Fairy Road

Chapter 156 Fighting the Enemy Together

The green-haired patriarch saw the Taiqing sword that had been cultivated into a sword spirit at this time, and suddenly screamed strangely: "What! This Taiqing sword is actually cultivated into the body of a sword spirit, and the divine weapon is actually cultivated into a sword spirit! How is this possible? This lower realm Among them, there is no fairy spirit, it is absolutely impossible! No, I will quickly summon a few other old guys to rush over, otherwise I will not be able to deal with these juniors for a while, and I am afraid it will destroy our plan!"

The green-haired patriarch was planning quickly in his mind, and then an extremely agile green phosphorous fire appeared in his hand, and with a light jump, it disappeared into the midair.

At this moment, the Taiqing Sword was already slashing towards the green-haired patriarch with overwhelming sword energy.At the same time, the six people except Yue Bufan had already faced the green phosphorus fire transformed by the green-haired ancestor.The green-haired patriarch thought that these phosphorus fires were enough to kill these Nascent Soul stage monks.But never expected that each of these monks has extremely powerful magic weapons.

With a flash of blue light in Wang Hao's hand, he collided with the green phosphorous fire, and with a puff, the green phosphorous fire went out immediately.The Blue Rain Sword is also an ancient artifact, the seventh-ranked magic weapon in the comprehension world. Although it is difficult to kill a cultivator at the stage of transformation, it is more than enough to deal with a mere elemental force of a cultivator at the stage of transformation.

At this time, Liu Qingyun of the Dao Sect of Arrays had a purple array in front of him. On this array, there appeared an extremely mysterious pattern, which seemed to represent everything in the world.This is the artifact of Zhen Dao Sect that shocked the entire cultivation world. It ranks fifth among the top ten artifacts, and it is called "Qiankun Yiqi Tu".As soon as this "Qian Kun Yi Qi Diagram" appeared in front of Liu Qingyun, he unceremoniously devoured the green phosphorous fire, and Liu Qingyun also had a proud look on his face.

Both Zhou Qing and Yan Miaozhen had red lights flashing in their hands, and they directly hit the green phosphorus fire, the two offset each other, and neither of them took advantage.And the Weiyang Palace disciple also had a magic weapon in the shape of a palace lantern in his hand at this time. This magic weapon also seemed to be extremely powerful, and it swallowed the green phosphorous fire all at once.

Only the heart of swordsmanship, at this time, ignored the green phosphorous fire, but stared at the body of the sword spirit in his eyes, forcing the green-haired patriarch to scream Taiqingjian's lips trembled slightly, as if he was communicating with someone!

"Friends of Sword Dao, be careful!" Zhou Qing yelled when he saw this, but it was too late at this time, the green phosphorous fire had already touched Jian Daoxin's body, and it swallowed Jian Daoxin's body all at once.This green phosphorous fire is the most adept supernatural power of the green-haired patriarch. It not only contains the majestic vitality of the masters of the transformation stage, but also has a sense of devouring it.The masters of the transformation period are already people who can communicate with the world and understand the laws of the world. Everyone's Yuanli attack will contain a trace of the ability to comprehend the laws of the world, and the laws of the world that the green-haired ancestor comprehended, then is devoured.

Therefore, as soon as the green phosphorous fire touches the body of Kendo Heart, it will devour the body of Kendo Heart at once. In a short time, everyone can react. The Kendo Heart no longer exists, only one is left The big blue sword, where it stood.At this time, the sword trembled unceasingly, as if it wanted to get out of its shell.

"It's a pity! This swordsman's cultivation is extremely high, and he is also a noble and free-spirited person, but he died here!" Wang Hao felt a trace of sadness in his heart, but it was quickly replaced by the strange scene in front of him.

The blue sword left behind by Ken Dao Xin trembled more and more violently, and finally, it actually floated in mid-air, and then countless blue lights passed through the scabbard and reached everyone's eyes.Everyone just felt a stabbing pain in their eyes, and then their eyes went dark. When they opened their eyes again, the appearance of Ken Dao Xin appeared in front of everyone's eyes again, and behind him was already carrying a big blue sword.Put Buddha Shicai, it was as if his body had never been swallowed by the green phosphorous fire.And everyone has a feeling of going back in time.

"This kendo heart is so weird! It can actually recast the body, I don't understand it, I really don't understand it!" Wang Hao frowned at this time, and his heart was full of doubts. However, which one of the monks who can come here does not have Countless secrets, don't you also have a shocking secret in yourself!At this time, it is better not to ask!In order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, this swordsman has clear eyes and will never do anything that is not good for him.

"Let's fight together and kill this green-haired old monster!" Zhou Qing rubbed his eyes, and after confirming that the Sword Dao Heart was revived again, he didn't ask any more questions, calling for everyone to fight together and kill the green-haired patriarch .

At this time, the green-haired patriarch was no longer as fierce as he was at the beginning, but was forced to scream strangely by the Taiqing sword.The streaks of blue sword energy released by the Taiqing Sword at this time are full of destructive auras, as long as they get a little bit on, they will shatter the body and make it difficult to repair.

"Okay, let's fight together and kill this monster in the transformation stage!" Everyone felt a sense of pride at this moment.At this time, they are fighting not for the number of disciples of Sanxian Mountain, not for the common people in the world, nor for their respective sects, but for their own heart. Killing the devil in the transformation stage is to make their Dao heart With a chance of sublimation, there will be no bottlenecks in the future when I hit the stage of becoming a god.Moreover, at this time, as long as the battle continues, he will never be able to survive, otherwise, he will only have the fate of being swallowed!

"Kill!" At this moment, the magic weapons and artifacts in everyone's hands burst into dazzling brilliance, and they went towards the green-haired ancestor to kill this old monster who had been famous for thousands of years.

At this time, the green-haired patriarch was already complaining incessantly. He originally thought that these monks were only Nascent Soul stage monks, and they could not pose a threat to him at all. All of a sudden, he couldn't get away from Taiqing Sword's beheading.But now, he realized that what he met was not a freak, but a group of freaks. Although these juniors were not high in cultivation, they were all monks who could look down on all the same cultivation. Magic weapon artifact, even can leapfrog to kill the enemy!

"Nainai, this is a big trouble. These little freaks are too powerful. The ancestor, I was going to kill them in one fell swoop or directly refine them into the chess pieces of the ancestor. After the three old guys from Sanxian Mountain recalled them At that time, I used them to disturb the minds of those old guys, and finally achieved the goal of breaking through the seal, but unexpectedly, I kicked the iron plate!" At this time, the figure of the green-haired patriarch had already transformed into a green smoke, non-stop Flickering in the mid-air, avoiding the endless magic weapons, all of which can cause damage to his body, the green-haired patriarch has already cursed the other old monsters who have not come for a long time in his heart ten thousand times, But these old monsters are still nowhere to be seen!

"Everyone, this old monster's figure is flickering and his speed is extremely fast. Let me use formations to trap him and kill him in one fell swoop!" Liu Qingyun of Formation Dao Sect said suddenly at this time, and then a huge formation appeared in his hand Disk, in this array disk, there is even a big seal written on it, it looks like a powerful magic weapon!

Seeing this thing, the green-haired patriarch immediately cried out inwardly, and the idea of ​​retreating also emerged in his heart. At this moment, he suddenly received a message in his consciousness, it was from several other old monsters, they has come.The arrogance of the green-haired patriarch suddenly prevailed at this time, and he screamed strangely: "Go to the patriarch!" As soon as the words fell, several shocking demonic auras radiated from behind him, and Wang Hao and the others suddenly felt awe-inspiring. : The real decisive battle is coming!

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