Fairy Road

Chapter 155

Jian Daoxin and Taiqingmen had just taken the "Guiyuan Pill" presented by Wang Hao, and they were about to sit down cross-legged and start sorting out the damaged tendons.At this moment, a shocking demonic energy descended on the heads of all the people.Everyone suddenly felt awe-inspiring, and hurriedly used their strength, sacrificed magic weapons, and guarded them in front of them.

This burst of demonic energy came overwhelmingly, and its power was three points greater than the demonic energy emitted by the head of the Nascent Soul Late Stage Demon Head Monk by just three points.Wang Hao secretly thought in his heart at this time: It seems that there really is a devil in the stage of transforming gods here!All the monks here joined forces, it would be very difficult for them to be their opponents.It's just that I don't know if the cultivators around me, before they came to the Three Immortals Mountain, whether their sect had life-saving means for them.Now, it can only be hoped for.And Wang Hao's life-saving method at this time is a trace of fairy spirit condensed from the sky-filling ring.This celestial aura can actually make Wang Hao use that trick of immortality, but he doesn't know how effective this trick of immortality can be in front of the devil in this transformation stage...

"Hahahahaha, you juniors, you really don't know how to live or die. How dare you come to the mouth of the seal of the Outer Sea Demon Realm to prevent the monks in my Demon Realm from breaking through the seal! What benefits did the three old things of Sanxian Mountain give you? You don't even want your life, come here to die?" The voice that sounded creepy just fell, and in the midair, there appeared an old monster surrounded by green phosphorous fire, this old monster was the same as before. The green-haired patriarch who captured Yan Nantian, this old monster was already at the early stage of transformation before the year before last. Although he was sealed in the Demon Realm of the Outer Sea for 1000 years, because the spiritual energy was extremely thin, his cultivation could not be achieved. Cun Jin, however, even with the cultivation base of the early stage of transformation, in today's Yanhuang Continent, it is still a dominant figure, let alone these disciples who have entered the seal now can not match.

"Hmph! Sealing you and other monsters is my duty as an orthodox monk!" In the Yanhuang Continent, the Taiqing Sect has always regarded itself as a famous and upright sect, and most of its disciples are righteous and awe-inspiring. At this time, Yue Bufan stepped forward. Come out, raised his head and glared, looked directly at the green-haired old monster and said.

"Hahahahahaha..." The green-haired ancestor heard Yue Bufan's words, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world, he burst into laughter, which made Wang Hao and others get goosebumps all over their bodies.

"Orthodox monks? Is there still a distinction between good and evil in this cultivation world? You juniors, although your strength is not good, but you are all monks in the Nascent Soul stage. After so many years of cultivation, have you cultivated into the stomach of a dog! Where in this world? Is there good or evil? There are only winners and losers. The three old ghosts in Sanxian Mountain claim to be righteous, but do you know that the only passage in the Yanhuang Continent that can ascend to the upper realm is controlled by these three old ghosts. For thousands of years, no one in the Yanhuang Continent has been able to ascend to the upper realm. I would like to ask you, these three old ghosts have caused countless monks to practice for thousands of years, but in the end they were unable to ascend to the upper realm. evil?"

The words of the green-haired patriarch hit the hearts of every monk like a heavy hammer, and everyone's hearts were extremely surging at this moment.At this time, the disciples of Taiqing Sect and Weiyang Palace had a little more understanding in their eyes: No wonder the suzerain is already in the late stage of transforming gods, but he has been unable to ascend to the God Realm for a long time. It turns out that the passage to ascend to the upper realm is unexpectedly Controlled by everyone in Sanxian Mountain!

Wang Hao's brows were furrowed even more at this time, because ascending to the upper realm is Wang Hao's biggest goal now.Only by ascending to the upper realm can we find news about my mother.However, if the passage of Feisheng was blocked by the people of Sanxian Mountain, it would be extremely difficult to break through.

"Why? No more talking! Then I would like to ask you one more question. If the three old ghosts of Sanxian Mountain are not strong enough, the powerhouses in your sect who have transformed into gods will always hold back and not come to attack Sanxian Mountain. , razed it to the ground, so as to smoothly ascend to the God Realm? It should be noted that above the God Realm, there is a large amount of fairy spirit, which can make the monks in the late stage of the transformation of the gods improve their cultivation. However, if they stay in the lower realm, the limited world The aura can no longer meet the needs of cultivators in the stage of transformation, so it is naturally difficult to make breakthroughs in cultivation!" The green-haired patriarch gave people a gloomy and terrifying feeling, but when he spoke, he was clear and logical, giving people A very seductive feeling!

