Fairy Road

Chapter 154

In less than half an hour, the four returned to the place where the two groups had left.Then, without stopping, she flew directly in another direction.

But at this time, not long after he left, the disciple of Weiyang Palace said with grief and indignation: "It seems that they are in danger, and I sent a message to senior brother just now, but senior brother didn't receive it!"

"What?" Wang Hao's face changed drastically, and he thought in his heart that the disciple of the Taiqing sect who looked so wonderful and true, the speed under his feet was a little faster.

After galloping for another distance, the disciples of Weiyang Palace suddenly cheered: "Great, senior brother is fine, he was just too busy dealing with those devils to receive messages. Now, when he comes back to send messages, those devils have passed away. They were almost beheaded to death by them. Among them, especially the monk named Yan Nantian, his cultivation was so high that he alone killed at least a dozen late Nascent Soul demons!"

"Huh? What's going on?" Wang Hao's mind was also full of doubts at this time, but these can only be seen after the two groups actually have a round.

The four of them flew with all their strength for another half an hour, but there was still no sign of the other group.At this time, Zhou Qing said to the disciples of Weiyang Palace: "Ask your senior brother, how are they doing now?" The disciples of Weiyang Palace nodded, forming a strange knot with their hands. There was a glimmer of enlightenment.

"Brother, they have returned to the place where they started!" Weiyang Palace disciple said.

"Then let's go back directly!" Zhou Qing said, turning around and leaving.Liu Qingyun and the disciples of Weiyang Palace also followed closely behind, returning to the original road.Only Wang Hao stopped in Yuanli, full of doubts in his heart.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, let's go!" Zhou Qing hurriedly shouted when he found Wang Hao standing still.

Wang Hao nodded towards Zhou Qing, and then he chased after him in a blink of an eye. However, while flying with all his strength, Wang Hao said to the three of them: "This matter is still a bit strange. Since they don't have the marks left along the way, , how could he return to the original place so smoothly?"

After Wang Hao finished speaking, the three of them immediately fell into contemplation. These three are also amazing people, and they have cultivated to the late stage of Nascent Soul, which one of them is not scheming.At this time, as soon as Wang Hao reminded him, he immediately felt that this matter was really suspicious.And that Weiyang Palace disciple nodded with a solemn expression, and said: "When I sent a message to Senior Brother just now, I clearly couldn't feel Senior Brother's aura. It stands to reason that this should only appear when Senior Brother fell. However, the aura of senior brother reappeared later, which is really surprising!"

Wang Hao frowned, pondered for a moment and said: "It seems that your brother is most likely controlled by those monsters!"

"What?" The expression of the disciple of Weiyang Palace suddenly changed, "Then we go to the original place according to my senior brother's message, isn't it self-inflicted!" The disciple of Weiyang Palace is also thinking a lot at this time.

"Not bad!" Wang Hao nodded, and continued, "However, we still have to go!"

"Yeah, if we want to find out the truth of the matter, we really have to go!" Liu Qingyun said suddenly at this moment, "Guys, I have a formation here that can hide the breath of the four of us for a while." an hour!"

"There is such a magical formation?" Zhou Qing was shocked, "In this way, we can go back to the original place without anyone noticing it, and check it out!"

The four of them soon had a calculation. After flying with all their strength for a certain distance, there was still a distance from the origin, and Liu Qingyun called the three of them to stop.Then, Liu Qingyun took out a miniature array disk from the storage bag, and said: "This 'Misty Array' array disk is a life-saving magic weapon given to me by my master. The situation is critical today, so I will take it out and have a good time with those monsters." Let's fight!" After finishing speaking, he sacrificed the formation plate, and then four mysterious lights covered Wang Hao and the others. After a few breaths, Liu Qingyun said: "Okay, now they must not be able to find out. Our tracks are gone, let's hurry over there! This formation can only last for half an hour, we have to hurry up."

