the same way.

"Oops!" After the four of them walked for a while, the disciple of Weiyang Palace suddenly cried out in shock, "My senior brother and the others are lost!"

"Why, didn't they leave their marks along the way?" Wang Hao wondered.

"I stayed, I don't know what happened, all these marks disappeared!" Weiyang Palace disciple shook his head and said, "It's really strange!"

"All disappeared?" Wang Hao suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, "Could it be that Yan Nantian secretly arranged for the devil to do it? If this is the case, the other group of people will be in danger, and it is very likely that they will be attacked by the monster." Siege!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao hurriedly asked: "Can you and your senior brother discover each other's position?"

The Weiyang Palace disciple shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "It's fine outside, but after entering the seal, you can't find it, and you can only send messages to each other!" Speaking of this, the face of the Weiyang Palace disciple suddenly changed, Said, "Too bad, they are surrounded by a large number of late Nascent Soul demons!"

"Sure enough!" Wang Hao thumped in his heart, "Sure enough, it has come true, this matter must have been done by Yan Nantian!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao jumped up and shouted: "Let's speed up, return to the original place, and then go along the road." Look in the direction they left just now and see if you can find them!"

The other three naturally didn't have any objections at this time, and they all sped up in an instant.

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