After the words of the green-haired patriarch, everyone fell into deep thought.At this time, the green-haired patriarch had a smug look in his strange green eyes.

At this time, Yue Bufan suddenly said: "What do you mean by saying so much? Do you want us to defect? ​​If so, I advise you to give up as soon as possible!"

After hearing Yue Bufan's words, the green-haired patriarch snorted coldly and said, "Huh! You little fellows, your cultivation base is superficial, and you don't even have a good brain! Now that you are in the hands of my patriarch, you can't do it! It's like fish on a chopping board, let the ancestors slaughter me, why would the ancestors bother to make you turn against each other! I just want you to understand a truth before you die. In this world of comprehension, there are only strong and weak , there is absolutely no distinction between good and evil!"

As soon as the green-haired ancestor finished speaking, a pair of skinny and big hands stretched out towards the bottom. On the big hands, there were inch-long green hairs, which were indescribably eerie.With this catch, the green-haired patriarch went directly towards Yue Bufan who had been contradicting him.Seeing this, Yue Bufan's complexion changed drastically, and his body retreated violently, but he found that the speed of the big hand was so fast that he couldn't react at all.In an instant, he came in front of him and grabbed his neck.

"Huh!" At this time, Wang Hao and Jian Daoxin snorted coldly at the same time, the blue light in Wang Hao's hand flashed, and the big sword behind Jian Daoxin blew a whirlwind and slashed at the big hand.The other two disciples of the Taiqing Sect also sacrificed their magic weapons at this time, trying to prevent big hands from capturing the eldest disciple of the Taiqing Sect, their elder brother Yue Bufan.

However, these magic weapons were all a little slower, and the big hand touched Yue Bufan's body all at once, pinching Yue Bufan's neck.

However, at this moment, the abnormality protruded!The blue light suddenly prevailed on Yue Bufan's body, and countless streaks of blue light pierced through that big green-haired hand like a sharp sword.The big hand seemed to be extremely afraid of the blue light, and with a flick of the arm, it was directly retracted.Then I heard the green-haired patriarch scold: "Taiqingzi, this old ghost is really willing to give you the Taiqing sword, one of the four great artifacts in the Taiqingmen. It seems that you are in the Taiqingmen. Your status is definitely not low!" Speaking of this, the green-haired patriarch suddenly changed his tone, and laughed grinningly again: "Hahahaha, but, it's the best, wait for the patriarch to capture you and take your Taiqing away!" Sword, let that old ghost Taiqingzi regret it! Hahahaha!" As he spoke, the green phosphorous fire all over his body won the victory, and then he uttered some obscure and difficult formulas, and then countless green phosphorous fires Like a shower of meteors, it flew towards Wang Hao and the others.At this time, the green-haired patriarch, with a flash of figure, went directly towards Yue Bufan.In his eyes, the strongest of the seven monks was Yue Bufan, so Yue Bufan became his first target.

"Go to hell!" The green-haired patriarch yelled wildly, with a strong destructive aura, the green phosphorous fire slammed towards Wang Hao and the others, while he shot several times at Yue Bufan. Palm, each palm has a monstrous momentum, enough to kill several late Nascent Soul monks.

"Disciple Yue Bufan, respectfully invite the Taiqing Sword!" Yue Bufan suddenly shouted loudly at this time, "I am the only Taiqing in the sky and on the earth!" Inside, there was a faint sound of vibration.A big blue sword that looked like the big sword on the back of Kendo Heart suddenly appeared in front of Yue Bufan, and he struck out several swords in a very spiritual manner, directly dispelling the several palm winds of the green-haired patriarch .This Taiqing Sword is the No. [-] magical weapon in the cultivation world of the Yanhuang Continent. It has been famous thousands of years ago. Now it has become a sword spirit, and it is like a cultivator at the stage of transformation into the sword. Among them, it is difficult for ordinary cultivators in the transformation stage to be their opponents.

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