As soon as Liu Qingyun finished speaking, the four of them began to fly with all their strength.Soon, they returned to the origin where the crowd gathered.Sure enough, there were two monks there, they were the brothers of Yan Nantian and the disciples of Weiyang Palace.At this moment, the two looked blank, and their eyes were staring at the distance with emptiness, as if they were waiting for something.

The four of them looked at the two from a distance for a while. Before Wang Hao could speak, the disciple of Weiyang Palace had already opened his mouth and said: "Although that person is the body of my senior brother, he is by no means my senior brother himself. There is no longer any breath of my Weiyang Palace disciple!"

"Then what should we do?" Zhou Qing asked urgently, "I don't know how the other three are doing. I don't know if the two from my Taiqing family have been poisoned!"

"Let's show up now, capture these two, and ask about the whereabouts of the other three!" Zhou Qing mused.

"No!" Wang Hao said suddenly, "Since these two people stayed here and sent messages to deceive us, how could they be unprepared? Didn't you notice that there is a lot of evil spirits around you? There must be a large number of evil spirits lurking around Four weeks, waiting for us to appear, we will be surrounded and killed!"

"Brother Wang is right!" Liu Qingyun nodded and said, "Now we are really in a dilemma!"

The four of them were all frowning, and Wang Hao didn't think of any good plan for a while, he pondered for a moment and asked suddenly: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, I wonder if one of the other two Taiqing Sect disciples is a woman?"

Zhou Qing was startled, and then said: "Yes, one of them is my senior brother Yue Bufan, and the other is my junior sister Yan Miaozhen!"

"Yan Miaozhen! So, her surname is Yan?" Wang Hao murmured.Zhou Qing suddenly asked: "Brother Wang, do you have any good plans?"

Wang Hao blushed immediately, then shook his head and said, "Not yet..." At this moment, a pair of late Nascent Soul monsters suddenly appeared in front of Yan Nantian and the two of them, and the leader of them was facing Yan Nantian bowed and saluted, then Yan Nantian pointed in a direction, and those late Nascent Soul demons flew in that direction.

"Let's follow!" Wang Hao said in a deep voice, the other three were also aware at this time, this team of devils, most likely found the trail of the three of Jian Daoxin, and went to surround and kill the three of them.

The three of them silently followed behind the group of Nascent Soul late-stage monsters, and flew for half an hour, and they found the trail of the three of them, who were already in a panic. There are scars all over his body, and it looks like he has suffered a lot of injuries.

As soon as those monsters found their target, they roared and rushed towards the three of them. The three of them were sitting cross-legged at this time. When they heard the roar of these monsters, they shook their bodies, took out their magic weapon, and rushed towards the three of them. It's just that at this time, the three of them don't have much energy, and even the light on the magic weapon is dimmed.

"Is there any problem with these three people?" The disciples of Weiyang Palace were already in a state of confusion.Wang Hao shook his head and said, "They haven't been controlled by the demons yet, let's take action together to get rid of these demons!" As he spoke, the Blue Rain Sword turned into countless blue rains and moved towards the demons. Head swayed past.Immediately, those devils screamed again and again, being hit by those blue rains, at least they would end up seriously injured.

"Fellow Daoist Wang!" Yue Bufan was stunned when he saw Wang Hao and the others. Friends have fallen at this time!"

The four of Wang Hao naturally followed the situation of Yan Nantian and the other two, but at this moment, it is not clear, the magic weapon in their hands is full of energy, and they will soon kill this pair of demons.

After a great battle, the seven of them could finally get a temporary respite.Among them, Jian Daoxin, Yue Bufan and Miaozhen had already exhausted their vitality, Wang Hao flipped his right hand when he saw this, and there were three more "Guiyuan Pills", which were handed over to the three of them respectively.

"Taking this elixir, Yuanli can recover a little or two!" Hearing Wang Hao's words, the three of them swallowed the elixir in one gulp, and then began to heal their injuries cross-legged.

At this moment, a grin suddenly came from the void, and a shocking demonic energy appeared above the heads of the seven people...

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